3,984 research outputs found

    Influence of pH on colour and iron content of peptide fractions obtained from bovine Hb concentrate hydrolysates

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    The effect of pH on colour and iron content (Fe) of peptide fractions obtained from bovine haemoglobin concentrate (BHC) hydrolysates was studied. Four hydrolysates were obtained using three enzymes: Protex- 6-L (P), Fungal?Protease?Concetrate (FC) and Flavourzyme (F). BHC and its hydrolysates (P, FC, P + F, FC + F) were fractioned at pH 4.5, 7.0 and 9.5. Solubility and Fe from different fractions were measured. Correlations between CIELAB colour parameters and Fe from different fractions were analysed. The colour from different fractions varied from red to yellow (a* and b* positives). Lightness values (L*) ranged from twenty-four to seventy. FC4.5 and FC + F4.5 fractions were the clearest and yellow (higher L*, b*, h), while BHC9.5 and P + F9.5 fractions had the lowest values of L*, b* and h. There was an inverse linear relationship between b* and L* parameters and Fe from fractions. This relationship could be associated with the pH of extraction. As pH increases Fe significantly increases and lower b* and L* values were obtained.Fil: Cian, Raúl Esteban. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química. Instituto de Tecnología de los Alimentos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe; ArgentinaFil: Drago, Silvina Rosa. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química. Instituto de Tecnología de los Alimentos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe; ArgentinaFil: González, Rolando J.. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química. Instituto de Tecnología de los Alimentos; Argentin

    Differential prefrontal-like deficit in children after cerebellar astrocytoma and medulloblastoma tumor

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    Background: This study was realized thanks to the collaboration of children and adolescents who had been resected from cerebellar tumors. The medulloblastoma group (CE+, n = 7) in addition to surgery received radiation and chemotherapy. The astrocytoma group (CE, n = 13) did not receive additional treatments. Each clinical group was compared in their executive functioning with a paired control group (n = 12). The performances of the clinical groups with respect to controls were compared considering the tumor's localization (vermis or hemisphere) and the affectation (or not) of the dentate nucleus. Executive variables were correlated with the age at surgery, the time between surgery-evaluation and the resected volume. Methods: The executive functioning was assessed by means of WCST, Complex Rey Figure, Controlled Oral Word Association Test (letter and animal categories), Digits span (WISC-R verbal scale) and Stroop test. These tests are very sensitive to dorsolateral PFC and/or to medial frontal cortex functions. The scores for the non-verbal Raven IQ were also obtained. Direct scores were corrected by age and transformed in standard scores using normative data. The neuropsychological evaluation was made at 3.25 (SD = 2.74) years from surgery in CE group and at 6.47 (SD = 2.77) in CE+ group. Results: The Medulloblastoma group showed severe executive deficit (</= 1.5 SD below normal mean) in all assessed tests, the most severe occurring in vermal patients. The Astrocytoma group also showed executive deficits in digits span, semantic fluency (animal category) and moderate to slight deficit in Stroop (word and colour) tests. In the astrocytoma group, the tumor's localization and dentate affectation showed different profile and level of impairment: moderate to slight for vermal and hemispheric patients respectively. The resected volume, age at surgery and the time between surgery-evaluation correlated with some neuropsychological executive variables. Conclusion: Results suggest a differential prefrontal-like deficit due to cerebellar lesions and/or cerebellar-frontal diaschisis, as indicate the results in astrocytoma group (without treatments), that also can be generated and/or increased by treatments in the medulloblastoma group. The need for differential rehabilitation strategies for specific clinical groups is remarked. The results are also discussed in the context of the Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome.4:18; pags: 1-16 doi: 10.1186/1744-9081-4-18

