660 research outputs found

    Incidence of anthelmintic resistance in cattle farms in Northern Germany – first results

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    Anthelmintic resistance (AR) is an increasing problem worldwide especially for small ruminants and it is also rising in cattle. To maintain the efficacy of anthelmintics is an important objective. The current project aims at the investigation of the current efficacy of macrocyclic lactone anthelmintics for strongylid nematodes in first season grazing (FSG) calves in Northern Germany. On 8 participating farms in Northern Germany faecal egg count reduction tests (FECRT) with ivermectin (IVM) were performed. On 3 farms the efficacy of IVM was found to be ≤90% and on only 4 farms it was > 95% at 14 days post treatment (d.p.t.). Only 2 farms showed a reduction ≥ 95% at 21 d.p.t.. This survey reveals a rising problem of AR. The problem of drug resistance places the welfare of animals at risk. In organic farming, without a preventive treatment, livestock may harbour high worm counts. Therefore it is necessary to maintain powerful anthelmintic drugs to guarantee the welfare of animals that need salvage treatment. To investigate the AR problem in cattle more surveys with different anthelmintic drug classes are urgently needed

    Observations of Stripped Edge-on Virgo Cluster Galaxies

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    We present observations of highly inclined, HI deficient, Virgo cluster spiral galaxies. Our high-resolution VLA HI observations of edge-on galaxies allow us to distinguish extraplanar gas from disk gas. All of our galaxies have truncated H-alpha disks, with little or no disk gas beyond a truncation radius. While all the gas disks are truncated, the observations show evidence for a continuum of stripping states: symmetric, undisturbed truncated gas disks indicate galaxies that were stripped long ago, while more asymmetric disks suggest ongoing or more recent stripping. We compare these timescale estimates with results obtained from two-dimensional stellar spectroscopy of the outer disks of galaxies in our sample. One of the galaxies in our sample, NGC 4522 is a clear example of active ram-pressure stripping, with 40% of its detected HI being extraplanar. As expected, the outer disk stellar populations of this galaxy show clear signs of recent (and, in fact, ongoing) stripping. Somewhat less expected, however, is the fact that the spectrum of the outer disk of this galaxy, with very strong Balmer absorption and no observable emission, would be classified as ``k+a'' if observed at higher redshift. Our observations of NGC 4522 and other galaxies at a range of cluster radii allow us to better understand the role that clusters play in the structure and evolution of disk galaxies.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the Island Universes conference held in Terschelling, Netherlands, July 2005, ed. R. de Jong, version with high resolution figures can be downloaded from ftp://ftp.astro.yale.edu/pub/hugh/papers/iu_crowl_h.ps.g

    CAIRNS: The Cluster And Infall Region Nearby Survey III. Environmental Dependence of H-alpha Properties of Galaxies

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    We investigate the environmental dependence of star formation in cluster virial regions and infall regions as part of CAIRNS (Cluster And Infall Region Nearby Survey), a large spectroscopic survey of the infall regions surrounding nine nearby rich clusters of galaxies. Our long-slit spectroscopy yields estimates of star formation rates in environments from cluster cores to the general large-scale structure. The fraction of galaxies with current star formation in their inner disks as traced by H-alpha emission increases with distance from the cluster and converges to the ``field'' value only at 2-3 virial radii, in agreement with other investigations. However, among galaxies with significant current star formation (EW[Ha]geq2\AA), there is no difference in the distribution of EW[Ha] inside and outside the virial radius. This surprising result, first seen by Carter et al., suggests that (1) star formation is truncated on either very short timescales or only at moderate and high redshifts or (2) that projection effects contaminate the measurement. The number density profiles of star-forming and non-star-forming galaxies indicate that, among galaxies projected inside the virial radius, at least half of the former and 20% of the latter are ``infall interlopers,'' galaxies in the infall region but outside the virial region. The kinematics of star-forming galaxies in the infall region closely match those of absorption-dominated galaxies. This result shows that the star forming galaxies in the infall regions are not interlopers from the field and excludes one model of the backsplash scenario of galaxy transformation. Finally, we quantify systematic uncertainties in estimating the global star formation in galaxies from their inner disks.Comment: 25 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Untersuchungen zur Wirksamkeit von Anthelminthika bei erstsömmrigen Rindern in Europa

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    Resistance to anthelmintics is a threat to several animal industries world wide. Nevertheless, the use of effective anthelmintics to control nematode infections in cattle still remains irreplaceable. Anthelmintic resistance in cattle has been reported in New Zealand, North and South America and England but so far not in Europe. To be able to determine the extent of anthelmintic resistance in nematodes of farm animals and to monitor the success of any resistance management requires reliable tests for the detection of anthelmintic resistance. One of the objectives of PARASOL, a European Framework 6 funded project, is to produce standard operating procedures for the running of a faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT). Standardized procedures for the FECRT have been developed and surveys with injectable ivermectin were then performed in Germany, Sweden and Belgium in 2006 and 2007. Additional tests using benzimidazoles were performed in Sweden and Germany in 2007. Furthermore, some of the refractory strains will be isolated to test whether the phenomena observed in the field was due to the evolution of anthelmintic resistance

    Environmental Effects in Clusters: Modified Far-Infrared--Radio Relations within Virgo Cluster Galaxies

