562 research outputs found

    Assisting and Protecting Refugee Women: A Policy Analysis

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    The number of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) has risen sharply over the last decade. This trend is the result of several causes such as the impact of climatic change, conflicts over diminishing resources, and religious and ethical disagreements. The largest and most vulnerable subgroup among refugees is women and their dependent children, and they are frequently subject to abuse and neglect. To address protection issues, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) released the Policy on Refugee Women in 1990. The authors provide a comprehensive policy analysis, building on an exploration of the historical background and a presentation of policy goals. This exploration sets the stage for a discussion of the influence and viewpoints of major interest groups, such as donors, governments, and non-governmental organizations. The authors draw upon casestudies and a variety of literary resources to explore diversity issues, social justice concerns, and ethical interests. Furthermore, the authors assess the policy\u27s implementation success by using the categories of positive outcomes (institutional change, new programming tools, improvement in refugee situation) and unintended outcomes (cultural and religious opposition, one-sidedness, negative conception). Finally, the authors present a comparison of the applications and implications of the 1990 UNHCR Policy from a global perspective, focusing primarily on the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada as exemplary countries. The paper concludes with a set of recommendations for policymakers and project managers to further improve protection and assistance programs to meet the needs of refugee women and girls worldwide. © Common Ground, Barbara J. Kampa, Raphael Nawrotzki, All Rights Reserved

    Structural fingerprints of transcription factor binding site regions

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    Fourier transforms are a powerful tool in the prediction of DNA sequence properties, such as the presence/absence of codons. We have previously compiled a database of the structural properties of all 32,896 unique DNA octamers. In this work we apply Fourier techniques to the analysis of the structural properties of human chromosomes 21 and 22 and also to three sets of transcription factor binding sites within these chromosomes. We find that, for a given structural property, the structural property power spectra of chromosomes 21 and 22 are strikingly similar. We find common peaks in their power spectra for both Sp1 and p53 transcription factor binding sites. We use the power spectra as a structural fingerprint and perform similarity searching in order to find transcription factor binding site regions. This approach provides a new strategy for searching the genome data for information. Although it is difficult to understand the relationship between specific functional properties and the set of structural parameters in our database, our structural fingerprints nevertheless provide a useful tool for searching for function information in sequence data. The power spectrum fingerprints provide a simple, fast method for comparing a set of functional sequences, in this case transcription factor binding site regions, with the sequences of whole chromosomes. On its own, the power spectrum fingerprint does not find all transcription factor binding sites in a chromosome, but the results presented here show that in combination with other approaches, this technique will improve the chances of identifying functional sequences hidden in genomic data

    Cortical feed-forward networks for binding different streams of sensory information

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    Different streams of sensory information are transmitted to the cortex where they are merged into a percept in a process often termed 'binding.' Using recordings from triplets of rat cortical layer 2/3 and layer 5 pyramidal neurons, we show that specifi

    Dendritic mechanisms controlling spike-timing dependent synaptic plasticity

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    The ability of neurons to modulate the strength of their synaptic connections has been shown to depend on the relative timing of pre- and postsynaptic action potentials. This form of synaptic plasticity, called spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP), has become an attractive model for learning at the single-cell level. Yet, despite its popularity in experimental and theoretical neuroscience, the influence of dendritic mechanisms in the induction of STDP has been largely overlooked. Several recent studies have investigated how active dendritic properties and synapse location within the dendritic tree influence STDP. These studies suggest the existence of learning rules that depend on firing mode and subcellular input location, adding unanticipated complexity to STDP. Here, we propose a new look at STDP that is focused on processing at the postsynaptic site in the dendrites, rather than on spike-timing at the cell body

    Membrane testosterone binding sites in prostate carcinoma as a potential new marker and therapeutic target: Study in paraffin tissue sections

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    BACKGROUND: Steroid action is mediated, in addition to classical intracellular receptors, by recently identified membrane sites, that generate rapid non-genomic effects. We have recently identified a membrane androgen receptor site on prostate carcinoma cells, mediating testosterone rapid effects on the cytoskeleton and secretion within minutes. METHODS: The aim of this study was to investigate whether membrane androgen receptors are differentially expressed in prostate carcinomas, and their relationship to the tumor grade. We examined the expression of membrane androgen receptors in archival material of 109 prostate carcinomas and 103 benign prostate hyperplasias, using fluorescein-labeled BSA-coupled testosterone. RESULTS: We report that membrane androgen receptors are preferentially expressed in prostate carcinomas, and they correlate to their grade using the Gleason's microscopic grading score system. CONCLUSION: We conclude that membrane androgen receptors may represent an index of tumor aggressiveness and possibly specific targets for new therapeutic regimens

    Dendritic Synapse Location and Neocortical Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity

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    While it has been appreciated for decades that synapse location in the dendritic tree has a powerful influence on signal processing in neurons, the role of dendritic synapse location on the induction of long-term synaptic plasticity has only recently been explored. Here, we review recent work revealing how learning rules for spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) in cortical neurons vary with the spatial location of synaptic input. A common principle appears to be that proximal synapses show conventional STDP, whereas distal inputs undergo plasticity according to novel learning rules. One crucial factor determining location-dependent STDP is the backpropagating action potential, which tends to decrease in amplitude and increase in width as it propagates into the dendritic tree of cortical neurons. We discuss additional location-dependent mechanisms as well as the functional implications of heterogeneous learning rules at different dendritic locations for the organization of synaptic inputs

    Deep multi-task learning for air quality prediction

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    © 2018, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Predicting the concentration of air pollution particles has been an important task of urban computing. Accurately measuring and estimating makes the citizen and governments can behave with suitable decisions. In order to predict the concentration of several air pollutants at multiple monitoring stations throughout the city region, we proposed a novel deep multi-task learning framework based on residual Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU). The experimental results on the real world data from London region substantiate that the proposed deep model has manifest superiority than shallow models and outperforms 9 baselines

    Acyl-chain elongation drives ketosynthase substrate selectivity in trans-acyltransferase polyketide synthases

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    Type I modular polyketide synthases (PKSs), responsible for the biosynthesis of many biologically active agents, possess a ketosynthase (KS) domain within each module to catalyze chain elongation. Acylation of the KS active site Cys residue is followed by transfer to malonyl-acyl carrier protein, yielding an extended β-ketoacyl chain. To date, the precise contribution of KS selectivity in controlling product fidelity has been unclear. We submitted six KS domains from the trans-acyl transferase PKSs to a mass spectrometry-basedelongation assay, and identified higher substrat selectivity in the elongating step than in preceding acylation. A close correspondence between observed KS selectivity and that predicted by phylogenetic analysis was seen. Our findings provide insights into the mechanism of KS selectivity in this important group of PKSs, can serve as guidance for engineering, and show that targeted mutagenesis can be used to expand the repertoire of acceptable substrates

    Large drop re-entrainment from an oil-mist filter

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