987 research outputs found

    The Physiologic Basis for Nutritional Support in Hepatic Failure

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    Hepatic failure is often perceived as a unidimensional progression from near normal clinical function (Child\u27s class A) to overt clinical failure (Child\u27s class C). As this view fails to distinguish between patients who are capable of using exogenous protein and those who cannot, it hinders the nutritional support team in determining protein supplementation. This report addresses the physiologic basis for variable findings in hepatic failure and proposes a simple definition of hepatic faliure based upon ability to utilize amino acids

    Constructing a Network of the Social-economic Consumption System of China Using Extended Energy Analysis

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    The prominent conflict between consumption and environmental resources is acknowledged as a significant force in affecting the social-ecological community balance. The whole process of resource allocation, utilization, efficiency and outcome are crucial clues in uncovering the structural and functional characteristics in complex consuming systems. Herein, networks provide a systems-oriented modelling technique for examining the structure as well as the flow of materials or energy from an input-output perspective. Meanwhile, extended exergy, the only currently available thermodynamic based metric for social-economic environmental impacts associated with energy consumption, manpower, and monetary operation as well as environmental emission, is an extension of the labor theory of value and a possible sustainability metric. The core purpose of this research is to construct a network of the consumption system of China using extended exergy analysis to explain the interrelationship among different sectors within a thermodynamic metric. Therefore, we first make a database of Chinese consumption using extended exergy accounting. Data are available for 2007, which can be divided into seven sectors based on the reclassification of the regularly published 42-sector Input-Output Table, namely, (1) Agriculture, (2) Extraction, (3) Conversion, (4) Industry, (5) Transportation, (6) Tertiary, and (7) Domestic sectors. Then we construct an extended exergy network to gain insight into the thermodynamic distribution within sectoral criterion. Lastly, the network results explain how China's social metabolism is maintained by a large quantity of energy, resources, and labor

    Cell biology:Collagen secretion explained

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    Cells package proteins into vesicles for secretion to the extracellular milieu. A study shows that an enzyme modifies the packaging machinery to encapsulate unusually large proteins such as collagen

    A Five-year Spectroscopic and Photometric Campaign on the Prototypical alpha Cygni Variable and A-type Supergiant Star Deneb

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    Deneb is often considered the prototypical A-type supergiant, and is one of the visually most luminous stars in the Galaxy. A-type supergiants are potential extragalactic distance indicators, but the variability of these stars needs to be better characterized before this technique can be considered reliable. We analyzed 339 high resolution echelle spectra of Deneb obtained over the five-year span of 1997 through 2001 as well as 370 Stromgren photometric measurements obtained during the same time frame. Our spectroscopic analysis included dynamical spectra of the H-alpha profile, H-alpha equivalent widths, and radial velocities measured from Si II 6347, 6371. Time-series analysis reveals no obvious cyclic behavior that proceeds through multiple observing seasons, although we found a suspected 40 day period in two, non-consecutive observing seasons. Some correlations are found between photometric and radial velocity data sets, and suggest radial pulsations at two epochs. No correlation is found between the variability of the H-alpha profiles and that of the radial velocities or the photometry. Lucy (1976) found evidence that Deneb was a long period single-lined spectroscopic binary star, but our data set shows no evidence for radial velocity variations caused by a binary companion.Comment: 49 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Solitonic excitations in the Haldane phase of a S=1 chain

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    We study low-lying excitations in the 1D S=1S=1 antiferromagnetic valence-bond-solid (VBS) model. In a numerical calculation on finite systems the lowest excitations are found to form a discrete triplet branch, separated from the higher-lying continuum. The dispersion of these triplet excitations can be satisfactorily reproduced by assuming approximate wave functions. These wave functions are shown to correspond to moving hidden domain walls, i.e. to one-soliton excitations.Comment: RevTex 3.0, 24 pages, 2 figures on request by fax or mai

    Effects of abiotic factors on ecosystem health of Taihu Lake, China based on eco-exergy theory

