112 research outputs found


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    Nyeri punggung bawah merupakan sindroma klinik yang ditandai dengan gejala utama nyeri atau perasaan lain yang tidak enak di daerah tulang punggung bagian bawah. Faktor-faktor resiko yang mempengaruhi nyeri punggung bawah diantaranya usia, jenis kelamin, masa kerja, pekerjaan, indeks massa tubuh, aktivitas fisik, riwayat cedera punggung. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antara karakteristik individu dengan keluhan nyeri punggung bawah pada perawat di ruangan rawat inap RSU GMIM Pancaran Kasih Manado. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif, menggunakan metode penelitian survei analitik dengan pendekatan studi potong lintang. Jumlah sampel yang didapat sebanyak 53 responden dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling, dan instrumen yang digunakan yaitu kuesioner keluhan nyeri punggung bawah yang berjumlah 20 pertanyaan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di ruangan rawat inap RSU GMIM Pancaran Kasih Manado pada bulan Mei-Agustus 2017. Analisis bivariat menggunakan uji chi square (∂= 5% dan CI= 95%) dengan bantuan aplikasi SPSS. Hasil analisis bivariat faktor umur dengan keluhan nyeri punggung bawah menunjukkan nilai p= 0,194 yang berarti tidak ada hubungan, faktor jenis kelamin dengan keluhan nyeri punggung bawah menunjukkan nilai p= 0,592 yang berarti tidak ada hubungan, dan masa kerja dengan keluhan nyeri punggung bawah menunjukkan nilai p= 0,039 yang berarti ada hubungan.Kata Kunci : Keluhan Nyeri Punggung Bawah, Umur, Jenis Kelamin, Masa KerjaABSTRACTLow back pain is a clinical syndrome characterized by major symptoms of pain or other discomfort in the lower area of spine. Several factors which affect the low back pain are the age, sex, occupation, index body mass, physical activity, history of back injury. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between individual characteristics with low back pain complaints on the nurses in the inpatient room of GMIM Pancaran Kasih Hospital Manado. This study was a descriptive analytic study with cross sectional approach. The sample was total sampling that 53 nurses and the resarch instrument is low back pain questionnaire which consist of 20 items. This study was conducted in inpatiens room of GMIM Pancaran Kasih Manado Hospital in May to Agust 2017. Bivariate analisis was performed using chi square test (α= 5% and CI=95%) with SPSS. The result of bivariate analysis of age with low back pain complaints showed probability of 0,194 that means no relationship, the sex with low back pain complaints showed probability of 0,592 that means no relationship, and working time with low back pain complaints showed probability of 0,039 that means relationship.Keyword: Low Back Pain Complaints, Age, Sex, Working Tim

    Joint smoothed l0-norm DOA estimation algorithm for multiple measurement vectors in MIMO radar

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    © 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is usually confronted with a multiple measurement vector (MMV) case. In this paper, a novel fast sparse DOA estimation algorithm, named the joint smoothed l0-norm algorithm, is proposed for multiple measurement vectors in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar. To eliminate the white or colored Gaussian noises, the new method first obtains a low-complexity high-order cumulants based data matrix. Then, the proposed algorithm designs a joint smoothed function tailored for the MMV case, based on which joint smoothed l0-norm sparse representation framework is constructed. Finally, for the MMV-based joint smoothed function, the corresponding gradient-based sparse signal reconstruction is designed, thus the DOA estimation can be achieved. The proposed method is a fast sparse representation algorithm, which can solve the MMV problem and perform well for both white and colored Gaussian noises. The proposed joint algorithm is about two orders of magnitude faster than the l1-norm minimization based methods, such as l1-SVD (singular value decomposition), RV (real-valued) l1-SVD and RV l1-SRACV (sparse representation array covariance vectors), and achieves better DOA estimation performance

    Kelas Benih Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Berdasarkan Pertumbuhan, Produksi, dan Mutu Produk [Seed Class Potatoes Based On Growth, Production, And Quality Products (Solanum Tuberosum L.)]

