291 research outputs found

    Geophysically consistent values of the perovskite to post-perovskite transition Clapeyron slope

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    International audienceThe doublecrossing hypothesis posits that post-perovskite bearing rock in Earth's D 00 layer exists as a layer above the core-mantle boundary bounded above and below by intersections between a curved thermal boundary layer geotherm and a relatively steep phase boundary. Increasing seismic evidence for the existence of pairs of discontinuities predicted to occur at the top and bottom of this layer motivates an examination of the consistency of this model with mineral physics constraints for the Clapeyron slope of this phase transition. Using independent constraints for a lower bound on temperature in Earth's deep mantle and the temperature of Earth's inner core boundary, we show that a post-perovskite doublecrossing is inconsistent with plausible core temperatures for a Clapeyron slope less than about 7 MPa/K, with the higher range of experimental values yielding better agreement with recent estimates of the melting temperature of Earth's core

    Buoyant melting instabilities beneath extending lithosphere: 1. Numerical models

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    Buoyant decompression melting instabilities in regions of partially molten upper mantle have been proposed to be an important process that might account for some characteristics of intraplate volcanism on Earth and other terrestrial planets. The instability is driven by variations in the melting rate within a partially molten layer whenever a relative decrease in density accompanies decompression melting of ascending mantle. Here, the development of buoyant decompression melting instabilities in a plane layer of passively upwelling and partially melting mantle beneath diffusely extending lithosphere is studied using numerical convection models covering a wide range of physical parameters. We find that the occurrence and nature of these instabilities in such a scenario is strongly affected by the rate of extension and melt percolation, as well as depth distribution of solid density variations arising from melt depletion. In some cases, instabilities do not occur during extension, but only develop after extension has slowed or stopped completely. This behavior creates two pulses of magma generation due to passive upwelling accompanying extension followed by the subsequent instability and is favored by a faster rate of extension, higher mantle viscosity, higher rate of melt percolation, and smaller amount of solid residuum depletion‐derived buoyancy. Larger degrees of solid density changes accompanying melt depletion can enhance the instability of partially molten mantle during extension but decrease the cumulative volume of generated melt. This kind of behavior modifies the conventional expectation of spatially and temporally correlated volcanism and extension and may lend insight into the observed increase in localized volcanic activity following Miocene Basin and Range extension in the western United States

    Buoyant melting instabilities beneath extending lithosphere: 2. Linear analysis

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    In a companion paper, numerical models reveal that buoyant melting instabilities can occur beneath extending lithosphere for a sufficiently small mantle viscosity, extension rate, and rate of melt percolation. However, in some cases, instabilities do not develop during extension but only occur after extension slows or stops. These results are suggestive of a critical behavior in the onset of these kinds of instabilities and motivate a linear analysis to study the onset of instability in a partially melting, passively upwelling plane layer of mantle beneath extending lithosphere. The model we employ includes the effects of buoyancy arising from thermal expansion, the presence of a retained fraction of partial melt, and depletion of the solid by melt extraction. We find a critical behavior in the onset of instability controlled by melt retention buoyancy that is characterized by a “Rayleigh” number M, such that M must exceed some critical value M_(crit) which depends on the efficiency of Stokes rise of a partially molten body relative to the rate of background percolation. Comparison of this theory to the numerical results in the companion paper yields a close quantitative agreement. We also find that solid depletion buoyancy can either stabilize or destabilize a partially melting layer, depending upon both the distribution of preexisting depletion and the magnitude of density changes with depth. This theory is compared with previous studies of buoyant melting instabilities beneath mid‐ocean ridges where similar behavior was reported, and it suggests that the stability of passively upwelling, partially melting mantle underlying both narrow and wide rift settings is controlled by similar processes

    Geodynamo and mantle convection simulations on the Earth Simulator using the Yin-Yang grid