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    (abridged) We present a study on the effects of the intracluster medium (ICM) on the interstellar medium (ISM) of 10 Virgo cluster spiral galaxies using {\it Spitzer} far-infrared (FIR) and VLA radio continuum imaging. Relying on the FIR-radio correlation within normal galaxies, we use our infrared data to create model radio maps which we compare to the observed radio images. For 6 of our sample galaxies we find regions along their outer edges that are highly deficient in the radio compared with our models. We believe these observations are the signatures of ICM ram pressure. For NGC 4522 we find the radio deficit region to lie just exterior to a region of high radio polarization and flat radio spectral index, although the total 20 cm radio continuum in this region does not appear strongly enhanced. These characteristics seem consistent for other galaxies with radio polarization data in the literature. The strength of the radio deficit is inversely correlated with the time since peak pressure as inferred from stellar population studies and gas stripping simulations, suggesting the strength of the radio deficit is good indicator of the strength of the current ram pressure. We also find that galaxies having {\it local} radio {\it deficits} appear to have {\it enhanced global} radio fluxes. Our preferred physical picture is that the observed radio deficit regions arise from the ICM wind sweeping away cosmic-ray (CR) electrons and the associated magnetic field, thereby creating synchrotron tails as observed for some of our galaxies. We propose that CR particles are also re-accelerated by ICM-driven shocklets behind the observed radio deficit regions which in turn enhances the remaining radio disk brightness.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures; Astrophysical Journa

    Weak- to strong pinning crossover

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    Material defects in hard type II superconductors pin the flux lines and thus establish the dissipation-free current transport in the presence of a finite magnetic field. Depending on the density and pinning force of the defects and the vortex density, pinning is either weak-collective or strong. We analyze the weak- to strong pinning crossover of vortex matter in disordered superconductors and discuss the peak effect appearing naturally in this context.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Quantified HI Morphology V: HI Disks in the Virgo Cluster

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    We explore the quantified morphology of atomic hydrogen (HI) disks in the Virgo cluster. These galaxies display a wealth of phenomena in their Hi morphology, e.g., tails, truncation and warps. These morphological disturbances are related to the ram-pressure stripping and tidal interaction that galaxies undergo in this dense cluster environment. To quantify the morphological transformation of the HI disks, we compute the morphological parameters of CAS, Gini, and M20 and our own GM for 51 galaxies in 48 HI column density maps from the VIVA project. Some morphological phenomena can be identified in this space of relatively low resolution HI data. Truncation of the HI disk can be cleanly identified via the Concentration parameter (C<1) and Concentration can also be used to identify HI deficient disks (1<C<5). Tidal interaction is typically identified using combinations of these morphological parameters, applied to (optical) images of galaxies. We find that some selection criteria (Gini-M20, Asymmetry, and a modified Concentration-M20) are still applicable for the coarse (~15" FWHM) VIVA HI data. The phenomena of tidal tails can be reasonably well identified using the Gini-M20 criterion (60% of galaxies with tails identified but with as many contaminants). Ram-pressure does move HI disks into and out of most of our interaction criteria: the ram-pressure sequence identified by Vollmer et al. (2009) tracks into and out of some of these criteria (Asymmetry based and the Gini-M20 selections, but not the Concentration-M20 or the GM based ones). Therefore, future searches for interaction using HI morphologies should take ram-pressure into account as a mechanism to disturb HI disks enough to make them appear as gravitationally interacting. One mechanism would be to remove all the HI deficient (C<5) disks from the sample, as these have undergone more than one HI removal mechanism.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted by MNRAS, appendixes not include

    Molecular hydrogen deficiency in HI-poor galaxies and its implications for star formation

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    We use a sample of 47 homogeneous and high sensitivity CO images taken from the Nobeyama and BIMA surveys to demonstrate that, contrary to common belief, a significant number (~40%) of HI-deficient nearby spiral galaxies are also depleted in molecular hydrogen. While HI-deficiency by itself is not a sufficient condition for molecular gas depletion, we find that H2 reduction is associated with the removal of HI inside the galaxy optical disk. Those HI-deficient galaxies with normal H2 content have lost HI mainly from outside their optical disks, where the H2 content is low in all galaxies. This finding is consistent with theoretical models in which the molecular fraction in a galaxy is determined primarily by its gas column density. Our result is supported by indirect evidence that molecular deficient galaxies form stars at a lower rate or have dimmer far infrared fluxes than gas rich galaxies, as expected if the star formation rate is determined by the molecular hydrogen content. Our result is consistent with a scenario in which, when the atomic gas column density is lowered inside the optical disk below the critical value required to form molecular hydrogen and stars, spirals become quiescent and passive evolving systems. We speculate that this process would act on the time-scale set by the gas depletion rate and might be a first step for the transition between the blue and red sequence observed in the color-magnitude diagram.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Origin of optically passive spiral galaxies with dusty star-forming regions: Outside-in truncation of star formation?

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    Recent observations have revealed that red, optically--passive spiral galaxies with little or no optical emission lines, harbour significant amounts of dust-obscured star formation. We propose that these observational results can be explained if the spatial distributions of the cold gas and star-forming regions in these spiral galaxies are significantly more compact than those in blue star-forming spirals. Our numerical simulations show that if the sizes of star-forming regions in spiral galaxies with disk sizes of R_d are ~ 0.3R_d, such galaxies appear to have lower star formation rates as well as higher degrees of dust extinction. This is mainly because star formation in these spirals occurs only in the inner regions where both the gas densities and metallicities are higher, and hence the dust extinction is also significantly higher. We discuss whether star formation occurring preferentially in the inner regions of spirals is closely associated with the stripping of halo and disk gas via some sort of environmental effect. We suggest that the "outside-in truncation of star formation" is the key to a better understanding of apparently optically--passive spirals with dusty star-forming regions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted in MNRAS Letter
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