1,038 research outputs found

    c â—‹ 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands. Bayesian Object Localisation in Images

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    Abstract. A Bayesian approach to intensity-based object localisation is presented that employs a learned probabilistic model of image filter-bank output, applied via Monte Carlo methods, to escape the inefficiency of exhaustive search. An adequate probabilistic account of image data requires intensities both in the foreground (i.e. over the object), and in the background, to be modelled. Some previous approaches to object localisation by Monte Carlo methods have used models which, we claim, do not fully address the issue of the statistical independence of image intensities. It is addressed here by applying to each image a bank of filters whose outputs are approximately statistically independent. Distributions of the responses of individual filters, over foreground and background, are learned from training data. These distributions are then used to define a joint distribution for the output of the filter bank, conditioned on object configuration, and this serves as an observation likelihood for use in probabilistic inference about localisation. The effectiveness of probabilistic object localisation in image clutter, using Bayesian Localisation, is illustrated. Because it is a Monte Carlo method, it produces not simply a single estimate of object configuration, but an entire sample from the posterior distribution for the configuration. This makes sequential inference of configuration possible. Two examples are illustrated here: coarse to fine scale inference, and propagation of configuration estimates over time, in image sequences. Keywords: vision, object location, Monte Carlo, filter-bank, statistical independenc

    Data association and occlusion handling for vision-based people tracking by mobile robots

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    This paper presents an approach for tracking multiple persons on a mobile robot with a combination of colour and thermal vision sensors, using several new techniques. First, an adaptive colour model is incorporated into the measurement model of the tracker. Second, a new approach for detecting occlusions is introduced, using a machine learning classifier for pairwise comparison of persons (classifying which one is in front of the other). Third, explicit occlusion handling is incorporated into the tracker. The paper presents a comprehensive, quantitative evaluation of the whole system and its different components using several real world data sets

    Magnetodielectric effect in nickel nanosheet-Na-4 mica composites

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    Nickel nanosheets of thickness 0.6 nm were grown within the nanochannels of Na-4 mica template. The specimens show magnetodielectric effect at room temperature with a change of dielectric constant as a function of magnetic field, the electric field frequency varying from 100 to 700 kHz. A decrease of 5% in the value of dielectric constant was observed up to a field of 1.2 Tesla. This is explained by an inhomogeneous two-component composite model as theoretically proposed recently. The present approach will open up synthesis of various nanocomposites for sensor applications.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Identifying Highly Connected Counties Compensates for Resource Limitations when Evaluating National Spread of an Invasive Pathogen

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    Surveying invasive species can be highly resource intensive, yet near-real-time evaluations of invasion progress are important resources for management planning. In the case of the soybean rust invasion of the United States, a linked monitoring, prediction, and communication network saved U.S. soybean growers approximately $200 M/yr. Modeling of future movement of the pathogen (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) was based on data about current disease locations from an extensive network of sentinel plots. We developed a dynamic network model for U.S. soybean rust epidemics, with counties as nodes and link weights a function of host hectarage and wind speed and direction. We used the network model to compare four strategies for selecting an optimal subset of sentinel plots, listed here in order of increasing performance: random selection, zonal selection (based on more heavily weighting regions nearer the south, where the pathogen overwinters), frequency-based selection (based on how frequently the county had been infected in the past), and frequency-based selection weighted by the node strength of the sentinel plot in the network model. When dynamic network properties such as node strength are characterized for invasive species, this information can be used to reduce the resources necessary to survey and predict invasion progress

    Geologic Setting of Eclogite-facies Assemblages in the St. Cyr Klippe, Yukon–Tanana Terrane, Yukon, Canada

