291 research outputs found

    Multifractality of quantum wave functions in the presence of perturbations

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    We present a comprehensive study of the destruction of quantum multifractality in the presence of perturbations. We study diverse representative models displaying multifractality, including a pseudointegrable system, the Anderson model and a random matrix model. We apply several types of natural perturbations which can be relevant for experimental implementations. We construct an analytical theory for certain cases, and perform extensive large-scale numerical simulations in other cases. The data are analyzed through refined methods including double scaling analysis. Our results confirm the recent conjecture that multifractality breaks down following two scenarios. In the first one, multifractality is preserved unchanged below a certain characteristic length which decreases with perturbation strength. In the second one, multifractality is affected at all scales and disappears uniformly for a strong enough perturbation. Our refined analysis shows that subtle variants of these scenarios can be present in certain cases. This study could guide experimental implementations in order to observe quantum multifractality in real systems.Comment: 20 pages, 27 figure

    Two scenarios for quantum multifractality breakdown

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    We expose two scenarios for the breakdown of quantum multifractality under the effect of perturbations. In the first scenario, multifractality survives below a certain scale of the quantum fluctuations. In the other one, the fluctuations of the wave functions are changed at every scale and each multifractal dimension smoothly goes to the ergodic value. We use as generic examples a one-dimensional dynamical system and the three-dimensional Anderson model at the metal-insulator transition. Based on our results, we conjecture that the sensitivity of quantum multifractality to perturbation is universal in the sense that it follows one of these two scenarios depending on the perturbation. We also discuss the experimental implications.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, minor modifications, published versio

    Numerical representation of internal waves propagation

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    Similar to surface waves propagating at the interface of two fluid of different densities (like air and water), internal waves in the oceanic interior travel along surfaces separating waters of different densities (e.g. at the thermocline). Due to their key role in the global distribution of (physical) diapycnal mixing and mass transport, proper representation of internal wave dynamics in numerical models should be considered a priority since global climate models are now configured with increasingly higher horizontal/vertical resolution. However, in most state-of-the-art oceanic models, important terms involved in the propagation of internal waves (namely the horizontal pressure gradient and horizontal divergence in the continuity equation) are generally discretized using very basic numerics (i.e. second-order approximations) in space and time. In this paper, we investigate the benefits of higher-order approximations in terms of the discrete dispersion relation (in the linear theory) on staggered and nonstaggered computational grids. A fourth-order scheme discretized on a C-grid to approximate both pressure gradient and horizontal divergence terms provides clear improvements but, unlike nonstaggered grids, prevents the use of monotonic or non- oscillatory schemes. Since our study suggests that better numerics is required, second and fourth order direct space-time algorithms are designed, thus paving the way toward the use of efficient high-order discretizations of internal gravity waves in oceanic models, while maintaining good sta- bility properties (those schemes are stable for Courant numbers smaller than 1). Finally, important results obtained at a theoretical level are illustrated at a discrete level using two-dimensional (x,z) idealized experiments

    Universality of the Anderson transition with the quasiperiodic kicked rotor

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    We report a numerical analysis of the Anderson transition in a quantum-chaotic system, the quasiperiodic kicked rotor with three incommensurate frequencies. It is shown that this dynamical system exhibits the same critical phenomena as the truly random 3D-Anderson model. By taking proper account of systematic corrections to one-parameter scaling, the universality of the critical exponent is demonstrated. Our result ν=1.59±0.01\nu = 1.59 \pm 0.01 is in perfect agreement with the value found for the Anderson model.Comment: 4 figures, 3 tables (published version

    Universal scaling of the order-parameter distribution in strongly disordered superconductors

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    We investigate theoretically and experimentally the statistical properties of the inhomogeneous order-parameter distribution (OPD) at the verge of the superconductor-insulator transition (SIT). We find within two prototype fermionic and bosonic models for disordered superconductors that one can identify a universal rescaling of the OPD. By performing scanning-tunneling microscopy experiments in three samples of NbN with increasing disorder we show that such a rescaling describes also with an excellent accuracy the experimental data. These results can provide a breakthrough in our understanding of the SIT.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, revised version submitted to PR

    Two critical localization lengths in the Anderson transition on random graphs

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    We present a full description of the nonergodic properties of wave functions on random graphs without boundary in the localized and critical regimes of the Anderson transition. We find that they are characterized by two critical localization lengths: the largest one describes localization along rare branches and diverges with a critical exponent ν∥=1 at the transition. The second length, which describes localization along typical branches, reaches at the transition a finite universal value (which depends only on the connectivity of the graph), with a singularity controlled by a new critical exponent ν⊥=1/2. We show numerically that these two localization lengths control the finite-size scaling properties of key observables: wave-function moments, correlation functions, and spectral statistics. Our results are identical to the theoretical predictions for the typical localization length in the many-body localization transition, with the same critical exponent. This strongly suggests that the two transitions are in the same universality class and that our techniques could be directly applied in this context

    Scaling Theory of the Anderson Transition in Random Graphs: Ergodicity and Universality

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    We study the Anderson transition on a generic model of random graphs with a tunable branching parameter 1<K<2, through large scale numerical simulations and finite-size scaling analysis. We find that a single transition separates a localized phase from an unusual delocalized phase that is ergodic at large scales but strongly nonergodic at smaller scales. In the critical regime, multifractal wave functions are located on a few branches of the graph. Different scaling laws apply on both sides of the transition: a scaling with the linear size of the system on the localized side, and an unusual volumic scaling on the delocalized side. The critical scalings and exponents are independent of the branching parameter, which strongly supports the universality of our results