11 research outputs found

    Popis vrsta lisnih uši natpor. Aphidoidea (Hemiptera, Homoptera, Sternorrhyncha) u Hrvatskoj

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    A check-list of aphids in Croatia is presented, with a list of references including the unpublished Igrc Barčić and Dinarina papers on aphid identification in the archives of the Department for Agricultural Zoology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb and the results of Gotlin Čuljak from the period 1996–1998, performed for the first time in Croatia (GOTLIN ČULJAK, 2001). In the reference list, 156 species have been described, and there are additional unpublished identifications (Igrc Barčić described 24 species, Dinarina 6 species). GOTLIN ČULJAK (2001) described the presence of 83 aphid species, of which 13 are completely new for the Croatian fauna. These are the following species: Callipterinella calliptera Harting, 1841; Callipterinella minutissima Stroyan, 1953; Chaitophorus populeti Panzer, 1805; Drepanosiphum acerinum Walker, 1838; Drepanosiphum aceris Koch, 1855; Drepanosiphum dixoni Hille Ris Lambers, 1971; Eulachnus sp. del Guercio, 1909; Hormaphis betulae Mordvilko, 1901; Hyperomyzus lampsanae Börner, 1932; Macrosiphum gei Koch, 1855; Periphyllus californiensis Shinji, 1917; Tinocallis platani Kaltenbach, 1842 and Tuberculatus (Tuberculoides) moerickei Hille Ris Lambers, 1974. The check-list contains 199 aphid species, categorised in 3 families, 10 subfamilies, 16 tribes and 84 genera.Pregledom literaturnih podataka, pisanih materijala o determinacijama lisnih uši Igrc Barčić i Dinarina koji se nalaze u arhivu Zavoda za poljoprivrednu zoologiju, Agronomski fakultet Zagreb te faunističkih istraživanja Gotlin Čuljak u razdoblju od 1996–1998 napravljen je prvi popis lisnih uši u Hrvatskoj (GOTLIN ČULJAK, 2001). Pregledom literature utvrđena je prisutnost 156 vrsta, neobjavljene determinacije Igrc Barčić sadrže 24, a Dinarina 6 vrsta. GOTLIN ČULJAK (2001) faunističkim istraživanjem utvrđuje prisutnost 83 vrste lisnih uši od čega je 13 potpuno novih u fauni Hrvatske. To su slijedeće vrste: Callipterinella calliptera Harting, 1841; Callipterinella minutissima Stroyan, 1953; Chaitophorus populeti Panzer, 1805; Drepanosiphum acerinum Walker, 1838; Drepanosiphum aceris Koch, 1855; Drepanosiphum dixoni Hille Ris Lambers, 1971; Eulachnus sp. del Guercio, 1909; Hormaphis betulae Mordvilko, 1901; Hyperomyzus lampsanae Börner, 1932; Macrosiphum gei Koch, 1855; Periphyllus californiensis Shinji, 1917; Tinocallis platani Kaltenbach, 1842 i Tuberculatus (Tuberculoides) moerickei Hille Ris Lambers, 1974. Popis lisnih uši Hrvatske, uključujući i novoutvrđene vrste, sadrži 199 vrsta svrstanih u 3 porodice, 10 potporodica, 16 tribusa i 84 roda

    Popis vrsta lisnih uši natpor. Aphidoidea (Hemiptera, Homoptera, Sternorrhyncha) u Hrvatskoj

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    A check-list of aphids in Croatia is presented, with a list of references including the unpublished Igrc Barčić and Dinarina papers on aphid identification in the archives of the Department for Agricultural Zoology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb and the results of Gotlin Čuljak from the period 1996–1998, performed for the first time in Croatia (GOTLIN ČULJAK, 2001). In the reference list, 156 species have been described, and there are additional unpublished identifications (Igrc Barčić described 24 species, Dinarina 6 species). GOTLIN ČULJAK (2001) described the presence of 83 aphid species, of which 13 are completely new for the Croatian fauna. These are the following species: Callipterinella calliptera Harting, 1841; Callipterinella minutissima Stroyan, 1953; Chaitophorus populeti Panzer, 1805; Drepanosiphum acerinum Walker, 1838; Drepanosiphum aceris Koch, 1855; Drepanosiphum dixoni Hille Ris Lambers, 1971; Eulachnus sp. del Guercio, 1909; Hormaphis betulae Mordvilko, 1901; Hyperomyzus lampsanae Börner, 1932; Macrosiphum gei Koch, 1855; Periphyllus californiensis Shinji, 1917; Tinocallis platani Kaltenbach, 1842 and Tuberculatus (Tuberculoides) moerickei Hille Ris Lambers, 1974. The check-list contains 199 aphid species, categorised in 3 families, 10 subfamilies, 16 tribes and 84 genera.Pregledom literaturnih podataka, pisanih materijala o determinacijama lisnih uši Igrc Barčić i Dinarina koji se nalaze u arhivu Zavoda za poljoprivrednu zoologiju, Agronomski fakultet Zagreb te faunističkih istraživanja Gotlin Čuljak u razdoblju od 1996–1998 napravljen je prvi popis lisnih uši u Hrvatskoj (GOTLIN ČULJAK, 2001). Pregledom literature utvrđena je prisutnost 156 vrsta, neobjavljene determinacije Igrc Barčić sadrže 24, a Dinarina 6 vrsta. GOTLIN ČULJAK (2001) faunističkim istraživanjem utvrđuje prisutnost 83 vrste lisnih uši od čega je 13 potpuno novih u fauni Hrvatske. To su slijedeće vrste: Callipterinella calliptera Harting, 1841; Callipterinella minutissima Stroyan, 1953; Chaitophorus populeti Panzer, 1805; Drepanosiphum acerinum Walker, 1838; Drepanosiphum aceris Koch, 1855; Drepanosiphum dixoni Hille Ris Lambers, 1971; Eulachnus sp. del Guercio, 1909; Hormaphis betulae Mordvilko, 1901; Hyperomyzus lampsanae Börner, 1932; Macrosiphum gei Koch, 1855; Periphyllus californiensis Shinji, 1917; Tinocallis platani Kaltenbach, 1842 i Tuberculatus (Tuberculoides) moerickei Hille Ris Lambers, 1974. Popis lisnih uši Hrvatske, uključujući i novoutvrđene vrste, sadrži 199 vrsta svrstanih u 3 porodice, 10 potporodica, 16 tribusa i 84 roda

