1,055 research outputs found

    El problema de las concepciones alternativas en la actualidad (parte III). Utilización didáctica de los errores conceptuales que aparecen en cómics, prensa, novelas y libros de texto

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    La existencia de graves errores conceptuales en artículos de prensa, novelas, cómics e incluso libros de texto está relacionada con el origen y persistencia de determinadas ideas alternativas. Cabe plantearse si no podrían utilizarse estos mismos medios para contribuir al tratamiento y el cambio de tales ideas.Palabras claves: cambio de concepciones; concepciones alternativas; errores conceptuales; obstáculos en el aprendizaje.The problem of alternative conceptions today (part III). Didactic use of conceptual errors that appear in comics, press, novels and textbooksThe existence of misconceptions in press articles, novels, comics and also textbooks, is relationship with the origin and persistence of certain alternative ideas. For this reason, one could think about the use of these media in order to contribute to the pedagogical treatment and the change of such ideas.Key words: alternative conceptions; comics; conceptual change; misconceptios; pedagogical treatment; press; textbooks

    El problema de las concepciones alternativas en la actualidad (Parte II). El cambio de concepciones alternativas

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    En un trabajo anterior (Carrascosa, 2005) analizábamos el problema de las ideas alternativas que afectan a diversos campos de la ciencia y apuntábamos algunas causas que pueden explicar el origen y/o la persistencia de las mismas. Cabe plantearse ahora la elaboración de unas estrategias de enseñanza adecuadas para cambiar las ideas alternativas de los estudiantes por aquellas ideas científicas que tratamos de enseñarles.Palabras claves: cambio de concepciones, concepciones alternativas, errores conceptuales, obstáculos en el aprendizaje.The problem of alternative conceptions today (Part II). The change of alternative conceptionsIn an earlier work (Carrascosa, 2005) we analyzed the problem of alternative ideas that affect different fields of science and pointed out some causes that may explain the origin and/or persistence of them. We must now consider the development of appropriate teaching strategies to change the students alternative ideas for those scientific ideas that we try to teach them.Keywords: change of conceptions, alternative conceptions, conceptual errors, obstacles in learning

    Compuesto bactericida contra Campylobacter jejuni

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    Compuesto bactericida contra Campylobacter jejuni. Uso de algunos compuestos fenólicos como agentes antibacterianos contra C jejuni. Además de sus usos para conservación de alimentos, suplemento alimenticio para animales y para la elaboración de una composición farmacéutica para el tratamiento de enfermedades causadas por C. jejuni, debido a su actividad frente a este microorganismos.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)B1 Patente con informe sobre el estado de la ténic

    I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me. Measuring Online Behavioural Advertising

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    Online Behavioural targeted Advertising (OBA) has risen in prominence as a method to increase the effectiveness of online advertising. OBA operates by associating tags or labels to users based on their online activity and then using these labels to target them. This rise has been accompanied by privacy concerns from researchers, regulators and the press. In this paper, we present a novel methodology for measuring and understanding OBA in the online advertising market. We rely on training artificial online personas representing behavioural traits like 'cooking', 'movies', 'motor sports', etc. and build a measurement system that is automated, scalable and supports testing of multiple configurations. We observe that OBA is a frequent practice and notice that categories valued more by advertisers are more intensely targeted. In addition, we provide evidences showing that the advertising market targets sensitive topics (e.g, religion or health) despite the existence of regulation that bans such practices. We also compare the volume of OBA advertising for our personas in two different geographical locations (US and Spain) and see little geographic bias in terms of intensity of OBA targeting. Finally, we check for targeting with do-not-track (DNT) enabled and discovered that DNT is not yet enforced in the web.Comment: To appear in ACM CoNEXT 2015, Heidelberg, Germany. Please cite the conference version of this pape

    El problema de las concepciones alternativas en la actualidad (Parte I). Análisis sobre las causas que las originan y/o mantienen

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    En este trabajo se hace una revisión sobre los errores conceptuales que afectan a determinados conceptos científicos fundamentales y las ideas alternativas que llevan a cometerlos, analizando con cierto detalle cómo se originan y a qué se debe la gran persistencia de algunas de estas ideas, las cuales suponen un obstáculo importante para el aprendizaje de los conocimientos científicos con ellas relacionados.Palabras claves:concepciones alternativas, errores conceptuales, obstáculos en el aprendizaje.The problem of alternative conceptions today (Part I). Analysis of the causes that originate and/or maintain themIn this paper a review is made of the conceptual errors that affect certain fundamental scientific concepts and the alternative ideas that lead them to commit them, analyzing in some detail how they originate and what is due to the great persistence of some of these ideas, an important obstacle to the learning of related scientific knowledge.Keywords: alternative conceptions, conceptual errors, obstacles in learning

    Accretion and photodesorption of CO ice as a function of the incident angle of deposition

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    Non-thermal desorption of inter- and circum-stellar ice mantles on dust grains, in particular ultraviolet photon-induced desorption, has gained importance in recent years. These processes may account for the observed gas phase abundances of molecules like CO toward cold interstellar clouds. Ice mantle growth results from gas molecules impinging on the dust from all directions and incidence angles. Nevertheless, the effect of the incident angle for deposition on ice photo-desorption rate has not been studied. This work explores the impact on the accretion and photodesorption rates of the incidence angle of CO gas molecules with the cold surface during deposition of a CO ice layer. Infrared spectroscopy monitored CO ice upon deposition at different angles, ultraviolet-irradiation, and subsequent warm-up. Vacuum-ultraviolet spectroscopy and a Ni-mesh measured the emission of the ultraviolet lamp. Molecules ejected from the ice to the gas during irradiation or warm-up were characterized by a quadrupole mass spectrometer. The photodesorption rate of CO ice deposited at 11 K and different incident angles was rather stable between 0 and 45^{\circ}. A maximum in the CO photodesorption rate appeared around 70^{\circ}-incidence deposition angle. The same deposition angle leads to the maximum surface area of water ice. Although this study of the surface area could not be performed for CO ice, the similar angle dependence in the photodesorption and the ice surface area suggests that they are closely related. Further evidence for a dependence of CO ice morphology on deposition angle is provided by thermal desorption of CO ice experiments

    Microbiología y cultura científica para discapacitados intelectuales

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    Trabajo presntado al XXIII Congreso Nacional de Microbiología celbrado en Salamanca del 11 al 14 de julio de 2011 y que recibe el Premio del Grupo Especializado de Docencia y Difusión de la Microbiología de la Sociedad Española de Microbiología (SEM) al mejor poster presentado.Los firmantes del presente trabajo financian su investigación científica con los proyectos ALIBIRD-CM-P2009/AGR-1469 (Comunidad de Madrid) AGL2009-07894 y CSD2007-00063FUN-C-FOOD (CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010) del MINCINN.Peer Reviewe

    Establecimiento de las líneas de investigación prioritarias en la didáctica de las ciencias y las matemáticas

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    Se describe un intento de encontrar las tendencias de investigación consideradas fundamentales en la educación científica y matemática por parte de los maestros en este país. Se analizan los resultados obtenidos en biología, física y química y matemáticas

    Effect of cold stress (4ºC) and combined cold Stress-starvation on Campylobacter jejuni adherence to Caco-2 epithelial cells

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    Trabajo presentado al Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students celebrada en Nashville (US) del 13 al 16 de noviembre de 2013.This research was funded by the Old Westbury Neurosciece International Program (OWNIP) through an MHIRT grant from the NIMHD (MD001429).Peer Reviewe