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    Potato seed systems that exist today consists of five seeds classes, namely G0, G1, G2, G3, and G4. G0 to G3 seed is the source seed, while classes G4 seed was extension seed. Many breeders, farmers and other stakeholders argue that the process of seed production from G0 to G3 class was too long so that the supply of potatoes seeds for consumption (G4) could not be carried out faster. Research was conducted to determine the level of productivity of each class of potato seed G0 to G4 to be recommended as a seed class for potato consumption. The reseach was conducted at Margahayu Experimental Garden of Indonesian Vegetable Research Institute Lembang from September–November 2012 in randomized block design with six treatments : seed class (G0, G1, G2, G3, G4, and control) with four replications. The parameters observed were plant growth, production, and product quality. Hence, it can be concluded that potatoes derived from G3 class was quite suitable for extension seeds. The higher the seed class (G0 and G1) the higher the increasing rate and it produced higher number of C and D tuber grade

    Dinamika Produksi dan Volatilitas Harga Cabai: Antisipasi Strategi dan Kebijakan Pengembangan

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    Cabai merupakan komoditas sayuran yang cukup strategis, baik cabai merah maupun cabai rawit. Pada musim tertentu, kenaikan harga cabai cukup signifikan sehingga memengaruhi tingkat inflasi. Fluktuasi harga ini terjadi hampir setiap tahun dan meresahkan masyarakat, tetapi belum ada solusi konkret dari pemerintah untuk mengendalikan lonjakan harga tersebut. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, suatu penelitian telah dilakukan di enam sentra produksi cabai untuk menyusun rekomendasi kebijakan yang tepat agar lonjakan harga cabai dapat dikendalikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada musim hujan produksi cabai biasanya selalu rendah karena sebagian besar sawah ditanami padi, dan di lahan kering banyak petani yang enggan menanam cabai karena risiko gagal panen tinggi, biaya produksi tinggi terutama untuk pestisida, dan produktivitasnya lebih rendah daripada di musim kemarau. Berdasarkan hal tersebut direkomendasikan beberapa kebijakan untuk mengatasi gejolak harga cabai, yaitu peningkatan luas tanam cabai pada musim hujan, pengaturan luas tanam dan produksi cabai pada musim kemarau, stabilisasi harga cabai, dan pengembangan kelembagaan kemitraan yang andal dan berkelanjutan

    Supply Chain Management Berbasis Layanan: Desain Dan Implementasi Prototipe Sistem

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    Supply Chain Management (SCM) adalah sebuah konsep pengaturan aliran proses perdagangan yang menghubungkan antara produsen, supplier, dan konsumen secara langsung. Dengan berevolusinya konsep perangkat lunak dan sistem informasi menuju era berbasis layanan, pengembangan SCM berbasis layanan menjadi sangat relevan. Studi kasus kebutuhan akan SCM berbasis layanan pada pengelola pusat perbelanjaan di Jakarta menjadi fokus pembahasan. Pada makalah ini dibahas sebuah model pengembangan sistem SCM berbasis layanan yang menghubungkan tiga stakeholder yang berperan dalam proses perdagangan pada pusat perbelanjaan modern

    Comparative Study of Erp Implementation Methodology Case Study: Accelerated Sap Vs Dantes & Hasibuan Methodology

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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is a concept of enterprise system that describe the integration of the whole process in the organization. Study in this field mostly about external development paradigm on information system development. So, issue in ERP is all about how to adopt it in the organization, not about the application development. This paper reviews two methodology on ERP system implementation, one is vendor perspective methodology and new generic perspective methodology. Comparation of both methodology is done in this study by using Roger Sessions' metric. Result is the vendor perspective slightly superior than the new generic perspective methodology

    Characteristics of Phosphate Rock Materials From China, Indonesia and Tunisia and Their Dissolution in Indonesian Acid Soils

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    Dissolution of phosphate rock (PR) in soils is a primary concern for P in the PR to be available for plant. The dissolution of three PR materials, China (CPR), Ciamis (IPR) and Gafsa (GPR), in eight acid Indonesian soils (pH in water 4.1-5.7) was tested in a closed incubation system. Experiment was conducted in Soil Chemical Laboratory, Universiti Putra Malaysia and Indonesian Center for Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development from January to April 2002. The dissolution was determined from the increase in either 0.5 M NaOH extractable P (∆P) or 1 M BaCl2-triethanolamine (TEA)-extractable Ca (∆Ca) in soils amended with PR compared with control soil. Dissolution of the IPR was the highest (30-100%) followed by GPR (17-69%) and then by CPR (20-54%). The maximum dissolution followed the order: Bogor Ultisols > Bogor Oxisols > Subang Inceptisols > Bogor Inceptisols > Sukabumi Oxisols > Lebak Ultisols > Sukabumi Inceptisols > Lampung Ultisols. PR dissolution indicated a positive correlation with P retention capacity. The results implied that the extent of PR dissolution for the three PR sources (China, Indonesia and Tunisia) increased with increasing P retention capacity of the soils. PR dissolution can be based on a calibration curve of ∆Ca meaning that if ∆P is high then the amount of PR dissolution measured by ∆Ca in PR materials is also high
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