3,511,843 research outputs found

    Coherent manipulation of cold Rydberg atoms near the surface of an atom chip

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    Coherent superpositions of the 49s and 48s Rydberg states of cold Rb atoms were studied near the surface of an atom chip. The superpositions were created and manipulated using microwaves resonant with the two-photon 49s-48s transition. Coherent behavior was observed using Rabi flopping, Ramsey sequences, spin-echo and spin-locking. These results are discussed in the context of Rydberg atoms as electric field noise sensors. We consider the coherence of systems quadratically coupled to noise fields with 1/f^k power spectral densities (k \approx 1).Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Quasi-conservation laws for compressible 3D Navier-Stokes flow

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    We formulate the quasi-Lagrangian fluid transport dynamics of mass density ρ\rho and the projection q=\bom\cdot\nabla\rho of the vorticity \bom onto the density gradient, as determined by the 3D compressible Navier-Stokes equations for an ideal gas, although the results apply for an arbitrary equation of state. It turns out that the quasi-Lagrangian transport of qq cannot cross a level set of ρ\rho. That is, in this formulation, level sets of ρ\rho (isopychnals) are impermeable to the transport of the projection qq.Comment: 2 page note, to appear in Phys Rev

    Stretching and folding processes in the 3D Euler and Navier-Stokes equations

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    Stretching and folding dynamics in the incompressible, stratified 3D Euler and Navier-Stokes equations are reviewed in the context of the vector \bdB = \nabla q\times\nabla\theta where q=\bom\cdot\nabla\theta. The variable θ\theta is the temperature and \bdB satisfies \partial_{t}\bdB = \mbox{curl}\,(\bu\times\bdB). These ideas are then discussed in the context of the full compressible Navier-Stokes equations where qq takes the two forms q = \bom\cdot\nabla\rho and q = \bom\cdot\nabla(\ln\rho).Comment: UTAM Symposium on Understanding Common Aspects of Extreme Events in Fluid

    Critical point for the strong field magnetoresistance of a normal conductor/perfect insulator/perfect conductor composite with a random columnar microstructure

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    A recently developed self-consistent effective medium approximation, for composites with a columnar microstructure, is applied to such a three-constituent mixture of isotropic normal conductor, perfect insulator, and perfect conductor, where a strong magnetic field {\bf B} is present in the plane perpendicular to the columnar axis. When the insulating and perfectly conducting constituents do not percolate in that plane, the microstructure-induced in-plane magnetoresistance is found to saturate for large {\bf B}, if the volume fraction of the perfect conductor pSp_S is greater than that of the perfect insulator pIp_I. By contrast, if pS<pIp_S<p_I, that magnetoresistance keeps increasing as B2{\bf B}^2 without ever saturating. This abrupt change in the macroscopic response, which occurs when pS=pIp_S=p_I, is a critical point, with the associated critical exponents and scaling behavior that are characteristic of such points. The physical reasons for the singular behavior of the macroscopic response are discussed. A new type of percolation process is apparently involved in this phenomenon.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Poultry Housing In Ohio

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    Simple Types of Anisotropic Inflation

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    We display some simple cosmological solutions of gravity theories with quadratic Ricci curvature terms added to the Einstein-Hilbert lagrangian which exhibit anisotropic inflation. The Hubble expansion rates are constant and unequal in three orthogonal directions. We describe the evolution of the simplest of these homogeneous and anisotropic cosmological models from its natural initial state and evaluate the deviations they will create from statistical isotropy in the fluctuations produced during a period of anisotropic inflation. The anisotropic inflation is not a late-time attractor in these models but the rate of approach to a final isotropic de Sitter state is slow and is conducive to the creation of observable anisotropic statistical effects in the microwave background. The statistical anisotropy would not be scale invariant and the level of statistical anisotropy will grow with scale.Comment: 8pages, 3 figs v2:refs added, typos fixe

    A Strong Constraint on Ever-Present Lambda

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    We show that the causal set approach to creating an ever-present cosmological 'constant' in the expanding universe is strongly constrained by the isotropy of the microwave background. Fluctuations generated by stochastic lambda generation which are consistent with COBE and WMAP observations are far too small to dominate the expansion dynamics at z<1000 and so cannot explain the observed late-time acceleration of the universe. We also discuss other observational constraints from the power spectrum of galaxy clustering and show that the theoretical possibility of ever-present lambda arises only in 3+1 dimensional space-times.Comment: 5 pages, minor additions, published versio

    Dual membrane hollow fiber fuel cell and method of operating same

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    A gaseous fuel cell is described which includes a pair of electrodes formed by open-ended, ion-exchange hollow fibers, each having a layer of metal catalyst deposited on the inner surface and large surface area current collectors such as braided metal mesh in contact with the metal catalyst layer. A fuel cell results when the electrodes are immersed in electrolytes and electrically connected. As hydrogen and oxygen flow through the bore of the fibers, oxidation and reduction reactions develop an electrical potential. Since the hollow fiber configuration provides large electrode area per unit volume and intimate contact between fuel and oxidizer at the interface, and due to the low internal resistance of the electrolyte, high power densities can be obtained

    Method for estimating solubility parameter

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    Semiempirical correlations have been developed between solubility parameters and refractive indices for series of model hydrocarbon compounds and organic polymers. Measurement of intermolecular forces is useful for assessment of material compatibility, glass-transition temperature, and transport properties