1,534 research outputs found

    Rayleigh-Taylor instability in partially ionized compressible plasmas: one fluid approach

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    We study the modification of the classical criterion for the linear onset and growth rate of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability (RTI) in a partially ionized (PI) plasma in the one-fluid description, considering a generalized induction equation. The governing linear equations and appropriate boundary conditions, including gravitational terms, are derived and applied to the case of the RTI in a single interface between two partially ionized plasmas. The boundary conditions lead to an equation for the frequencies in which some of them have positive complex parts, marking the appearance of the RTI. We study the ambipolar term alone first, extending the result to the full induction equation later. We find that the configuration is always unstable because of the presence of a neutral species. In the classical stability regime the growth rate is small, since the collisions prevent the neutral fluid to fully develop the RTI. For parameters in the classical instability regime the growth rate is lowered, but for the considered theoretical values of the collision frequencies and diffusion coefficients for solar prominences the differences with the compressible MHD case are small. We conclude that PI modifies some aspects of the linear RTI instability, since it takes into account that neutrals do not feel the stabilizing effect of the magnetic field. For the set of parameters representative for solar prominences, our model gives the resulting timescale comparable with observed lifetimes of RTI plumes.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Geotechnical Parameters for Explotation Hydrogenous Uranium Deposits in Mongolia

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    The parameters of the opening for explotation hydrogenic uranium deposits in Mongolia and recommendations on the technology for their development

    Influence of phase-diversity image reconstruction techniques on circular polarization asymmetries

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    Full Stokes filter-polarimeters are key instruments for investigating the rapid evolution of magnetic structures on the solar surface. To this end, the image quality is routinely improved using a-posteriori image reconstruction methods. We analyze the robustness of circular polarization asymmetries to phase-diversity image reconstruction techniques. We use snapshots of magneto-hydrodynamical simulations carried out with different initial conditions to synthesize spectra of the magnetically sensitive Fe I line at 5250.2 A. We degrade the synthetic profiles spatially and spectrally to simulate observations with the IMaX full Stokes filter-polarimeter. We also simulate the focused/defocused pairs of images used by the phase-diversity algorithm for reconstruction and the polarimetric modulation scheme. We assume that standard optimization methods are able to infer the projection of the wavefront on the Zernike polynomials with 10% precision. We also consider the less favorable case of 25% precision. We obtain reconstructed monochromatic modulated images that are later demodulated and compared with the original maps. Although asymmetries are often difficult to define in the quiet Sun due to the complexity of the Stokes V profiles, we show how asymmetries are degraded with spatial and spectral smearing. The results indicate that, although image reconstruction techniques reduce the spatial smearing, they can modify the asymmetries of the profiles, mainly caused by the appearance of spatially-correlated noise.Comment: 10 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Quiet Sun magnetic fields from space-borne observations: simulating Hinode's case

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    We examine whether or not it is possible to derive the field strength distribution of quiet Sun internetwork regions from very high spatial resolution polarimetric observations in the visible. In particular, we consider the case of the spectropolarimeter attached to the Solar Optical Telescope aboard Hinode. Radiative magneto-convection simulations are used to synthesize the four Stokes profiles of the \ion{Fe}{1} 630.2 nm lines. Once the profiles are degraded to a spatial resolution of 0\farcs32 and added noise, we infer the atmospheric parameters by means of Milne-Eddington inversions. The comparison of the derived values with the real ones indicates that the visible lines yield correct internetwork field strengths and magnetic fluxes, with uncertainties smaller than \sim150 G, when a stray light contamination factor is included in the inversion. Contrary to the results of ground-based observations at 1\arcsec, weak fields are retrieved wherever the field is weak in the simulation.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Multifractal analysis of stress time series during ultrathin lubricant film melting

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    Melting of an ultrathin lubricant film confined between two atomically flat surfaces is we studied using the rheological model for viscoelastic matter approximation. Phase diagram with domains, corresponding to sliding, dry, and two types of stickslipstick-slip friction regimes has been built taking into account additive noises of stress, strain, and temperature of the lubricant. The stress time series have been obtained for all regimes of friction using the Stratonovich interpretation. It has been shown that self-similar regime of lubricant melting is observed when intensity of temperature noise is much larger than intensities of strain and stress noises. This regime is defined by homogenous distribution, at which characteristic stress scale is absent. We study stress time series obtained for all friction regimes using multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis. It has been shown that multifractality of these series is caused by different correlations that are present in the system and also by a power-law distribution. Since the power-law distribution is related to small stresses, this case corresponds to self-similar solid-like lubricant.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, 41 reference

    Optimization of finances into regional energy

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    The development of modern Russian energy collides with the need for major investments in the modernization and renewal of generation and transmission capacity. In terms of attracting sufficient financial resources and find ways to increase, energy sector profitability and investment attractiveness of particular importance is the problem of investment financing optimizing aimed at minimizing the cost of financing while maintaining financial stability of the power companies and the goals and objectives of Russian energy system long-term development. The article discusses the problem of investment projects financing in power generation from the point of view of the need to achieve optimal investment budget. Presents the author's approach to the investment financing optimization of power generation company that will achieve the minimum cost of resources involved, taking into account the impact of the funding structure for the power generating company financial sustainability. The developed model is applied to the problem of investment budget optimizing, for example, regional power generating company. The results can improve the efficiency of investment in energy, sustainable and competitive development of regional energy systems

    Magnetic flux in the inter-network quiet Sun from comparison with numerical simulations

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    Khomenko et al. estimate the mean magnetic field strength of the quiet Sun to be 20 G. The figure is smaller than several existing estimates, and it comes from the comparison between observed Zeeman polarization signals and synthetic signals from numerical simulations of magneto-convection. The numerical simulations require an artificially large magnetic diffusivity, which smears out magnetic structures smaller than the grid scale. Assuming a turbulent cascade for the unresolved artificially smeared magnetic fields, we find that their unsigned magnetic flux is at least as important as that explicitly shown in the simulation. The unresolved fields do not produce Zeeman polarization but contribute to the unsigned flux.Since they are not considered by Khomenko et al., their mean magnetic field strength has to be regarded as a lower limit. This kind of bias is not specific of a particular numerical simulation or a spectral line. It is to be expected when observed quiet Sun Zeeman signals are compared with synthetic signals from simulations.Comment: Accepted A&A. 4 pages, 0 figure