228 research outputs found

    Occurrence Patterns of Afrotropical Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in the Climate Space Are Not Correlated with Their Taxonomic Relationships

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    Foci of tick species occur at large spatial scales. They are intrinsically difficult to detect because the effect of geographical factors affecting conceptual influence of climate gradients. Here we use a large dataset of occurrences of ticks in the Afrotropical region to outline the main associations of those tick species with the climate space. Using a principal components reduction of monthly temperature and rainfall values over the Afrotropical region, we describe and compare the climate spaces of ticks in a gridded climate space. The dendrogram of distances among taxa according to occurrences in the climate niche is used to draw functional groups, or clusters of species with similar occurrences in the climate space, as different from morphologically derived (taxonomical) groups. We aim to further define the drivers of species richness and endemism at such a grid as well as niche similarities (climate space overlap) among species. Groups of species, as defined from morphological traits alone, are uncorrelated with functional clusters. Taxonomically related species occur separately in the climate gradients. Species belonging to the same functional group share more niche among them than with species in other functional groups. However, niche equivalency is also low for species within the same taxonomic cluster. Thus, taxa evolving from the same lineage tend to maximize the occupancy of the climate space and avoid overlaps with other species of the same taxonomic group. Richness values are drawn across the gradient of seasonal variation of temperature, higher values observed in a portion of the climate space with low thermal seasonality. Richness and endemism values are weakly correlated with mean values of temperature and rainfall. The most parsimonious explanation for the different taxonomic groups that exhibit common patterns of climate space subdivision is that they have a shared biogeographic history acting over a group of ancestrally co-distributed organisms

    A possible role for Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) rodhaini (Parrot, 1930) in transmission of Leishmania donovani

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Visceral leishmaniasis (VL, kala azar), caused by <it>Leishmania donovani </it>is a major health problem in Sudan and other East African countries. In this region the only proven vectors of <it>L. donovani </it>are <it>Phlebotomus orientalis </it>in eastern Sudan, Ethiopia and Upper Nile areas of Southern Sudan and <it>Phlebotomus martini </it>in Ethiopia, Kenya and Southern Sudan. In this report, we present the first evidence that <it>Phlebotomus rodhaini </it>may also play a role in maintaining transmission of <it>L. donovani </it>between animal reservoir hosts in eastern Sudan. The study was conducted in a zoonotic focus of visceral leishmaniasis in Dinder National Park, eastern Sudan, where previous work showed high infection rates of <it>L. donovani </it>in <it>P. orientalis</it>. Sand flies, captured by CDC traps were dissected and examined for infection with <it>Leishmania </it>parasites. Parasite isolates were subjected to <it>L. donovani </it>specific PCR. Field experiments were also carried out to compare efficiency of rodent baited and un-baited CDC traps in collection of <it>P. rodhaini </it>and determine its man-biting rate.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three female <it>P. rodhain</it>i were found infected with <it>Leishmania </it>parasites in an astonishingly small number of flies captured in three separate field trips. Two of these isolates were typed by molecular methods as <it>L. donovani</it>, while the third isolate was inoculated into a hamster that was subsequently lost. Although <it>P. rodhaini is </it>generally considered a rare species, results obtained in this study indicate that it can readily be captured by rodent-baited traps. Results of human landing collection showed that it rarely bites humans in the area.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It is concluded that <it>P. rodhaini </it>is a possible vector of <it>L. donovani </it>between animal reservoir hosts but is not responsible for infecting humans. It is suggested that the role of <it>P</it>. <it>rodhaini </it>in transmission of <it>L. donovani </it>in other zoonotic foci of visceral leishmaniasis in Africa should be re-examined.</p

    Transport of Babesia venatorum-infected Ixodes ricinus to Norway by northward migrating passerine birds

