7,396 research outputs found

    An edge index for the Quantum Spin-Hall effect

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    Quantum Spin-Hall systems are topological insulators displaying dissipationless spin currents flowing at the edges of the samples. In contradistinction to the Quantum Hall systems where the charge conductance of the edge modes is quantized, the spin conductance is not and it remained an open problem to find the observable whose edge current is quantized. In this paper, we define a particular observable and the edge current corresponding to this observable. We show that this current is quantized and that the quantization is given by the index of a certain Fredholm operator. This provides a new topological invariant that is shown to take same values as the Spin-Chern number previously introduced in the literature. The result gives an effective tool for the investigation of the edge channels' structure in Quantum Spin-Hall systems. Based on a reasonable assumption, we also show that the edge conducting channels are not destroyed by a random edge.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Observations of [C II] 158 micron Line and Far-infrared Continuum Emission toward the High-latitude Molecular Clouds in Ursa Major

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    We report the results of a rocket-borne observation of [C II] 158\micron line and far-infrared continuum emission at 152.5\micron toward the high latitude molecular clouds in Ursa Major. We also present the results of a follow-up observation of the millimeter ^{12}CO J=1-0 line over a selected region observed by the rocket-borne experiment. We have discovered three small CO cloudlets from the follow-up ^{12}CO observations. We show that these molecular cloudlets, as well as the MBM clouds(MBM 27/28/29/30), are not gravitationally bound. Magnetic pressure and turbulent pressure dominate the dynamic balance of the clouds. After removing the HI-correlated and background contributions, we find that the [C II] emission peak is displaced from the 152.5\micron and CO peaks, while the 152.5\micron continuum emission is spatially correlated with the CO emission. We interpret this behavior by attributing the origin of [C II] emission to the photodissociation regions around the molecular clouds illuminated by the local UV radiation field. We also find that the ratio of the molecular hydrogen column density to velocity-integrated CO intensity is 1.19+-0.29x10^{20} cm^{-2} (K kms^{-1})^{-1} from the FIR continuum and the CO data. The average [C II] /FIR intensity ratio over the MBM clouds is 0.0071, which is close to the all sky average of 0.0082 reported by the FIRAS on the COBE satellite. The average [C II]/CO ratio over the same regions is 420, which is significantly lower than that of molecular clouds in the Galactic plane.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX (aaspp4.sty) + 2 tables(apjpt4.sty) + 6 postscript figures; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal; Astrophys. J. in press (Vol. 490, December 1, 1997 issue

    Catalogue of 12CO(J=1-0) and 13CO(J=1-0) Molecular Clouds in the Carina Flare Supershell

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    We present a catalogue of 12CO(J=1-0) and 13CO(J=1-0) molecular clouds in the spatio-velocity range of the Carina Flare supershell, GSH 287+04-17. The data cover a region of ~66 square degrees and were taken with the NANTEN 4m telescope, at spatial and velocity resolutions of 2.6' and 0.1 km/s. Decomposition of the emission results in the identification of 156 12CO clouds and 60 13CO clouds, for which we provide observational and physical parameters. Previous work suggests the majority of the detected mass forms part of a comoving molecular cloud complex that is physically associated with the expanding shell. The cloud internal velocity dispersions, degree of virialization and size-linewidth relations are found to be consistent with those of other Galactic samples. However, the vertical distribution is heavily skewed towards high-altitudes. The robust association of high-z molecular clouds with a known supershell provides some observational backing for the theory that expanding shells contribute to the support of a high-altitude molecular layer.Comment: To be published in PASJ Vol. 60, No. 6. (Issued on December 25th 2008). 35 pages (including 13 pages of tables), 7 figures. Please note that formatting problems with the journal macro result in loss of rightmost data columns in some long tables. These will be fixed in the final published issue. In the meantime, please contact the authors for missing dat

    Large-Scale Gravitational Instability and Star Formation in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Large-scale star formation in disk galaxies is hypothesized to be driven by global gravitational instability. The observed gas surface density is commonly used to compute the strength of gravitational instability, but according to this criterion star formation often appears to occur in gravitationally stable regions. One possible reason is that the stellar contribution to the instability has been neglected. We have examined the gravitational instability of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) considering the gas alone, and considering the combination of collisional gas and collisionless stars. We compare the gravitationally unstable regions with the on-going star formation revealed by Spitzer observations of young stellar objects. Although only 62% of the massive young stellar object candidates are in regions where the gas alone is unstable, some 85% lie in regions unstable due to the combination of gas and stars. The combined stability analysis better describes where star formation occurs. In agreement with other observations and numerical models, a small fraction of the star formation occurs in regions with gravitational stability parameter Q > 1. We further measure the dependence of the star formation timescale on the strength of gravitational instability, and quantitatively compare it to the exponential dependence expected from numerical simulations.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 10 pages, 5 figure