    The Gould's Belt Very Large Array Survey II: The Serpens region

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    We present deep (17 μ\sim 17~\muJy) radio continuum observations of the Serpens molecular cloud, the Serpens south cluster, and the W40 region obtained using the Very Large Array in its A configuration. We detect a total of 146 sources, 29 of which are young stellar objects (YSOs), 2 are BV stars and 5 more are associated with phenomena related to YSOs. Based on their radio variability and spectral index, we propose that about 16 of the remaining 110 unclassified sources are also YSOs. For approximately 65% of the known YSOs detected here as radio sources, the emission is most likely non-thermal, and related to stellar coronal activity. As also recently observed in Ophiuchus, our sample of YSOs with X-ray counterparts lies below the fiducial G\"udel & Benz relation. Finally, we analyze the proper motions of 9 sources in the W40 region. This allows us to better constrain the membership of the radio sources in the region.Comment: Accepted in The Astrophysical Journa

    The role of hybrid systems in the decarbonization of residential heritage buildings in Mediterranean climate. A case study in Seville, Spain

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    Residential heritage buildings in the Mediterranean region face unexpected challenges in the field of energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality to ensure the sustainable conservation of historic town centres. This paper evaluates whether the conservation of their values can coexist with the current energy efficiency requirements and be included in urban decarbonization plans to prevent neglect and degradation. For this, a comprehensive decarbonization plan was drawn up based on the results of a previous energy audit on the case study selected, an 18th-century listed residential building in Seville, Spain. Envelope improvement was combined with mechanical ventilation and an integrated heat pump combining RESs and electricity from the public grid to cover all thermal needs in order to reach NZEB performance in the building. Despite the complexity of integrating demanding energy efficiency standards into heritage buildings, which requires case-by-case analysis and dynamic simulation, findings show a notable degree of approximation to NZEB performance. The main obstacles stem from the large amount of energy consumed by auxiliary systems and the relatively low presence of RESs in the national electricity mix

    Influence of ships emissions in the ultrafine particles pollution in an urban coastal air

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    Comunicación presentada en: V Reunión Española de Ciencia y Tecnología de Aerosoles – RECTA 2011 celebrada del 27 al 29 de junio de 2011 en CIEMAT, Madrid.Experimental data (2008-2009) of particle number (N≥2.5 nm diameter) and black carbon (BC) concen-trations and of gaseous pollutants recorded in the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife was analyzed in order to asses the impact of ship emissions on the ultrafine particle (UFP) concentrations in coastal urban areas. The observed relationship between N and the other air pollutants, allowed segregating the contribu-tion of vehicle exhaust and of ship emissions to the UFP con-centrations in the urban ambient air. The influence of fresh vehicle exhaus

