22 research outputs found

    "Virus Identification for Monkeypox in Human Seminal Fluid Samples: A Systematic Review"

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    Public health officials around the world are extremely concerned about the global outbreak of monkeypox (MPX), which has been claimed to have originated in Africa. As a result, studies into the origins and reasons behind the outbreak’s rapid spread have been sped up. The goal of the current investigation is to determine whether the monkeypox virus (MPXV) is present in seminal fluid samples from MPX cases that have been verified. Up until 6 January 2023, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, and ScienceDirect databases were used to conduct a thorough evaluation of the literature. The search technique returned a total of 308 items. Fourteen studies reporting the presence of MPXV in the seminal fluid of MPX-confirmed cases were included after the duplicates (n = 158) and searches by title, abstract, and full text were eliminated. In 84 out of the 643 confirmed MPX cases (13.06% or n = 643), MPXV was discovered in seminal fluid. Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to identify MPXV, and samples taken from skin lesions (96.27%), pharynx or oropharynx (30.48%), and blood all had higher positivity rates than other samples (12.44%). Additionally, 99.85% of respondents were male with a mean age of 36, 98.45% engaged in MSM (men who have sex with men) sexual conduct, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) accounted for 56.9% of all STD cases. This study offers proof that MPXV can be found in the seminal fluid of MPX sufferers. Our data imply that MPXV transmission is a possibility in these samples and that MSM are more vulnerable to it. The creation of hygienic standards is essential for the early identification of MPX cases

    The deming cycle applied in the teaching-learning process at university level

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    Desarrollar un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje bajo la premisa de mejora continua, como parte del Ciclo de Deming, implica que el docente conozca a fondo su disciplina, que sea capaz de transmitir competencias cognitivas, procedimentales, actitudes éticas y de responsabilidad social y ciudadana; es decir que sea capaz de aplicar estrategias didácticas innovadoras para que el proceso de transmisión sea efectivo, y que el estudiante demuestre lo aprendido y la estrategia que utilizó para conseguir su objetivo. El Ciclo de Deming, representado por las etapas de Planear – Hacer – Verificar – Actuar, tiene por finalidad garantizar la calidad del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje; es por esa razón que se hace necesario replicarlo en cada una de sus etapas para asegurar que el objetivo del proceso se cumpla a cabalidad. Para la aplicación del Ciclo de Deming será necesario identificar los elementos del algoritmo que se pretende utilizar en cada etapa y ubicarlos en la secuencia que asegure el resultado que se busca. El algoritmo debe especificar necesariamente las actividades a ejecutar en cada sesión de enseñan-za-aprendizaje, el seguimiento, responsable, período y lugar de aplicación, metodología y su registro. Este registro permitirá analizar la efectividad del algoritmo en la consecución de aprendizajes significativos, y de observarse debilidades, plantear su mejora. En el entendido que el docente conoce el contenido del Silabo de la asignatura que dicta, en el que se han consignado los elementos algoritmos de cada etapa del Ciclo de Deming, será posible aplicar este Ciclo al proceso de Enseñanza- Aprendizaje en las Carreras Profesionales de Estomatología, Derecho, Ingeniería en Enología y Viticultura, Turismo, Hotelería y Gastronomía en las asignaturas de cada especialidad en las sedes de Lima, Filial Ica y Filial Chincha

    Epidemiological Situation of Monkeypox Transmission by Possible Sexual Contact: A Systematic Review

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    Monkeypox (MPX), a zoonotic infection caused by the monkeypox virus (MPXV), has re-emerged worldwide with numerous confirmed cases with person-to-person transmission through close contacts, including in sexual networks. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the epidemiological situation of monkeypox transmission by possible sexual contact. A systematic literature review was conducted using PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Embase databases until 18 August 2022. The key search terms used were “monkeypox”, “sexual contact”, “sexual intercourse” and “sexual transmission”. A total of 1291 articles were retrieved using the search strategy. After eliminating duplicates (n = 738) and examining by title, abstract, and full text, 28 studies reporting case reports of monkeypox with a detailed description of clinical features, sexually transmitted diseases, method of diagnosis, location and course of skin lesions, and treatment were included. A total of 4222 confirmed cases of monkeypox have been reported, of which 3876 monkeypox cases are the result of transmission by sexual contact distributed in twelve countries: 4152 cases were male with a mean age of 36 years. All confirmed cases of monkeypox were diagnosed by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The most frequent clinical manifestations were fever, lymphadenopathy, headache, malaise, and painful perianal and genital lesions. The most frequent locations of the lesions were perianal, genital, oral, trunk, upper and lower extremities. Patients were in good clinical condition, with treatment based on analgesics and antipyretics to relieve some symptoms of monkeypox. A high proportion of STIs and frequent anogenital symptoms were found, suggesting transmissibility through local inoculation during close skin-to-skin or mucosal contact during sexual activity. The highest risk of monkeypox transmission occurs in men who have sex with men, and MPXV DNA could be recovered in seminal fluid. It is essential to establish health policies for the early detection and management of patients with monkeypox