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    We have developed finite difference codes based on the Yin-Yang grid for the geodynamo simulation and the mantle convection simulation. The Yin-Yang grid is a kind of spherical overset grid that is composed of two identical component grids. The intrinsic simplicity of the mesh configuration of the Yin-Yang grid enables us to develop highly optimized simulation codes on massively parallel supercomputers. The Yin-Yang geodynamo code has achieved 15.2 Tflops with 4096 processors on the Earth Simulator. This represents 46% of the theoretical peak performance. The Yin-Yang mantle code has enabled us to carry out mantle convection simulations in realistic regimes with a Rayleigh number of 10710^7 including strongly temperature-dependent viscosity with spatial contrast up to 10610^6.Comment: Plenary talk at SciDAC 200

    Buoyant melting instabilities beneath extending lithosphere: 1. Numerical models

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    Buoyant decompression melting instabilities in regions of partially molten upper mantle have been proposed to be an important process that might account for some characteristics of intraplate volcanism on Earth and other terrestrial planets. The instability is driven by variations in the melting rate within a partially molten layer whenever a relative decrease in density accompanies decompression melting of ascending mantle. Here, the development of buoyant decompression melting instabilities in a plane layer of passively upwelling and partially melting mantle beneath diffusely extending lithosphere is studied using numerical convection models covering a wide range of physical parameters. We find that the occurrence and nature of these instabilities in such a scenario is strongly affected by the rate of extension and melt percolation, as well as depth distribution of solid density variations arising from melt depletion. In some cases, instabilities do not occur during extension, but only develop after extension has slowed or stopped completely. This behavior creates two pulses of magma generation due to passive upwelling accompanying extension followed by the subsequent instability and is favored by a faster rate of extension, higher mantle viscosity, higher rate of melt percolation, and smaller amount of solid residuum depletion‐derived buoyancy. Larger degrees of solid density changes accompanying melt depletion can enhance the instability of partially molten mantle during extension but decrease the cumulative volume of generated melt. This kind of behavior modifies the conventional expectation of spatially and temporally correlated volcanism and extension and may lend insight into the observed increase in localized volcanic activity following Miocene Basin and Range extension in the western United States

    Buoyant melting instabilities beneath extending lithosphere: 2. Linear analysis

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    In a companion paper, numerical models reveal that buoyant melting instabilities can occur beneath extending lithosphere for a sufficiently small mantle viscosity, extension rate, and rate of melt percolation. However, in some cases, instabilities do not develop during extension but only occur after extension slows or stops. These results are suggestive of a critical behavior in the onset of these kinds of instabilities and motivate a linear analysis to study the onset of instability in a partially melting, passively upwelling plane layer of mantle beneath extending lithosphere. The model we employ includes the effects of buoyancy arising from thermal expansion, the presence of a retained fraction of partial melt, and depletion of the solid by melt extraction. We find a critical behavior in the onset of instability controlled by melt retention buoyancy that is characterized by a “Rayleigh” number M, such that M must exceed some critical value M_(crit) which depends on the efficiency of Stokes rise of a partially molten body relative to the rate of background percolation. Comparison of this theory to the numerical results in the companion paper yields a close quantitative agreement. We also find that solid depletion buoyancy can either stabilize or destabilize a partially melting layer, depending upon both the distribution of preexisting depletion and the magnitude of density changes with depth. This theory is compared with previous studies of buoyant melting instabilities beneath mid‐ocean ridges where similar behavior was reported, and it suggests that the stability of passively upwelling, partially melting mantle underlying both narrow and wide rift settings is controlled by similar processes

    Automatic detection of break-over phase onset in horses using hoof-mounted inertial measurement unit sensors

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    A prolonged break-over phase might be an indication of a variety of musculoskeletal disorders and can be measured with optical motion capture (OMC) systems, inertial measurement units (IMUs) and force plates. The aim of this study was to present two algorithms for automatic detection of the break-over phase onset from the acceleration and angular velocity signals measured by hoof-mounted IMUs in walk and trot on a hard surface. The performance of these algorithms was evaluated by internal validation with an OMC system and a force plate separately. Seven Warmblood horses were equipped with two wireless IMUs which were attached to the lateral wall of the right front (RF) and hind (RH) hooves. Horses were walked and trotted over a force plate for internal validation while simultaneously the 3D position of three reflective markers, attached to lateral heel, lateral toe and lateral coronet of each hoof, were measured by six infrared cameras of an OMC system. The performance of the algorithms was evaluated by linear mixed model analysis. The acceleration algorithm was the most accurate with an accuracy between -9 and 23 ms and a precision around 24 ms (against OMC system), and an accuracy between -37 and 20 ms and a precision around 29 ms (against force plate), depending on gait and hoof. This algorithm seems promising for quantification of the break-over phase onset although the applicability for clinical purposes, such as lameness detection and evaluation of trimming and shoeing techniques, should be investigated more in-depth

