102 research outputs found

    The quality of specimens obtained by fine-needle aspiration biopsy: does training make a difference?

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    Background: The aim of this study was to determine the outcome of a one-hour training session on the correct technique of fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) by assessing adequacy of FNAB specimens received from clinicians at an academic hospital.Method: Six clinicians were recruited and their FNABs assessed, six months prior to, and then again after, a one-hour training session in correct technique. Questionnaires were completed prior to the training session and after the subsequent six-month period, to determine the subjective assessment of the clinicians’ perceived value of the training on their aspiration technique.Results: Five of the clinicians had never received training in FNAB technique. The adequacy of the aspirates for all six clinicians did not improve, although this was not statistically significant. They performed a median of 15.5 FNABs in the six months prior to training, and 13.5 FNABs in the six-month follow-up period. Five of the six clinicians subjectively perceived the quality of the aspirates to have improved, and all six recommended the training session to their colleagues.Conclusion: No improvement was noted after training, but the number of FNABs performed per clinician was suboptimal. Previous studies have shown that clinicians performing relatively few aspirates perform poorly, even if they have received adequate training. The fact that all six would recommend the training session to colleagues is encouraging, and the authors recommend that formal training in FNAB technique should be included in the undergraduate medical curriculum.S Afr Fam Pract 2012;54(5):425-42

    Peyronie's disease - a perspective on the disease and the long-term results of radiotherapy

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    From 1966 to 1988, 98 of 108 patients with symptomatic Peyronie's disease received radiotherapy at our institution. In 11 of 61 patients (18%) who attended the clinic regularly for follow-up for longer than a year, new lesions distinct from the original lesions developed. This confirms that there is progression of the disease in a substantial number of cases after treatment. Long-term follow-up over an average of 111,5 months was achieved by means of a questionnaire in 47 of the 98 cases (48%). Forty-one of these patients (87,2%) had sexual intercourse after radiation. Twenty-eight of the 41 (68,3%) still have intercourse. Their average age at present is 59,6 years while the average age of the 13 patients (31,7%) not having intercourse is 70,9 years. The decline in sexual activity is thus age-related. Twenty-one of 25 patients (84%) experienced relief from pain, and angulation of the penis improved in 17 of 44 patients (38,6%) after radiotherapy. Radiotherapy may therefore be of benefit to patients with active Peyronie's disease and should be investigated in a randoIIlised controlled study

    Southern African Treatment Resistance Network (SATuRN) RegaDB HIV drug resistance and clinical management database: supporting patient management, surveillance and research in southern Africa

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    Substantial amounts of data have been generated from patient management and academic exercises designed to better understand the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic and design interventions to control it. A number of specialized databases have been designed to manage huge data sets from HIV cohort, vaccine, host genomic and drug resistance studies. Besides databases from cohort studies, most of the online databases contain limited curated data and are thus sequence repositories. HIV drug resistance has been shown to have a great potential to derail the progress made thus far through antiretroviral therapy. Thus, a lot of resources have been invested in generating drug resistance data for patient management and surveillance purposes. Unfortunately, most of the data currently available relate to subtype B even though >60% of the epidemic is caused by HIV-1 subtype C. A consortium of clinicians, scientists, public health experts and policy markers working in southern Africa came together and formed a network, the Southern African Treatment and Resistance Network (SATuRN), with the aim of increasing curated HIV-1 subtype C and tuberculosis drug resistance data. This article describes the HIV-1 data curation process using the SATuRN Rega database. The data curation is a manual and time-consuming process done by clinical, laboratory and data curation specialists. Access to the highly curated data sets is through applications that are reviewed by the SATuRN executive committee. Examples of research outputs from the analysis of the curated data include trends in the level of transmitted drug resistance in South Africa, analysis of the levels of acquired resistance among patients failing therapy and factors associated with the absence of genotypic evidence of drug resistance among patients failing therapy. All these studies have been important for informing first- and second-line therapy. This database is a free password-protected open source database available on www.bioafrica.net

    A systematic review of hepatitis B virus (HBV) drug and vaccine escape mutations in Africa: A call for urgent action