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bovine babesiosis is regarded as a limited health problem for Norwegian cows, and the incidence has decreased markedly since the 1930s. Rare cases of babesiosis in splenectomised humans from infection with <it>Babesia divergens </it>and <it>B.venatorum </it>have been described. The objective of this study was to determine whether birds can introduce <it>Babesia</it>-infected ticks. There are between 30 and 85 million passerine birds that migrate to Norway every spring.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Passerine birds were examined for ticks at four bird observatories along the southern Norwegian coast during the spring migrations of 2003, 2004 and 2005. The presence of <it>Babesia </it>was detected in the nymphs of <it>Ixodes ricinus </it>by real-time PCR. Positive samples were confirmed using PCR, cloning and phylogenetic analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 512 ticks examined, real-time PCR revealed five to be positive (1.0%). Of these, four generated products that indicated the presence of <it>Babesia </it>spp.; each of these were confirmed to be from <it>Babesia venatorum </it>(EU1). Two of the four <it>B. venatorum</it>-positive ticks were caught from birds having an eastern migratory route (<it>P</it>< 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Birds transport millions of ticks across the North Sea, the Skagerrak and the Kattegat every year. Thus, even with the low prevalence of <it>Babesia</it>-infected ticks, a substantial number of infected ticks will be transported into Norway each year. Therefore, there is a continuous risk for introduction of new <it>Babesia </it>spp. into areas where <it>I. ricinus </it>can survive.</p

    Re-Emergence of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in Central Africa

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    Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) is transmitted to humans through tick-bite or contact with infected blood or tissues from livestock, the main vertebrate hosts in a peri-domestic natural cycle. With numerous outbreaks, a high case fatality rate (3%–30%) and a high risk for nosocomial transmission, CCHFV became a public health concern in Europe and Asia. However virus surveillance in Africa is difficult due to the limited sanitary facilities. Especially, CCHFV occurrence in Central Africa is very poorly described and seems highly in contrast with the temperate to dry environments to which the virus is usually associated with. We described a single human infection that occurred in Democratic Republic of the Congo after nearly 50 years of absence. The phylogenetic analysis suggests that CCHFV enzootic circulation in the area is still ongoing despite the absence of notification, and thus reinforces the need for the medical workers and authorities to be aware of the outbreak risk. The source of infection seemed associated with a forest environment while no link with the usual agro-pastoral risk factors could be identified. More accurate ecological data about CCHFV enzootic cycle are required to assess the risk of emergence in developing countries subjected to deforestation

    Detection, Isolation and Confirmation of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in Human, Ticks and Animals in Ahmadabad, India, 2010–2011

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    A nosocomial outbreak of CCHFV occurred in January 2011, in a tertiary care hospital in Ahmadabad, Gujarat State in western India. Out of a total five cases reported, contact transmission occurred to three treating medical professionals, all of whom succumbed to the disease. The only survivor was the husband of the index case. These results highlight the importance of considering CCHFV as a potential aetiology for Hemorrhagic fever (HF) cases in India. This also underlines the need for strict barrier nursing and patient isolation while managing these patients. During the investigation presence of CCHFV RNA in Hyalomma anatolicum ticks and livestock were detected in the village from where the primary case (case A) was reported. Further retrospective investigation confirmed two CCHF human cases in Rajkot village 20 kilometres to the west of Ahmadabad in 2010, and CCHFV presence in the livestock 200 kilometres to the north in the neighbouring State Rajasthan. This report shows the presence of CCHFV in human, ticks and animals in Gujarat, India. The fact of concern is the spread of this disease from one state to another due to trading of livestock

    Coendangered hard-ticks: threatened or threatening?

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    The overwhelming majority of animal conservation projects are focused on vertebrates, despite most of the species on Earth being invertebrates. Estimates state that about half of all named species of invertebrates are parasitic in at least one stage of their development. The dilemma of viewing parasites as biodiversity or pest has been discussed by several authors. However, ticks were omitted. The latest taxonomic synopses of non-fossil Ixodidae consider valid 700 species. Though, how many of them are still extant is almost impossible to tell, as many of them are known only from type specimens in museums and were never collected since their original description. Moreover, many hosts are endangered and as part of conservation efforts of threatened vertebrates, a common practice is the removal of, and treatment for external parasites, with devastating impact on tick populations. There are several known cases when the host became extinct with subsequent coextinction of their ectoparasites. For our synoptic approach we have used the IUCN status of the host in order to evaluate the status of specifically associated hard-ticks. As a result, we propose a number of 63 coendangered and one extinct hard-tick species. On the other side of the coin, the most important issue regarding tick-host associations is vectorial transmission of microbial pathogens (i.e. viruses, bacteria, protozoans). Tick-borne diseases of threatened vertebrates are sometimes fatal to their hosts. Mortality associated with pathogens acquired from ticks has been documented in several cases, mostly after translocations. Are ticks a real threat to their coendangered host and should they be eliminated? Up to date, there are no reliable proofs that ticks listed by us as coendangered are competent vectors for pathogens of endangered animals

