812 research outputs found

    The Word Formation Processes of Indonesian Slang Words Used in Cosmo Girl! Indonesian Teenage Magazine

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    This was a qualitative study of word formation processes of Indonesian slang words in the Cosmo Girl!. To reveal the type of word formation and the most frequent type of word formation processes, the writer used two theories of word formation processes, namely word formation processes by Yule (2006) supported by Indonesian word formation processes by Chaedar (1994). The findings revealed four types of word formation processes, namely Clipping (3.22%), Blending (3.22%), Borrowing (19.35%) and Multiple Processes (74.19%). Although the Multiple Processes took a crucial part in forming Indonesian slang words, the process of borrowing dominantly occurred in the Multiple Processes. Especially English was often used in the borrowing process. Besides, the findings revealed processes that are not stated in both of the theories, namely Addition, Substitution and Deletion. These three processes were needed to adjust to Indonesian spelling system

    Evaluasi Karakter Pertumbuhan Dan Inflorescence Plasma Nutfah Kapas Introduksi Dan Lokal Pada Iklim Tropis

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    In order to support the needs of the national textile industry, the necessary raw materials of high quality cotton, high grain yield and widely adaptable. To achieve these objectives, it is necessary the introduction of new cotton crop accession so that the resources can be available breeding elders. Given the genetic diversity and varieties of national cotton production stagnant. The study was conducted with the aim of getting the results of evaluation of growth of cotton plants introduced in tropical environments. Based on the analysis of variance, character growth, plant height, number of branches and monopodial simpodial, and time of harvest showed significant differences in the level of 1%. While the character of days to flowering and boll opening age showed significant differences in the level of 5%. There was variation in plant height were heterogeneous due to genetic differences. Differences in flowering dates, age boll opening and harvesting with significant variation is caused by environmental influences. Anticipated environmental factors that have the most primary role is long irradiation, recorded some sensitivity to fotoperiodisitas accession. The results of the study recommend accession CRIS-664 and CRIS-342 as source code elders with early maturity, because it has a lifespan of flowering and harvesting age equal even faster than local cultivars

    Service Quality Banquet Novotel Surabaya Hotel and Suites

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    Kualitas layanan banquet Novotel Surabaya Hotel and Suites menjadi topik yang dipilih karena Novotel merupakan satu-satunya hotel yang memiliki ruangan meeting terbanyak dibandingkan dengan hotel lainnya. Service Quality yang disampaikan oleh Banquet Novotel Surabaya Hotel and Suites kepada pelanggan memiliki 5 indikator yaitu keterandalan, kecepatan dan ketanggapan, kepercayaan, perhatian serta bukti fisik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori service quality dan teori mengenai banquet. Dalam hal ini, penyampaian kualitas layanan banquet Novotel Surabaya Hotel and Suites sudah bai

    Green business behaviour, green technologies, and sustainability in SMEs

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the management and environmentally- friendly behavior of small-scale aquaculture businesses with emphasis on the institutional environment, entrepreneurial orientation, and green technology. Design/methodology/approach: The sample consists of 198 respondents in the aquaculturebased SMEs, analyzed with structural equation model (SEM) by using AMOS software. Findings: The findings show the role of management and business behavior in green business of aquaculture SMEs. This behavior affects the cost and resource efficiency. Practical implications: The results contribute for SMEs how to manage environmentally friendly businesses through process that encourages environmental governance. Originality/value: This finding is based on resource based view theory, by identifying and managing the potential resources through green business initiative in SMEs.peer-reviewe

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Think Talk Write (Ttw) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa STIE Bina Bangsa Pada Mata Kuliah Matematika Ekonomi

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    Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah menelaah hasil belajar mahasiswa yang menggunakan pembelajaran think talk write (TTW) dibandingkan dengan yang menggunakan pembelajaran biasa pada mata kuliah matematika ekonomi. Penelitian dilakukan pada mahasiswa semester I di STIE Bina Bangsa dengan bentuk penelitian eksperimen. Berdasarkan hasil analisis penelitian diketahui bahwa hasil belajar mahasiswa yang menggunakan pembelajaran think talk write (TTW) lebih baik daripada yang menggunakan pembelajaran biasa pada mata kuliah matematika ekonomi

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Nasabah Bank yang Menjadi Korban Kejahatan Ite di Bidang Perbankan

