51 research outputs found

    Multifunctional adaptive façade at iba 2013; design studies for an integral energy harvesting façade shading system

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    As part of the international exhibition ‘Bauausstellung’ IBA 2013 in Hamburg, Germany, architects from KVA MATx team and engineers from Knippers Helbig Advanced Engineering have developed an integral energy harvesting façade shading system for their ‘Softhouse’ project. Its overall concept includes an energy harvesting hybrid textile roof featuring flexible photovoltaics, which contributes to create a micro-climate for the building as a shading roof for the terrace and glass façade. This responsive façade is based on a textile hybrid system, using textile membranes and glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP) in an intricate form- and bending-active structure. This paper will discuss the multiple design studies that were undertaken to develop a system that satisfies the, at times, diametrically opposed demands from architecture, building physics, structural engineering and technical approval. Furthermore, detailed information will be given on the design specifications for using GFRP in bending-active elements and the Finite-Element simulation techniques used for the form-finding and structural analysis

    Graphen der Lernverlaufsdiagnostik interpretieren und anwenden - Leseförderung mit der Onlineverlaufsmessung Levumi

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    Viele SchĂŒler mit sonderpĂ€dagogischem Förderbedarf entwickeln Schwierigkeiten im sprachlichen Bereich. Dies hat zur Folge, dass insbesondere der Leseerwerb einer pĂ€dagogischen Aufbereitung bedarf. In dieser pĂ€dagogischen Arbeit bietet der problemlösende Ansatz der Lernverlaufsdiagnostik (engl. Curriculum- Based Measurement) LehrkrĂ€%en eine UnterstĂŒtzung bei der ÜberprĂŒfung der EffektivitĂ€t ihres Unterrichts durch kurze und leicht handhabbare Tests. Diese UnterstĂŒtzung kann durch weiterfĂŒhrende Materialien (z. B. Interpretationshilfen, Fördermaterialien) bestĂ€rkt werden. FĂŒr eine erfolgreiche Etablierung der Lernverlaufsdiagnostik und der damit verbundenen computergestĂŒtzten Testsysteme in der Praxis mĂŒssen die aus dem Schulsystem bedingten Anforderungen berĂŒcksichtigt werden. Dieser Beitrag thematisiert literaturbasiert die Chancen und Grenzen bei der Implementation der Lernverlaufsdiagnostik in der pĂ€dagogischen Praxis. DafĂŒr werden digitale Testsysteme, die Perspektive der LehrkrĂ€%e sowie Schwierigkeiten bei der Interpretation von Lernverlaufsgraphen fokussiert betrachtet. Als Praxisbeispiel wird das Angebot der kostenlosen Onlineplattform Levumi (www.levumi.de), ihre Lernverlaufstests im Bereich Lesen, die Interpretation der Klassen- und Individualgraphen und Fördermaterialien vorgestellt. Damit sich der Ansatz der Lernverlaufsdiagnostik in Deutschland im inklusiven Schulsystem etablieren kann, mĂŒssen Barrieren durch Kosten oder einen fehlenden technischen Support abgebaut werden. ZusĂ€tzlich können adaptive Testsysteme die Leseförderung durch automatisierte Empfehlungen von Fördermaterialien, schĂŒlergerechte RĂŒckmeldungen und Analysen der Kompetenzpro+le der SchĂŒler den Unterricht bereichern

    Adding Spin Functionality to Traditional Optoelectronics via Chiral Perovskite

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    Spin polarized current generation and injection into semiconductors at room temperature are key to enable a broader range of opto-spintronic functionalities, yet the inherent efficiency of spin injection across commonly used semiconductor-ferromagnet interfaces is limited. Here, we demonstrate efficient spin injection into commercially viable III-V light emitting diodes (LED) by integrating chiral halide perovskite layers with (AlxGa1-x)0.5In0.5P multiple quantum wells (MQW). Spin polarized current is injected via chirality induced spin selectivity (CISS) and the spin accumulation in the III-V semiconductor is detected via the emission of circularly polarized light with a degree of circular polarization of up to ~ 15%. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) cross sectional imaging indicate a pristine perovskite/III-V interface. These findings demonstrate chiral perovskite semiconductors transform well-developed semiconductor platforms to enable control over spin, charge, and light

