96 research outputs found

    El Don del Sacrificio Pascual

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    En el fondo del artículo está la pregunta: ¿cómo presentar hoy la doctrina del Concilio de Trento sobre el Sacrificio de la santa Misa? Esto supone aclarar primero la noción de sacrificio y recalcar la novedad del único sacrificio de Jesucristo. Luego hay que abordar la noción de don, ya que el sacrificio de Cristo conlleva necesariamente esta dimensión. En esta clave el tema se trata en las siguientes dimensiones: la relación Cenáculo-Cruz; la resurrección como complemento del Sacrificio; la dimensión personal del sacrificio de Cristo; ¿el sacrificio o misterio pascual?; la Eucaristía y el sacerdocio; lo esencial de la santa Misa; el culto eucarístico

    Demand for satellite-provided domestic communications services up to the year 2000

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    Three fixed service telecommunications demand assessment studies were completed for NASA by The Western Union Telegraph Company and the U.S. Telephone and Telegraph Corporation. They provided forecasts of the total U.S. domestic demand, from 1980 to the year 2000, for voice, data, and video services. That portion that is technically and economically suitable for transmission by satellite systems, both large trunking systems and customer premises services (CPS) systems was also estimated. In order to provide a single set of forecasts a NASA synthesis of the above studies was conducted. The services, associated forecast techniques, and data bases employed by both contractors were examined, those elements of each judged to be the most appropriate were selected, and new forecasts were made. The demand for voice, data, and video services was first forecast in fundamental units of call-seconds, bits/year, and channels, respectively. Transmission technology characteristics and capabilities were then forecast, and the fundamental demand converted to an equivalent transmission capacity. The potential demand for satellite-provided services was found to grow by a factor of 6, from 400 to 2400 equivalent 36 MHz satellite transponders over the 20-year period. About 80 percent of this was found to be more appropriate for trunking systems and 20 percent CPS

    A comparison of the domestic satellite communications forecast to the year 2000

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    The methodologies and results of three NASA-sponsored market demand assessment studies are presented and compared. Forecasts of future satellite addressable traffic (both trunking and customer premises services) were developed for the three main service categories of voice, data and video and subcategories thereof for the benchmark years of 1980, 1990 and 2000. The contractor results are presented on a service by service basis in two formats: equivalent 36 MHz transponders and basic transmission units (voice: half-voice circuits, data: megabits per second and video: video channels). It is shown that while considerable differences exist at the service category level, the overall forecasts by the two contractors are quite similar. ITT estimates the total potential satellite market to be 3594 transponders in the year 2000 with data service comprising 54 percent of this total. The WU outlook for the same time period is 2779 transponders with voice services accounting for 66 percent of the total

    Testicular morphology and seminal fluid parameters of adult Wistar rats following honey administration

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    Purpose: Honey has a long history of use in the traditional medical systems This objective of this study was to find out the effects of honey on quality and quantity of sperm and testicular microstructure when compared to fertility boosting drug and controls.Methods: A total number of thirty (30) matured male Wistar rats that were sexually active weighing 200 - 280g were used for this study. The animals were grouped into five as A - E. Group A was the control; Group B (standard group) was the standard group that received 0.3ml of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) drug for 6 days; groups C, D and E received 1ml, 2ml, and 2.5ml of honey daily for 21days respectively. After 21 days of administration, the testes were removed for analysis of the sperm parameters and the histology.Results: Honey significantly improved the sperm quality and spermatogenesis rate (denser seminiferous tubule lumen) of exposed animals compared to control animals, but most improvement was seen in the standard group that received 0.3ml FSH. Also no sign of degeneration or cellular loss was observable in the testicular histo-architecture of experimental animals.Conclusion: This research showed that honey possesses some fertility boosting properties in exposed animals compared to controls and honey is not associated with increased sperm abnormalities.Keywords: Honey, Fertility booster, Spermatozoa, Ologospermi


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    The problem of choosing the optimal surgical access in thoracic aortic surgery is considered in the article on the basis of practical experience of complex clinical cases. Given the well-known objective assessment of the quality of access by the method of A. Yu. Sozon-Yaroshevich, it was found that the operative access "clamshell" is characterized by the best intraoperative visual control of hard-to-reach areas of the thoracic cavity, which increases the effectiveness of reconstructive surgery of the ascending part and the aortic arch, its branches with widespread damage to the descending aorta.В статье на основе практического опыта сложных клинических случаев рассмотрена проблема выбора оптимального операционного доступа в хирургии грудной аорты. Учитывая общеизвестную объективную оценку качества доступа по методу А. Ю. Созон-Ярошевича, установлено, что именно операционный доступ «clamshell» отличается лучшим интраоперационным визуальным котролем труднодоступных зон грудной полости, повышает эффективность хирургии восходящей части, дуги аорты и ее ветвей при распространенном ее поражении на нисходящую аорту.В статті на основі практичного досвіду складних клінічних випадків розглянуто проблему вибору оптимального операційного доступу в хірургії грудної аорти. Врахувавши загальновідому об’єктивну оцінку якості доступу за методом А. Ю. Созон-Ярошевича, з’ясовано, що саме операційний доступ «clamshell» вирізняється кращим інтраопераційним візуальним котролем важкодоступних зон грудної порожнини, що підвищує ефективність реконструктивної хірургії висхідної частини, дуги аорти та її гілок при поширеному її ураженні на низхідну аорту