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    A lake ecosystem is continuously exposed to environmental stressors with non-linear interrelationships between abiotic factors and aquatic organisms. Ecosystem health depicts the capacity of system to respond to external perturbations and still maintain structure and function. In this study, we explored the effects of abiotic factors on ecosystem health of Taihu Lake in 2013, China from a system-level perspective. Spatiotemporal heterogeneities of eco-exergy and specific eco-exergy served as thermodynamic indicators to represent ecosystem health in the lake. The results showed the plankton community appeared more energetic in May, and relatively healthy in Gonghu Bay with both higher eco-exergy and specific eco-exergy; a eutrophic state was likely discovered in Zhushan Bay with higher eco-exergy but lower specific eco-exergy. Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) approach was used to explain the non-linear relationships between two indicators and abiotic factors. This analysis revealed water temperature, inorganic nutrients, and total suspended solids greatly contributed to the two indicators that increased. However, pH rise driven by inorganic carbon played an important role in undermining ecosystem health, particularly when pH was higher than 8.2. This implies that climate change with rising CO 2 concentrations has the potential to aggravate eutrophication in Taihu Lake where high nutrient loads are maintained

    Robustness of Cooperation in the Evolutionary Prisoner's Dilemma on Complex Networks

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    Recent studies on the evolutionary dynamics of the Prisoner's Dilemma game in scale-free networks have demonstrated that the heterogeneity of the network interconnections enhances the evolutionary success of cooperation. In this paper we address the issue of how the characterization of the asymptotic states of the evolutionary dynamics depends on the initial concentration of cooperators. We find that the measure and the connectedness properties of the set of nodes where cooperation reaches fixation is largely independent of initial conditions, in contrast with the behavior of both the set of nodes where defection is fixed, and the fluctuating nodes. We also check for the robustness of these results when varying the degree heterogeneity along a one-parametric family of networks interpolating between the class of Erdos-Renyi graphs and the Barabasi-Albert networks.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, revised version accepted for publication in New Journal of Physics (2007

    Exploring Disturbance as a Force for Good in Motor Learning

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    Disturbance forces facilitate motor learning, but theoretical explanations for this counterintuitive phenomenon are lacking. Smooth arm movements require predictions (inference) about the force-field associated with a workspace. The Free Energy Principle (FEP) suggests that such ‘active inference’ is driven by ‘surprise’. We used these insights to create a formal model that explains why disturbance might help learning. In two experiments, participants undertook a continuous tracking task where they learned how to move their arm in different directions through a novel 3D force field. We compared baseline performance before and after exposure to the novel field to quantify learning. In Experiment 1, the exposure phases (but not the baseline measures) were delivered under three different conditions: (i) robot haptic assistance; (ii) no guidance; (iii) robot haptic disturbance. The disturbance group showed the best learning as our model predicted. Experiment 2 further tested our FEP inspired model. Assistive and/or disturbance forces were applied as a function of performance (low surprise), and compared to a random error manipulation (high surprise). The random group showed the most improvement as predicted by the model. Thus, motor learning can be conceptualised as a process of entropy reduction. Short term motor strategies (e.g. global impedance) can mitigate unexpected perturbations, but continuous movements require active inference about external force-fields in order to create accurate internal models of the external world (motor learning). Our findings reconcile research on the relationship between noise, variability, and motor learning, and show that information is the currency of motor learning

    A dynamic management framework for socio-ecological system stewardship: A case study for the United States Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

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    An effective and efficient stewardship of natural resources requires consistency across all decision-informing approaches and components involved, i.e., managerial, governmental, political, and legal. To achieve this consistency, these elements must be aligned under an overarching management goal that is consistent with current and well-accepted knowledge. In this article, we investigate the adoption by the US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management of an environmental resilience-centered system that manages for resilience of marine ecological resources and its associated social elements. Although the framework is generally tailored for this Bureau, it could also be adapted to other federal or non-federal organizations. This paper presents a dynamic framework that regards change as an inherent element of the socio-ecological system in which management structures, e.g., federal agencies, are embedded. The overall functioning of the management framework being considered seeks to mimic and anticipate environmental change in line with well-accepted elements of resilience-thinking. We also investigate the goal of using management for resilience as a platform to enhance socio-ecological sustainability by setting specific performance metrics embedded in pre-defined and desired social and/or ecological scenarios. Dynamic management frameworks that couple social and ecological systems as described in this paper can facilitate the efficient and effective utilization of resources, reduce uncertainty for decision and policy makers, and lead to more defensible decisions on resources
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