21 research outputs found

    Effect of sleep on experience sampling method

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    Abstract. Digital data collection is practically the norm in current research. Countless studies make use of questionnaires and separate data collection methods in aim to gather scientific data from research subjects. Experience Sampling Method (ESM) collects data using stand-alone reports, very much like in traditional diary surveys. Such an approach reduces the risk of errors caused by subjects memory and reconstruction phase of past experiences. By minimising potential points of failure, data can be made more reliable. In addition, this allows data collection to be targeted at main points of the study. Purpose of the study is to explore the impact of ESM surveys on the participants, and further how the methodological questionnaires affect the surveys results. The study makes use of a mobile application used for data collection, a server connection, as well as a database for storing the results. The results did not allow drawing of direct links between ESM responses and sleep quality, albeit importance of timing of the ESM questions was identified, need of a necessary saturation of sleep data was confirmed, and an observation was made that the parameters contributing to the same metric should be placed close together timewise


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    TiivistelmÀ. TÀmÀ kandidaatintutkielma on seikkailu arbitraasin ympÀrillÀ. LÀhden etsimÀÀn mahdollisuuksia varmaa voittoa, kunnes nopeasti huomaan, ettÀ juuri arbitraasin mahdottomuus tekee siitÀ niin merkityksellisen. Aluksi tutustun arbitraasin kÀsitteeseen ja merkitykseen. Tutustun perusteellisesti hinnan muodostumiseen ja tÀydellisen markkinan perusteisiin. Arrow-Debreu-arvopaperien ja arbitraasin mahdottomuuden kÀsitteen kautta saan ensimmÀisen kosketuksen aika-tila avaruuteen. Arbitraasiin kÀytÀnnössÀ tutustun option hinnoittelun mallin, yleisen tasapainotilan analyysin ja markkinoiden tÀydellisyyden avulla. Arbitraasin merkitys yritysten arvostamisessa, varallisuusesineiden hinnoittelussa ja rahoitusmarkkinoiden tutkimuksessa selviÀÀ