    Adapting Disruptive Applications in Managing Quality Control Systems in Intelligence Manufacturing

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    Controlling quality has become a major trend in the circle of manufacturers and production managers that engage in intelligent manufacturing all over the world, on account of industry 4.0, in recent times. Intelligent manufacturing therefore is the use of advanced applications, analytics, sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) to improve manufacturing. The aim of the study is to carry out a study on application of disruptive application in managing quality system in intelligent manufacturing with a view to improving manufacturing process in organizations. Survey methods was used in collating responses from production managers of manufacturing companies at selected locations censoring production managers and supervisors on some parameters such as areas of disruptions in the quality assurance monitoring and calibration in production process, issues and challenges involved in quality control systems in manufacturing, Man-Whitney U Test, T-test, Pearson’s Test were used to analyze the collated data. Also, this study presents advanced analytical tools and applications to improve quality in manufacturing process. The study finally presents areas of disruptions in the quality assurance monitoring and calibration in production process, issues and challenges involved in quality control systems in manufacturing, emerging areas of application and recommendation for improvement

    The Building Informatics Approach to Modelling Construction Quality Assurance Parameters to Prevent Structural Collapse of Building

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    Building collapses have become a global phenomenon and continue to occur unabated, with properties and lives being lost on a daily basis all over the world.  This study addresses important issues that have been identified to be the major causes of the problem of building collapses. The study aims to develop parameters that could be used to assure quality processes in building construction using building informatics, with the intention to prevent building structure collapse on construction sites.  In order to achieve this, a random survey technique was used based on the purposive method, in the form of a structured questionnaire distributed to 100 respondents. 100 structured questionnaires, designed using a Likert scale from 1 to 5, were employed in the data collection. The random sampling technique was used for the sample selection. The data collected were analysed using a relative agreement index and subjected to factor rotation, from which factors with high eigenvalues were extracted and used to create a model aimed at supplying information on building collapse prevention. The study reveals that the construction industry is filled with many unqualified personnel, poor supervision; non-compliance with designs (i.e. a structural issue) as a result of the addition of under designed or over designed components which can cause excessive loading; lack of regard for environmental issues; inappropriate planning of construction activities; poor maintenance; and, most importantly, the use of inferior materials in other to save costs, All these issues affect the construction industry and contribute to building failure

    Dignity and Narrative Medicine

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    Critiques of the dehumanising aspects of contemporary medical practice have generated increasing interest in the ways in which health care can foster a holistic sense of wellbeing. We examine the relationship between two areas of this humanistic endeavour: narrative and dignity. This paper makes two simple arguments that are intuitive but have not yet been explored in detail: that narrative competence of carers is required for maintaining or recreating dignity, and that dignity promotion in health care practice is primarily narrative in form. The multiple meanings that dignity has in a person’s life are what give the concept power and can only be captured by narrative. This has implications for health care practice where narrative work will be increasingly required to support patient dignity in under-resourced and over-subscribed health care system

    Nursing-Relevant Patient Outcomes and Clinical Processes in Data Science Literature: 2019 Year in Review

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    Data science continues to be recognized and used within healthcare due to the increased availability of large data sets and advanced analytics. It can be challenging for nurse leaders to remain apprised of this rapidly changing landscape. In this paper, we describe our findings from a scoping literature review of papers published in 2019 that use data science to explore, explain, and/or predict 15 phenomena of interest to nurses. Fourteen of the 15 phenomena were associated with at least one paper published in 2019. We identified the use of many contemporary data science methods (e.g., natural language processing, neural networks) for many of the outcomes. We found many studies exploring Readmissions and Pressure Injuries. The topics of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Acceptance, Burnout, Patient Safety, and Unit Culture were poorly represented. We hope the studies described in this paper help readers: (a) understand the breadth and depth of data science’s ability to improve clinical processes and patient outcomes that are relevant to nurses and (b) identify gaps in the literature that are in need of exploration