    Nuttalliella namaqua: A Living Fossil and Closest Relative to the Ancestral Tick Lineage: Implications for the Evolution of Blood-Feeding in Ticks

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    Ticks are monophyletic and composed of the hard (Ixodidae) and soft (Argasidae) tick families, as well as the Nuttalliellidae, a family with a single species, Nuttalliella namaqua. Significant biological differences in lifestyle strategies for hard and soft ticks suggest that various blood-feeding adaptations occurred after their divergence. The phylogenetic relationships between the tick families have not yet been resolved due to the lack of molecular data for N. namaqua. This tick possesses a pseudo-scutum and apical gnathostoma as observed for ixodids, has a leathery cuticle similar to argasids and has been considered the evolutionary missing link between the two families. Little knowledge exists with regard to its feeding biology or host preferences. Data on its biology and systematic relationship to the other tick families could therefore be crucial in understanding the evolution of blood-feeding behaviour in ticks. Live specimens were collected and blood meal analysis showed the presence of DNA for girdled lizards from the Cordylid family. Feeding of ticks on lizards showed that engorgement occurred rapidly, similar to argasids, but that blood meal concentration occurs via malpighian excretion of water. Phylogenetic analysis of the 18S nuclear and 16S mitochondrial genes indicate that N. namaqua grouped basal to the main tick families. The data supports the monophyly of all tick families and suggests the evolution of argasid-like blood-feeding behaviour in the ancestral tick lineage. Based on the data and considerations from literature we propose an origin for ticks in the Karoo basin of Gondwanaland during the late Permian. The nuttalliellid family almost became extinct during the End Permian event, leaving N. namaqua as the closest living relative to the ancestral tick lineage and the evolutionary missing link between the tick families

    Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever: epidemiological trends and controversies in treatment

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    Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus has the widest geographic range of all tick-borne viruses and is endemic in more than 30 countries in Eurasia and Africa. Over the past decade, new foci have emerged or re-emerged in the Balkans and neighboring areas. Here we discuss the factors influencing CCHF incidence and focus on the main issue of the use of ribavirin for treating this infection. Given the dynamics of CCHF emergence in the past decade, development of new anti-viral drugs and a vaccine is urgently needed to treat and prevent this acute, life-threatening disease

    Why Are There So Few Rickettsia conorii conorii-Infected Rhipicephalus sanguineus Ticks in the Wild?

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    The bacterium Rickettsia conorii conorii is the etiological agent of Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF), which is a life-threatening infectious disease that is transmitted by Rhipicephalus sanguineus, the brown dog tick. Rh. sanguineus-R. conorii conorii relationships in the wild are still poorly understood one century after the discovery of the disease. In this study, we collected naturally infected ticks from the houses of people afflicted by MSF in Algeria. Colonies of both infected and non-infected ticks were maintained in our laboratory, and we studied the effect of temperature variations on the infected and non-infected ticks. We did not observe any major differences between the biological life cycle of the infected and non-infected ticks held at 25°C. However, a comparatively higher mortality relative to the control group was noticed when R. conorii conorii-infected engorged nymphs and adults were exposed to a low temperature (4°C) or high temperature (37°C) for one month and transferred to 25°C. R. conorii conorii-infected Rh. sanguineus may maintain and serve as reservoirs for the Rickettsia if they are not exposed to cold temperatures. New populations of ticks might become infected with Rickettsiae when feeding on a bacteremic animal reservoir