    Levumi: A Web-Based Curriculum-Based Measruement to Monitor Learning Progress in Inclusive Classrooms

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    Our paper introduces and assesses the Levumi platform’s web-based assessment of reading fluency. One challenges of inclusive education is meeting the needs of the learners with special education needs (SEN). Children with SEN and other risk factors face an increased risk of failing in schools and manifesting academic and social problems over the time. Web-based curriculum-based measurement (CBM) can provide an effective tool to track progress of learners and limit such risks. In particular, it can ease the challenges of test administration in inclusive classrooms through automation and providing multiple difficulty levels without the need of different paper-forms. Furthermore, Levumi can help educators track children and thus provide support for learners. Levumi takes advantage of the strengths of web-based CBM to assess reading fluency in primary school students. We confirmed the reading fluency test’s test-retest reliability (n = 334), its ability to measure learning over time in individual learners with SEN (n = 8, across 14 MPs), and its applicability to learners with SEN (n = 300, including n = 46 with SEN). We evaluate Levumi’s overall usefulness in assessing different types of learners, and discuss its contributions to CBM research

    Catalysing sustainable fuel and chemical synthesis

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    Concerns over the economics of proven fossil fuel reserves, in concert with government and public acceptance of the anthropogenic origin of rising CO2 emissions and associated climate change from such combustible carbon, are driving academic and commercial research into new sustainable routes to fuel and chemicals. The quest for such sustainable resources to meet the demands of a rapidly rising global population represents one of this century’s grand challenges. Here, we discuss catalytic solutions to the clean synthesis of biodiesel, the most readily implemented and low cost, alternative source of transportation fuels, and oxygenated organic molecules for the manufacture of fine and speciality chemicals to meet future societal demands


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    The screen has a base plate (6) with a smooth, incident-ray surface (8) facing the sunlight. A reflection surface (16) faces away from the incident surface and which is formed by parallel, adjacent longitudinal protuberances. The plate is covered by a counter plate (7) on the reflection surface. The side of the counter plate facing away from the base plate has a smooth surface (9) parallel with the incident surface. The side of the counter plate facing the reflection surface has a negative surface (17) corresponding to the structure of the reflection surface. A gap (13) of constant thickness is formed between the base plate and counter plate or between the reflection and negative surfaces. ADVANTAGE - The sun screen strips can be seen through and do not distort vision

    Systematisches Review von Lernverlaufsmessung im Bereich der frĂŒhen LeseflĂŒssigkeit