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    The St. Cyr area near Quiet Lake hosts well preserved to variably retrogressed eclogite found as sub-metre to hundreds of metre-long lenses within quartzofeldspathic schist in south-central Yukon, Canada. The St. Cyr klippe consists of structurally imbricated, polydeformed and polymetamorphosed units of continental arc crust and ultramafic–mafic rocks. Eclogite-bearing quartzofeldspathic schist forms thrust slices in a 30 km long by 6 km wide, northwest-striking outcrop belt. The schist unit comprises metasedimentary and felsic intrusive rocks that are intercalated on the metre to tens of metres scale. Ultramafic rocks, serpentinite and associated greenschist-facies metagabbro form imbricated tectonic slices within the eclogite-bearing quartzofeldspathic unit, which led to a previously held hypothesis that eclogite was exhumed within a tectonic mélange. The presence of phengite and Permian zircon crystallized under eclogite-facies metamorphic conditions in the quartzofeldspathic host rocks indicate that the eclogite was metamorphosed in situ together with the schist as a coherent unit that was part of the continental arc crust of the Yukon–Tanana terrane, rather than a mélange associated with the subduction of oceanic crust of the Slide Mountain terrane. Petrological, geochemical, geochronological and structural similarities link St. Cyr eclogite to other high-pressure localities within Yukon, indicating the high-pressure assemblages form a larger lithotectonic unit within the Yukon–Tanana terrane.RÉSUMÉLa région de St-Cyr renferme des éclogites bien conservées à légèrement rétrogradées qui se présentent sous forme de lentilles allant de la fraction de mètre à quelques centaines de mètres de longueur, au sein d’un schiste quartzofeldspathique du centre-sud du Yukon au Canada. La klippe de St-Cyr est structurellement constituée d’unités imbriquées, polydéformées et polymétamorphisées de croûte d’arc continental et de roches ultramafiques à mafiques. Les schistes quartzofeldspathiques à lentilles d’éclogites forment des écailles de chevauchement d’une bande de 30 km de longueur par 6 km de largeur de direction nord-ouest. Les schistes sont constitués de roches métasédimentaires et de roches intrusives felsiques intercalées à des intervalles qui vont du mètre à quelques dizaines de mètres. Les roches ultramafiques, serpentinites et métagabbros au facies à schiste vert forment des écailles tectoniques imbriquées au sein de l’unité quartzofeldspathique à lentilles d’éclogite, d’où une précédente hypothèse voulant que les éclogites soient un produit d’exhumation à partir d’un mélange tectonique. La présence de phengite et de zircon permien cristallisé sous conditions métamorphiques du faciès à éclogite au sein de la roche hôte quartzofeldspathique indiquent que l’éclogite a été métamorphisée en place, avec le schiste comme unité cohérente du terrane de croûte d’arc continental de Yukon–Tanana, plutôt qu’un mélange associé à une subduction de croûte océanique du terrane de Slide Mountain. Des similarités pétrologiques, géochimiques, géochronologiques et structurales lient les éclogites de St-Cyr à d’autres lieux de hautes pressions au Yukon, ce qui indique que les assemblages de hautes pressions forment une unité lithotectonique plus grande au sein du terrane de Yukon–Tanana

    A variational assimilation method for satellite and conventional data: development of basic model for diagnosis of cyclone systems

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    In the 1995 ISWS Publications Catalog, the citation for this work is listed as ISWS MP no. 89. A note in the ISWS publications database indicates that ISWS MP 89 was issued as NASA Contractor Report 3981, prepared for George C. Marshall Space Flight Center under Contract NAS8-34902. The ISWS Miscellaneous Publication series statement has been added to the record on the basis of these sources, although there is no reference to the ISWS MP series in the work itself.A summary is presented of the progress toward the completion of a comprehensive diagnostic objective analysis system based upon the calculus of variations. The approach was to first develop the objective analysis subject to the constraints that the final product satisfies the five basic primitive equations for a dry inviscid atmosphere: the two nonlinear horizontal momentum equations, the continuity equation, the hydrostatic equation, and the thermodynamic equation. Then, having derived the basic model, there would be added to it the equations for moist atmospheric processes and the radiative transfer equation.published or submitted for publicationOpe

    Conformational Free-Energy Landscapes for a Peptide in Saline Environments

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    AbstractThe conformations that proteins adopt in solution are a function of both their primary structure and surrounding aqueous environment. Recent experimental and computational work on small peptides, e.g., polyK, polyE, and polyR, have highlighted an interesting and unusual behavior in the presence of aqueous ions such as ClO4−, Na+, and K+. Notwithstanding the aforementioned studies, as of this writing, the nature of the driving force induced by the presence of ions and its role on the conformational stability of peptides remains only partially understood. Molecular-dynamics simulations have been performed on the heptapeptide AEAAAEA in NaCl and KCl solutions at concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 M. Metadynamics in conjunction with a three-dimensional model reaction coordinate was used to sample the conformational space of the peptide. All simulations were run for 2 μs. Free-energy landscapes were computed over the model reaction coordinate for the peptide in each saline assay as well as in the absence of ions. Circular dichroism spectra were also calculated from each trajectory. In the presence of Na+ and K+ ions, no increase in helicity is observed with respect to the conformation in pure water

    Improved Methods for Observing CP Violation in B+/- --> K+/- D0 and Measuring the CKM Phase gamma

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    Various methods are discussed for obtaining the CKM angle gamma through the interference of the charged B-meson decay channels B- -> K- D0 and B- -> K- D0-bar where the D0 and D0-bar decay to common final states. It is found that choosing final states which are not CP eigenstates can lead to large direct CP violation which can give significant bounds on gamma without any theoretical assumptions. If two or more modes are studied, gamma may be extracted with a precision on the order of +/-15 degrees given about 10^8 B-mesons. We also discuss the case of three body decays of the D0 where additional information may be obtained from the distribution of the D0 decay products and consider the impact of D-D-bar oscillations.Comment: 51 pages 8 figures, typo in equation 33 correcte
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