33 research outputs found

    MĂ©taux en traces et pollution de la cĂ´te belge et de l'estuaire de l'Escaut

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    Different metals (Cr, Cu, Fe, Zn, Pb and Ni) were dosed by spectrophotometry of atomic absorption in the North Sea waters and the Scheldt estuary. For some amongst them, a comparison is made between the dosage by spectrophotometry atomic absorption and the measurements by neutron activation. Copper and zinc were dosed in the organisms of three fish common in the North Sea (Pleuronectes platessa, Gadus merlangus and Trachurus trachurus).Its results were put into a report together with its contents and nutrient salts (nitrates, nitrites and phosphates) in the same waters


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    This paper develops predictive (or correlative) models for the date of first catch of the com earworm, Helicoverpa zea, as a basis for identifying biotic and abiotic factors that influence dispersal and migration. Data described in Goodenough et al. (1988, J. Econ. Entomol.) on the catch of H. zea gathered at over 150 sites predominantly in the central U.S. from 1983 to 1986 are analyzed. The dependent variables, Y1 and Y2, are date of first meaningful catch and date when cumulative catch exceeds 5, respectively; the independent variables are latitude, longitude and elevation of the site. Outstanding among the findings are the following : 1) There is no statistical evidence based on all the data that the slopes of the simple linear regression models of Y2 on latitude differ among the four years. The common slope estimate is 8.11 days/degree, the intercepts differ by as many as 16 days, and the combined model has r2 = 0.69. 2) There is no statistical evidence based on the data in the central U.S. that the partial slopes of the multiple regression models of Y2 on latitude and longitude differ among the four years. The common partial slope estimates are 7.36 and -1.27 days/degree, the intercepts differ by as many as 17 days, and the combined model has R 2= 0.69. Second order terms are not significant . 3) An exploratory analysis using GIS mapping software suggests that elevation is also a significant predictor variable. The suggestion is confirmed in multiple regression models for both Y1 and Y22= 0.71 and 0.72 respectively. The intercepts differ by as many as 20 and 17 days, respectively, over the four years . These results imply that the time of fi!\u27st appearance at any location in the central U.S. could be predicted once the date of first appearance in South Texas is ascertained. They also demonstrate the utility of analyzing residuals using GIS mapping software. Research is in progress to investigate other possible predictor variables including soil moisture, soil temperature and precipitation

    The state of professionalisation of midwifery in Belgium: A discussion paper.

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    AIM: To describe the state of the professionalisation of midwifery in Belgium, and to formulate recommendations for advancing the midwifery profession. METHODS: A descriptive overview of maternity care in Belgium and the professionalisation of midwifery through an analysis of relevant policy and academic texts, underpinned by Greenwood's sociological criteria for a profession: (1) own body of knowledge, (2) recognised authority, (3) broader community sanctions, (4) own code of ethics and (5) professional culture sustained by formal professional associations. From these insights, recommendations for advancing the midwifery profession in Belgium are formulated. FINDINGS: Current strengths of the professionalisation of midwifery in Belgium included unified midwifery education programmes, progress in midwifery research and overarching national documents for guiding midwifery education, practice and regulation. In contrast however challenges, such as the limited recognition of midwives' roles by its clientele, limitations of midwives' competencies and autonomy, lacking development of advanced roles in maternity care practice and a lack of unity of the organisation and its members, were also identified. Based on these, recommendations are made to strengthen Belgian midwifery. CONCLUSIONS: Recommendations for advancing the midwifery profession in Belgium includes in particular increasing public awareness of midwives' roles and competencies, implementing the full scope of midwifery practice and monitoring and advancing this practice. Thus, professional autonomy over both midwifery practice and working conditions should be enhanced. United midwifery organisations, together with women's groups, other maternity care professionals and policy-makers as equal partners are key to bring about changes in the Belgian maternity care landscape

    Systematic review of dexketoprofen in acute and chronic pain

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    which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Background: Dexketoprofen, an NSAID used in the management of acute and chronic pains, is licensed in several countries but has not previously been the subjected of a systematic review. We used published and unpublished information from randomised clinical trials (RCTs) of dexketoprofen in painful conditions to assess evidence on efficacy and harm. Methods: PubMed and Cochrane Central were searched for RCTs of dexketoprofen for pain of any aetiology. Reference lists of retrieved articles and reviews were also searched. Menarini Group produced copies of published and unpublished studies (clinical trial reports). Data were abstracted into a standard form. For studies reporting results of single dose administration, the number of patients with at least 50 % pain relief was derived and used to calculate the relative benefit (RB) and number-needed-to-treat (NNT) for one patient to achieve at least 50 % pain relief compared with placebo. Results: Thirty-five trials were found in acute pain and chronic pain; 6,380 patients were included, 3,381 receiving dexketoprofen. Information from 16 trials (almost half the total patients) wa

    Electrodynamics in complex systems: Application to near-field probing of optical microresonators

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    This paper discusses recent theoretical efforts to develop a general and flexible method for the calculation of the field distributions around and inside complex optical systems involving both dielectric and metallic materials. Starting from the usual light-matter coupling Hamiltonian, we derive a self-consistent equation for the optical field in arbitrary optical systems composed of N different subdomains. We show that an appropriate solving procedure based on the real-space discretization of each subdomain raises the present approach to the rank of an accurate predictive numerical scheme. In order to illustrate its applicability, we use this formalism to address challenging problems related to nonradiative energy transfers in near-field optics. In particular, we investigate in detail the detuning of a microresonator probed by a near-field optical probe.</p

    A propos de l'arrêt du 14 décembre 2004 de la Cour de cassation dans l'affaire Saroukh

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    Projet production de semences. RĂ©publique socialiste du Vietnam. Projet VIE/80/010. Rapport de la mission d'Ă©valuation

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    Temporal evolution of sediment supply in Lago Puyehue (Southern Chile) during the last 600 yr and its climatic significance

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    Short-term climate changes in Southern Chile are investigated by a multi-proxy analysis of a 53-cm-long sedimentary sequence selected among eight short cores retrieved in Lago Puyehue (Chile, 40 degrees S). This core contains a 600-yr-long undisturbed record of paleo-precipitation changes. Two measurement methods for sediment density, organic matter and biogenic silica contents are compared and the most appropriate techniques are selected. Together with aluminium and titanium concentrations, grain size and geochemical properties of the organic matter, these proxies are used to demonstrate paleo-precipitation changes around 40 degrees S. Increase of terrigenous particle supply between A.D. 1490 and A.D. 1700 suggests a humid period. Contemporaneously, delta C-13 data show increasing lake productivity, in response to the high nutrient supply. The A.D. 1700-1900 interval is characterized by a decreasing terrigenous supply and increasing delta C-13 values, interpreted as a drying period. The magnetic susceptibility signal, reflecting the terrigenous/biogenic ratio, demonstrates that similar variations occur in all the undisturbed sedimentary environments of Lago Puyehue. The A.D. 1490-1700 wet period is associated with the onset of the European Little Ice Age (LIA) and interpreted as its local signature. This work supports the fact that the LIA was a global event, not only restricted to the Northern Hemisphere. (c) 2005 University of Washington. All rights reserved.ENSO-Chil