945 research outputs found

    Touchy Topics: The Imperial Public Anxiety and Null Curriculum of Sexuality in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Britain

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    At the height of British imperial power and global influence in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth century, Britain’s populace and intellectuals alike frequently saw one fitting comparison in patriotically describing their Empire: the might of Britain, in their eyes, resembled that of the Roman Empire. To the dismay of many, however, such a comparison extended not only to Rome’s dominance but its demise as well. The fall of Rome was described in Britain as being the result of moral degradation, paralyzing the Empire from within. With the rise of social Darwinism, moreover, the strength of the British Empire, like that of Rome, soon came to be associated with the strength of the individuals that comprised the state. While troops fought for Queen and Country abroad, an alternative frontline of childhood sexual deviance, in the eyes of many, threatened the British Empire internally. An examination of the actions and policies of the perceived soldiers of this frontline, teachers and headmasters, is attempted here through the theoretical lens of null curriculum. Null curriculum signifies not what is taught publicly, but rather expressed and learned through absence. Despite public calls to arms against male sexuality in the speeches, publications, letters and policy documents of teachers and headmasters, the sexual regulation of boys in public schools was seemingly silent and largely reserved to the null curriculum

    Why, If Things Are So Good, Are They So Bad? Magnitogorsk, Stalin’s Five-Year Plan, and American Engineers, 1928–1932

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    This article focuses on Magnitogorsk, the Magnetic Mountain, the practical and symbolic crux of Stalin’s Five-Year Plan. To Stalin, the Magnetic Mountain and the instant industrial city of Magnitogorsk would help materialize the radical dream of the Soviet Union and eventually save it from invaders from the west. American involvement in early Soviet technological expansion has been historically hidden and ignored by American’s and Soviet’s alike. This article argues that while Stalin called for industrial expansion to outstrip the West, paradoxically it was Western engineers that made his progress possible

    Numerical Modeling Of Hohlraum Radiation Conditions: Spatial And Spectral Variations Due To Sample Position, Beam Pointing, And Hohlraum Geometry

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    View-factor simulations are presented of the spatially varying radiation conditions inside double-ended gold Hohlraums and single-ended gold Hohlraums (\u27\u27 halfraums \u27\u27) used in inertial confinement fusion and high-energy density physics experiments [J. Lindl, Phys. Plasmas 11, 339 (2004); M. D. Rosen, Phys. Plasmas 3, 1803 (1996)]. It is shown that in many circumstances, the common assumption that the Hohlraum \u27\u27 drive \u27\u27 can be characterized by a single temperature is too simplistic. Specifically, the radiation conditions seen by an experimental package can differ significantly from the wall reemission measured through diagnostic holes or laser entrance holes (LEHs) by absolutely calibrated detectors. Furthermore, even in situations where the radiation temperature is roughly the same for diagnostics and experimental packages, or for packages at different locations, the spectral energy distributions can vary significantly, due to the differing fractions of reemitting wall, laser hot spots, and LEHs seen from different locations. We find that the spatial variation of temperature and especially the differences between what diagnostics looking in the LEH measure versus the radiation temperature on wall-mounted experimental packages are generally greater for double-ended Hohlraums than for halfraums. View-factor simulations can also be used to explore experimental variables (halfraum length and geometry, sample position, and beam pointing) that can be adjusted in order to, for example, maximize the radiation flux onto a sample, or other package. In this vein, simulations of Hohlraums and halfraums with LEH shields are also presented. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics

    Inactivity/sleep in two wild free-roaming African elephant matriarchs - Does large body size make elephants the shortest mammalian sleepers?

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    The current study provides details of sleep (or inactivity) in two wild, free-roaming African elephant matriarchs studied in their natural habitat with remote monitoring using an actiwatch subcutaneously implanted in the trunk, a standard elephant collar equipped with a GPS system and gyroscope, and a portable weather station. We found that these two elephants were polyphasic sleepers, had an average daily total sleep time of 2 h, mostly between 02:00 and 06:00, and displayed the shortest daily sleep time of any mammal recorded to date. Moreover, these two elephants exhibited both standing and recumbent sleep, but only exhibited recumbent sleep every third or fourth day, potentially limiting their ability to enter REM sleep on a daily basis. In addition, we observed on five occasions that the elephants went without sleep for up to 46 h and traversed around 30 km in 10 h, possibly due to disturbances such as potential predation or poaching events, or a bull elephant in musth. They exhibited no form of sleep rebound following a night without sleep. Environmental conditions, especially ambient air temperature and relative humidity, analysed as wet-bulb globe temperature, reliably predict sleep onset and offset times. The elephants selected novel sleep sites each night and the amount of activity between sleep periods did not affect the amount of sleep. A number of similarities and differences to studies of elephant sleep in captivity are noted, and specific factors shaping sleep architecture in elephants, on various temporal scales, are discussed

    Modified Bell-Plesset Effect with Compressibility: Application to Double-Shell Ignition Target Designs

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    The effect of spherical convergence on the fluid stability of collapsing and expanding bubbles was originally treated by Bell [Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report No. LA-1321 (1951)] and Plesset [J. Appl. Phys. 25, 96 (1954)]. The additional effect of fluid compressibility was also considered by Bell but was limited to the case of nonzero density on only one side of a fluid interface. A more general extension is developed which considers distinct time-dependent uniform densities on both sides of an interface in a spherically converging geometry. A modified form of the velocity potential is used that avoids an unphysical divergence at the origin [Goncharov et al., Phys. Plasmas 7, 5118 (2000); Lin et al., Phys. Fluids 14, 2925 (2002)]. Two consequences of this approach are that an instability proposed by Plesset for an expanding bubble in the limit of large interior density is now absent and application to inertial confinement fusion studies of stability becomes feasible. The model is applied to a proposed ignition double-shell target design [Amendt et al., Phys. Plasmas 9, 2221 (2002)] for the National Ignition Facility [Paisner et al., Laser Focus World 30, 75 (1994)] for studying the stability of the inner surface of an imploding high-Z inner shell. Application of the Haan [Phys. Rev. A 39, 5812 (1989)] saturation criterion suggests that ignition is possible
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