366 research outputs found

    Researchers’ opinions about ethically sound dissemination of BCI research to the public media

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    BCI research and (future) applications raise ethical questions. A websurvey among 144 BCI researchers identified disseminating BCI research to the public media as a central topic. Most researchers felt that BCI scientists must responsibly communicate with the media and that general ethical guidelines on BCI research and application are needed within the next 5 years. We recommend further debate on ethical aspects related to BCI and the development of guidelines

    Spin injection and spin accumulation in permalloy-copper mesoscopic spin valves

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    We study the electrical injection and detection of spin currents in a lateral spin valve device, using permalloy (Py) as ferromagnetic injecting and detecting electrodes and copper (Cu) as non-magnetic metal. Our multi-terminal geometry allows us to experimentally distinguish different magneto resistance signals, being 1) the spin valve effect, 2) the anomalous magneto resistance (AMR) effect and 3) Hall effects. We find that the AMR contribution of the Py contacts can be much bigger than the amplitude of the spin valve effect, making it impossible to observe the spin valve effect in a 'conventional' measurement geometry. However, these 'contact' magneto resistance signals can be used to monitor the magnetization reversal process, making it possible to determine the magnetic switching fields of the Py contacts of the spin valve device. In a 'non local' spin valve measurement we are able to completely isolate the spin valve signal and observe clear spin accumulation signals at T=4.2 K as well as at room temperature. We obtain spin diffusion lengths in copper of 1 micrometer and 350 nm at T=4.2 K and room temperature respectively.Comment: 8 pages (incl. figures), 7 figures, RevTex, conferenc

    Highly efficient room temperature spin injection in a metal-insulator-semiconductor light emitting diode

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    We demonstrate highly efficient spin injection at low and room temperature in an AlGaAs/GaAs semiconductor heterostructure from a CoFe/AlOx tunnel spin injector. We use a double-step oxide deposition for the fabrication of a pinhole-free AlOx tunnel barrier. The measurements of the circular polarization of the electroluminescence in the Oblique Hanle Effect geometry reveal injected spin polarizations of at least 24% at 80K and 12% at room temperature

    Brain-Computer interfaces for communication:preferences of individuals with locked-in syndrome, caregivers and researchers

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    Objectives: The development of Brain-Computer Interfaces to restore communication (cBCIs) in people with severe motor impairment ideally relies on a close collaboration between end-users and other stakeholders, such as caregivers and researchers. Awareness about potential differences in opinion between these groups is crucial for development of usable cBCIs and access technology (AT) in general. In this study, we compared the opinions of prospective cBCI users, their caregivers and cBCI researchers regarding: (1) what applications would users like to control with a cBCI; (2) what mental strategies would users prefer to use for cBCI control; and (3) at what stage of their clinical trajectory would users like to be informed about AT and cBCIs.Methods: We collected data from 28 individuals with locked-in syndrome, 29 of their caregivers and 28 cBCI researchers. The questionnaire was supported with animation videos to explain different cBCI concepts, the utility of which was also assessed.Results: Opinions of the three groups were aligned with respect to the most desired cBCI applications, but diverged regarding mental strategies and the timing of being informed about cBCIs. Animation videos were regarded as clear and useful tools to explain cBCIs and mental strategies to end-users and other stakeholders.Conclusions: Disagreements were clear between stakeholders regarding which mental strategies users prefer to use and when they would like to be informed about cBCIs. To move forward in the development and clinical implementation of cBCIs, it will be necessary to align the research agendas with the needs of the end-users and caregivers.</p

    Історичне краєзнавство як складова національної освіти: теоретичний аспект

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    Аналізується процес утвердження історичного краєзнавства в системі національної освіти. Розглядаються теоретичні питання про предмет, об’єкт і завдання історичного краєзнавства. Акцентується увага на виховній і консолідуючій функції історичного краєзнавства в процесі відродження української нації.Анализируется процесс становления исторического краеведения в системе национального образования. Рассматриваются теоретические вопросы о предмете, объекте и задачах исторического краеведения. Внимание акцентируется на воспитательной и консолидирующей функциях исторического краеведения в процессе возрождения украинской нации.The processes of the formation of the local history studies in the system of the national education had been analyzed. The theoretical aspects of the objects and tasks of the local history studies had been shown. The educational and consolidation functions of the local history studies in the Ukrainian national resurrection process had been pointed

    Музичні жанри: класифікаційні проблеми

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    Music genres – one of the main terms of the theoretical music studies and music practice, which reflect àesthetic and regulative constants of the music art. The music genres belong to the most important communicative-semantic basics of the artistic systems. This article is an attempt to figure out regulative basics for the development of the music genre theory