    Abuso de sustancias y percepción de la salud en niños y adolescentes españoles

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    [EN] Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze subs- tance abuse and health self-perception in children and adolescents from the province of Cádiz (Spain). Methodology: Participants were 738 students, 50.9 boys and 49.1% girls, from elementary school to high school (1 st to 12 th grade, mean age 12.2. years), who res- ponded a Spanish adaptation of the Health Behavior in School-aged Children Inventory. Results: No difference was observed in percentage of boys and girls reporting to smoke or drink alcohol. Smo- king and drinking habits increased with age, being higher in 11 th and 12 th grade students. Significant differences were observed among the percentage of smokers and non smokers recognizing to have parents, older brothers or friends who smoke. Rates of drug abuse were generally low, being cannabis the most frequently consumed illicit drug. Most respondents had a perception of excellent or good health, with no significant gender differences. About half of subjects considered that health exclusively depends on self behavior, but an important percentage also gave a relevant role to luck. Stomach-ache was the most frequent physical complaint, followed by headache. Psychological complaints mainly corresponded to ner- vousness and bad temper. Only a small percentage of sub- jects declared the use of medicines or tablets without prescription. No significant difference in the percentage of respondent who perceived an excellent or good health was observed among substance users and non users. Conclusions: Substance abuse and health self-percep- tion in children and adolescents are the result of the inte- raction of a complex series of individual and social fac- tors. Activities aimed to improve health focusing on partial aspects of adolescents’ lifestyle most probably will have limited results, and global programs are required.[ES] Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio ha sido analizar el uso de sustancias tóxicas y la autopercepción del estado de salud en niños y adolescentes de la provincia de Cádiz. Metodología: Participaron 738 alumnos, 50.9% de chi- cos y 49.1% de chicas, que cursaban educación primaria y secundaria (desde 1º educación primaria a 2º de bachi- llerato, edad media 12,2 años), a los que se aplicó la ver- sión española del Inventario de Conductas de Salud en Escolares. Resultados: No se observaron diferencias en el porcen- taje de chicos y chicas que fumaban o bebían alcohol. Los hábitos de consumo de tabaco y alcohol se incrementaban con la edad, alcanzando sus máximos valores en los alum- nos de bachillerato. Se encontraron diferencias significa- tivas en el porcentaje de fumadores y no fumadores que reconocían el tener padres, hermanos mayores o amigos que fumaban. El consumo de drogas ilegales era general- mente reducido, predominando la utilización del canna- bis. La mayoría de los sujetos tenían una percepción de su salud como excelente o buena. En torno a la mitad de los encuestados consideraban que la salud depende exclusi- vamente del propio comportamiento, aunque una parte importante también le otorgaba un papel relevante a la suerte. El dolor de estómago era el síntoma físico más fre- cuente, seguido del dolor de cabeza. Entre los síntomas psicológicos predominaban el nerviosismo y el estar irri- tado o enfadado. Solo un pequeño porcentaje declaraba consumir medicamentos o píldoras no prescritos. No se observaron diferencias significativas en el porcentaje de los que reconocían una salud excelente o buena entre los usuarios y no usuarios de sustancias tóxicas. Conclusiones: El abuso de sustancias tóxicas y la auto- percepción del estado de salud en niños y adolescentes es el resultado de la interacción de una compleja serie de facto- res individuales y sociales. Las actividades diseñadas para la mejora de la salud centradas en aspectos parciales del estilo de vida tendrán probablemente resultados limitados, requiriéndose el desarrollo de programas globales.S

    Molecular characterization of autophagic and apoptotic signaling induced by sorafenib in liver cancer cells

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    Sorafenib is the unique accepted molecular targeted drug for the treatment of patients in advanced stage of hepatocellular carcinoma. The current study evaluated cell signaling regulation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, c-Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK), Akt, and 5′AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) leading to autophagy and apoptosis induced by sorafenib. Sorafenib induced early (3–12 hr) ER stress characterized by an increase of Ser51P-eIF2α/eIF2α, C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP), IRE1α, and sXBP1, but a decrease of activating transcription factor 6 expression, overall temporally associated with the increase of Thr183,Tyr185P-JNK1/2/JNK1/2, Thr172P-AMPKα, Ser413P-Foxo3a, Thr308P-AKt/AKt and Thr32P-Foxo3a/Foxo3a ratios, and reduction of Ser2481P-mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)/mTOR and protein translation. This pattern was related to a transient increase of tBid, Bim EL, Beclin-1, Bcl-xL, Bcl-2, autophagy markers, and reduction of myeloid cell leukemia-1 (Mcl-1) expression. The progressive increase of CHOP expression, and reduction of Thr308P-AKt/AKt and Ser473P-AKt/AKt ratios were associated with the reduction of autophagic flux and an additional upregulation of Bim EL expression and caspase-3 activity (24 hr). Small interfering-RNA (si-RNA) assays showed that Bim, but not Bak and Bax, was involved in the induction of caspase-3 in sorafenib-treated HepG2 cells. Sorafenib increased autophagic and apoptotic markers in tumor-derived xenograft model. In conclusion, the early sorafenib-induced ER stress and regulation of JNK and AMPK-dependent signaling were related to the induction of survival autophagic process. The sustained drug treatment induced a progressive increase of ER stress and PERK-CHOP-dependent rise of Bim EL, which was associated with the shift from autophagy to apoptosis. The kinetic of Bim EL expression profile might also be related to the tight balance between AKt- and AMPK-related signaling leading to Foxo3a-dependent BIM EL upregulation.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2016‐75352‐PInstituto de Salud Carlos III PI15/00034, PI13/ 00021, PI16/00090, PI14/01349Ministerio de Educación FPU16/05127, FPU12/01433, FPU13/01237Junta de Andalucía CTS-6264, PI-00025-2013, PI-0127-2013, PI-0198-201