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    Mit Hilfe von Lernverlaufsmessungen können LehrkrĂ€fte Schwierigkeiten im Leseerwerb identifizieren und eine passende Förderung initiieren. Die LeseflĂŒssigkeit ist ein robuster Indikator der Lesekompetenz, fĂŒr die mehrere formative Testverfahren konstruiert wurden. In diesem systematischen Review werden empirisch belegte formative Testverfahren fĂŒr den Leseunterricht der ersten drei Schuljahre dargestellt und die aktuelle Entwicklung fĂŒr die Schulpraxis sowie wissenschaftliche Forschung abgeleitet. Insgesamt wurden acht Testverfahren zur LeseflĂŒssigkeit aus begutachteten nationalen und internationalen Zeitschriften identifiziert. Die Entwicklungen, Gestalt und Evaluationen dieser Verfahren werden im Hinblick auf zukĂŒnftige ForschungsbemĂŒhungen ausgewertet, synthetisiert und diskutiert. Die Testverfahren sind ĂŒberwiegend unabhĂ€ngig von Testbatterien oder Förderkonzepten, als pen&paper Version verfĂŒgbar und nach klassischer Testtheorie konstruiert. Besonders die ÜberprĂŒfung mittels der Item-Response-Theorie und die Messinvarianz sowie die Nutzung digitaler Versionen stehen fĂŒr diese Testverfahren noch aus. (DIPF/Orig.). With the help of formative assessment instruments, teachers can identify and support children who have reading difficulties. Reading fluency is a robust indicator of reading ability in many existing formative assessments. This systematic literature review discusses different tests for the formative assessment of reading fluency in grades 1 to 3 and makes scientific recommendations for their scientific development and practical use. In total, eight formative assessments of reading fluency were identified from national and international peer reviewed journals. This review describes how these eight formative assessment instruments have been developed, how they are used, and how the test outcomes are evaluated. The aim is to offer implications for future research. These assessments are independent from existing test batteries or materials, they are administered by pen and paper, and were constructed based on classical test theory. Future research can test these assessment instruments with item-response-theory, estimate their measurement invariance, and validate computer-based test versions. (DIPF/Orig.)

    Effects of curriculum-based measurement (CBM) for progess monitoring in reading and an additive reading in second classes

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    In this study, poor readers in second school year were selected from three schools (n = 32). Their reading skills were surveyed weekly using a CBM instrument over one school semester. Furthermore, they were supported by a five-week reading fluency instruction. The majority of students increased their weekly learning growth in regular teaching and in the phase with the additive instruction. The weekly learning growth was higher in the phase with the additive instruction in reading syllables (b = 0.69), reading words (b = 0.44) and reading comprehension at sentence level (b = 0.45) than without (reading syllables: b = 0.49; reading words: b = 0.18; reading comprehension: b = 0.30). Based on the results of this study, the benefit of CBM for adaptive reading instruction will be discussed. In dieser Studie wurden leseschwache SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler (n = 32) ausgewĂ€hlt. Deren Lesekompetenzen wurden wöchentlich mit einem CBM-Instrument ĂŒber ein Schulhalbjahr erhoben. ZusĂ€tzlich nahmen sie an einer fĂŒnfwöchigen LeseflĂŒssigkeitsförderung teil. Die Mehrheit der SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler konnte ihre Lesekompetenzen in der Phase ohne und mit der zusĂ€tzlichen Leseinstruktion steigern. Der wöchentliche Lernzuwachs war in der Phase mit der zusĂ€tzlichen Förderung im Silbenlesen (b = 0,69), im Wörterlesen (b = 0,44) und im sinnentnehmenden Lesen auf Satzebene (b = 0,45) höher als ohne die Förderung (Silbenlesen: b = 0,49; Wörterlesen b = 0,18; LeseverstĂ€ndnis: b = 0,30). Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse dieser Studie wird der Nutzen von CBM fĂŒr den adaptiven Leseunterricht diskutiert

    Generated Lamella

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    The hierarchical organization of information is dominant in the setup of tectonic structures. In order to overcome the inherent limitations of these systems, self-organization is proposed as a means for future design. The paper exemplifies this within the research project “Lamel la Flock”. The research takes its point of departure in the structural abilities of the wooden Zollinger system: a traditional structural lamella system distributed as a woven pattern of interconnected beams. Where the original system has a very limited set of achievable geometries our research introduces an understanding of beam elements as autonomous entities with sensorymotor behaviour. By this means freeform structures can be achieved Through computation and methods of self-organization, the project investigates how to design and build with a system based on multiple and circular dependencies. Hereby the agent system negotiates between design intent, tectonic needs, and production. The project demonstrates how real-time interactive modelling can be hybridized with agent-based design strategies and how this environment can be linked to physical production. The use of knowledge embedded into the system as well as the flow of information between dynamic processes, Finite Element Calculation and machinery was key for linking the speculative with the physical
