341 research outputs found

    Malawi's Future Human Capital: Is the Country on Track to Meeting the MDGs on Education?

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    This study uses demographic and multi-state population projections to estimate the future population structure by age, sex and educational attainment in Malawi, and importantly, to assess the likelihood of meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) related to universal primary education and gender disparity no later than 2015. Data from the 1998 and 1987 censuses, and from the 1992 and 2000 Malawi Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) are used. First, we examine school enrollment ratios, repetition and dropout rates, and educational attainment, as well as differentials in infant and child mortality by level of the mother's education. Second, we estimate fertility, mortality, and educational transition rates from the DHS. Third, we estimate the population structure in 2000 and then perform forward projections to 2015. Finally, we examine the percentage distribution of the projected population by level of education. Malawi is one of the poorest countries in sub-Saharan Africa, with a population close to 10 million as of 2000. Less than 80 percent of the 6-14 year old children are still in school, and only 15 percent of those aged 14-17 have completed primary school

    Dual Fermion Dynamical Cluster Approach for Strongly Correlated Systems

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    We have designed a new multi-scale approach for Strongly Correlated Systems by combining the Dynamical Cluster Approximation (DCA) and the recently introduced dual-fermion formalism. This approach employs an exact mapping from a real lattice to a DCA cluster of linear size Lc embedded in a dual fermion lattice. Short-length-scale physics is addressed by the DCA cluster calculation, while longer-length-scale physics is addressed diagrammatically using dual fermions. The bare and dressed dual Fermionic Green functions scale as O(1/Lc) so perturbation theory on the dual lattice converges very quickly. E.g., the dual Fermion self-energy calculated with simple second order perturbation theory is of order O(1/Lc^3), with third order and three body corrections down by an additional factor of O(1/Lc^2)

    Solving the parquet equations for the Hubbard model beyond weak coupling

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    We find that imposing crossing symmetry in the iteration process considerably extends the range of convergence for solutions of the parquet equations for the Hubbard model. When crossing symmetry is not imposed, the convergence of both simple iteration and more complicated continuous loading (homotopy) methods is limited to high temperatures and weak interactions. We modify the algorithm to impose the crossing symmetry without increasing the computational complexity. We also imposed time reversal and a subset of the point group symmetries, but they did not further improve the convergence. We elaborate the details of the latency hiding scheme which can significantly improve the performance in the computational implementation. With these modifications, stable solutions for the parquet equations can be obtained by iteration more quickly even for values of the interaction that are a significant fraction of the bandwidth and for temperatures that are much smaller than the bandwidth. This may represent a crucial step towards the solution of two-particle field theories for correlated electron models. © 2013 American Physical Society

    Proximity of the superconducting dome and the quantum critical point in the two-dimensional Hubbard model

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    We use the dynamical cluster approximation to understand the proximity of the superconducting dome to the quantum critical point in the two-dimensional Hubbard model. In a BCS formalism, Tc may be enhanced through an increase in the d-wave pairing interaction (Vd) or the bare pairing susceptibility (χ0d). At optimal doping, where Vd is revealed to be featureless, we find a power-law behavior of χ 0d(ω=0), replacing the BCS log, and strongly enhanced T c. We suggest experiments to verify our predictions. © 2011 American Physical Society

    Anthelmintic activity and cytotoxic effects of compounds isolated from the fruits of Ozoroa insignis del. (Anacardiaceae)