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    <div><p>International sustainable development goals for the elimination of viral hepatitis as a public health problem by 2030 highlight the pressing need to optimize strategies for prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Selected or transmitted resistance associated mutations (RAMs) and vaccine escape mutations (VEMs) in hepatitis B virus (HBV) may reduce the success of existing treatment and prevention strategies. These issues are particularly pertinent for many settings in Africa where there is high HBV prevalence and co-endemic HIV infection, but lack of robust epidemiological data and limited education, diagnostics and clinical care. The prevalence, distribution and impact of RAMs and VEMs in these populations are neglected in the current literature. We therefore set out to assimilate data for sub-Saharan Africa through a systematic literature review and analysis of published sequence data, and present these in an on-line database (<a href="https://livedataoxford.shinyapps.io/1510659619-3Xkoe2NKkKJ7Drg/" target="_blank">https://livedataoxford.shinyapps.io/1510659619-3Xkoe2NKkKJ7Drg/</a>). The majority of the data were from HIV/HBV coinfected cohorts. The commonest RAM was rtM204I/V, either alone or in combination with associated mutations, and identified in both reportedly treatment-naïve and treatment-experienced adults. We also identified the suite of mutations rtM204V/I + rtL180M + rtV173L, that has been associated with vaccine escape, in over 1/3 of cohorts. Although tenofovir has a high genetic barrier to resistance, it is of concern that emerging data suggest polymorphisms that may be associated with resistance, although the precise clinical impact of these is unknown. Overall, there is an urgent need for improved diagnostic screening, enhanced laboratory assessment of HBV before and during therapy, and sustained roll out of tenofovir in preference to lamivudine alone. Further data are needed in order to inform population and individual approaches to HBV diagnosis, monitoring and therapy in these highly vulnerable settings.</p></div

    Co-Operative Additive Effects between HLA Alleles in Control of HIV-1

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    Background: HLA class I genotype is a major determinant of the outcome of HIV infection, and the impact of certain alleles on HIV disease outcome is well studied. Recent studies have demonstrated that certain HLA class I alleles that are in linkage disequilibrium, such as HLA-A*74 and HLA-B*57, appear to function co-operatively to result in greater immune control of HIV than mediated by either single allele alone. We here investigate the extent to which HLA alleles - irrespective of linkage disequilibrium - function co-operatively. Methodology/Principal Findings: We here refined a computational approach to the analysis of >2000 subjects infected with C-clade HIV first to discern the individual effect of each allele on disease control, and second to identify pairs of alleles that mediate ‘co-operative additive’ effects, either to improve disease suppression or to contribute to immunological failure. We identified six pairs of HLA class I alleles that have a co-operative additive effect in mediating HIV disease control and four hazardous pairs of alleles that, occurring together, are predictive of worse disease outcomes (q<0.05 in each case). We developed a novel ‘sharing score’ to quantify the breadth of CD8+ T cell responses made by pairs of HLA alleles across the HIV proteome, and used this to demonstrate that successful viraemic suppression correlates with breadth of unique CD8+ T cell responses (p = 0.03). Conclusions/Significance: These results identify co-operative effects between HLA Class I alleles in the control of HIV-1 in an extended Southern African cohort, and underline complementarity and breadth of the CD8+ T cell targeting as one potential mechanism for this effect

    Paediatric non-progression following grandmother-to-child HIV transmission

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    Background In contrast to adult HIV infection, where slow disease progression is strongly linked to immune control of HIV mediated by protective HLA class I molecules such as HLA-B*81:01, the mechanisms by which a minority of HIV-infected children maintain normal-for-age CD4 counts and remain clinically healthy appear to be HLA class I-independent and are largely unknown. To better understand these mechanisms, we here studied a HIV-infected South African female, who remained a non-progressor throughout childhood. Results Phylogenetic analysis of viral sequences in the HIV-infected family members, together with the history of grand-maternal breast-feeding, indicated that, unusually, the non-progressor child had been infected via grandmother-to-child transmission. Although HLA-B*81:01 was expressed by both grandmother and grand-daughter, autologous virus in each subject encoded an escape mutation L188F within the immunodominant HLA-B*81:01-restricted Gag-specific epitope TL9 (TPQDLNTML, Gag 180–188). Since the transmitted virus can influence paediatric and adult HIV disease progression, we investigated the impact of the L188F mutant on replicative capacity. When this variant was introduced into three distinct HIV clones in vitro, viral replicative capacity was abrogated altogether. However, a virus constructed using the gag sequence of the non-progressor child replicated as efficiently as wildtype virus. Conclusion These findings suggest alternative sequences of events: the transmission of the uncompensated low fitness L188F to both children, potentially contributing to slow progression in both, consistent with previous studies indicating that disease progression in children can be influenced by the replicative capacity of the transmitted virus; or the transmission of fully compensated virus, and slow progression here principally the result of HLA-independent host-specific factors, yet to be defined