    Itseisarvo, jana ja pistejoukon yhtÀlö lukion matematiikassa

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    TiivistelmÀ. TÀmÀ pro gradu -tutkielma on osa Oulun yliopiston Avoin oppikirja -projektia, jossa tuotetaan avointa oppimateriaalia lukion matematiikan kursseille. Tutkielma kattaa pitkÀn matematiikan Analyyttinen geometria (MAA5) -kurssin aiheista itseisarvon, janan ja pistejoukon yhtÀlön. Itseisarvoista kÀydÀÀn lÀpi itseisarvon mÀÀritelmÀ, kahden luvun vÀlinen etÀisyys sekÀ itseisarvon ominaisuuksia. ItseisarvoyhtÀlöistÀ tutkielmassa kÀsitellÀÀn muotoa |f(x)|=a olevia yhtÀlöitÀ. Haastavammat itseisarvoyhtÀlöt ja itseisarvoepÀyhtÀlöt on rajattu tÀmÀn tutkielman ulkopuolelle. JanatehtÀvissÀ keskiössÀ ovat kahden pisteen vÀlinen etÀisyys eli janan pituus sekÀ janan keskipisteen mÀÀrittÀminen. TehtÀvissÀ on huomioitu lukion kurssijÀrjestykseen tullut muutos, jonka myötÀ vektorit kÀsitellÀÀn jo ennen analyyttisen geometrian kurssia. Sen vuoksi janatehtÀvissÀ hyödynnetÀÀn myös vektoriesityksiÀ. Pistejoukon yhtÀlöÀ puolestaan kÀsitellÀÀn vain yleisellÀ tasolla, eikÀ esimerkiksi suoran, paraabelin tai ympyrÀn yhtÀlöihin paneuduta tÀssÀ tutkielmassa tarkemmin. Tutkielman tavoitteena on luoda oppimateriaalia, jossa opiskeltava teoria rakennetaan pohdintatehtÀvien kautta samalla kehittÀen opiskelijan matemaattista ajattelua. TehtÀvissÀ kiinnitetÀÀn huomiota siihen, ettÀ opiskelijat esimerkiksi selittÀvÀt omaa ajatusprosessiaan tai analysoivat ja vertailevat valmiita ratkaisuja. NÀin haastetaan opiskelija todella kehittÀmÀÀn ymmÀrrystÀÀn opiskeltavista aiheista pelkÀn mekaanisen kaavan pyörittelyn sijaan. TÀllaiset tehtÀvÀtyypit ovat myös matematiikan sÀhköistymisen myötÀ entistÀ ajankohtaisempia. Oppikirjan tavoitteet pohjautuvat lukion opetussuunnitelman perusteisiin sekÀ projektiryhmÀn kanssa tieteellisistÀ artikkeleista valittuihin yhteisiin tavoitteisiin. Artikkelin Habits of Mind: An Organizing Principle for Mathematics Curricula pohjalta yhteiseksi tavoitteeksi sovittiin, ettÀ oppikirjan tulisi kehittÀÀ opiskelijoiden kykyÀ olla visualisoijia ("visualizers"), kuvailijoita ("describers") ja kokeilijoita ("experimenters"). NÀitÀ matemaattisen ajattelun malleja kehitetÀÀn oppikirjassa useilla eri tavoilla. Tutkielmassa on eritelty tarkemmin, mitkÀ valinnat oppimateriaalissa edistÀvÀt mitÀkin ajattelun mallia. Oppikirjassa painotettavien ajattelun mallien lisÀksi valittiin myös kolme erilaista tehtÀvÀtyyppiÀ, joita kirjaan tulee sisÀllyttÀÀ. TehtÀvÀtyypit ovat Malcolm Swanin artikkelista Collaborative Learning in Mathematics, jossa esitellÀÀn useita erilaisia tehtÀvÀtyyppejÀ matematiikan oppimisen tehostamiseksi. NÀistÀ valittiin kirjaan sisÀllytettÀviksi tehtÀvÀtyypeiksi erilaisten ratkaisutapojen vertaaminen, ratkaisun vÀlivaiheiden jÀrjestÀminen ja matemaattisten vÀitelauseiden arvioiminen. TÀhÀn tutkielmaan kuuluvassa kirjan osassa nÀistÀ esiintyvÀt ratkaisutapojen vertaaminen sekÀ vÀitteiden arvioiminen. Tutkielma koostuu viidestÀ eri osiosta, joista ensimmÀisessÀ avataan edellÀ mainittuja oppikirjan tavoitteita. TÀtÀ seuraa niin ikÀÀn tieteellisiin artikkeleihin nojautuva osio, jossa perustellaan oppimateriaalissa tehtyjÀ ratkaisuja. Kolmantena osiona on opiskelijalle suunnattu varsinainen oppimateriaali, jota seuraa puolestaan opettajalle suunnattu oppimateriaalin kÀyttöÀ tukeva opettajan opas. Lopussa on vielÀ oppimateriaalissa esiintyvien tehtÀvien vastaukset. Oppimateriaali on suunniteltu kÀytettÀvÀksi yhdessÀ opettajan kanssa, mutta sitÀ on mahdollista hyödyntÀÀ myös itseopiskelumateriaalina. TÀllöin opiskelijan voi olla hyödyllistÀ tutustua myös opettajan oppaan sisÀltöihin, jotta tehtÀvien taustalla olevat ajatukset tulevat varmasti ymmÀrretyiksi

    RyhmÀn osajoukon generoima aliryhmÀ ja vapaat ryhmÀt

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    Tutkielma kÀsittelee ryhmÀteoriaa ja siinÀ mÀÀritellÀÀn yleisellÀ tasolla ryhmÀn osajoukon generoima aliryhmÀ sekÀ vapaa ryhmÀ

