144 research outputs found

    Experimental exploration of the optomechanical attractor diagram and its dynamics

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    We demonstrate experimental exploration of the attractor diagram of an optomechanical system where the optical forces compensate for the mechanical losses. In this case stable self-induced oscillations occur but only for specific mirror amplitudes and laser detunings. We demonstrate that we can amplify the mechanical mode to an amplitude 500 times larger than the thermal amplitude at 300K. The lack of unstable or chaotic motion allows us to manipulate our system into a non-trivial steady state and explore the dynamics of self-induced oscillations in great detail.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Coherent Optomechanical State Transfer between Disparate Mechanical Resonators

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    Hybrid quantum systems have been developed with various mechanical, optical and microwave harmonic oscillators. The coupling produces a rich library of interactions including two mode squeezing, swapping interactions, back-action evasion and thermal control. In a multimode mechanical system, coupling resonators of different scales (both in frequency and mass) leverages the advantages of each resonance. For example: a high frequency, easily manipulated resonator could be entangled with a low frequency massive object for tests of gravitational decoherence. Here we demonstrate coherent optomechanical state swapping between two spatially and frequency separated resonators with a mass ratio of 4. We find that, by using two laser beams far detuned from an optical cavity resonance, efficient state transfer is possible through a process very similar to STIRAP (Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage) in atomic physics. Although the demonstration is classical, the same technique can be used to generate entanglement between oscillators in the quantum regime

    High-Q nested resonator in an actively stabilized optomechanical cavity

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    Experiments involving micro- and nanomechanical resonators need to be carefully designed to reduce mechanical environmental noise. A small scale on-chip approach is to add an additional resonator to the system as a mechanical low-pass filter. Unfortunately, the inherent low frequency of the low-pass filter causes the system to be easily excited mechanically. Fixating the additional resonator ensures that the resonator itself can not be excited by the environment. This, however, negates the purpose of the low-pass filter. We solve this apparent paradox by applying active feedback to the resonator, thereby minimizing the motion with respect the front mirror of an optomechanical cavity. Not only does this method actively stabilize the cavity length, but it also retains the on-chip vibration isolation.Comment: Minor adjustments mad

    Probing the magnetic moment of FePt micromagnets prepared by Focused Ion Beam milling

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    We investigate the degradation of the magnetic moment of a 300 nm thick FePt film induced by Focused Ion Beam (FIB) milling. A 1 μm×8 μm1~\mu \mathrm{m} \times 8~\mu \mathrm{m} rod is milled out of a film by a FIB process and is attached to a cantilever by electron beam induced deposition. Its magnetic moment is determined by frequency-shift cantilever magnetometry. We find that the magnetic moment of the rod is μ=1.1±0.1×1012Am2\mu = 1.1 \pm 0.1 \times 10 ^{-12} \mathrm{Am}^2, which implies that 70% of the magnetic moment is preserved during the FIB milling process. This result has important implications for atom trapping and magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM), that are addressed in this paper.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Vibration isolation with high thermal conductance for a cryogen-free dilution refrigerator

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    We present the design and implementation of a mechanical low-pass filter vibration isolation used to reduce the vibrational noise in a cryogen-free dilution refrigerator operated at 10 mK, intended for scanning probe techniques. We discuss the design guidelines necessary to meet the competing requirements of having a low mechanical stiffness in combination with a high thermal conductance. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by measuring the vibrational noise levels of an ultrasoft mechanical resonator positioned above a SQUID. Starting from a cryostat base temperature of 8 mK, the vibration isolation can be cooled to 10.5 mK, with a cooling power of 113 μ\muW at 100 mK. We use the low vibrations and low temperature to demonstrate an effective cantilever temperature of less than 20 mK. This results in a force sensitivity of less than 500 zN/Hz\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}}, and an integrated frequency noise as low as 0.4 mHz in a 1 Hz measurement bandwidth

    Cubic Dice: Archaeological Material for Understanding Historical Processes

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    The characteristics of dice found in archaeological contexts assist in the understanding of historical processes and human behavior. The dice attributes of configuration and dot pattern are regionally and/or temporally specific and can be used to help date dice themselves or the context in which they are found. As well, dice have been used to decipher Etruscan words and may identify novice and expert dice makers in the archaeological record. The shape and size of the dots and dice cubes further inform the distinctive appearance of dice in medieval versus Roman times

    Sex-Ratio, Health, and Social Status: A Biographical Description of Middle and Late Period Bay Area Children

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    The aim of this paper is to present new information pertaining to the demographic profile of the juvenile burial assemblage (n=39) from a Late Holocene site located on the eastern shore of the San Francisco Bay. CA-ALA-329 is commonly referred to as Ryan Mound and now bears the Muwekma Ohlone name of Mánni Muwékma Kúksú Hóowok Yatiš Túnnešte-tka, which means Place Where the People of the Kúksú (Bighead) Pendants are Buried. This site has been extensively studied and has contributed significantly to our understanding of life on the Bay during the Middle and Late Periods. However, most of the previous studies have focused on adults. The goal of the present study is to identify patterns in the profiles of those who died prematurely, including their sex, their degree of stress experienced based on skeletal indicators of disease/malnutrition, and their social status based on associated grave goods. Results show high incidence of skeletal indicators consistent with nutritional deficiency, disease/infection, and/or metabolic disorder observed in the sample. This suggests that this population was experiencing stress. Individual circumstances, such as age and sex, may also have contributed to poor health because infants have the highest prevalence of cribra orbitalia and periostitis. The distribution of wealth as evidenced by burial goods associated with the sample shows some correlation with age-at-death and the types of artifacts. Distribution of wealth also differs temporally. Inequality seems to have been highest in the Middle Period, while inequality decreased, but overall wealth increased, into the Late Period

    Contrasting Male and Female Dietary Life Histories: A Case Study at an Ancestral Muwekma Ohlone Heritage Site in San Jose, California

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    Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of bones and teeth at the ancestral heritage Muwekma Ohlone site of Yakmuy ‘Ooyákma-tka (“Place of the East Ridge Site”; CA-SCL-215) reveal significant differences in the dietary life history of males and females. Overall, isotope data indicate that site inhabitants were primarily dependent on low trophic-level foods, likely plants, and minor amounts of marine food for their main source of dietary protein. From tooth dentin serial samples, we found that males were elevated by 0.6-1.0‰ in δ15N in early childhood (age 1-9 years) relative to females, while δ13C values were similar by sex, indicating boys were accessing slightly greater amounts of higher trophic-level foods, such as meat from game. The sex-biased difference in δ15N diminishes during the second decade of life, as female δ15N values increase and become equal to males. However, a difference in δ13C emerges during the second decade where female δ13C values are elevated relative to males. This could indicate that teenage females consumed higher amounts of low trophic-level, marine-derived protein, such as shellfish. During later adult years, the difference in δ13C disappears, while males again show an increase in δ15N relative to females. Although these differences are small, they reveal important sex-biased life history patterns during childhood and adulthood in this ancient community

    Optomechanics with a polarization nondegenerate cavity

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    Experiments in the field of optomechanics do not yet fully exploit the photon polarization degree of freedom. Here experimental results for an optomechanical interaction in a polarization nondegenerate system are presented and schemes are proposed for how to use this interaction to perform accurate side-band thermometry and to create novel forms of photon-phonon entanglement. The experimental system utilizes the compressive force in the mirror attached to a mechanical resonator to create a micro-mirror with two radii of curvature which leads, when combined with a second mirror, to a significant polarization splitting of the cavity modes.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure