295 research outputs found

    Process tomography of field damping and measurement of Fock state lifetimes by quantum non-demolition photon counting in a cavity

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    The relaxation of a quantum field stored in a high-QQ superconducting cavity is monitored by non-resonant Rydberg atoms. The field, subjected to repetitive quantum non-demolition (QND) photon counting, undergoes jumps between photon number states. We select ensembles of field realizations evolving from a given Fock state and reconstruct the subsequent evolution of their photon number distributions. We realize in this way a tomography of the photon number relaxation process yielding all the jump rates between Fock states. The damping rates of the nn photon states (0n70\leq n \leq 7) are found to increase linearly with nn. The results are in excellent agreement with theory including a small thermal contribution

    Entanglement of a Mesoscopic Field with an Atom induced by Photon Graininess in a Cavity

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    We observe that a mesoscopic field made of several tens of microwave photons exhibits quantum features when interacting with a single Rydberg atom in a high-Q cavity. The field is split into two components whose phases differ by an angle inversely proportional to the square root of the average photon number. The field and the atomic dipole are phase-entangled. These manifestations of photon graininess vanish at the classical limit. This experiment opens the way to studies of large Schrodinger cat states at the quantum-classical boundary

    Phase space tweezers for tailoring cavity fields by quantum Zeno dynamics

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    We discuss an implementation of Quantum Zeno Dynamics in a Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics experiment. By performing repeated unitary operations on atoms coupled to the field, we restrict the field evolution in chosen subspaces of the total Hilbert space. This procedure leads to promising methods for tailoring non-classical states. We propose to realize `tweezers' picking a coherent field at a point in phase space and moving it towards an arbitrary final position without affecting other non-overlapping coherent components. These effects could be observed with a state-of-the-art apparatus

    Prewetting transition on a weakly disordered substrate : evidence for a creeping film dynamics

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    We present the first microscopic images of the prewetting transition of a liquid film on a solid surface. Pictures of the local coverage map of a helium film on a cesium metal surface are taken while the temperature is raised through the transition. The film edge is found to advance at constant temperature by successive avalanches in a creep motion with a macroscopic correlation length. The creep velocity varies strongly in a narrow temperature range. The retreat motion is obtained only at much lower temperature, conforming to the strong hysteresis observed for prewetting transition on a disordered surface. Prewetting transition on such disordered surfaces appears to give rise to dynamical phenomena similar to what is observed for domain wall motions in 2D magnets.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Euro.Phys.Let

    Implementation of stability-based transition model by means of transport equations

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    A natural laminar-turbulent transition model compatible with Computation Fluid Dynamics is presented. This model accounts for longitudinal transition mechanisms (i.e. Tollmien-Schlichting induced transition) thanks to systematic stability computation on similar boundary profiles from Mach zero to four both on adiabatic and isothermal wall. The model embeds as well the so-called “C1-criterion” for transverse transition mechanisms (i.e. cross-flow waves induced transition). The transition model is written under transport equations formalism and has been implemented in the solver elsA (ONERA-Airbus-Safran property). Validations are performed on three dimensional configurations and comparisons are shown against a database method for natural transition modeling and experiments

    Nonprobabilistic teleportation of field state via cavity QED

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    In this article we discuss a teleportation scheme of coherent states of cavity field. The experimental realization proposed makes use of cavity quatum electrodynamics involving the interaction of Rydberg atoms with micromaser and Ramsey cavities. In our scheme the Ramsey cavities and the atoms play the role of auxiliary systems used to teleport the state from a micromaser cavity to another. We show that, even if the correct atomic detection fails in the first trials, one can succeed in teleportating the cavity field state if the proper measurement occurs in a later atom

    Degenerate higher order scalar-tensor theories beyond Horndeski up to cubic order

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    We present all scalar-tensor Lagrangians that are cubic in second derivatives of a scalar field, and that are degenerate, hence avoiding Ostrogradsky instabilities. Thanks to the existence of constraints, they propagate no more than three degrees of freedom, despite having higher order equations of motion. We also determine the viable combinations of previously identified quadratic degenerate Lagrangians and the newly established cubic ones. Finally, we study whether the new theories are connected to known scalar-tensor theories such as Horndeski and beyond Horndeski, through conformal or disformal transformations

    Preparation of Long-Lived, Non-Autoionizing Circular Rydberg States of Strontium

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    Alkaline earth Rydberg atoms are very promising tools for quantum technologies. Their highly excited outer electron provides them with the remarkable properties of Rydberg atoms and, notably, with a huge coupling to external fields or to other Rydberg atoms while the ionic core retains an optically active electron. However, low angular-momentum Rydberg states suffer almost immediate autoionization when the core is excited. Here, we demonstrate that strontium circular Rydberg atoms with a core excited in a 4D4D metastable level are impervious to autoionization over more than a few millisecond time scale. This makes it possible to trap and laser-cool Rydberg atoms. Moreover, we observe singlet to triplet transitions due to the core optical manipulations, opening the way to a quantum microwave to optical interface

    Quantum Zeno dynamics of a field in a cavity

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    We analyze the quantum Zeno dynamics that takes place when a field stored in a cavity undergoes frequent interactions with atoms. We show that repeated measurements or unitary operations performed on the atoms probing the field state confine the evolution to tailored subspaces of the total Hilbert space. This confinement leads to non-trivial field evolutions and to the generation of interesting non-classical states, including mesoscopic field state superpositions. We elucidate the main features of the quantum Zeno mechanism in the context of a state-of-the-art cavity quantum electrodynamics experiment. A plethora of effects is investigated, from state manipulations by phase space tweezers to nearly arbitrary state synthesis. We analyze in details the practical implementation of this dynamics and assess its robustness by numerical simulations including realistic experimental imperfections. We comment on the various perspectives opened by this proposal

    Resonant decay of gravitational waves into dark energy

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    We study the decay of gravitational waves into dark energy fluctuations \u3c0, taking into account the large occupation numbers. We describe dark energy using the effective field theory approach, in the context of generalized scalar-tensor theories. When the m33 (cubic Horndeski) and 3c m42 (beyond Horndeski) operators are present, the gravitational wave acts as a classical background for \u3c0 and modifies its dynamics. In particular, \u3c0 fluctuations are described by a Mathieu equation and feature instability bands that grow exponentially. Focusing on the regime of small gravitational-wave amplitude, corresponding to narrow resonance, we calculate analytically the produced \u3c0, its energy and the change of the gravitational-wave signal. The resonance is affected by \u3c0 self-interactions in a way that we cannot describe analytically. This effect is very relevant for the operator m33 and it limits the instability. In the case of the 3c m42 operator self-interactions can be neglected, at least in some regimes. The modification of the gravitational-wave signal is observable for 3 7 10-20 64 \u3b1H 64 10-17 with a LIGO/Virgo-like interferometer and for 10-16 64 \u3b1H 64 10-10 with a LISA-like one