    Automatic hoof-on and -off detection in horses using hoof-mounted inertial measurement unit sensors

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    For gait classification, hoof-on and hoof-off events are fundamental locomotion characteristics of interest. These events can be measured with inertial measurement units (IMUs) which measure the acceleration and angular velocity in three directions. The aim of this study was to present two algorithms for automatic detection of hoof-events from the acceleration and angular velocity signals measured by hoof-mounted IMUs in walk and trot on a hard surface. Seven Warmblood horses were equipped with two wireless IMUs, which were attached to the lateral wall of the right front (RF) and hind (RH) hooves. Horses were walked and trotted on a lead over a force plate for internal validation. The agreement between the algorithms for the acceleration and angular velocity signals with the force plate was evaluated by Bland Altman analysis and linear mixed model analysis. These analyses were performed for both hoof-on and hoof-off detection and for both algorithms separately. For the hoof-on detection, the angular velocity algorithm was the most accurate with an accuracy between 2.39 and 12.22 ms and a precision of around 13.80 ms, depending on gait and hoof. For hoof-off detection, the acceleration algorithm was the most accurate with an accuracy of 3.20 ms and precision of 6.39 ms, independent of gait and hoof. These algorithms look highly promising for gait classification purposes although the applicability of these algorithms should be investigated under different circumstances, such as different surfaces and different hoof trimming conditions

    Epidemiology and economic burden of osteoporosis in Switzerland

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    Summary: This report describes the epidemiology, economic burden and treatment of osteoporosis in Switzerland. Introduction: Osteoporosis is characterized by reduced bone mass and disruption of bone architecture, resulting in increased risks of fragility fractures which represent the main clinical consequence of the disease. Fragility fractures are associated with substantial pain and suffering, disability and even death for the affected patients and substantial costs to society. The aim of this report is to describe the epidemiology and economic burden of fragility fractures as a consequence of osteoporosis in Switzerland, as a detailed addition to the report for the European Union (EU27): "Osteoporosis in the European Union: Medical Management, Epidemiology and Economic Burden”. Methods: The literature on fracture incidence and costs of fractures in Switzerland was reviewed and incorporated into a model estimating the clinical and economic burden of osteoporotic fractures in 2010. Furthermore, data on sales of osteoporosis treatments and the population at high risk of fracture were used to estimate treatment uptake and treatment gap. Results: It was estimated that approximately 74,000 new fragility fractures were sustained in Switzerland in 2010, comprising 14,000 hip fractures, 11,000 vertebral fractures, 13,000 forearm fractures and 36,000 other fractures (i.e. fractures of the pelvis, rib, humerus, tibia, fibula, clavicle, scapula, sternum and other femoral fractures). The economic burden of incident and previous fragility fractures was estimated at CHF 2,050 million for the same year. Incident fractures represented 76% of this cost, long-term fracture care 21% and pharmacological prevention 3%. Previous and incident fractures also accounted for 24,000 quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) lost during 2010. When accounting for the demographic projections for 2025, the number of incident fractures was estimated at 98,786 in 2025, representing an increase of 25,000 fractures. Hip, clinical vertebral (spine), forearm and other fractures were estimated to increase by 4,900, 3,200, 3,500 and 13,000, respectively. The burden of fractures in terms of costs (excluding value of QALYs lost) in Switzerland in 2025 was estimated to increase by 29% to CHF 2,642 million. Though the uptake of osteoporosis treatments increased from 2001, the proportion of patients aged 50 or above who received treatment remained at low levels in the past few years. The majority of women at high fracture risk do not receive active treatment. Conclusions: In spite of the high cost of osteoporosis, a substantial treatment gap and projected increase of the economic burden driven by an aging population, the use of pharmacological prevention of osteoporosis is significantly less than optimal, suggesting that a change in health care policy concerning the disease is warranted
