2,247 research outputs found

    Impact of the Deficiency of Micronutrients on Patients with HIV/Aids

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    Introduction: HIV-AIDS is an infectious disease that damages the immune system, putting you at risk of serious infections and certain types of cancer. Micronutrient deficiency varies widely, depending on the population and stage of the disease. It can contribute to the weakening of the immune state and the worsening of the physical condition. Objective: To identify through the collection of nutritional information the consequences produced by the lack of micronutrients in patients with HIV-AIDS. Methodology: It was carried out through bibliographic reviews, scientific articles in order to find true and proven information on the effect that micronutrient deficiency has on people with HIV/AIDS. Results: It is shown that clinical deficiencies of some nutrients occur rapidly in response to dietary deficiencies, malabsorption, or altered metabolism, while those nutrients that have reserves in the body take longer to deplete. Discussion: The acquired immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS; is associated with weight loss due to malnutrition. There are foods that can counteract many of the symptoms of the patient with HIV/AIDS, hence the importance of their knowledge. Conclusion: Micronutrient deficiency influences the immune system, accentuating the immunodeficiency that leads to AIDS. People living with this disease should have a balanced diet with Vitamins A, B, zinc and iron to strengthen the immune system, these offer a safe and economical treatment to slow the progression of the infection. Keywords: micronutrients, HIV, AIDS. RESUMEN Introducción: El VIH-SIDA es una enfermedad infecciosa que daña el sistema inmunitario lo que pone en riesgo de contraer infecciones graves y ciertos tipos de cáncer. La deficiencia de micronutrientes varía ampliamente, según la población y el estadio de la enfermedad; puede contribuir al debilitamiento del estado inmune y al empeoramiento de la condición física.  Objetivo: Identificar mediante la recopilación de información nutricional las consecuencias que produce la falta de micronutrientes en pacientes con VIH-SIDA. Metodología: Se realizó a través de revisiones bibliográficas, artículos científicos con el fin de encontrar información verídica y comprobada del efecto que tiene la deficiencia de micronutrientes en personas con VIH/SIDA.  Resultados: Se demuestra que las deficiencias clínicas de algunos nutrientes ocurren rápidamente en respuesta a deficiencias dietéticas, malabsorción, o metabolismo alterado, mientras que aquellos nutrientes que tienen reservas en el cuerpo tardan más en agotarse. Discusión: El virus de la inmunodeficiencia adquirida causante del SIDA; está asociada con la pérdida de peso por malnutrición. Hay muchos alimentos del grupo de los micronutrientes que minimizan manifestaciones clínicas en los enfermos el síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida, siendo necesario saber cuáles son. Conclusiones: La deficiencia de micronutrientes influye en el sistema inmune, acentuando la inmunodeficiencia que lleva al SIDA. Las personas que viven con esta enfermedad deben tener una dieta balanceada con Vitaminas A, B, zinc y hierro para fortalecer el sistema inmunológico, estas ofrecen un tratamiento seguro y económico para retardar la progresión de la infección. Palabras claves: micronutrientes, VHI, SIDA

    Towards automatic hole detection of a net for fish farms by means of robotic intelligence

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    In the last decades fish farms became one of the most important sources of seafood. This industry is facing complex and costly problems like net holes, especially due to unexpected situations, such as depredators and storm effects. This is a complex problem because fishes can escape from the fish farms containers or a depredator can enter in the container. To solve this problem divers are needed, but this solution is difficult and sometimes can be dangerous for the diver. The main objective of this work is to present the current state of a system where an underwater robot can detect holes in the net of a fish farm. Once the robot detects the hole it will proceed to manipulate it. This task is bordered using convolutional neural networks and the BlueROV2 platform with the Newton Gripper from BlueRobotics, which will be upgraded in a second stage to perform preliminary net repairs. This work contributes in the area of aquaculture, computer vision, underwater inspection and manipulation.Peer Reviewe

    Broadband spectrally flat and high power density light source for fiber sensing purposes

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    We present a new kind of broadband continuous-wave source which outperforms any other broadband superluminescent or amplified spontaneous emission source both in terms of output spectral density and bandwidth. Our source covers the wavelength band of interest for fibre applications (from 1450 to 1625 nm) and has an output power of approximately 1.3 W. The source is obtained by pumping a conventional non-zero dispersion-shifted fibre with a continuous-wave Raman fibre laser tuned to the region of small anomalous dispersion of the fibre. The laser beam undergoes an extreme spectral broadening in the fibre. Our experimental results show clearly that the modulation instability (MI)-induced soliton fission is the key element leading to this spectral broadening. Modulation instability is seeded by fast intensity instabilities present in the laser output. We show that this source features good power stability and we believe that it might have very interesting applications in fibre sensing, for instance to avoid the need of amplification in the interrogation of remote Bragg gratings or to improve the resolution and dynamic range of optical coherence tomography setups.Ministerio de Educación y CienciaComunidad de Madri

