175 research outputs found

    Interplay of Kondo effect and strong spin-orbit coupling in multi-hole ultraclean carbon nanotubes

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    We report on cotunneling spectroscopy magnetoconductance measurements of multi-hole ultraclean carbon nanotube quantum dots in the SU(4) Kondo regime with strong spin-orbit coupling. Successive shells show a gradual weakening of the Kondo effect with respect to the spin-orbital splittings, leading to an evolution from SU(4) to SU(2) symmetry with a suppressed conductance at half shell filling. The extracted energy level spectrum, overally consistent with negligible disorder in the nanotube, shows in the half filled case large renormalizations due to Coulombian effects.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 supplementary fil

    Gate-tuned high frequency response of carbon nanotube Josephson junctions

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    Carbon nanotube (CNT) Josephson junctions in the open quantum dot limit exhibit superconducting switching currents which can be controlled with a gate electrode. Shapiro voltage steps can be observed under radiofrequency current excitations, with a damping of the phase dynamics that strongly depends on the gate voltage. These measurements are described by a standard RCSJ model showing that the switching currents from the superconducting to the normal state are close to the critical current of the junction. The effective dynamical capacitance of the nanotube junction is found to be strongly gate-dependent, suggesting a diffusive contact of the nanotube.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Blocking transport resonances via Kondo entanglement in quantum dots

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    Many-body entanglement is at the heart of the Kondo effect, which has its hallmark in quantum dots as a zero-bias conductance peak at low temperatures. It signals the emergence of a conducting singlet state formed by a localized dot degree of freedom and conduction electrons. Carbon nanotubes offer the possibility to study the emergence of the Kondo entanglement by tuning many-body correlations with a gate voltage. Here we quantitatively show an undiscovered side of Kondo correlations, which counterintuitively tend to block conduction channels: inelastic cotunneling lines in the magnetospectrum of a carbon nanotube strikingly disappear when tuning the gate voltage. Considering the global \SUT\ \otimes \SUT\ symmetry of a carbon nanotube coupled to leads, we find that only resonances involving flips of the Kramers pseudospins, associated to this symmetry, are observed at temperatures and voltages below the corresponding Kondo scale. Our results demonstrate the robust formation of entangled many-body states with no net pseudospin.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Kondo effect with non collinear polarized leads: a numerical renormalization group analysis

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    The Kondo effect in quantum dots attached to ferromagnetic leads with general polarization directions is studied combining poor man scaling and Wilson's numerical renormalization group methods. We show that polarized electrodes will lead in general to a splitting of the Kondo resonance in the quantum dot density of states except for a small range of angles close to the antiparallel case. We also show that an external magnetic field is able to compensate this splitting and restore the unitary limit. Finally, we study the electronic transport through the device in various limiting cases.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, final versio

    Coupling carbon nanotube mechanics to a superconducting circuit

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    The quantum behaviour of mechanical resonators is a new and emerging field driven by recent experiments reaching the quantum ground state. The high frequency, small mass, and large quality-factor of carbon nanotube resonators make them attractive for quantum nanomechanical applications. A common element in experiments achieving the resonator ground state is a second quantum system, such as coherent photons or superconducting device, coupled to the resonators motion. For nanotubes, however, this is a challenge due to their small size. Here, we couple a carbon nanoelectromechanical (NEMS) device to a superconducting circuit. Suspended carbon nanotubes act as both superconducting junctions and moving elements in a Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID). We observe a strong modulation of the flux through the SQUID from displacements of the nanotube. Incorporating this SQUID into superconducting resonators and qubits should enable the detection and manipulation of nanotube mechanical quantum states at the single-phonon level

    Charge localization and reentrant superconductivity in a quasi-ballistic InAs nanowire coupled to superconductors

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    A semiconductor nanowire with strong spin-orbit coupling in proximity to a superconductor is predicted to display Majorana edge states emerging under a properly oriented magnetic field. The experimental investigation of these exotic states requires assessing the one-dimensional (1D) character of the nanowire and understanding the superconducting proximity effect in the presence of a magnetic field. Here, we explore the quasi-ballistic 1D transport regime of an InAs nanowire with Ta contacts. Fine-tuned by means of local gates, the observed plateaus of approximately quantized conductance hide the presence of a localized electron, giving rise to a lurking Coulomb blockade effect and Kondo physics. When Ta becomes superconducting, this local charge causes an unusual, reentrant magnetic field dependence of the supercurrent, which we ascribe to a 0 - p transition. Our results underline the relevant role of unintentional charge localization in the few-channel regime where helical subbands and Majorana quasi-particles are expected to ariseWe acknowledge financial support from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (TOPONANO project) and from the EU (ERC grant no. 280043). R.A. acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant FIS2015-64654-P). R.Ž. acknowledges support from the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) under Program P1- 0044 and J1-725

    Josephson and Andreev transport through quantum dots

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    In this article we review the state of the art on the transport properties of quantum dot systems connected to superconducting and normal electrodes. The review is mainly focused on the theoretical achievements although a summary of the most relevant experimental results is also given. A large part of the discussion is devoted to the single level Anderson type models generalized to include superconductivity in the leads, which already contains most of the interesting physical phenomena. Particular attention is paid to the competition between pairing and Kondo correlations, the emergence of \pi-junction behavior, the interplay of Andreev and resonant tunneling, and the important role of Andreev bound states which characterized the spectral properties of most of these systems. We give technical details on the several different analytical and numerical methods which have been developed for describing these properties. We further discuss the recent theoretical efforts devoted to extend this analysis to more complex situations like multidot, multilevel or multiterminal configurations in which novel phenomena is expected to emerge. These include control of the localized spin states by a Josephson current and also the possibility of creating entangled electron pairs by means of non-local Andreev processes.Comment: 39 pages, 54 figures, corresponds to a review article as submitted to Advances in Physic