    The Necessity of Conceivability

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    In his conceivability argument, Chalmers assumes that all properties have their causal powers contingently and causal laws are also contingent. We argue this claim conflicts with how conceivability itself must work for the conceivability argument to be successful. If conceivability is to be an effective mechanism to determine possibility, it must work as a matter of necessity, since contingent conceivability renders conceivability fallible for an ideal reasoner and the fallible conceivability of zombies would not entail their possibility. But necessary conceivability must either be governed by necessitating causal processes or by a necessitating non-causal mechanism. We argue the latter option is untenable or mysterious; whereas, if Chalmers chooses the former and applies it only to conceivability, his solution is ad hoc, but if he accepts necessary causal powers or processes generally, the conceivability argument fails. We conclude that, as it stands, the Conceivability Argument does not establish that physicalism is false

    Between Factualism and Substantialism: Structuralism as a Third Way

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    According to the substantialist, substances should be regarded as the fundamental ontological category. This has been subjected to criticism, recently and notably by Buonomo and Cumpa, drawing on aspects of modern physics. In this vein, I argue that reflection upon the Standard Model of elementary particle physics also undermines the substantialist position. However this does not necessarily clear the way for the factualist. Focussing on Dasgupta’s ‘generalism’ I suggest that although we are not compelled to adopt this stance, it does open the door to the structuralist position that might be viewed as a ‘third way’ between substantialism and factualism

    Defending Realism: Ontological and Epistemological Investigations

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    Convegno internazionale con relatori: Erwin Tegtmeier, Guido Bonino, Gregory Landini, Russ Shafer-Landau, Walter Hopp, Greg Jesson, Ingvar Johansson, Tomis Kapitan, Ann-Sophie Barwich, Dale Jacquette, Bernhard Weiss, Fred Wilson, Guillaume Fréchette, Massimiliano Carrara, Silvia Gaio, Marzia Soavi, Javier Cumpa, L. Nathan Oaklander, Yuval Dolev, Vittorio Morato, Francesco Orilia und Ron Bombard

    Effect of long cooling periods of the ear skin at 5°C on the isolation and culture of bovine fibroblasts.

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    Viable somatic cell storage in cryogenic tanks is an essential step on bovine cloning achievement through nuclear transfer (NT). Cattle with high genetic potential have died suddenly without having their germplasm conserved in vitro. In such context, this research’s objective was to verify the maximum possible time for isolation of somatic cells to be used in NT after an animal’s death. For this purpose, ears of 6 Nelore females with an average age of 48 months, obtained in a local slaughterhouse, were conserved on the refrigerator at 5°C in clean ziplock bags during a 30 day period. On days 2, 4, 7, 14 and 21 after death, fibroblast isolation and culture were performed with DMEM medium supplemented with 10% bovine fetal serum. When cellular confluence was detected, cells were frozen with DMEM medium with 10% DMSO. We analised cell growth beginning (how long it took for the first cells to appear around biopsies), time of cell growth until confluence (how long it took to each animal’s cells to reach confluence), cooling period in which cell isolation was possible, cell concentration on the freezing moment and contamination rate were performed. Average and Tukey tests at 5% were conducted comparing data between cooling periods. The longest period that allowed cell isolation in all animals was 14 days after the animal’s death. However, the increase in cooling time significantly altered (P<0.05) initial cell growth, where on day 4 (D4) 4.33±1.03 days were necessary for the first cells to appear, and on day 14 (D14) 19.60±2.19 days were necessary. The time needed for cells to reach confluence was smaller on day 2 (D2) (28.00±3.10 days) in comparison with other cooling periods. Cell concentration suffered a significant decrease (P<0.05) only on D14 (698.125±131.203) in comparison to other periods (1.571.656±234.462). Contamination was more prevalent on cooling periods corresponding to days 14 and 21. Therefore, this study demonstrated that at 5°C, cell isolation was possible until 14 days after death. However, increase in cooling time affects cell growth pattern.Abstract A051. Edição dos Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society (SBTE); Florianópolis, SC, Brazil, August 16th to 18th, 2018