2,360 research outputs found

    Flux and field line conservation in 3--D nonideal MHD flows: Remarks about criteria for 3--D reconnection without magnetic neutral points

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    We make some remarks on reconnection in plasmas and want to present some calculations related to the problem of finding velocity fields which conserve magnetic flux or at least magnetic field lines. Hereby we start from views and definitions of ideal and non-ideal flows on one hand, and of reconnective and non-reconnective plasma dynamics on the other hand. Our considerations give additional insights into the discussion on violations of the frozen--in field concept which started recently with the papers by Baranov & Fahr (2003a; 2003b). We find a correlation between the nonidealness which is given by a generalized form of the Ohm's law and a general transporting velocity, which is field line conserving.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Solar Physic

    2D stationary resistive MHD flows: borderline to magnetic reconnection solutions

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    We present the basic equations for stationary, incompressible resistive MHD flows in two dimensions. This leads to a system of differential equations for two flux functions, one elliptic partial differential equation (Grad-Shafranov-like) for the magnetic flux function and one for the stream function of the flow. In these equations two potentials appear: one potential is a generalized pressure. The second potential couples the magnetic and the flow shear components of the system. With the restriction to flux or at least line conserving flows one has to solve a modified Ohm's law. For the two dimensional case these are two coupled differential equations, which represent the borderline between the resistive but flux conserving (or line conserving) case, and that of reconnective solutions. We discuss some simplified solutions of these equations.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Advances in Space Research (in press

    Solar Physics - Plasma Physics Workshop

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    A summary of the proceedings of a conference whose purpose was to explore plasma physics problems which arise in the study of solar physics is provided. Sessions were concerned with specific questions including the following: (1) whether the solar plasma is thermal or non-themal; (2) what spectroscopic data is required; (3) what types of magnetic field structures exist; (4) whether magnetohydrodynamic instabilities occur; (5) whether resistive or non-magnetohydrodynamic instabilities occur; (6) what mechanisms of particle acceleration have been proposed; and (7) what information is available concerning shock waves. Very few questions were answered categorically but, for each question, there was discussion concerning the observational evidence, theoretical analyses, and existing or potential laboratory and numerical experiments

    Paraphrases and summaries: A means of clarification or a vehicle for articulating a preferred version of student accounts?

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    The use of group discussions as a means to facilitate learning from experiences is well documented in adventure education literature. Priest and Naismith (1993) assert that the use of the circular discussion method, where the leader poses questions to the participants, is the most common form of facilitation in adventure education. This paper draws on transcripts of facilitation sessions to argue that the widely advocated practice of leader summaries or paraphrases of student responses in these sessions functions as a potential mechanism to control and sponsor particular knowledge(s). Using transcripts from recorded facilitation sessions the analysis focuses on how the leader paraphrases the students’ responses and how these paraphrases or ‘formulations’ function to modify or exclude particular aspects of the students’ responses. I assert that paraphrasing is not simply a neutral activity that merely functions to clarify a student response, it is a subtle means by which the leader of the session can, often inadvertently or unknowingly, alter the student’s reply with the consequence of favouring particular knowledge(s). Revealing the subtle work that leader paraphrases perform is of importance for educators who claim to provide genuine opportunities for students to learn from their experience

    Conjunction and Disjunction in Infectious Logics

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    In this paper we discuss the extent to which conjunction and disjunction can be rightfully regarded as such, in the context of infectious logics. Infectious logics are peculiar many-valued logics whose underlying algebra has an absorbing or infectious element, which is assigned to a compound formula whenever it is assigned to one of its components. To discuss these matters, we review the philosophical motivations for infectious logics due to Bochvar, HalldĂ©n, Fitting, Ferguson and Beall, noticing that none of them discusses our main question. This is why we finally turn to the analysis of the truth-conditions for conjunction and disjunction in infectious logics, employing the framework of plurivalent logics, as discussed by Priest. In doing so, we arrive at the interesting conclusion that —in the context of infectious logics— conjunction is conjunction, whereas disjunction is not disjunction

    Heating of the Solar Corona by Dissipative Alfven Solitons

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    Solar photospheric convection drives myriads of dissipative Alfven solitons (hereinafter called alfvenons) capable of accelerating electrons and ions to energies of hundreds of keV and producing the X-ray corona. Alfvenons are exact solutions of two-fluid equations for a collisionless plasma and represent natural accelerators for conversion of the electromagnetic energy flux driven by convective flows into kinetic energy of charged particles in space and astrophysical plasmas. Their properties have been experimentally verified in the magnetosphere, where they accelerate auroral electrons to tens of keV.Comment: 4 pages, 4 color figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Conceptualizing the adventure-sports coach

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    As a comparatively recent development, the adventure-sports coach struggles for a clear and distinct identity. The generic term ‘instructor’ no longer characterizes the role and function of this subgroup of outdoor professionals. Indeed, although the fields of adventure/outdoor education and leadership are comparatively well researched, the arrival of this ‘new kid on the block’ appears to challenge both the adventure-sports old guard and traditional views of sports coaching. In an attempt to offer clarity and stimulate debate, this paper attempts to conceptualize the adventure-sports coach in the context of the existing roles in the field and current motivations for activity in the outdoors. We identify issues that are specific to the adventure-sports coach while also recognizing those skills and competencies shared with other professionals, both in the adventure sports profession and traditional sports coaching fields. Based on this review, we offer a conceptual model which may be used to focus debate, stimulate research and, at a possible later stage, to underpin accreditation, training and professional development

    Lagrangian analysis of alignment dynamics for isentropic compressible magnetohydrodynamics

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    After a review of the isentropic compressible magnetohydrodynamics (ICMHD) equations, a quaternionic framework for studying the alignment dynamics of a general fluid flow is explained and applied to the ICMHD equations.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, submitted to a Focus Issue of New Journal of Physics on "Magnetohydrodynamics and the Dynamo Problem" J-F Pinton, A Pouquet, E Dormy and S Cowley, editor
