191 research outputs found

    Cosmic acceleration in entropic cosmology

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    In this paper we study the viability of an entropic cosmological model. The effects of entropic gravity are derived from a modified entropy-area relationship with a volumetric entropy term. This model describes a late time limit cosmic acceleration, whose origin is related to a volumetric term in the entropy. Moreover, we analyze the phenomenological implications of the entropic model using the Supernovae Pantheon compilation and the observational Hubble parameter data to find consistency with cosmological observations. Finally, we show the equivalence between the entropic model and a brane world cosmological model, by means of an effective geometrical construction.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Version accepted for Publication in Phys. Lett.

    On the entropy of a stealth vector-tensor black hole

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    We apply Wald's formalism to a Lagrangian within generalised Proca gravity that admits a Schwarzschild black hole with a non-trivial vector field. The resulting entropy differs from that of the same black hole in General Relativity by a logarithmic correction modulated by the only independent charge of the vector field. We find conditions on this charge to guarantee that the entropy is a non-decreasing function of the black hole area, as is the case in GR. If this requirement is extended to black hole mergers, we find that for Planck scale black holes, a non-decreasing entropy is possible only if the area of the final black hole is several times larger than the initial total area of the merger. Finally, we discuss some implications of the vector Galileon entropy from the point of view of entropic gravity

    Compact objects in scalar-tensor theories after GW170817

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    The recent observations of neutron star mergers have changed our perspective on scalar- tensor theories of gravity, favouring models where gravitational waves travel at the speed of light. In this work we consider a scalar-tensor set-up with such a property, belonging to a beyond Horndeski system, and we numerically investigate the physics of locally asymptotically flat black holes and relativistic stars. We first determine regular black hole solutions equipped with horizons: they are characterized by a deficit angle at infinity, and by large contributions of the scalar to the geometry in the near horizon region. We then study configurations of incompressible relativistic stars. We show that their compactness can be much higher than stars with the same energy density in General Relativity, and the scalar field profile imposes stringent constraints on the star properties. These results can suggest new ways to probe the efficiency of screening mechanisms in strong gravity regimes, and can help to build specific observational tests for scalar-tensor gravity models with unit speed for gravitational waves.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Contribución al conocimiento de las epífitas vasculares del Área Natural Protegida “Reserva Ecológica Sierra de Otontepec”, Veracruz

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    Se presenta una contribución de la diversidad de epifítas vasculares del ANP Sierra de Otontepec, en tres tipos de vegetación: bosque mesófilo de montaña, bosque tropical perennifolio y acahual, en los municipios de Chontla y Citlaltepetl. Se encontró que este grupo de plantas está representado principalmente por las familias Bromeliaceae (26.4%) y Polypodiaceae (23.5 %), seguido de la familia Orchidaceae y Piperacea (14.7%). El BMM presento mayor riqueza de especies (46%), mientras que el BTP presento menor riqueza (23%) en comparación con el AC (31%). Se registraron dos especies en la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010, en la categoría de Amenazadas (Tillandsia imperialis y Prostecheae mariae). Este grupo de plantas se ven afectadas por la fragmentación y recolección ilegal, por lo que, se considera necesario generar conocimiento sobre las especies que se encuentran en la reserva

    Genome-wide association studies for methane production in dairy cattle

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    © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Genomic selection has been proposed for the mitigation of methane (CH4) emissions by cattle because there is considerable variability in CH4 emissions between individuals fed on the same diet. The genome-wide association study (GWAS) represents an important tool for the detection of candidate genes, haplotypes or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) markers related to characteristics of economic interest. The present study included information for 280 cows in three dairy production systems in Mexico: 1) Dual Purpose (n = 100), 2) Specialized Tropical Dairy (n = 76), 3) Familiar Production System (n = 104). Concentrations of CH4 in a breath of individual cows at the time of milking (MEIm) were estimated through a system of infrared sensors. After quality control analyses, 21,958 SNPs were included. Associations of markers were made using a linear regression model, corrected with principal component analyses. In total, 46 SNPs were identified as significant for CH4 production. Several SNPs associated with CH4 production were found at regions previously described for quantitative trait loci of composition characteristics of meat, milk fatty acids and characteristics related to feed intake. It was concluded that the SNPs identified could be used in genomic selection programs in developing countries and combined with other datasets for global selection

