5,549 research outputs found

    Lie Superalgebras and the Multiplet Structure of the Genetic Code II: Branching Schemes

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    Continuing our attempt to explain the degeneracy of the genetic code using basic classical Lie superalgebras, we present the branching schemes for the typical codon representations (typical 64-dimensional irreducible representations) of basic classical Lie superalgebras and find three schemes that do reproduce the degeneracies of the standard code, based on the orthosymplectic algebra osp(5|2) and differing only in details of the symmetry breaking pattern during the last step.Comment: 34 pages, 9 tables, LaTe

    Managerial decision making under uncertainty: the case of Twenty20 cricket

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    We consider managerial decision making by examining the impact of decisions taken by cricket captains on Twenty20 International (T20I) match outcomes. In particular, we examine whether pressure from external commentators is associated with suboptimal decision making by captains. Using data from over 300 T20I matches, we find little evidence that either winning the toss or choosing to bat first improves the likelihood of winning. Despite this, we find that captains in T20I cricket are significantly more likely to choose to bat rather than bowl after winning the toss, a finding that is consistent with social pressure constraining captains’ decision making

    Generating-function method for tensor products

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    This is the first of two articles devoted to a exposition of the generating-function method for computing fusion rules in affine Lie algebras. The present paper is entirely devoted to the study of the tensor-product (infinite-level) limit of fusions rules. We start by reviewing Sharp's character method. An alternative approach to the construction of tensor-product generating functions is then presented which overcomes most of the technical difficulties associated with the character method. It is based on the reformulation of the problem of calculating tensor products in terms of the solution of a set of linear and homogeneous Diophantine equations whose elementary solutions represent ``elementary couplings''. Grobner bases provide a tool for generating the complete set of relations between elementary couplings and, most importantly, as an algorithm for specifying a complete, compatible set of ``forbidden couplings''.Comment: Harvmac (b mode : 39 p) and Pictex; this is a substantially reduced version of hep-th/9811113 (with new title); to appear in J. Math. Phy

    Tidal energy in the Bering Sea

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    Tidal harmonics computed from TOPEX/POSEIDON altimetry are assimilated into a barotropic, finite element model of the Bering Sea whose accuracy is evaluated though comparisons with independent bottom pressure gauges. The model is used to estimate energy fluxes through each of the Aleutian Passes and Bering Strait and to construct an energy budget for the major tidal constituents. The finite element model does not conserve mass locally and this is shown to give rise to an additional term in the energy budget whose contribution is significant for the prior model, but which is reduced substantially with the assimilation technique. Though the M2 constituent is estimated to have the largest net energy flux into the Bering Sea at 31.2 GW, the K1 constituent is not far behind at 24.9 GW and the sum for the three largest diurnal constituents is found to be greater than the sum for the largest three semi-diurnals. Samalga and Amutka Passes are found to be the primary conduits for influx of semi-diurnal energy while Amchitka Pass is the primary conduit for diurnal energy. A significant portion of the diurnal energy is seen to exist in the form of continental shelf waves trapped along Bering Sea slopes.The effect of the 18.6-year nodal modulation is estimated and found to cause basin-wide variations of approximately 19% in the net incoming tidal energy flux. Larger variations in the dissipation occur in subregions that are strongly dominated by the diurnal constituents, such as Seguam Pass and south of Cape Navarin. These variations should correlate with tidal mixing and may have important consequences for biological productivity, similar to those previously found for Pacific halibut recruitment (Parker et al., 1995) and shrimp, capelin, herring, cod, and haddock biomass in the Barents Sea (Yndestad, 2004)

    Molecular mode-coupling theory applied to a liquid of diatomic molecules

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    We study the molecular mode coupling theory for a liquid of diatomic molecules. The equations for the critical tensorial nonergodicity parameters Fllm(q){\bf F}_{ll'}^m(q) and the critical amplitudes of the β\beta - relaxation Hllm(q){\bf H}_{ll'}^m(q) are solved up to a cut off lcol_{co} = 2 without any further approximations. Here l,ml,m are indices of spherical harmonics. Contrary to previous studies, where additional approximations were applied, we find in agreement with simulations, that all molecular degrees of freedom vitrify at a single temperature TcT_c. The theoretical results for the non ergodicity parameters and the critical amplitudes are compared with those from simulations. The qualitative agreement is good for all molecular degrees of freedom. To study the influence of the cut off on the non ergodicity parameter, we also calculate the non ergodicity parameters for an upper cut off lco=4l_{co}=4. In addition we also propose a new method for the calculation of the critical nonergodicity parameterComment: 27 pages, 17 figure

    Berenstein-Zelevinsky triangles, elementary couplings and fusion rules

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    We present a general scheme for describing su(N)_k fusion rules in terms of elementary couplings, using Berenstein-Zelevinsky triangles. A fusion coupling is characterized by its corresponding tensor product coupling (i.e. its Berenstein-Zelevinsky triangle) and the threshold level at which it first appears. We show that a closed expression for this threshold level is encoded in the Berenstein-Zelevinsky triangle and an explicit method to calculate it is presented. In this way a complete solution of su(4)_k fusion rules is obtained.Comment: 14 page

    Lie group weight multiplicities from conformal field theory

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    Dominant weight multiplicities of simple Lie groups are expressed in terms of the modular matrices of Wess-Zumino-Witten conformal field theories, and related objects. Symmetries of the modular matrices give rise to new relations among multiplicities. At least for some Lie groups, these new relations are strong enough to completely fix all multiplicities.Comment: 12 pages, Plain TeX, no figure

    Acoustic and relaxation processes in supercooled o-ter-phenyl by optical-heterodyne transient grating experiment

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    The dynamics of the fragile glass-forming o-ter-phenyl is investigated by time-resolved transient grating experiment with an heterodyne detection technique in a wide temperature range. We investigated the dynamics processes of this glass-former over more then 6 decades in time with an excellent signal/noise. Acoustic, structural and thermal relaxations have been clearly identify and measured in a time-frequency window not covered by previous spectroscopic investigations. A detailed comparison with the density response function, calculated on the basis of generalized hydrodynamics model, has been worked out

    Static Electric Fields and Lightning Over Land and Ocean in Florida Thunderstorms

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    Natural cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning and the charge structure of the associated clouds behave differently over land and ocean. Existing literature has raised questions over the years on the behavior of thunderstorms and lightning over oceans, and there are still open scientific questions. We expand on the observational datasets by obtaining identical electric field observations over coastal land, near-shore, and deep ocean regions during both clear air and thunderstorm periods. Oceanic observations were obtained using two 3-meter NOAA buoys that were instrumented with Campbell Scientific electric field mills to measure the static electric fields. These data were compared to selected electric field records from the existing on-shore electric field mill suite of 31 sensors at Kennedy Space Center (KSC). CG lightning occurrence times, locations and peak current values for both on-shore and ocean were provided by the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network. The buoy instruments were first evaluated on-shore at the Florida coast, to calibrate field enhancements and to confirm proper behavior of the system in elevated-field environments. The buoys were then moored 20NM and 120NM off the coast of KSC in February (20NM) and August (120NM) 2014. Statistically larger CG peak currents were reported over the deep ocean for first strokes and for subsequent strokes with new contacts points. Storm-related static fields were significantly larger at both oceanic sites, likely due to decreased screening by nearby space charge. Time-evolution of the static field during storm development and propagation indicated weak or missing lower positive charge regions in most storms that initiated over the deep ocean, supporting one mechanism for the observed high peak currents in negative first strokes over the deep ocean. This project also demonstrated the practicality of off-shore electric field measurements for safety-related decision making at KSC