    Pherocon AM trapping and the “Whole plant count” method — A comparison of two sampling techniques to estimate the WCR adult densities in Central Europe

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    Pherocon AM (PhAM) trapping and visual counting are two commonly used methods for identifying maize fields in the USA that contain a sufficient number of adult western corn rootworms (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte to cause economic root damage by larvae the following year. Therefore, the estimation of adult WCR population plays an important role in management decisions (rotation or treatment). The goals of this study were (1) to compare adult WCR data obtained by PhAM trapping to “whole plant count” data in different maize developmental stages, (2) to determine the period in which the data obtained by both methods show the highest correlation, (3) to determine the regression curve between capture of WCR on PhAM as an independent variable and number of WCR observed by visual plant count, and (4) to determine if the “whole plant count” method can serve as a substitution for PhAM trapping under European conditions. Three samplings were conducted in 2006 in 38 fields in Croatia and one sampling was conducted in 22 fields in Serbia. Sampling in Croatia was conducted when maize plants were in the R 65-69, R 73-77 and R 79-85 developmental stages according to BBCH identification keys of maize. Sampling in Serbia was conducted when maize plants reached R 69-71 developmental stages. Three to six PhAM traps were placed in each 0.5 to 4 ha maize field seven days prior to sampling. Visual counts were conducted on the same day as trap inspections. Adult WCR densities in the PhAM traps were correlated to adult densities on whole plants. Statistical analyses comparing the results of PhAM trapping with the visual “whole plant count” method showed that there is a significant medium to strong correlation between them. Correlation coefficients varied depending on the data used in the analysis. When sampling was conducted in the first half of August (maize developmental stages R 69-77), the correlation coefficients were the highest (r(R 6971) = 0.8677 and r(R 73-77) = 0.706). Coefficients of determination were the highest as well [r2(R 69-71) = 0.753; r2(R 73-77) = 0.4984]. Therefore, the most appropriate period for sampling is during the first half of August. At that time, the majority of the maize plants were between the R 69 and R 77 developmental stages. According to the results, 0.5–1 visually determined adult/plant corresponds to 40 adults/trap/week. This shows that both methods are equally useful for estimating the population densities of WCR in the Central European region

    Climatic, edaphic factors and cropping history help predict click beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae) (Agriotes spp.) abundance

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    It is assumed that the abundance of Agriotes wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae) is affected by agro-ecological factors such as climatic and edaphic factors and the crop/previous crop grown at the sites investigated. The aim of this study, conducted in three different geographic counties in Croatia from 2007 to 2009, was to determine the factors that influence the abundance of adult click beetle of the species Agriotes brevis Cand., Agriotes lineatus (L.), Agriotes obscurus (L.), Agriotes sputator (L.), and Agriotes ustulatus Schall. The mean annual air temperature, total rainfall, percentage of coarse and fine sand, coarse and fine silt and clay, the soil pH, and humus were investigated as potential factors that may influence abundance. Adult click beetle emergence was monitored using sex pheromone traps (YATLORf and VARb3). Exploratory data analysis was preformed via regression tree models and regional differences in Agriotes species\u27 abundance were predicted based on the agro-ecological factors measured. It was found that the best overall predictor of A. brevis abundance was the previous crop grown. Conversely, the best predictor of A. lineatus abundance was the current crop being grown and the percentage of humus. The best predictor of A. obscurus abundance was soil pH in KCl. The best predictor of A. sputator abundance was rainfall. Finally, the best predictors of A. ustulatus abundance were soil pH in KCl and humus. These results may be useful in regional pest control programs or for predicting future outbreaks of these species