6,013 research outputs found

    A Variational Principle for the Asymptotic Speed of Fronts of the Density Dependent Diffusion--Reaction Equation

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    We show that the minimal speed for the existence of monotonic fronts of the equation ut=(um)xx+f(u)u_t = (u^m)_{xx} + f(u) with f(0)=f(1)=0f(0) = f(1) = 0, m>1m >1 and f>0f>0 in (0,1)(0,1) derives from a variational principle. The variational principle allows to calculate, in principle, the exact speed for arbitrary ff. The case m=1m=1 when f′(0)=0f'(0)=0 is included as an extension of the results.Comment: Latex, postcript figure availabl

    Contest based on a directed polymer in a random medium

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    We introduce a simple one-parameter game derived from a model describing the properties of a directed polymer in a random medium. At his turn, each of the two players picks a move among two alternatives in order to maximize his final score, and minimize opponent's return. For a game of length nn, we find that the probability distribution of the final score SnS_n develops a traveling wave form, Prob(Sn=m)=f(m−vn){\rm Prob}(S_n=m)=f(m-v n), with the wave profile f(z)f(z) unusually decaying as a double exponential for large positive and negative zz. In addition, as the only parameter in the game is varied, we find a transition where one player is able to get his maximum theoretical score. By extending this model, we suggest that the front velocity vv is selected by the nonlinear marginal stability mechanism arising in some traveling wave problems for which the profile decays exponentially, and for which standard traveling wave theory applies

    Neutron diffraction in a model itinerant metal near a quantum critical point

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    Neutron diffraction measurements on single crystals of Cr1-xVx (x=0, 0.02, 0.037) show that the ordering moment and the Neel temperature are continuously suppressed as x approaches 0.037, a proposed Quantum Critical Point (QCP). The wave vector Q of the spin density wave (SDW) becomes more incommensurate as x increases in accordance with the two band model. At xc=0.037 we have found temperature dependent, resolution limited elastic scattering at 4 incommensurate wave vectors Q=(1+/-delta_1,2, 0, 0)*2pi/a, which correspond to 2 SDWs with Neel temperatures of 19 K and 300 K. Our neutron diffraction measurements indicate that the electronic structure of Cr is robust, and that tuning Cr to its QCP results not in the suppression of antiferromagnetism, but instead enables new spin ordering due to novel nesting of the Fermi surface of Cr.Comment: Submitted as a part of proceedings of LT25 (Amsterdam 2008

    Fast-slow asymptotic for semi-analytical ignition criteria in FitzHugh-Nagumo system

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    We study the problem of initiation of excitation waves in the FitzHugh-Nagumo model. Our approach follows earlier works and is based on the idea of approximating the boundary between basins of attraction of propagating waves and of the resting state as the stable manifold of a critical solution. Here, we obtain analytical expressions for the essential ingredients of the theory by singular perturbation using two small parameters, the separation of time scales of the activator and inhibitor, and the threshold in the activator's kinetics. This results in a closed analytical expression for the strength-duration curve.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, as accepted to Chaos on 2017/06/2

    Transport properties in antiferromagnetic quantum Griffiths phases

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    We study the electrical resistivity in the quantum Griffiths phase associated with the antiferromagnetic quantum phase transition in a metal. The resistivity is calculated by means of the semi-classical Boltzmann equation. We show that the scattering of electrons by locally ordered rare regions leads to a singular temperature dependence. The rare-region contribution to the resistivity varies as TλT^\lambda with temperature T,T, where the λ\lambda is the usual Griffiths exponent which takes the value zero at the critical point and increases with distance from criticality. We find similar singular contributions to other transport properties such as thermal resistivity, thermopower and the Peltier coefficient. We also compare our results with existing experimental data and suggest new experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Self-Similar Solutions to a Density-Dependent Reaction-Diffusion Model

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    In this paper, we investigated a density-dependent reaction-diffusion equation, ut=(um)xx+u−umu_t = (u^{m})_{xx} + u - u^{m}. This equation is known as the extension of the Fisher or Kolmogoroff-Petrovsky-Piscounoff equation which is widely used in the population dynamics, combustion theory and plasma physics. By employing the suitable transformation, this equation was mapped to the anomalous diffusion equation where the nonlinear reaction term was eliminated. Due to its simpler form, some exact self-similar solutions with the compact support have been obtained. The solutions, evolving from an initial state, converge to the usual traveling wave at a certain transition time. Hence, it is quite clear the connection between the self-similar solution and the traveling wave solution from these results. Moreover, the solutions were found in the manner that either propagates to the right or propagates to the left. Furthermore, the two solutions form a symmetric solution, expanding in both directions. The application on the spatiotemporal pattern formation in biological population has been mainly focused.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Macroscopic description of particle systems with non-local density-dependent diffusivity

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    In this paper we study macroscopic density equations in which the diffusion coefficient depends on a weighted spatial average of the density itself. We show that large differences (not present in the local density-dependence case) appear between the density equations that are derived from different representations of the Langevin equation describing a system of interacting Brownian particles. Linear stability analysis demonstrates that under some circumstances the density equation interpreted like Ito has pattern solutions, which never appear for the Hanggi-Klimontovich interpretation, which is the other one typically appearing in the context of nonlinear diffusion processes. We also introduce a discrete-time microscopic model of particles that confirms the results obtained at the macroscopic density level.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Erosion waves: transverse instabilities and fingering

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    Two laboratory scale experiments of dry and under-water avalanches of non-cohesive granular materials are investigated. We trigger solitary waves and study the conditions under which the front is transversally stable. We show the existence of a linear instability followed by a coarsening dynamics and finally the onset of a fingering pattern. Due to the different operating conditions, both experiments strongly differ by the spatial and time scales involved. Nevertheless, the quantitative agreement between the stability diagram, the wavelengths selected and the avalanche morphology reveals a common scenario for an erosion/deposition process.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR
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