499 research outputs found

    Bullying Experiences of Individuals with Visual Impairment: The Mitigating Role of Sport Participation

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    In bullying research, status plays a key role in who is the instigator and who is the recipient of bullying. Athletes are often considered a high status individual and have been accused of engaging in bullying behaviors. Individuals with disabilities are seen as possessing lower status and are often the victims of bullying. What is unclear is if athletes who have a disability are instigators of bullying or are victims themselves. This study explored implications of status as it relates to bullying experiences by athletes and non-athletes with visual impairments. Specific attention was paid to uncovering similarities and differences between the two groups. Results indicate that individuals with visual impairments are both the victim and instigator of bullying activities. The hypothesis of status as a factor in bullying was supported within both populations

    Penggunaan Radioisotop Pada Deteksi Dini Penyakit Kanker

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    : Application of nuclear techniques, both the applications of radiation and radio-isotopes, are very useful since the use of atomic energy program for peaceful purposes was launched in 1953. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a new method for imaging the physiological functions of human tissues. Radiant energy emitted by a source of radiation can cause changes in terms of physical, chemical, and biological material in its path. Changes that occur can be controlled by choosing the type of radiation (or neutron) and regulate the dose absorbed, according to the effect needed to be achieved. Based on these properties, the radiation can be used directly such as in radiotherapy, and sterilization. In addition, the radiation emitted by a radioisotope, location and distribution can be detected from outside the body proper, and its activity can be measured accurately; therefore, the use of radioisotopes as tracer is very useful in metabolic studies, as well as tracking techniques and management or treatment of various organs, without having to perform surgery, particularly its use for early detection of cancer cells, or better known methods of cancer with PET

    Hubungan Antara Senam Zumba Terhadap Nilai FEV1 Pada Mahasiswa Semester 1 Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado

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    : Zumba is one of the physical activities that inspired by a variety of dances in Latin America and was developed in Colombia. Increasing of respiratory muscle endurance can be achieved by physical excersices. Respiratory function measured by FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in One Second) value gives information about the maximum speed of air flow within the lungs. This study used one group pre and post test design plan and experimentally. Respondents were the first year female students of Medical Faculty Sam Ratulangi University Manado. Data were analyzed by using the T-pair test and SPSS. The bivariate analysis showed a P value 0.000 between the FEV1 between 2 weeks before zumba excercise and 2 weeks after zumba excercise. Conclusion: There was a positive correlation between zumba excercise and the FEV1

    Analisis Gangguan Pendengaran Pada Penyelam Di Danau Tondano Desa Watumea Kecamatan Eris Kabupaten Minahasa Provinsi Sulawesi Utara 2014

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    : Hearing disorder is the change in the level of hearing which resulted in difficulties in carrying out a normal life, usually in terms of understanding speech. This study aimed to analyze hearing disorder that may arise among the divers in Watumea Eris, North Sulawesi, in 2014. This was an analytical study using a cross sectional approach. Population consisted of all divers in Lake Tondano during 2014. Samples were 20 people, obtained by using a purposive sampling technique based on the needs of researcher. The results of the analysis in the form of age (p = 0.157), education (p = 0.662), tenure (p = 0.850), history of the disease (p = 0.897), diving frequency (p = 0.577), using protective equipment (p = 0.075), diving depth (p = 0.526), and duration of diving (p = 0.964). Conclusion: There was no correlation of diving and hearing disorder among divers at lake Tondano Watumea Eris village district of Minahasa North Sulawesi Province during 2014

    Firm dynamics and job creation in the United Kingdom:1998–2013

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    This article is motivated by a very simple question – ‘what types of firms create the most jobs in the UK economy?’ One popular answer to this question has been High-Growth Firms (HGFs). These firms represent only a small minority – the ‘Vital 6%’ – of the UK business population yet, but have a disproportionate impact on job creation and innovation. We re-visit the discussion launched by the 2009 National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) reports, which identified the 6% figure and, using more recent data, confirm the headline conclusion for job creation: a small number of job-creating firms (mostly small firms) are responsible for a significant amount of net job creation in the United Kingdom. Adopting our alternative preferred analytical approach, which involves tracking the growth performance of cohorts of start-ups confirms this conclusion; however, we find an even smaller number of job-creating firms are responsible for a very significant proportion of job creation. We conclude by considering the question – ‘what are the implications for policy choices?’

    Genetic evidence of Dobrava virus in Apodemus agrarius in Hungary.

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    Using nested polymerase chain reaction, we sequenced Dobrava virus (DOB) from the rodent Apodemus agrarius in Hungary. The samples we isolated group with DOB samples previously isolated from A. flavicollis. This grouping may indicate host switching

    Hypoparathyroidism in an Egyptian child with Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome is a rare genetic disorder. It is reported to be present in one in eight million and is characterized by severe growth failure, early loss of hair, lipodystrophy, scleroderma, decreased joint mobility, osteolysis, early atherosclerosis and facial features that resemble those of an aged person. Apart from diabetes mellitus, there are no reported abnormalities of thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary or adrenal function. Here, we report the case of a 10-year-old Egyptian child with Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome and hypoparathyroidism.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 10-year-old Egyptian boy was referred to our institution for an evaluation of recurrent attacks of muscle cramps, paresthesia of his fingertips and perioral numbness of two months duration. On examination, we found dilated veins present over his scalp with alopecia and frontal bossing, a beaked nose, thin lips, protruding ears, a high pitched voice with sparse hair over his eyebrows and eyelashes and micrognathia but normal dentition. His eyes appeared prominent and our patient appeared to have poor sexual development. A provisional diagnosis of progeria was made, which was confirmed by molecular genetics study. Chvostek's and Trousseau's signs were positive. He had low total calcium (5.4 mg/dL), low ionized calcium (2.3 mg/dL), raised serum phosphate (7.2 mg/dL), raised alkaline phosphatase (118 U/L) and low intact parathyroid hormone (1.2 pg/mL) levels. He was started on oral calcium salt and vitamin D; his symptoms improved with the treatment and his serum calcium, urinary calcium and alkaline phosphates level were monitored every three months to ensure adequacy of therapy and to avoid hypercalcemia.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Routine checking of serum calcium, phosphorus and parathyroid hormone will help in the early detection of hypoparathyrodism among children with progeria.</p

    A study of patent thickets

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    Report analysing whether entry of UK enterprises into patenting in a technology area is affected by patent thickets in the technology area