435 research outputs found

    Multi-detector row computed tomography angiography of peripheral arterial disease

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    With the introduction of multi-detector row computed tomography (MDCT), scan speed and image quality has improved considerably. Since the longitudinal coverage is no longer a limitation, multi-detector row computed tomography angiography (MDCTA) is increasingly used to depict the peripheral arterial runoff. Hence, it is important to know the advantages and limitations of this new non-invasive alternative for the reference test, digital subtraction angiography. Optimization of the acquisition parameters and the contrast delivery is important to achieve a reliable enhancement of the entire arterial runoff in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) using fast CT scanners. The purpose of this review is to discuss the different scanning and injection protocols using 4-, 16-, and 64-detector row CT scanners, to propose effective methods to evaluate and to present large data sets, to discuss its clinical value and major limitations, and to review the literature on the validity, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of multi-detector row CT in the evaluation of PAD

    Differences in Acinetobacter baumannii Strains and Host Innate Immune Response Determine Morbidity and Mortality in Experimental Pneumonia

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    Despite many reports documenting its epidemicity, little is known on the interaction of Acinetobacter baumannii with its host. To deepen our insight into this relationship, we studied persistence of and host response to different A. baumannii strains including representatives of the European (EU) clones I–III in a mouse pneumonia model. Neutropenic mice were inoculated intratracheally with five A. baumannii strains and an A. junii strain and at several days morbidity, mortality, bacterial counts, airway inflammation, and chemo- and cytokine production in lungs and blood were determined. A. baumannii RUH875 and RUH134 (EU clone I and II, respectively) and sporadic strain LUH8326 resulted in high morbidity/mortality, whereas A. baumannii LUH5875 (EU clone III, which is less widespread than clone I and II) caused less symptoms. A. baumannii type strain RUH3023T and A. junii LUH5851 did not cause disease. All strains, except A. baumannii RUH3023T and A. junii LUH5851, survived and multiplied in the lungs for several days. Morbidity and mortality were associated with the severity of lung pathology and a specific immune response characterized by low levels of anti-inflammatory (IL-10) and specific pro-inflammatory (IL-12p40 and IL-23) cytokines at the first day of infection. Altogether, a striking difference in behaviour among the A. baumannii strains was observed with the clone I and II strains being most virulent, whereas the A. baumannii type strain, which is frequently used in virulence studies appeared harmless

    Verdienmodellen voor natuurinclusieve landbouw:Wat ondernemers al doen, en wat de overheid kan doen om opschaling te bevorderen

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    De Rijksnatuurvisie 2014 breekt een lans voor natuurinclusieve landbouw waarbij veel nadruk ligt op de rol van markt en maatschappij. Zulke landbouw behelst wat de nota noemt ‘natuurcombinaties’ waarbij natuur en economische activiteiten met elkaar vervlochten zijn. Een natuurinclusieve landbouw heeft een wezenlijk andere oriëntatie dan gangbare landbouw. In dit essay gaan we in op de voorwaarden waaronder natuurinclusieve verdienmodellen op middellange termijn op grote schaal kunnen worden gerealiseerd. Dit wordt uiteengezet op basis van de ervaringen van koplopers, die al langer aan natuurinclusieve landbouw doen

    Crowd vs Experts: Nichesourcing for Knowledge Intensive Tasks in Cultural Heritage

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    The results of our exploratory study provide new insights to crowdsourcing knowledge intensive tasks. We designed and performed an annotation task on a print collection of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, involving experts and crowd workers in the domain-specific description of depicted flowers. We created a testbed to collect annotations from flower experts and crowd workers and analyzed these in regard to user agreement. The findings show promising results, demonstrating how, for given categories, nichesourcing can provide useful annotations by connecting crowdsourcing to domain expertise

    Are area-level and individual-level socioeconomic factors associated with self-rated health in adult urban citizens? Evidence from Slovak and Dutch cities

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    Background: Evidence shows that living in disadvantaged areas is associated with poor health. This may be due to the socioeconomic (SE) characteristics of both these residents and the areas where they live. Evidence regarding this on Central European (CE) countries is scarce. Our aim was to assess whether the prevalence of poor self-rated health (SRH) was higher in deprived urban areas, whether this can be explained by individual SE status (SES) and whether this differed between Slovakia and the Netherlands per age group. Methods: We examined the association of urban-level data and individual-level SE factors from different urban areas in different countries (Slovakia, the Netherlands) using comparable urban health indicators and area indicators. We also obtained unique data from the EU-FP7 EURO-URHIS 2 project. Results: Multilevel logistic regression showed that poor SRH was associated with area deprivation in both countries. Regarding age by country, poor SRH occurred more frequently in the more deprived areas for the younger age group (>= 64) in the Netherlands but for the older age group (>= 65 years) in Slovakia. Moreover, Slovak citizens reported poor SRH significantly more often than Dutch residents. Individual SES was significantly associated with poor SRH in both age groups and both countries for most area-level SE measures. Conclusion: Individual SES is associated with SRH more strongly than area deprivation. Therefore, it is important to account for relative deprivation at an individual level when considering health-enhancing activities. Moreover, the effect of urban-area deprivation seems to differ between CE and WE countries

    The Rijksmuseum collection as linked data

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    Many museums are currently providing online access to their collections. The state of the art research in the last decade shows that it is beneficial for institutions to provide their datasets as Linked Data in order to achieve easy cross-referencing, interlinking and integration. In this paper, we present the Rijksmuseum linked dataset (accessible at http://datahub.io/dataset/rijksmuseum), along with collection and vocabulary statistics, as well as lessons learned from the process of converting the collection to Linked Data. The version of March 2016 contains over 350,000 objects, including detailed descriptions and high-quality images released under a public domain license

    Crowdsourcing knowledge-intensive tasks in cultural heritage

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