423 research outputs found

    Theoretical approach and impact of correlations on the critical packet generation rate in traffic dynamics on complex networks

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    Using the formalism of the biased random walk in random uncorrelated networks with arbitrary degree distributions, we develop theoretical approach to the critical packet generation rate in traffic based on routing strategy with local information. We explain microscopic origins of the transition from the flow to the jammed phase and discuss how the node neighbourhood topology affects the transport capacity in uncorrelated and correlated networks.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Depositional and structural controls on a fault-related dolostone formation (Maestrat Basin, E Spain)

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    Acknowledgments This research was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Oil & Gas, through a PhD grant to EH. Equinor ASA are thanked for providing additional support. Additional funding was provided by the Grup Consolidat de Recerca “Geologia Sedimentària” (2017SGR-824) and DGICYT Spanish Projects CGL2017-85532-P, PGC2018-093903-B-C22 and PID2020-118999GB-I00, all funded by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). EGR acknowledges the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for the “Ramón y Cajal” fellowship RYC2018-026335-I. EH, EGR, JDM and JN conceived the idea and provided funding whilst field data was collected by EH, EGR, and JDM. EH organised the sampling for geochemical analysis (supervised by JDM) and RS and JG provided the regional stratigraphic context and structural cross-section. Petrographic data was collected by EH (supervised by JN). EH wrote the manuscript with edits and contributions provided by all co authors.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Systems modelling predicts chronic inflammation and genomic instability prevent effective mitochondrial regulation during biological ageing

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    The regulation of mitochondrial turnover under conditions of stress occurs partly through the AMPK-NAD+-PGC1α-SIRT1 signalling pathway. This pathway can be affected by both genomic instability and chronic inflammation since these will result in an increased rate of NAD+ degradation through PARP1 and CD38 respectively. In this work we develop a computational model of this signalling pathway, calibrating and validating it against experimental data. The computational model is used to study mitochondrial turnover under conditions of stress and how it is affected by genomic instability, chronic inflammation and biological ageing in general. We report that the AMPK-NAD+-PGC1α-SIRT1 signalling pathway becomes less responsive with age and that this can prime for the accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria

    eBay users form stable groups of common interest

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    Market segmentation of an online auction site is studied by analyzing the users' bidding behavior. The distribution of user activity is investigated and a network of bidders connected by common interest in individual articles is constructed. The network's cluster structure corresponds to the main user groups according to common interest, exhibiting hierarchy and overlap. Key feature of the analysis is its independence of any similarity measure between the articles offered on eBay, as such a measure would only introduce bias in the analysis. Results are compared to null models based on random networks and clusters are validated and interpreted using the taxonomic classifications of eBay categories. We find clear-cut and coherent interest profiles for the bidders in each cluster. The interest profiles of bidder groups are compared to the classification of articles actually bought by these users during the time span 6-9 months after the initial grouping. The interest profiles discovered remain stable, indicating typical interest profiles in society. Our results show how network theory can be applied successfully to problems of market segmentation and sociological milieu studies with sparse, high dimensional data.Comment: Major revision of the manuscript. Methodological improvements and inclusion of analysis of temporal development of user interests. 19 pages, 12 figures, 5 table

    Network Topology of an Experimental Futures Exchange

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    Many systems of different nature exhibit scale free behaviors. Economic systems with power law distribution in the wealth is one of the examples. To better understand the working behind the complexity, we undertook an empirical study measuring the interactions between market participants. A Web server was setup to administer the exchange of futures contracts whose liquidation prices were coupled to event outcomes. After free registration, participants started trading to compete for the money prizes upon maturity of the futures contracts at the end of the experiment. The evolving `cash' flow network was reconstructed from the transactions between players. We show that the network topology is hierarchical, disassortative and scale-free with a power law exponent of 1.02+-0.09 in the degree distribution. The small-world property emerged early in the experiment while the number of participants was still small. We also show power law distributions of the net incomes and inter-transaction time intervals. Big winners and losers are associated with high degree, high betweenness centrality, low clustering coefficient and low degree-correlation. We identify communities in the network as groups of the like-minded. The distribution of the community sizes is shown to be power-law distributed with an exponent of 1.19+-0.16.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figure

    Statistical Analysis of the Road Network of India

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    In this paper we study the Indian Highway Network as a complex network where the junction points are considered as nodes, and the links are formed by an existing connection. We explore the topological properties and community structure of the network. We observe that the Indian Highway Network displays small world properties and is assortative in nature. We also identify the most important road-junctions (or cities) in the highway network based on the betweenness centrality of the node. This could help in identifying the potential congestion points in the network. Our study is of practical importance and could provide a novel approach to reduce congestion and improve the performance of the highway networ

    Second-Order Assortative Mixing in Social Networks

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    In a social network, the number of links of a node, or node degree, is often assumed as a proxy for the node's importance or prominence within the network. It is known that social networks exhibit the (first-order) assortative mixing, i.e. if two nodes are connected, they tend to have similar node degrees, suggesting that people tend to mix with those of comparable prominence. In this paper, we report the second-order assortative mixing in social networks. If two nodes are connected, we measure the degree correlation between their most prominent neighbours, rather than between the two nodes themselves. We observe very strong second-order assortative mixing in social networks, often significantly stronger than the first-order assortative mixing. This suggests that if two people interact in a social network, then the importance of the most prominent person each knows is very likely to be the same. This is also true if we measure the average prominence of neighbours of the two people. This property is weaker or negative in non-social networks. We investigate a number of possible explanations for this property. However, none of them was found to provide an adequate explanation. We therefore conclude that second-order assortative mixing is a new property of social networks.Comment: Cite as: Zhou S., Cox I.J., Hansen L.K. (2017) Second-Order Assortative Mixing in Social Networks. In: Goncalves B., Menezes R., Sinatra R., Zlatic V. (eds) Complex Networks VIII. CompleNet 2017. Springer Proceedings in Complexity. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-54241-6_