    Bioactive bilayered dressing for compromised epidermal tissue regeneration with sequential activity of complementary agents

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    The article deals with the design, preparation, and evaluation of a new bilayered dressing for application in the healing of compromised wounds. The system is based on the sequential release of two complementary bioactive components to enhance the activation of the regeneration of dermal tissue. The internal layer is a highly hydrophilic and biodegradable film of gelatin and hyaluronic acid (HG), crosslinked with the natural compound genipin, which reacts with the amine groups of gelatin. This film is loaded with the proangiogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial peptide, proadrenomedullin N-terminal 20 peptide (PAMP), that is released slowly in the wound site. The external layer, more stable and less hydrophilic, is constituted by a biodegradable polyurethane derived from poly(caprolactone) and pluronic L61. This layer is loaded with resorbable nanoparticles of bemiparin (a fractionated low molecular weight heparin), which promotes the activation of growth factors, FGF and VEGF, and provides a good biomechanical stability and controlled permeability of the bilayered dressing. Experiments carried out in mice demonstrate the excellent angiogenic effect of the HG film in the dermal tissue. Application of the bilayered dressing in the wound healing rabbit ear model shows an improved cicatrization of the wound in both ischemic and non-ischemic defects, favoring epithelialization and reducing noticeably the contraction and the inflammation.This work was supported by the CIBER-BBN and a Grant from Spain’s Ministry of Science and Education (SAF2009-13240-C02-01).Peer Reviewe

    Further teleoperated experiments with an underwater mobile manipulator via acoustic modem: modem characterization

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    In this study, we conducted preliminary experiments to characterize an acoustic sonar [1][2] for underwater communication. We carried on image transmission experiments and attempted to reduce reflections using insulating cork. Moving the buoy along the surface revealed the central area of the tank to have the best communication with Girona. We plan to conduct further experiments with the acoustic modem in a realistic environment. In addition, we are also testing Visible Light Communication (VLC) [3] optical modems, which yielded better results than the acoustic modem. We aim to develop a multimodal system for improved communication under different environmental conditions.Peer Reviewe

    La investigación de pregrado en la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo: Mapeo sistemático y analíticas

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    [ES]Desde el año 2014 hasta agosto del 2018, Scopus muestra que existen 2180 artículos científicos sobre las Analíticas de Aprendizaje; esto evidencia la importancia y el interés en este tema. La metodología utilizada es el Mapeo Sistemático de literatura que permite responder a preguntas de investigación mediante la búsqueda secuencial, exhaustiva, sistemática y auditable de literatura científica. Esta investigación tiene el objetivo de responder a cuatro preguntas importantes en el ámbito de la investigación de pregrado, habiéndose aplicado el Mapeo Sistemático y las Analíticas Descriptivas y Predictivas a los Trabajos de Titulación de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. El estudio se realizó desde el 2010 hasta el 2017 (8 años) y se utilizaron como fuentes de información el buscador especializado Google Académico, La Red CEDIA y el repositorio DSpace. En la búsqueda inicial se encontraron un total de 7310 Trabajos de Titulación; luego de la aplicación de los criterios de inclusión, exclusión y calidad se analizaron 7097. Este trabajo muestra el aporte de la utilización del Mapeo Sistemático en Trabajos de Titulación de grado, además muestra dos formas de aplicar las Analíticas de Aprendizaje en la investigación y no exclusivamente en el aprendizaje

