190 research outputs found

    La vegetación de zonas erosionadas en la depresión media del Ebro y en el Prepirineo: influencia de factores climáticos, topográficos y geomorfológicos en la composición florística de las comunidades vegetales

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    [Resumen] Se han analizado 732 inventarios de vegetación en zonas sometidas a procesos erosivo-sedimentarios de un área del NE de la Península Ibérica, muy diversa climática y litológicamente (yesos, arcillas, margas y flysch). El objetivo del estudio es determinar cómo afectan dichos procesos a la composición florística de las comunidades vegetales de los diferentes sustratos. El tipo de sustrato ejerció una gran influencia sobre los procesos estudiados, siendo la cobertura de las fanerógamas el parámetro que mejor se asoció con el grado de erosión. En las zonas más secas con bajas tasas de erosión (yesos), las características topográficas controlaron la distribución de las comunidades vegetales, mientras que en las zonas más húmedas, sometidas a procesos erosivos más dinámicos (margas), la composición florística fué más homogénea y menos dependiente de la topografía y del grado de erosión. Los procesos erosivosedimentarios explicaron mejor la composición florística cuanto menor era la escala espacial de análisis.[Abstract] We have analysed 732 releves of plant communities taken from eroded lands in the NE Iberian Peninsula. This diverse area has very different climates and substrata: gypsum, clays, marls and flysch. The aim of the study was to explore how erosion and sedimentation processes affect floristic composition of plant communities in such different substrata. Substratum had a high influence on the studied processes, the cover of fanerogams being the best correlated parameter with erosion grade. In the driest lands, with low erosion rates (gypsum), plant community distribution was mostly affected by topography, but in the wettest areas, with strong and more dynamic erosional processes (marls), the floristic composition was more homogeneus and depended less on the topography and the erosion grade. The erosionsedimentation processes better explained the floristic composition when the scale of analysis was reduced

    Crecimiento estacional y caída de acículas en Pinus sylvestris y P. uncinata

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    In this work, we study monthly development of tree-ring, elongation of branches, needle fall for Pinus sylvestris L., Pinus uncinata Ram. in the Spanish Central Pyrenees during 1993. Tree-ring formation happens from early June to late September, but most tree-ring growth happens from mid June to mid July. P. sylvestris starts its tree-ring development before P. uncinata. P. uncinata begins its growth of shoots earlier than its tree-ring growth. Needle fall reaches its maximum in autumn. P. uncinata shows a delayed maximum rate of needle fall, a longer period of fall of most of its needles compared to P. sylvestris. This delay, the greater needle dry weight, and the smaller average radial diameter of P. uncinata tracheids compared with P. sylvestris, show P. uncinata adaptations to environments with more stress.En este trabajo se estudia la formación mensual del anillo del tronco, la caída de acículas y la elongación de las ramas en poblaciones de Pinus sylvestris L. y Pinus uncinata Ram. en el Pirineo Central Español durante 1993. La formación del anillo se produce de principios de junio hasta final de septiembre, si bien la mayoría de su crecimiento se lleva cabo de mediados de junio hasta mediados de julio. P. sylvestris comienza el desarrollo de su anillo antes que P. uncinata. El inicio del desarrollo de los brotes de P. uncinata se adelanta ligeramente al del crecimiento en grosor del tronco. La caída de acículas es máxima en el otoño y se produce más tarde en P. uncinata que en P. sylvestris. Este retraso, junto al mayor peso de las acículas y el menor diámetro de las traqueidas de P. uncinata, denotan su adaptación a un mayor estrés ambiental que P. sylvestris

    Effect of production system before the finishing period on carcass, meat and fat qualities of beef

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    Twenty Gascon young bulls that had been reared either in intensive conditions (INT) (n = 10) with early weaning at 3 to 4 months, or in a traditional extensive (EXT) system (n = 10) with weaning at 7 months, were subjected to the same conditions during the 145-day finishing period. Production system before the finishing period did not affect conformation, dressing percentage or morphology of the carcass; nevertheless, tissue composition differed somewhat between the two groups. Display had a stronger effect on meat colour than did production system. Percentage of myoglobin was highest in INT (P ⩽ 0.001), although meat texture and sensory quality did not differ between rearing conditions. EXT animals had darker, more yellow fat, a higher percentage of n-3 fatty acids (P ⩽ 0.001), a lower percentage of saturated fatty acids (P ⩽ 0.05) and a lower n-6/n-3 index (P ⩽ 0.001) than did the INT-reared animals. Production system before the fattening period might modify some of the characteristics of commercial beef, especially those associated with fat.This research was financed by European Project Programmes POCTEFA-OTRAC I 2009/010. The authors thank the OTRAC consortium members and the local government (DGA) for the PhD scholarship.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validation of photographs usage to evaluate meat visual acceptability of young bulls finished in feedlot fed with or without essential oils

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    Forty ½ Brown Swiss × ½ Nellore crossbred bulls were distributed into three experimental groups: CON – diet without addition of essential oils; CLO – diet with average 5, 000 mg/animal/day of clove essential oils and CIN – diet with average 5, 000 mg/animal/day of cinnamon essential oils to evaluate three methodologies of visual acceptability: with steaks directly in Trays and Sequential and Random photos. Seventeen consumers evaluated visual appearance of meat using a 9-point structured hedonic scale. CON group presented higher shelf-life than essential oils groups. Trays and Sequential scores were similar in the majority of days; thus digital images could be used to evaluate colour evolution. However, Random photos resulted in lower scores and slower acceptability decrease than Trays and Sequential photos (p < 0.05) among the second and fifth day of display. Random photos presented a lower and more constant standard deviation than Trays and Sequential photos (p < 0.01) indicating that this methodology promoted a higher standard situation for meat colour evaluation

    Pathogenesis of Penile Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Molecular Update and Systematic Review.