    Current position of 5HT3 antagonists and the additional value of NK1 antagonists; a new class of antiemetics

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    The advent of the 5HT3 receptor antagonists (5HT3 antagonists) in the 1990s and the combination with dexamethasone has resulted in acute emesis protection in 70% of patients receiving highly emetogenic chemotherapy. Despite complete protection in the acute phase, however, 40% of patients as yet have symptoms in the delayed phase, 5HT3 antagonists and dexamethasone are only modestly effective in this delayed phase. Moreover, the antiemetic protection over repeated cycles is not sustained. Neurokinine 1 receptor antagonists (NK1 antagonists) belong to a new class of antiemetic agents that specifically target the NK1 receptor, which is involved in both the acute and, particularly, the delayed phase of emesis. Clinical studies have demonstrated that the addition of NK1 antagonists to dual therapy with a 5HT3 antagonist plus dexamethasone improves the acute emesis protection by a further 10-15%. In the delayed phase, the proportion of patients remaining free of emesis increases by even 20-30%. Since the effectiveness of this triplet combination was found to be sustained over six cycles of chemotherapy, the chance for an individual patient to remain completely protected during both the acute and the delayed phase over six chemotherapy cycles is nearly doubled

    Human MAIT cells respond to and suppress HIV-1

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    Human MAIT cells sit at the interface between innate and adaptive immunity, are polyfunctional and are capable of killing pathogen infected cells via recognition of the Class IB molecule MR1. MAIT cells have recently been shown to possess an antiviral protective role in vivo and we therefore sought to explore this in relation to HIV-1 infection. There was marked activation of MAIT cells in vivo in HIV-1-infected individuals, which decreased following ART. Stimulation of THP1 monocytes with R5 tropic HIV(BAL) potently activated MAIT cells in vitro. This activation was dependent on IL-12 and IL-18 but was independent of the TCR. Upon activation, MAIT cells were able to upregulate granzyme B, IFNγ and HIV-1 restriction factors CCL3, 4, and 5. Restriction factors produced by MAIT cells inhibited HIV-1 infection of primary PBMCs and immortalized target cells in vitro. These data reveal MAIT cells to be an additional T cell population responding to HIV-1, with a potentially important role in controlling viral replication at mucosal sites

    Progression to AIDS in South Africa Is Associated with both Reverting and Compensatory Viral Mutations

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    We lack the understanding of why HIV-infected individuals in South Africa progress to AIDS. We hypothesised that in end-stage disease there is a shifting dynamic between T cell imposed immunity and viral immune escape, which, through both compensatory and reverting viral mutations, results in increased viral fitness, elevated plasma viral loads and disease progression. We explored how T cell responses, viral adaptation and viral fitness inter-relate in South African cohorts recruited from Bloemfontein, the Free State (n = 278) and Durban, KwaZulu-Natal (n = 775). Immune responses were measured by γ-interferon ELISPOT assays. HLA-associated viral polymorphisms were determined using phylogenetically corrected techniques, and viral replication capacity (VRC) was measured by comparing the growth rate of gag-protease recombinant viruses against recombinant NL4-3 viruses. We report that in advanced disease (CD4 counts <100 cells/µl), T cell responses narrow, with a relative decline in Gag-directed responses (p<0.0001). This is associated with preserved selection pressure at specific viral amino acids (e.g., the T242N polymorphism within the HLA-B*57/5801 restricted TW10 epitope), but with reversion at other sites (e.g., the T186S polymorphism within the HLA-B*8101 restricted TL9 epitope), most notably in Gag and suggestive of “immune relaxation”. The median VRC from patients with CD4 counts <100 cells/µl was higher than from patients with CD4 counts ≥500 cells/µl (91.15% versus 85.19%, p = 0.0004), potentially explaining the rise in viral load associated with disease progression. Mutations at HIV Gag T186S and T242N reduced VRC, however, in advanced disease only the T242N mutants demonstrated increasing VRC, and were associated with compensatory mutations (p = 0.013). These data provide novel insights into the mechanisms of HIV disease progression in South Africa. Restoration of fitness correlates with loss of viral control in late disease, with evidence for both preserved and relaxed selection pressure across the HIV genome. Interventions that maintain viral fitness costs could potentially slow progression