    Indirect Temperature Measurement and Control Method for Cell Culture Devices

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    Microfluidic devices are promising tools with which to create an environment that mimics a cell's natural microenvironment more closely than traditional macroscopic cell culture approaches. In these devices, temperature is one of the most important environmental factors to monitor and control. However, direct temperature measurement at the cell area can disturb cell growth and potentially prevent optical monitoring, and is typically difficult to implement. On the other hand, indirect measurement could overcome these challenges. Therefore, using the system identification method, we have developed models to estimate the cell area temperature from external measurements without interfering cells. In order to validate the proposed models, we performed large sets of experiments. The results show that the models are able to catch the dynamics of temperature in a desired area with a high level of accuracy, which means that indirect temperature measurement using the model can be implemented in the future cell culture studies. The usefulness of the model is also demonstrated by simulations that use estimated temperature as a feedback signal in a closed-loop system. We also present tuning of a model-based controller and a noise study, which shows that the tuned controller is robust for typical ambient room temperature variations.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Antibody prevalence against haemorrhagic fever viruses in randomized representative central african populations

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    De janvier 1985 Ă  juin 1987, des Ă©chantillons de population statistiquement reprĂ©sentatifs de zone ciblĂ©es dans diffĂ©rents Ă©cosystĂšme ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©s dans six pays d'Afrique centrale (Cameroun, Congo, Gabon, GuinĂ©e Equatoriale, Tchad, et RĂ©publique Centrafricaine) : 5070 sĂ©rums ont pu ĂȘtre testĂ©s par immunofluorescence indirecte contre les antigĂšnes des virus responsables des fiĂšvres hĂ©morragiques les plus rĂ©pandues en Afrique. La prĂ©sence d'anticorps pour chacun de ces virus a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ©e Ă  des taux variables en fonction de l'agent pathogĂšne et des zones explorĂ©es : fiĂšvre de CrimĂ©e-Congo (0,22 %), fiĂšvre de la vallĂ©e du Rift (0,18%) maladie d'Ebola (12,40%), maladie de Marburg (0,39%), la fiĂšvre de Lassa (0,06 %) et fiĂšvre hĂ©morragique avec syndrome rĂ©nal (6,15 %) (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur

    Molecular epidemiology of hereditary ataxia in Finland

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    Abstract Background: The genetics of cerebellar ataxia is complex. Hundreds of causative genes have been identified, but only a few cause more than single cases. The spectrum of ataxia-causing genes differs considerably between populations. The aim of the study was to investigate the molecular epidemiology of ataxia in the Finnish population. Patients and methods: All patients in hospital database were reviewed for the diagnosis of unspecified ataxia. Acquired ataxias and nongenetic ataxias such as those related to infection, trauma or stroke were excluded. Sixty patients with sporadic ataxia with unknown etiology and 36 patients with familial ataxia of unknown etiology were recruited in the study. Repeat expansions in the SCA genes (ATXN1, 2, 3, 7, 8/OS, CACNA1A, TBP), FXN, and RFC1 were determined. Point mutations in POLG, SPG7 and in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were investigated. In addition, DNA from 8 patients was exome sequenced. Results: A genetic cause of ataxia was found in 33 patients (34.4%). Seven patients had a dominantly inherited repeat expansion in ATXN8/OS. Ten patients had mitochondrial ataxia resulting from mutations in nuclear mitochondrial genes POLG or RARS2, or from a point mutation m.8561C > G or a single deletion in mtDNA. Interestingly, five patients were biallelic for the recently identified pathogenic repeat expansion in RFC1. All the five patients presented with the phenotype of cerebellar ataxia, neuropathy, and vestibular areflexia (CANVAS). Moreover, screening of 54 patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy revealed four additional patients with biallelic repeat expansion in RFC1, but none of them had cerebellar symptoms. Conclusions: Expansion in ATXN8/OS results in the majority of dominant ataxias in Finland, while mutations in RFC1 and POLG are the most common cause of recessive ataxias. Our results suggest that analysis of RFC1 should be included in the routine diagnostics of idiopathic ataxia and Charcot-Marie-Tooth polyneuropathy

    Antibody prevalence against haemorrhagic fever viruses in randomized representative central african populations

