56 research outputs found

    Structures in multicomponent polymer films : their formation, observation, applications in electronics and biotechnology

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    Several strategies to form multicomponent films of functional polymers, with micron, submicron and nanometer structures, intended for plastic electronics and biotechnology are presented. These approaches are based on film deposition from polymer solution onto a rotating substrate (spin-casting), a method implemented already on manufacturing lines. Film structures are determined with compositional (nanometer) depth profiling and (submicron) imaging modes of dynamic secondary ion mass spectrometry, near-field scanning optical microscopy (with submicron resolution) and scanning probe microscopy (revealing nanometer features). Self-organization of spin-cast polymer mixtures is discussed in detail, since it offers a one-step process to deposit and align simultaneously domains, rich in different polymers, forming various device elements: (i) Surface segregation drives self-stratification of nanometer lamellae for solar cells and anisotropic conductors. (ii) Cohesion energy density controls morphological transition from lamellar (optimal for encapsulated transistors) to lateral structures (suggested for light emitting diodes with variable color). (iii) Selective adhesion to substrate microtemplates, patterned chemically, orders lateral structures for plastic circuitries. (iv) Submicron imprints of water droplets (breath figures) decorate selectively micron-sized domains, and can be used in devices with hierarchic structure. In addition, selective protein adsorption to regular polymer micropatterns, formed with soft lithography after spin-casting, suggests applications in protein chip technology. An approach to reduce lateral blend film structures to submicron scale is also presented, based on (annealed) films of multicomponent nanoparticles

    In vitro and in vivo studies on biocompatibility of carbon fibres

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    In the present study we focused on the in vitro and in vivo evaluation of two types of carbon fibres (CFs): hydroxyapatite modified carbon fibres and porous carbon fibres. Porous CFs used as scaffold for tissues regeneration could simultaneously serve as a support for drug delivery or biologically active agents which would stimulate the tissue growth; while addition of nanohydroxyapatite to CFs precursor can modify their biological properties (such as bioactivity) without subsequent surface modifications, making the process cost and time effective. Presented results indicated that fibre modification with HAp promoted formation of apatite on the fibre surface during incubation in simulated body fluid. The materials biocompatibility was determined by culturing human osteoblast-like cells of the line MG 63 in contact with both types of CFs. Both tested materials gave good support to adhesion and growth of bone-derived cells. Materials were implanted into the skeletal rat muscle and a comparative analysis of tissue reaction to the presence of the two types of CFs was done. Activities of marker metabolic enzymes: cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) and acid phosphatase were examined to estimate the effect of implants on the metabolic state of surrounding tissues. Presented results evidence the biocompatibility of porous CFs and activity that stimulates the growth of connective tissues. In case of CFs modified with hydroxyapatite the time of inflammatory reaction was shorter than in case of traditional CFs

    O ensino da leitura e da escrita no 1º ano de escolaridade: os resultados dos alunos em leitura