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    Ozoroa insignis Del. is an ethnobotanical plant widely used in traditional medicine for various ailments, including schistosomiasis, tapeworm, and hookworm infections. From the so far not investigated fruits of Ozoroa insignis, the anthelmintic principles could be isolated through bioassay-guided isolation using Caenorhabditis elegans and identified by NMR spectroscopic analysis and mass spectrometric studies. Isolated 6-[8(Z)-pentadecenyl] anacardic (1), 6-[10(Z)-heptadecenyl] anacardic acid (2), and 3-[7(Z)-pentadecenyl] phenol (3) were evaluated against the 5 parasitic organisms Schistosoma mansoni (adult and newly transformed schistosomula), Strongyloides ratti, Heligmosomoides polygyrus, Necator americanus, and Ancylostoma ceylanicum, which mainly infect humans and other mammals. Compounds 1-3 showed good activity against Schistosoma mansoni, with compound 1 showing the best activity against newly transformed schistosomula with 50% activity at 1microM. The isolated compounds were also evaluated for their cytotoxic properties against PC-3 (human prostate adenocarcinoma) and HT-29 (human colorectal adenocarcinoma) cell lines, whereby compounds 2 and 3 showed antiproliferative activity in both cancer cell lines, while compound 1 exhibited antiproliferative activity only on PC-3 cells. With an IC50 value of 43.2 microM, compound 3 was found to be the most active of the 3 investigated compounds

    Factors influencing place of delivery for women in Kenya: an analysis of the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey, 2008/2009

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    Background Maternal mortality in Kenya increased from 380/100000 live births to 530/100000 live births between 1990 and 2008. Skilled assistance during childbirth is central to reducing maternal mortality yet the proportion of deliveries taking place in health facilities where such assistance can reliably be provided has remained below 50% since the early 1990s. We use the 2008/2009 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey data to describe the factors that determine where women deliver in Kenya and to explore reasons given for home delivery. Methods Data on place of delivery, reasons for home delivery, and a range of potential explanatory factors were collected by interviewer-led questionnaire on 3977 women and augmented with distance from the nearest health facility estimated using health facility Global Positioning System (GPS) co-ordinates. Predictors of whether the woman’s most recent delivery was in a health facility were explored in an exploratory risk factor analysis using multiple logistic regression. The main reasons given by the woman for home delivery were also examined. Results Living in urban areas, being wealthy, more educated, using antenatal care services optimally and lower parity strongly predicted where women delivered, and so did region, ethnicity, and type of facilities used. Wealth and rural/urban residence were independently related. The effect of distance from a health facility was not significant after controlling for other variables. Women most commonly cited distance and/or lack of transport as reasons for not delivering in a health facility but over 60% gave other reasons including 20.5% who considered health facility delivery unnecessary, 18% who cited abrupt delivery as the main reason and 11% who cited high cost. Conclusion Physical access to health facilities through distance and/or lack of transport, and economic considerations are important barriers for women to delivering in a health facility in Kenya. Some women do not perceive a need to deliver in a health facility and may value health facility delivery less with subsequent deliveries. Access to appropriate transport for mothers in labour and improving the experiences and outcomes for mothers using health facilities at childbirth augmented by health education may increase uptake of health facility delivery in Kenya

    Overview of migration, poverty and health dynamics in Nairobi City's slum settlements

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    The Urbanization, Poverty, and Health Dynamics research program was designed to generate and provide the evidence base that would help governments, development partners, and other stakeholders understand how the urban slum context affects health outcomes in order to stimulate policy and action for uplifting the wellbeing of slum residents. The program was nested into the Nairobi Urban Health and Demographic Surveillance System, a uniquely rich longitudinal research platform, set up in Korogocho and Viwandani slum settlements in Nairobi city, Kenya. Findings provide rich insights on the context in which slum dwellers live and how poverty and migration status interacts with health issues over the life course. Contrary to popular opinions and beliefs that see slums as homogenous residential entities, the findings paint a picture of a highly dynamic and heterogeneous setting. While slum populations are highly mobile, about half of the population comprises relatively well doing long-term dwellers who have lived in slum settlements for over 10 years. The poor health outcomes that slum residents exhibit at all stages of the life course are rooted in three key characteristics of slum settlements: poor environmental conditions and infrastructure; limited access to services due to lack of income to pay for treatment and preventive services; and reliance on poor quality and mostly informal and unregulated health services that are not well suited to meeting the unique realities and health needs of slum dwellers. Consequently, policies and programs aimed at improving the wellbeing of slum dwellers should address comprehensively the underlying structural, economic, behavioral, and service-oriented barriers to good health and productive lives among slum residents
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