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    Penile squamous cell carcinoma (PSCC) is a rare but aggressive neoplasm with dual pathogenesis (human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated and HPV-independent). The development of targeted treatment is hindered by poor knowledge of the molecular landscape of PSCC. We performed a thorough review of genetic alterations of PSCC focused on somatic mutations and/or copy number alterations. A total of seven articles have been identified which, overall, include 268 PSCC. However, the series are heterogeneous regarding methodologies employed for DNA sequencing and HPV detection together with HPV prevalence, and include, in general, a limited number of cases, which results in markedly different findings. Reported top-ranked mutations involve TP53, CDKN2A, FAT1, NOTCH-1 and PIK3CA. Numerical alterations involve gains in MYC and EGFR, as well as amplifications in HPV integration loci. A few genes including TP53, CDKN2A, PIK3CA and CCND1 harbor both somatic mutations and copy number alterations. Notch, RTK-RAS and Hippo pathways are frequently deregulated. Nevertheless, the relevance of the identified alterations, their role in signaling pathways or their association with HPV status remain elusive. Combined targeting of different pathways might represent a valid therapeutic approach in PSCC. This work calls for large-scale sequencing studies with robust HPV testing to improve the genomic understanding of PSCC

    Automatic Discrimination of Species within the Enterobacter cloacae Complex Using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry and Supervised Algorithms

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    The Enterobacter cloacae complex (ECC) encompasses heterogeneous clusters of species that have been associated with nosocomial outbreaks. These species may have different acquired antimicrobial resistance and virulence mechanisms, and their identification is challenging. This study aims to develop predictive models based on matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) profiles and machine learning for species-level identification. A total of 219 ECC and 118 Klebsiella aerogenes clinical isolates from three hospitals were included. The capability of the proposed method to differentiate the most common ECC species (Enterobacter asburiae, Enterobacter kobei, Enterobacter hormaechei, Enterobacter roggenkampii, Enterobacter ludwigii, and Enterobacter bugandensis) and K. aerogenes was demonstrated by applying unsupervised hierarchical clustering with principal-component analysis (PCA) preprocessing. We observed a distinctive clustering of E. hormaechei and K. aerogenes and a clear trend for the rest of the ECC species to be differentiated over the development data set. Thus, we developed supervised, nonlinear predictive models (support vector machine with radial basis function and random forest). The external validation of these models with protein spectra from two participating hospitals yielded 100% correct species-level assignment for E. asburiae, E. kobei, and E. roggenkampii and between 91.2% and 98.0% for the remaining ECC species; with data analyzed in the three participating centers, the accuracy was close to 100%. Similar results were obtained with the Mass Spectrometric Identification (MSI) database developed recently (https://msi.happy-dev.fr) except in the case of E. hormaechei, which was more accurately identified with the random forest algorithm. In short, MALDI-TOF MS combined with machine learning was demonstrated to be a rapid and accurate method for the differentiation of ECC species

    Impact of a pharmaceutical care programme on health-related quality of life among women with epilepsy: a randomised controlled trial (IPHIWWE study)

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    This paper was presented in part at the II Congreso Colombiano de Atención Farmacéutica, Medellín, Colombia, September 27, 2013.Background: Epilepsy is a complex chronic disorder which affects health-related quality of life (HRQOL), especially in women. Pharmaceutical care (PC) allows direct intervention between the pharmacist, the patient and the other healthcare team members to optimise treatments in order to reduce negative outcomes related to medication and contribute to improving HRQOL. The aim of the study was to establish the impact of the application of a pharmaceutical care programme on the HRQOL of women with epilepsy.Methods: This study is a pragmatic randomised controlled trial involving women with epilepsy (WWE) over 18 years of age. The intervention group (IG) received a pharmaceutical care programme consisting of medication review follow-up according to Dáder’s method, health education and therapeutic drug monitoring of anticonvulsants. The impact was assessed by changes in seizure frequency, in the self-administered questionnaires (the QOLIE-31, Liverpool AEP, CES-D, Haynes-Sackett test and Moriski-Green test) and between the first interview and the one at the end of six months of follow-up. A Student’s t-test was performed to compare the final QOLIE-31 score between groups and a paired Student’s t-test was used to determine the change in each group between the start and the end of follow-up.Results: One hundred eighty-two WWE entered the study and 144 (79.1%) completed it. The t-test for comparing the final QOLIE-31 scores between groups yielded a t = −2.166 and confidence interval (CI) (95%): −10.125; −0.4625, p-value =0.0319. The change (Δ) in the QOLIE-31 score for the IG was 12.45 points (p-value <0.001) and for the control group it was 2.61 (p-value =0.072). With 10.7 as the minimally important change we found a relative risk of 2.17 (CI: 1.37; 3.43) and a number needed to treat (NNT) of 3.5.Conclusions: The study demonstrated that the application of a pharmaceutical care programme significantly improves HRQOL in WWE. The NNT we found allows a recommendation to implement the PC programme for the additional benefit that would be obtained in patients’ HRQOL.This study was funded by a competitive investigator grant award from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia) - Research Division of Bogotá (ref: 202010011419 Quipu Code)