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia Aplicada, Área de especialidade Psicologia EducacionalO presente estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar as práticas de ensino da linguagem escrita em Portugal e perceber o seu impacto na aquisição da leitura no final do 1º ano de escolaridade. A primeira etapa deste estudo correspondeu a um estudo descritivo e comparativo com o realizado por Fijalkow (2003) em França. A partir da resposta a um questionário de 883 professores foi possível verificar que os professores dos dois países se aproximam no que diz respeito aos aspetos metodológicos do ensino da leitura e à avaliação da leitura e da escrita dos alunos. Contudo, os professores portugueses dizem utilizar com maior frequência do que os professores franceses, atividades a partir de livros infantis, outros materiais para além do manual e diferentes propostas de escrita. Na segunda etapa deste estudo, o questionário utilizado foi validado através da sua estrutura fatorial e foram utilizados os fatores revelados para a realização de uma análise hierárquica de clusters. Esta análise revelou três grupos de professores: a) um grupo de professores que centra as suas práticas no ensino do código da linguagem escrita (unidades curtas); b) um grupo que realça a construção de significado na interação com o material escrito (unidades longas); c) e um grupo de professores que reúne nas suas práticas características de ambos os grupos referidos anteriormente (unidades diversificadas). A terceira etapa realizada diz respeito à validação das respostas do questionário através da observação de sala de aula. Foram selecionados 5% dos professores de cada um dos três grupos constituídos (N=42). Cada professor foi observado duas vezes durante 60 minutos em situações escolhidas por si como situações privilegiadas para o ensino da linguagem escrita. Através da utilização de uma grelha de observação que divide as atividades desenvolvidas em atividades que remetem para o código ou para o significado, foi possível confirmar as respostas ao questionário para 55% dos professores participantes. No sentido de perceber o impacto das práticas dos professores na aquisição da leitura dos alunos foram selecionados os professores cujas observações foram coincidentes com as respostas ao questionário e avaliados os seus alunos com recurso a três provas de leitura: leitura de palavras isoladas, decisão lexical e compreensão. Participaram 461 alunos distribuídos pelos três grupos referidos anteriormente. Através da realização de uma MANCOVA, controlando a escolaridade das mães dos alunos, verificou-se que os alunos do grupo unidades diversificadas obtêm melhores resultados em todas as provas do que os alunos dos outros dois grupos. Foi ainda possível constatar que não existiram diferenças de desempenho entre os alunos do grupo unidades curtas e os alunos do grupo unidades longas.ABSTRACT: The present study aimed to characterize the teaching practices of written language and understand its impact on reading acquisition by the end of 1st grade. The first step of this study was a descriptive and comparative study to the one conducted by Fijalkow (2003) in France. Based on questionnaire answers of 883 teachers, we found that teachers from both countries have similar approaches regarding methodological aspects of teaching of reading and students’ assessment of reading and writing abilities. However, Portuguese teachers stated that they use more frequently activities from children's literature, other materials besides the manual and different writing proposals than French teachers. In the second step of the study, the questionnaire was validated through its factorial structure and the factors disclosed were used to perform a hierarchical cluster analysis. This analysis revealed three groups of teachers: a) a group of teachers who focus its practices in teaching the code of written language (short units), b) a group that emphasizes the construction of meaning in interaction with the written material (long units), c) and a group of teachers who gathered in their practices characteristics of both groups mentioned above (diversified units). The third step concerns the validation of the questionnaire answers through classroom observation. 5% of the teachers in each of the three groups were selected (N=42). Each teacher was observed twice during 60 minutes in situations identified by them as privileged situations for teaching written language. Using an observation grid which divides the activities conducted in code-activities or the meaning-activities it was possible to confirm questionnaire answers for 55% of the participating teachers. In order to understand the impact of teachers’ practices in students reading acquisition, teachers whose observations were coincident with the questionnaire answers were selected and their students were evaluated using three reading tests: single words reading, lexical decision task and comprehension task. Participants were 461 students distributed through the three groups previously mentioned. By conducting a MANCOVA, controlling mothers’ education level, we concluded that students in the diversified unit group obtain better results in all reading tests than students from the other groups. It was also possible to confirm that there were no differences in performance between students of the short units group and students of the long units group.Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia Aplicada, Área de especialidade Psicologia EducacionalApoio financeiro da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/64630/2009

    Effect of sintering atmosphere on densification, morphology and elastic properties of natural origin hydroxyapatite

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    Naturalny hydroksyapatyt został wyekstrahowany z korowej części długich kości wieprzowych poprzez potraktowanie ich gorącym roztworem NaOH, przemycie H2O i wyprażenie w temperaturze 450°C. Pod ciśnieniem 200 MPa wyprasowano próbki, które spiekano w atmosferze powietrza, CO2 i argonu w temperaturze 1000°C. Stwierdzono, że atmosfera spiekania wpływa na zagęszczenie, morfologię, stabilność chemiczną i w konsekwencji na właściwości sprężyste spieków. W wyniku spiekania hydroksyapatytu w powietrzu uzyskano gęste spieki o dużych, wykształconych ziarnach. Próbki spiekane w argonie i w CO2 charakteryzują się mniejszym zagęszczeniem i drobnoziarnistą mikrostrukturą. Stwierdzono także, że atmosfera CO2 nie tylko przeciwdziała rozkładowi hydroksyapatytu (nie pojawia się wolne CaO), lecz powoduje wbudowywanie się grup CO3(2-) w strukturę.Natural hydroxyapatite was extracted from cortical part of long pig bones by treatment in hot sodium hydroxide solution. Material was washed with water, dried and calcined at 450°C. Cylindrical samples compacted under 200 MPa were sintered in air, CO2 and Ar atmospheres at 1000°C. Sintering atmosphere influences densification, microstructure, chemical stability and consequently elastic properties of the samples. Treatment in air atmosphere leads to the most dense material of the largest and faceted grains. Lower densification and smaller grains occur in CO2 and Ar atmospheres. Carbon dioxide atmosphere counteracts decomposition of the material, no free CaO appears, but additional CO3(-2) groups become built into the HAp structure