    Galileon Higgs vortices

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    Vortex solutions are topologically stable field configurations that can play an important role in condensed matter, field theory, and cosmology. We investigate vortex configuration in a 2+1 dimensional Abelian Higgs theory supplemented by higher order derivative self-interactions, related with Galileons. Our vortex solutions have features that make them qualitatively different from well-known Abrikosov-Nielsen-Olesen configurations, since the derivative interactions turn on gauge invariant field profiles that break axial symmetry. By promoting the system to a 3+1 dimensional string configuration, we study its gravitational backreaction. Our results are all derived within a specific, analytically manageable system, and might offer indications for understanding Galileonic interactions and screening mechanisms around configurations that are not spherically symmetric, but only at most cylindrically symmetric.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figure

    Probing scalar effective field theories with the soft limits of scattering amplitudes

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    We investigate the soft behaviour of scalar effective field theories (EFTs) when there is a number of distinct derivative power counting parameters, ρ1 < ρ2 < . . . < ρQ. We clarify the notion of an enhanced soft limit and use these to extend the scope of onshell recursion techniques for scalar EFTs. As an example, we perform a detailed study of theories with two power counting parameters, ρ1 = 1 and ρ2 = 2, that include the shift symmetric generalised galileons. We demonstrate that the minimally enhanced soft limit uniquely picks out the Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) symmetry, including DBI galileons. For the exceptional soft limit we uniquely pick out the special galileon within the class of theories under investigation. We study the DBI galileon amplitudes more closely, verifying the validity of the recursion techniques in generating the six point amplitude, and explicitly demonstrating the invariance of all amplitudes under DBI galileon duality

    Association Study with 77 SNPs Confirms the Robust Role for the rs10830963/G of MTNR1B Variant and Identifies Two Novel Associations in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Development

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    CONTEXT: Genetic variation in human maternal DNA contributes to the susceptibility for development of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). OBJECTIVE: We assessed 77 maternal single nucleotide gene polymorphisms (SNPs) for associations with GDM or plasma glucose levels at OGTT in pregnancy. METHODS: 960 pregnant women (after dropouts 820: case/control: m99'WHO: 303/517, IADPSG: 287/533) were enrolled in two countries into this case-control study. After genomic DNA isolation the 820 samples were collected in a GDM biobank and assessed using KASP (LGC Genomics) genotyping assay. Logistic regression risk models were used to calculate ORs according to IADPSG/m'99WHO criteria based on standard OGTT values. RESULTS: The most important risk alleles associated with GDM were rs10830963/G of MTNR1B (OR = 1.84/1.64 [IADPSG/m'99WHO], p = 0.0007/0.006), rs7754840/C (OR = 1.51/NS, p = 0.016) of CDKAL1 and rs1799884/T (OR = 1.4/1.56, p = 0.04/0.006) of GCK. The rs13266634/T (SLC30A8, OR = 0.74/0.71, p = 0.05/0.02) and rs7578326/G (LOC646736/IRS1, OR = 0.62/0.60, p = 0.001/0.006) variants were associated with lower risk to develop GDM. Carrying a minor allele of rs10830963 (MTNR1B); rs7903146 (TCF7L2); rs1799884 (GCK) SNPs were associated with increased plasma glucose levels at routine OGTT. CONCLUSIONS: We confirmed the robust association of MTNR1B rs10830963/G variant with GDM binary and glycemic traits in this Caucasian case-control study. As novel associations we report the minor, G allele of the rs7578326 SNP in the LOC646736/IRS1 region as a significant and the rs13266634/T SNP (SLC30A8) as a suggestive protective variant against GDM development. Genetic susceptibility appears to be more preponderant in individuals who meet both the modified 99'WHO and the IADPSG GDM diagnostic criteria