1,142 research outputs found

    Intentional Injury Exclusionary Clauses: The Question of Ambiguity

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    On an Alternative Parametrization for the Theory of Complex Spectra

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    The purpose of this letter is threefold : (i) to derive, in the framework of a new parametrization, some compact formulas of energy averages for the electrostatic interaction within an (nl)N configuration, (ii) to describe a new generating function for obtaining the number of states with a given spin angular momentum in an (nl)N configuration, and (iii) to report some apparently new sum rules, actually a by-product of (i), for SU(2) > U(1) coupling coefficients.Comment: Published in Physics Letters A 147, 417-422 (1990

    Some aspects of fatigue crack propagation

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    Evaluation of fatigue crack propagation models on aluminum plates under load

    Cylindrical and spherical shells with cracks

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    Numerical analysis of meridional crack in cylindrical and spherical shells subjected to internal pressur

    An Uqp(u2)U_{qp}(u_2) Rotor Model for Rotational Bands of Superdeformed Nuclei

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    A nonrigid rotor model is developed from the two-parameter quantum algebra Uqp(u2)U_{qp}({\rm u}_2). [This model presents the Uqp(u2)U_{qp}({\rm u}_2) symmetry and shall be referred to as the qp-rotor model.] A rotational energy formula as well as a qp-deformation of E2 reduced transition probabilities are derived. The qp-rotor model is applied (through fitting procedures) to twenty rotational bands of superdeformed nuclei in the A130A \sim 130, 150 and 190 mass regions. Systematic comparisons between the qp-rotor model and the q-rotor model of Raychev, Roussev and Smirnov, on one hand, and a basic three-parameter model, on the other hand, are performed on energy spectra, on dynamical moments of inertia and on B(E2) values. The physical signification of the deformation parameters q and p is discussed.Comment: 24 pages, Latex File, to appear in IJMP

    A study of RSI under combined stresses

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    The behavior of typical rigidized surface insulation material (RSI) under combined loading states was investigated. In particular, the thermal stress states induced during reentry of the space shuttle were of prime concern. A typical RSI tile was analyzed for reentry thermal stresses under computed thermal gradients for a model of the RSI material. The results of the thermal stress analyses were then used to aid in defining typical combined stress states for the failure analysis of RSI

    On qpqp-Deformations in Statistical Mechanics of Bosons in D Dimensions

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    The Bose distribution for a gas of nonrelativistic free bosons is derived in the framework of qpqp-deformed second quantization. Some thermodynamical functions for such a system in D dimensions are derived. Bose-Einstein condensation is discussed in terms of the parameters q and p as well as a parameter ν0\nu_0' which characterizes the representation space of the oscillator algebra.Comment: 15 pages, Latex File, to be published in Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter, Eds. T. Lulek, B. Lulek and W. Florek (World Scientific, Singapore, 1997

    Bases for qudits from a nonstandard approach to SU(2)

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    Bases of finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces (in dimension d) of relevance for quantum information and quantum computation are constructed from angular momentum theory and su(2) Lie algebraic methods. We report on a formula for deriving in one step the (1+p)p qupits (i.e., qudits with d = p a prime integer) of a complete set of 1+p mutually unbiased bases in C^p. Repeated application of the formula can be used for generating mutually unbiased bases in C^d with d = p^e (e > or = 2) a power of a prime integer. A connection between mutually unbiased bases and the unitary group SU(d) is briefly discussed in the case d = p^e.Comment: From a talk presented at the 13th International Conference on Symmetry Methods in Physics (Dubna, Russia, 6-9 July 2009) organized in memory of Prof. Yurii Fedorovich Smirnov by the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the JINR and the ICAS at Yerevan State University

    On the use of the group SO(4,2) in atomic and molecular physics

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    In this paper the dynamical noninvariance group SO(4,2) for a hydrogen-like atom is derived through two different approaches. The first one is by an established traditional ascent process starting from the symmetry group SO(3). This approach is presented in a mathematically oriented original way with a special emphasis on maximally superintegrable systems, N-dimensional extension and little groups. The second approach is by a new symmetry descent process starting from the noninvariance dynamical group Sp(8,R) for a four-dimensional harmonic oscillator. It is based on the little known concept of a Lie algebra under constraints and corresponds in some sense to a symmetry breaking mechanism. This paper ends with a brief discussion of the interest of SO(4,2) for a new group-theoretical approach to the periodic table of chemical elements. In this connection, a general ongoing programme based on the use of a complete set of commuting operators is briefly described. It is believed that the present paper could be useful not only to the atomic and molecular community but also to people working in theoretical and mathematical physics.Comment: 31 page

    Racism and racial categorization.

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    Social identity theory predicts that perceivers strongly identified with an in-group will maximize the distinction and maintain a clear boundary between their own and other groups by categorizing others' membership accurately. Two experiments tested the prediction that racially prejudiced individuals, who presumably identify highly with their racial in-group, are more motivated to make accurate racial categorizations than nonprejudiced individuals. Results indicated that prejudiced participants not only took longer to categorize race-ambiguous targets (Experiments 1 and 2), but also made more nonverbal vocalizations when presented with them (Experiment 1), suggesting response hesitation. The results support the hypothesis that, compared to nonprejudiced individuals, prejudiced individuals concern themselves with accurate identification of in-group and out-group members and use caution when making racial categorizations