3,164 research outputs found

    Rendimientos productivos y calidad de la canal de hembras, machos castrados quirurgicamente y machos inmunocastrados procedentes de líneas paternas duroc y pietrain

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    Tradicionalmente la castración quirúrgica ha sido la práctica más habitual en la producción de cerdo blanco destinado a la industria de productos cárnicos curados. La castración quirúrgica conlleva un empeoramiento de los rendimientos productivos y penaliza el bienestar animal. Como alternativa ha surgido la inmunización de los cerdos contra el factor de liberación de la gonadotropina (GnRH) (Fàbrega et al., 2010). La inmunocastración suprime la función testicular (Zamaratskaia et al., 2008) y reduce la producción de androsterona (Dunshea et al., 2001) y escatol (Matthews et al., 2000) así como la agresividad (Jaros et al., 2005). Por tanto, la inmunocastración puede ser una alternativa a la castración física en situaciones comerciales. Por otro lado, para la obtención de productos curados se precisan canales con más grasa y mayor proporción de partes nobles que para productos frescos, por lo que se utilizan estrategias como aumentar el peso al sacrificio o el cruce con líneas paternas específicas. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el rendimiento productivo y la calidad de la canal de hembras enteras (HE), machos castrados (MC) y machos inmunocastrados (MI) procedentes de genéticas paternas Duroc (DU) y Pietrain (PI) con un peso al sacrificio de 134 kg

    PI3Kα inhibition reduces obesity in mice

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    Partial inhibition of PI3K is one of the best-validated and evolutionary conserved manipulations to extend longevity. The best known health beneficial effects of reduced PI3K are related to metabolism and include increased energy expenditure, reduced nutrient storage, and protection from obesity. We have previously shown that a dual chemical inhibitor of the alpha and delta PI3K isoforms (CNIO-PI3Ki) reduces obesity in mice and monkeys, without evident toxic effects after long-term treatment. Here, we dissect the role of the alpha and delta PI3K isoforms by making use of selective inhibitors against PI3Kα (BYL-719 also known as alpelisib) or PI3Kδ (GS-9820 also known as acalisib). Treatment of mice with the above mentioned inhibitors indicated that BYL-719 increases energy expenditure in normal mice and efficiently reduces body weight in obese (ob/ob) mice, whereas these effects were not observed with GS-9820. Of note, the dose of BYL-719 required to reduce obesity was 10x higher than the equivalent dose of CNIO-PI3Ki, which could suggest that simultaneous inhibition of PI3K alpha and delta is more beneficial than single inhibition of the alpha isoform. In summary, we conclude that inhibition of PI3Kα is sufficient to increase energy expenditure and reduce obesity, and suggest that concomitant PI3Kα inhibition could play an auxiliary role

    Inferring Energy Bounds via Static Program Analysis and Evolutionary Modeling of Basic Blocks

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    The ever increasing number and complexity of energy-bound devices (such as the ones used in Internet of Things applications, smart phones, and mission critical systems) pose an important challenge on techniques to optimize their energy consumption and to verify that they will perform their function within the available energy budget. In this work we address this challenge from the software point of view and propose a novel parametric approach to estimating tight bounds on the energy consumed by program executions that are practical for their application to energy verification and optimization. Our approach divides a program into basic (branchless) blocks and estimates the maximal and minimal energy consumption for each block using an evolutionary algorithm. Then it combines the obtained values according to the program control flow, using static analysis, to infer functions that give both upper and lower bounds on the energy consumption of the whole program and its procedures as functions on input data sizes. We have tested our approach on (C-like) embedded programs running on the XMOS hardware platform. However, our method is general enough to be applied to other microprocessor architectures and programming languages. The bounds obtained by our prototype implementation can be tight while remaining on the safe side of budgets in practice, as shown by our experimental evaluation.Comment: Pre-proceedings paper presented at the 27th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2017), Namur, Belgium, 10-12 October 2017 (arXiv:1708.07854). Improved version of the one presented at the HIP3ES 2016 workshop (v1): more experimental results (added benchmark to Table 1, added figure for new benchmark, added Table 3), improved Fig. 1, added Fig.

    Improving graph-based detection of singular events for photochemical smog agents

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    Recently, a set of graph-based tools have been introduced for the identification of singular events of O3, NO2 and temperature time series, as well as description of their dynamics. These are based on the use of the Visibility Graphs (VG). In this work, an improvement of the original approach is proposed, being called Upside-Down Visibility Graph (UDVG). It adds the possibility of investigating the singular lowest episodes, instead of the highest. Results confirm the applicability of the new method for describing the multifractal nature of the underlying O3, NO2, and temperature. Asymmetries in the NO2 degree distribution are observed, possibly due to the interaction with different chemicals. Furthermore, a comparison of VG and UDVG has been performed and the outcomes show that they describe opposite subsets of the time series (low and high values) as expected. The combination of the results from the two networks is proposed and evaluated, with the aim of obtaining all the information at once. It turns out to be a more complete tool for singularity detection in photochemical time series, which could be a valuable asset for future research.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figure

    Efecto de la densidad en cebo sobre el rendimiento productivo, la composición de la carne y el perfil de ácidos grasos de cerdos sacrificados con 110 kg de peso