    Isolated singularities of binary differential equations of degree n

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    We study isolated singularities of binary differential equations of degree n which are totally real. This means that at any regular point, the associated algebraic equation of degree n has exactly n different real roots (this generalizes the so called positive quadratic differential forms when n = 2). We introduce the concept of index for isolated singularities and generalize Poincar'e-Hopf theorem and Bendixson formula. Moreover, we give a classification of phase portraits of the n-web around a generic singular point. We show that there are only three types, which generalize the Darbouxian umbilics D1, D2 and D3

    The Supershell-Molecular Cloud Connection in the Milky Way and Beyond

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    The role of large-scale stellar feedback in the formation of molecular clouds has been investigated observationally by examining the relationship between HI and 12CO(J=1-0) in supershells. Detailed parsec-resolution case studies of two Milky Way supershells demonstrate an enhanced level of molecularisation over both objects, and hence provide the first quantitative observational evidence of increased molecular cloud production in volumes of space affected by supershell activity. Recent results on supergiant shells in the LMC suggest that while they do indeed help to organise the ISM into over-dense structures, their global contribution to molecular cloud formation is of the order of only ~10%.Comment: Proceedings of IAUS 292 - Molecular Gas, Dust, and Star Formation in Galaxies, eds. T. Wong & J. Ott. 4 pages, 3 figure

    Topological meaning of Z2_2 numbers in time reversal invariant systems

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    We show that the Z2_2 invariant, which classifies the topological properties of time reversal invariant insulators, has deep relationship with the global anomaly. Although the second Chern number is the basic topological invariant characterizing time reversal systems, we show that the relative phase between the Kramers doublet reduces the topological quantum number Z to Z2_2.Comment: 4 pages, typos correcte

    Observation of zigzag and armchair edges of graphite using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy

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    The presence of structure-dependent edge states of graphite is revealed by both ambient- and ultra-highvacuum- (UHV) scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) / scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) observations. On a hydrogenated zigzag (armchair) edge, bright spots are (are not) observed together with (SQRT(3) by SQRT(3))R30 superlattice near the Fermi level (V_S = −30 mV for a peak of the local density of states (LDOS)) under UHV, demonstrating that a zigzag edge is responsible for the edge states, although there is no appreciable difference between as-prepared zigzag and armchair edges in air. Even in hydrogenated armchair edge, however, bright spots are observed at defect points, at which partial zigzag edges are created in the armchair edge.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, contents for experimental/theoretical reseachers, accepted as an issue of Physical Review B (PRB

    Star Forming Dense Cloud Cores in the TeV {\gamma}-ray SNR RX J1713.7-3946

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    RX J1713.7-3946 is one of the TeV {\gamma}-ray supernova remnants (SNRs) emitting synchrotron X rays. The SNR is associated with molecular gas located at ~1 kpc. We made new molecular observations toward the dense cloud cores, peaks A, C and D, in the SNR in the 12CO(J=2-1) and 13CO(J=2-1) transitions at angular resolution of 90". The most intense core in 13CO, peak C, was also mapped in the 12CO(J=4-3) transition at angular resolution of 38". Peak C shows strong signs of active star formation including bipolar outflow and a far-infrared protostellar source and has a steep gradient with a r^{-2.2±\pm0.4} variation in the average density within radius r. Peak C and the other dense cloud cores are rim-brightened in synchrotron X rays, suggesting that the dense cloud cores are embedded within or on the outer boundary of the SNR shell. This confirms the earlier suggestion that the X rays are physically associated with the molecular gas (Fukui et al. 2003). We present a scenario where the densest molecular core, peak C, survived against the blast wave and is now embedded within the SNR. Numerical simulations of the shock-cloud interaction indicate that a dense clump can indeed survive shock erosion, since shock propagation speed is stalled in the dense clump. Additionally, the shock-cloud interaction induces turbulence and magnetic field amplification around the dense clump that may facilitate particle acceleration in the lower-density inter-clump space leading to the enhanced synchrotron X rays around dense cores.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, to accepted in The Astrophysical Journal. A full color version with higher resolution figures is available at http://www.a.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~sano/ApJ10/ms_sano.pd