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    Semakin maraknya tindak kejahatan cyber crime di bidang perbankan yaitu kasus pembobolan terhadap sistem keamanan dan pembobolan rekening (hacking) atau sistem elektronik nasabah dalam sistem perbankan nasional dengan menggunakan sarana, prasarana dan identitas orang lain guna memalsukan kartu kredit dalam kejahatan yang disebut Carding Sehingga dalam penegakan hukum pidana, korporasi khususnya lembaga perbankan tidak hanya menjadi korban pembobolan rekening nasabah tetapi juga masih bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang dialami oleh nasabah


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    The purpose of this research is to determine “Attributes that are preferred by customers inselecting Golden Swallow bird’s nest products”. The population in this study are actual buyerand potential buyer in Surabaya whom are included in middle to upper economic classes. 69respondents are used as samples using judgmental sampling technique which is part of nonprobabilitiesmethod. Variables used in this research are type of bird’s nest, shape of bird’s nest,and weight of packaging size. This study uses Conjoint analysis. Results indicate that theattributes that costumers preferred in selecting Golden Swallow bird’s nest products are mostlytype of bird’s nest with the level of white bird’s nest, weight of packaging size with the level of250 gram, and shape of bird’s nest with the level of bowl shape.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui “Atribut-atribut yang menjadi preferensikonsumen dalam memilih produk sarang burung walet Golden Swallow”. Populasi dalampenelitian ini adalah orang yang pernah membeli sarang burung walet dan orang yang berpotensimembeli sarang burung walet di Surabaya yang termasuk dalam kelas ekonomi menengah keatas. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 69 responden dengan menggunakan metodepengambilan sampel non-probabilitas, dengan menggunakan teknik judgmental sampling.Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis sarang burung walet, bentuk sarangburung walet, dan ukuran berat kemasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis Konjoin. Hasilpenelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa atribut yang menjadi preferensi konsumen dalam memilihproduk sarang burung walet Golden Swallow secara berturut-turut adalah jenis sarang burungwalet dengan level sarang burung walet putih, ukuran berat kemasan dengan level 250 gram, danbentuk sarang burung walet dengan level bentuk mangkuk

    Growing food in Space: A Comparison of LED and Solar-Fiber-Optic Technologies

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    Growing food on Mars for long-term space exploration has many benefits including reduced fuel and cost requirements for lift-off, improved nutrition and psychological benefits for astronauts, air purification, and oxygen and water regeneration. However, complications are caused by the thin atmosphere on Mars, which would force production underground or into a heavily armored shelter. Providing the massive number of photons necessary to grow food is expensive and careful consideration must be made regarding the most promising technologies. The two most promising options are a combination of either concentrating mirrors coupled to solar-fiber-optics (SFO), or photovoltaics (PV) coupled to light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Here we discuss the efficiency, equivalent system mass, and photobiological potential of both systems. Recent advances in PV and LEDs mean that they have caught up to SFO technology and now appear to be the superior technology

    Teaching Multiplication of Numbers From 1 to 10 to STKIP Surya Students Using Matematika Gasing

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    Multiplication of numbers from 1 to 10 is very important as it provides the basis for learning multiplication of other larger numbers as well as other related mathematical operations. How do students learn multiplication? Usually students just memorize the results of multiplication. This is often performed without a complete comprehension of the concept of multiplication. This study aimed to discuss how to teach multiplication of numbers from 1 to 10 to STKIP Surya students using Matematika GASING. GASING stands for Gampang, ASyIk dan menyenaNGkan which is translated as easy, fun and enjoyable. The materials are taught according to its unique way of teaching mathematics which follows three stages: concrete, abstract and mental calculation. The first stage (concrete) encourages students to explore using concrete objects. This is done prior to the second stage called the abstract stage. Students are then able to move on to the third stage where they can do mathematical calculation mentally and instantly. By following these stages in this order, students can understand mathematics more easily and clearly. The research method used in this study was design research. It consists of three phases; they are preliminary design, teaching experiment and retrospective analysis.The sample was fourteen first-year undergraduate students (matriculation level) at STKIP Surya (Surya College of Education), Tangerang, Banten. The instruments used were both oral and written tests. They were used to measure the ability of performing mental computation as well as the ability to teach this material. This study showed that Matematika GASING helpedthese students to understand and be able to teach multiplication of numbers from 1 to 10 better
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