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    De janvier 1985 Ă  juin 1987, des Ă©chantillons de population statistiquement reprĂ©sentatifs de zone ciblĂ©es dans diffĂ©rents Ă©cosystĂšme ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©s dans six pays d'Afrique centrale (Cameroun, Congo, Gabon, GuinĂ©e Equatoriale, Tchad, et RĂ©publique Centrafricaine) : 5070 sĂ©rums ont pu ĂȘtre testĂ©s par immunofluorescence indirecte contre les antigĂšnes des virus responsables des fiĂšvres hĂ©morragiques les plus rĂ©pandues en Afrique. La prĂ©sence d'anticorps pour chacun de ces virus a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ©e Ă  des taux variables en fonction de l'agent pathogĂšne et des zones explorĂ©es : fiĂšvre de CrimĂ©e-Congo (0,22 %), fiĂšvre de la vallĂ©e du Rift (0,18%) maladie d'Ebola (12,40%), maladie de Marburg (0,39%), la fiĂšvre de Lassa (0,06 %) et fiĂšvre hĂ©morragique avec syndrome rĂ©nal (6,15 %) (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur

    Genetic basis and outcome in a nationwide study of Finnish patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    Abstract Aims: Nationwide large‐scale genetic and outcome studies in cohorts with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) have not been previously published. Methods and results: We sequenced 59 cardiomyopathy‐associated genes in 382 unrelated Finnish patients with HCM and found 24 pathogenic or likely pathogenic mutations in six genes in 38.2% of patients. Most mutations were located in sarcomere genes (MYBPC3, MYH7, TPM1, and MYL2). Previously reported mutations by our study group (MYBPC3‐Gln1061Ter, MYH7‐Arg1053Gln, and TPM1‐Asp175Asn) and a fourth major mutation MYH7‐Val606Met accounted for 28.0% of cases. Mutations in GLA and PRKAG2 were found in three patients. Furthermore, we found 49 variants of unknown significance in 31 genes in 20.4% of cases. During a 6.7 ± 4.2 year follow‐up, annual all‐cause mortality in 482 index patients and their relatives with HCM was higher than that in the matched Finnish population (1.70 vs. 0.87%; P < 0.001). Sudden cardiac deaths were rare (n = 8). Systolic heart failure (hazard ratio 17.256, 95% confidence interval 3.266–91.170, P = 0.001) and maximal left ventricular wall thickness (hazard ratio 1.223, 95% confidence interval 1.098–1.363, P < 0.001) were independent predictors of HCM‐related mortality and life‐threatening cardiac events. The patients with a pathogenic or likely pathogenic mutation underwent an implantable cardioverter defibrillator implantation more often than patients without a pathogenic or likely pathogenic mutation (12.9 vs. 3.5%, P < 0.001), but there was no difference in all‐cause or HCM‐related mortality between the two groups. Mortality due to HCM during 10 year follow‐up among the 5.2 million population of Finland was studied from death certificates of the National Registry, showing 269 HCM‐related deaths, of which 32% were sudden. Conclusions: We identified pathogenic and likely pathogenic mutations in 38% of Finnish patients with HCM. Four major sarcomere mutations accounted for 28% of HCM cases, whereas HCM‐related mutations in non‐sarcomeric genes were rare. Mortality in patients with HCM exceeded that of the general population. Finally, among 5.2 million Finns, there were at least 27 HCM‐related deaths annually.Acknowledgements The FinHCM Study Group: Helena Kervinen10 (HyvinkÀÀ Hospital, HyvinkÀÀ, Finland), Juha Mustonen11 (North Karelia Central Hospital, Joensuu, Finland), Jukka Juvonen12 (Kainuu Central Hospital, Kajaani, Finland), Mari Niemi13 (Kokkola Central Hospital, Kokkola, Finland), Paavo Uusimaa14 (Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland), Juhani Junttila14 (Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland), Matti Kotila15 (SeinĂ€joki Central Hospital, SeinĂ€joki, Finland), Mikko PietilĂ€16 (Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland), Heini JyrkilĂ€17 (University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland), Ilkka MĂ€hönen18 (University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland), Paula Vartia19 (University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland)