38 research outputs found

    Study of the Metallurgical Aspects of Steel Micro-Alloying by Titan

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    The metal properties upgrading applying it’s alloying with the simultaneous limitation of the impurities represents a prospective possibility of the metallurgical production further development. The interaction of the alloying substance active element with oxygen in metal and adjacent multiphase environment occurs under the actual conditions. Present paper is oriented particularly to the thermodynamic aspects of deoxygenation by titan in process of production of micro alloyed low carbon steel in two plants (oxygen converter 1-OC1 and 2-OC2) with the different effect of micro-alloy exploitation. Analysis of the effect of the metallurgical factors on the titan smelting loss in micro-alloyed steel production points at the need to master the metal preparation for the alloying and especially has got the decisive effect upon the oxidizing ability and rate of the slag phase availability. When comparing the micro-alloying matter yield among the individual production units, disclosed have been better results obtained in plant OC 2. Confirmed has been the effect of the slag amount (average amount of 7,3 t at OC 1 and 5,83 t at OC 2) and its quality during the steel tapping as one among the most significant factors affecting the alloying process and which also represent its oxidizing potential

    Reduciranje nepoželjnih aditiva u kontinuirano lijevanom čeliku

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    The result of the dynamic growth of the continuously cast steel ratio is the significant decrease in the waste from production in the metallurgical plants. The increasing significance of the metallic waste in the steel production under the conditions of 100% continuous casting in plant U.S.Steel Košice and Iron works of Podbrezová, a.s., is not the typical case only for the Slovak metallurgical industry. It has the common feature which is the consequence of the scientific development of the metallurgical production in all industrially developed countries of the world.Rezultat dinamičkog porasta omjera kontinuirano lijevanog čelika je značajno smanjenje otpada u proizvodnji metalurških pogona. Sve veće značenje metalnog otpada u proizvodnji čelika, do njegovog 100 % učešća u pogonu U. S. Čeličana Košice i željezari u Podbrezova a. s., nije tipičan samo za slovačku metaluršku industriju. To je zajednička karakteristika koja je posljedica znanstvenog razvoja metalurške proizvodnje u svim industrijski razvijenim zemljama svijeta

    Reguliranje sadržaja dušika pri proizvodnji čelika u kisikovim konvertorima

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    The nitrogen belongs to elements which have significant impact in steel mechanical properties. The influences of individual elements on the properties of solution of nitrogen in the metal bath, on the process of nitrogen dissolution in connection with decarburisation process and also influences of some important factors on the possibilities of nitrogen regulation during the refining period were investigated in this work. The path for production of steel with regulated nitrogen content relies on the combination of knowledge of nitrogen thermodynamics, mechanism and kinetics of nitrogen sorption and desorption, together with possibilities of steel melt properties prediction and also with metallurgical actions leading to the control of required chemical composition.Dušik spada u elemente koji značajno djeluju na mehanička svojstva čelika. U radu su istraženi utjecaji pojedinih elemenata na svojstva otapanja dušika u metalnoj kupci, proces izdvajanja dušika u vezi s procesom odugljičenja a također utjecaji nekih važnih faktora na mogućnost reguliranja dušika tokom perioda rafinacije. Put proizvodnje čelika s reguliranim sadržajem dušika oslanja se na kombiniranje znanja termodinamike dušika, mehanizma i kinetike sorpcije i desorpcije dušika, zajedno s mogućnošću predviđanja svojstava čelične taline, a također s metalurškim djelovanjem koje vodi kontroli zahtijevanog kemijskog sastava

    Reguliranje sadržaja dušika pri proizvodnji čelika u kisikovim konvertorima

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    The nitrogen belongs to elements which have significant impact in steel mechanical properties. The influences of individual elements on the properties of solution of nitrogen in the metal bath, on the process of nitrogen dissolution in connection with decarburisation process and also influences of some important factors on the possibilities of nitrogen regulation during the refining period were investigated in this work. The path for production of steel with regulated nitrogen content relies on the combination of knowledge of nitrogen thermodynamics, mechanism and kinetics of nitrogen sorption and desorption, together with possibilities of steel melt properties prediction and also with metallurgical actions leading to the control of required chemical composition.Dušik spada u elemente koji značajno djeluju na mehanička svojstva čelika. U radu su istraženi utjecaji pojedinih elemenata na svojstva otapanja dušika u metalnoj kupci, proces izdvajanja dušika u vezi s procesom odugljičenja a također utjecaji nekih važnih faktora na mogućnost reguliranja dušika tokom perioda rafinacije. Put proizvodnje čelika s reguliranim sadržajem dušika oslanja se na kombiniranje znanja termodinamike dušika, mehanizma i kinetike sorpcije i desorpcije dušika, zajedno s mogućnošću predviđanja svojstava čelične taline, a također s metalurškim djelovanjem koje vodi kontroli zahtijevanog kemijskog sastava

    Odsumporavanje čelika i sirovog željeza

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    Metallurgical slag qualities must be defined by the whole complex of physico - chemical characteristics, such as an oxidative ability, optical basicity, sulphide capacity up to slag fluidity, its surface tension etc. The understanding of regulation of basic physico - chemical qualities of molten metals and slag depending on a chemical structure and a temperature has its importance at the level of the metallurgical process control. Presented paper deals with the possibilities how to exploit the sulphidic capacity for the desulphurisation evaluation in course of the metal reafining in the oxygen converter based on the set of the operational data. The integral part of the work is the process of the pig iron desulphurisation.Kakvoća metalurške troske je definirana kompleksom fizikalno-kemijskih karakteristika, kao što su oksidacijska sposobnost, optimalna bazičnost, sulfidni kapacitet, ali i tečljivost troske, površinska napetost itd. Poznavanje mogućnosti regulacije temeljnih fizikalno-kemijskih kakvoć a tekućeg metala i troske ovisno o kemijskom sastavu i temperaturi osiguravaju vođenje metalurških procesa. U članku se daju mogućnosti kako rabiti sulfidni kapacitet za vrednovanje odsumporavanja tijekom rafinacije u kiskovom konvertoru pri danim pokazateljima. Članak je dopunjen i odsumporavanjem sirovog željeza

    Današnje stanje međulonca s pokrivnim troskama u ljevaonici slabova

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    Tundish metallurgy development, which has been focused on steel cleanliness improvement in last few years, affected also tundish slag systems. Molten slags are the most suitable for both absorbing and refining functions of tundish cover slags, while a system of extremely low density does satisfy their isolating functions in the best way. Hence it is obvious, that it is not possible to assure the main functions using one sort of tundish covering slags. In addition, traditional acid slags, are being replaced with basic covering slags, or combination of both types. In this work, we have tried to investigate the operation of tundish covering slag under the condition of slab continuous casting. A genesis of covering slag from applied cover powders its refining functions have been investigated, as well as the changes of covering slag chemical composition during one tundish casting sequence.Razvoj metalurgije međulonca koji se usmjerio na unapređivanje čistoće čelika tijekom zadnjih nekoliko godina odrazio se i na vrste troske u međuloncu. Rastaljena troska je najpogodnija kako za funkcije apsorbiranja tako i za funkcije rafiniranja pokrovne troske međulonca sve dok sistem krajnje male gustoće zadovoljava na najbolji način njene izolacione funkcije. Iz toga je jasno, da nije moguće osigurati glavne funkcije uporabom samo jedne vrste pokrovnih troski međulonca. Osim toga, tradicionalne kisele troske zamjenjuju se bazičnim pokrovnim troskama, ili se koristi kombinacija obadva tipa. U ovom članku se nastojalo istražiti rad pokrovne troske međulonca u uvjetima kontinuiranog lijevanja slabova. Istraživano je kako se uporaba pokrovne troske razvijala iz uporabe pokrovnih prahova te njene funkcije rafiniranja kao i promjene njenog kemijskog sastava tijekom jednog ciklusa lijevanja međulonca

    Pročišćavanje čelika optimiranjem konfiguracije međulonca

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    In continuous casting process, liquid steel flows through the tundish, which is supposed to operate as a continuous refining finisher. To provide a functionality of such a device, a pack of tundish metallurgy techniques must be applied, whose efficiency is conditioned especially with optimal symmetrical and dynamical melt flow. Flow optimizing can be achieved through the shaping of inside tundish configuration, using flow control devices such as turbulence inhibitors, impact pads, baffles, weirs, dams, etc. The theme of the present paper is the precise employment of a turbulence inhibitor, commercially known as TURBOSTOPTM, together with a pair of baffles & a flat impact pad in slab custer to improve steel cleanliness and a fluid flow phenomenon in a two strands tundish.Tijekom procesa kontinuiranog lijevanja tekući čelik prolazi kroz međulonac koji funkcionira kao kontinuirani uređaj za završnu doradu rafiniranjem. Za osiguranje funkcioniranja takvog uređaja mora se primijeniti tehnika metalurgije međulonca čija učinkovitost je uvjetovana naročito optimalnim simetrijskim i dinamičkim tečenjem taline. Optimalizacija protoka se može postići oblikovanjem unutrašnje konfiguracije međulonca uporabom takvih uređaja za kontrolu protoka kao što su inhibitori turbulencije, zadebljanje za ublažavanje udaraca, pregradne ploče, brane itd. Tema ovog rada je točna primjena inhibitora turbulencije poznatog pod trgovačkim nazivom TURBOSTOPTM, zajedno s parom skretnih pregrada i ravnim zadebljanjem za ublažavanje udaraca u lijevanom slabu radi poboljšanja čistoće čelika i fenomena toka fluida u dvije žile međulonca

    Automated protein resonance assignments of magic angle spinning solid-state NMR spectra of β1 immunoglobulin binding domain of protein G (GB1)

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    Magic-angle spinning solid-state NMR (MAS SSNMR) represents a fast developing experimental technique with great potential to provide structural and dynamics information for proteins not amenable to other methods. However, few automated analysis tools are currently available for MAS SSNMR. We present a methodology for automating protein resonance assignments of MAS SSNMR spectral data and its application to experimental peak lists of the β1 immunoglobulin binding domain of protein G (GB1) derived from a uniformly 13C- and 15N-labeled sample. This application to the 56 amino acid GB1 produced an overall 84.1% assignment of the N, CO, CA, and CB resonances with no errors using peak lists from NCACX 3D, CANcoCA 3D, and CANCOCX 4D experiments. This proof of concept demonstrates the tractability of this problem

    Artificial membranes for membrane protein purification, functionality and structure studies.

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    Membrane proteins represent one of the most important targets for pharmaceutical companies. Unfortunately, technical limitations have long been a major hindrance in our understanding of the function and structure of such proteins. Recent years have seen the refinement of classical approaches and the emergence of new technologies that have resulted in a significant step forward in the field of membrane protein research. This review summarizes some of the current techniques used for studying membrane proteins, with overall advantages and drawbacks for each method

    Desulphurization of steel and pig iron

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    Metallurgical slag qualities must be defined by the whole complex of physico - chemical characteristics, such as an oxidative ability, optical basicity, sulphide capacity up to slag fluidity, its surface tension etc. The understanding of regulation of basic physico - chemical qualities of molten metals and slag depending on a chemical structure and a temperature has its importance at the level of the metallurgical process control. Presented paper deals with the possibilities how to exploit the sulphidic capacity for the desulphurisation evaluation in course of the metal reafining in the oxygen converter based on the set of the operational data. The integral part of the work is the process of the pig iron desulphurisation