    Step-Based Metrics and Overall Physical Activity in Children With Overweight or Obesity: Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Best-practice early interventions to increase physical activity (PA) in children with overweight and obesity should be both feasible and evidence based. Walking is a basic human movement pattern that is practical, cost-effective, and does not require complex movement skills. However, there is still a need to investigate how much walking—as a proportion of total PA level—is performed by children who are overweight and obese in order to determine its utility as a public health strategy. Objective: This study aimed to (1) investigate the proportion of overall PA indicators that are explained by step-based metrics and (2) study step accumulation patterns relative to achievement of public health recommendations in children who are overweight and obese. Methods: A total of 105 overweight and obese children (mean 10.1 years of age [SD 1.1]; 43 girls) wore hip-worn accelerometers for 7 days. PA volumes were derived using the daily average of counts per 15 seconds, categorized using standard cut points for light-moderate-vigorous PA (LMVPA) and moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA). Derived step-based metrics included volume (steps/day), time in cadence bands, and peak 1-minute, 30-minute, and 60-minute cadences. Results: Steps per day explained 66%, 40%, and 74% of variance for counts per 15 seconds, LMVPA, and MVPA, respectively. The variance explained was increased up to 80%, 92%, and 77% by including specific cadence bands and peak cadences. Children meeting the World Health Organization recommendation of 60 minutes per day of MVPA spent less time at zero cadence and more time in cadence bands representing sporadic movement to brisk walking (ie, 20-119 steps/min) than their less-active peers. Conclusions: Step-based metrics, including steps per day and various cadence-based metrics, seem to capture a large proportion of PA for children who are overweight and obese. Given the availability of pedometers, step-based metrics could be useful in discriminating between those children who do or do not achieve MVPA recommendations.MINECO (Ministerio de Economia y COmpetitividad)/FEDER (Fondo Europeo de DEsarrollo Regional) DEP2013-47540 DEP2016-79512-R RYC-2011-09011Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport FPU15/02645 FPU14/06837Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness BES-2014-068829European Union (EU) 667302University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigacion 2016, Excellence action: Units of Excellence University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigacion 2016, Excellence action: Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES)Junta de Andalucia SOMM17/6107/UGR RD16/0022Consejeria de Conocimiento, Investigacion y Universidades SOMM17/6107/UGR RD16/0022European Union (EU) SOMM17/6107/UGR RD16/0022SAMID III (red de SAlud Materno Infantil y Desarrollo) network, RETICS (REdes Tematicas de Investigacion Cooperativa en Salud) - PN (Plan Nacional) I+D+I (Investigacion + Desarrollo + Innovacion) 2017-2021 (Spain)ISCIII (Instituto de Salud Carlos III)-Sub-Directorate General for Research Assessment and Promotion DEP2005-00046/ACTIEXERNET Research Network on Exercise and Health in Special Populations DEP2005-00046/ACTIIntramural Research Program at the National Institute on Aging, US

    The global oscillation network group site survey. II. Results

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    The Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) Project will place a network of instruments around the world to observe solar oscillations as continuously as possible for three years. The Project has now chosen the six network sites based on analysis of survey data from fifteen sites around the world. The chosen sites are: Big Bear Solar Observatory, California; Mauna Loa Solar Observatory, Hawaii; Learmonth Solar Observatory, Australia; Udaipur Solar Observatory, India; Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife; and Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory, Chile. Total solar intensity at each site yields information on local cloud cover, extinction coefficient, and transparency fluctuations. In addition, the performance of 192 reasonable components analysis. An accompanying paper describes the analysis methods in detail; here we present the results of both the network and individual site analyses. The selected network has a duty cycle of 93.3%, in good agreement with numerical simulations. The power spectrum of the network observing window shows a first diurnal sidelobe height of 3 × 10⁻⁴ with respect to the central component, an improvement of a factor of 1300 over a single site. The background level of the network spectrum is lower by a factor of 50 compared to a single-site spectrum

    Evidencia Empírica de la Minería de Procesos en la Implantación de CMMI-DEV

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    Resumen: La minería de procesos tiene como objetivo descubrir, monitorear y mejorar procesos a través del análisis de los diversos registros de eventos generados por los procesos de la organización. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar la evidencia empírica de la inclusión estratégica de la disciplina de minería de procesos en proyectos de mejora de procesos de software implementados con CMMI. En el proceso de mapeo sistemático de la revisión de la literatura, se establecieron cuatro categorías para clasificar los hallazgos encontrados (Fundamentos teóricos, propuestas, herramientas y sistemas de información y algoritmos) para presentar los estudios que cumplen con el objetivo. Se concluye que la interdisciplinariedad de la minería de procesos con un modelo de referencia de procesos como CMMI-DEV apoya la implementación y evaluación de las áreas de procesos, al aplicar técnicas y algoritmos de minería de procesos que faciliten la exploración y explotación de los registros de eventos relacionados a la ejecución de las actividades almacenados en un repositorio. Palabras clave: Minería de Procesos, Mejora de Procesos de Software, Registro de Eventos