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    El número de cerdos por cuadra y la densidad influyen sobre el rendimiento productivo (Edmons et al., 1998). Además, la densidad de cría puede afectar a la calidad de la canal y de la carne (Estevez et al., 2003), ya que una reducción del espacio disponible da lugar a peleas y mordeduras de colas. Sin embargo, la producción de carne por m 2 aumenta con la densidad con un mejor aprovechamiento de la superficie disponible. Por otro lado, la densidad podría afectar de distinto modo a hembras (HE) y a machos castrados (MC) debido posiblemente al menor consumo voluntario de pienso de las HE. A este particular, Hamilton et al. (2003) observaron que a altas densidades de cría las HE fueron relativamente más magras mientras que los MC eran relativamente más grasos. Cambios en la densidad de cría, pueden afectar a la composición en ácidos grasos de la canal debido a cambios en el consumo y a la utilización del alimento (Nürnberg et al., 1998). El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el efecto de la densidad de cebo de HE y MC con alto potencial de crecimiento, sobre el rendimiento productivo y la composición de la carne y el perfil de ácidos grasos en cerdos de 19 a 109 kg PV

    Evaluating anemometer drift: A statistical approach to correct biases in wind speed measurement

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    Recent studies on observed wind variability have revealed a decline (termed “stilling”) of near-surface wind speed during the last 30–50 years over many mid-latitude terrestrial regions, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere. The well-known impact of cup anemometer drift (i.e., wear on the bearings) on the observed weakening of wind speed has been mentioned as a potential contributor to the declining trend. However, to date, no research has quantified its contribution to stilling based on measurements, which is most likely due to lack of quantification of the ageing effect. In this study, a 3-year field experiment (2014–2016) with 10-minute paired wind speed measurements from one new and one malfunctioned (i.e., old bearings) SEAC SV5 cup anemometer which has been used by the Spanish Meteorological Agency in automatic weather stations since mid-1980s, was developed for assessing for the first time the role of anemometer drift on wind speed measurement. The results showed a statistical significant impact of anemometer drift on wind speed measurements, with the old anemometer measuring lower wind speeds than the new one. Biases show a marked temporal pattern and clear dependency on wind speed, with both weak and strong winds causing significant biases. This pioneering quantification of biases has allowed us to define two regression models that correct up to 37% of the artificial bias in wind speed due to measurement with an old anemometer

    Emanation Study of Gas Radon on the Ancient Cuexcomate Geyser in Puebla City, Mexico

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    Radon measurements were collected over a period of nine months in the area of the ancient Cuexcomate geyser, in Puebla City. For measuring radon, the passive method of nuclear tracks in solids was used, using polycarbonate CR-39 as radiation sensitive material. Radon concentrations varied in strong anti-correlation with the rainfall intensity. And are lower compared to other locations, in concordance with the stratigraphic composition, as travertine and deposits of volcanic origin, corresponding to the geyser chemical composition and the active environment in the north part of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt with an andesitic and basalt composition

    Enzymatic extraction of hydroxycinnamic acids from coffee pulp

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    Ferulic, caffeic, p-coumaric and chlorogenic acids are classified as hydroxycinnamic acids, presenting anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In this work, enzymatic extraction has been studied in order to extract high value-added products like hydroxycinnamic acids from coffee pulp. A commercial pectinase and enzyme extract produced by Rhizomucor pusillus strain 23aIV in solid-state fermentation using olive oil or coffee pulp (CP) as an inducer of the feruloyl esterase activity were evaluated separately and mixed. The total content (covalently linked and free) of ferulic, caffeic, p-coumaric and chlorogenic acids was 5276 mg per kg of coffee pulp. Distribution was as follows (in %): chlorogenic acid 58.7, caffeic acid 37.6, ferulic acid 2.1 and p-coumaric acid 1.5. Most of the hydroxycinnamic acids were covalently bound to the cell wall (in %): p-coumaric acid 97.2, caffeic acid 94.4, chlorogenic acid 76.9 and ferulic acid 73.4. The content of covalently linked hydroxycinnamic acid was used to calculate the enzyme extraction yield. The maximum carbon dioxide rate for the solid-state fermentation using olive oil as an inducer was higher and it was reached in a short cultivation time. Nevertheless, the feruloyl esterase (FAE) activity (units per mg of protein) obtained in the fermentation using CP as an inducer was 31.8 % higher in comparison with that obtained in the fermentation using olive oil as the inducer. To our knowledge, this is the first report indicating the composition of both esterified and free ferulic, caffeic, p-coumaric and chlorogenic acids in coffee pulp. The highest yield of extraction of hydroxycinnamic acids was obtained by mixing the produced enzyme extract using coffee pulp as an inducer and a commercial pectinase. Extraction yields were as follows (in %): chlorogenic acid 54.4, ferulic acid 19.8, p-coumaric acid 7.2 and caffeic acid 2.3. An important increase in the added value of coffee pulp was mainly due to the extraction of chlorogenic acid

    In vitro mutagenicity assessment of fried meat-based food from mass catering companies

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    The current article aimed to evaluate the in vitro mutagenicity of ten fried meat-based food extracts obtained from different catering companies from Navarra (Spain). A miniaturized 6-well version of the Ames test in Salmonella typhimurium TA98, and the in vitro micronucleus test (OECD TG 487) in TK6 cells were performed. None of the ten extracts of fried meat-based food induced gene mutations in S. typhimurium TA98 with or without metabolic activation, but five induced chromosomal aberrations after 24 h treatment of TK6 without metabolic activation. More studies are needed to check the biological relevance of these in vitro studies