426 research outputs found

    Research on output feedback control

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    A summary is presented of the main results obtained during the course of research on output feedback control. The term output feedback is used to denote a controller design approach which does not rely on an observer to estimate the states of the system. Thus, the order of the controller is fixed, and can even be zero order, which amounts to constant gain ouput feedback. The emphasis has been on optimal output feedback. That is, a fixed order controller is designed based on minimizing a suitably chosen quadratic performance index. A number of problem areas that arise in this context have been addressed. These include developing suitable methods for selecting an index of performance, both time domain and frequency domain methods for achieving robustness of the closed loop system, developing canonical forms to achieve a minimal parameterization for the controller, two time scale design formulations for ill-conditioned systems, and the development of convergent numerical algorithms for solving the output feedback problem

    Analytical guidance law development for aerocapture at Mars

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    During the first part of this reporting period research has concentrated on performing a detailed evaluation, to zero order, of the guidance algorithm developed in the first period taking the numerical approach developed in the third period. A zero order matched asymptotic expansion (MAE) solution that closely satisfies a set of 6 implicit equations in 6 unknowns to an accuracy of 10(exp -10), was evaluated. Guidance law implementation entails treating the current state as a new initial state and repetitively solving the MAE problem to obtain the feedback controls. A zero order guided solution was evaluated and compared with optimal solution that was obtained by numerical methods. Numerical experience shows that the zero order guided solution is close to optimal solution, and that the zero order MAE outer solution plays a critical role in accounting for the variations in Loh's term near the exit phase of the maneuver. However, the deficiency that remains in several of the critical variables indicates the need for a first order correction. During the second part of this period, methods for computing a first order correction were explored

    Guidance and flight control law development for hypersonic vehicles

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    During the third reporting period our efforts were focused on a reformulation of the optimal control problem involving active state-variable inequality constraints. In the reformulated problem the optimization is carried out not with respect to all controllers, but only with respect to asymptotic controllers leading to the state constraint boundary. Intimately connected with the traditional formulation is the fact that when the reduced solution for such problems lies on a state constraint boundary, the corresponding boundary layer transitions are of finite time in the stretched time scale. Thus, it has been impossible so far to apply the classical asymptotic boundary layer theory to such problems. Moreover, the traditional formulation leads to optimal controllers that are one-sided, that is, they break down when a disturbance throws the system on the prohibited side of the state constraint boundary

    Singular perturbation techniques for real time aircraft trajectory optimization and control

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    The usefulness of singular perturbation methods for developing real time computer algorithms to control and optimize aircraft flight trajectories is examined. A minimum time intercept problem using F-8 aerodynamic and propulsion data is used as a baseline. This provides a framework within which issues relating to problem formulation, solution methodology and real time implementation are examined. Theoretical questions relating to separability of dynamics are addressed. With respect to implementation, situations leading to numerical singularities are identified, and procedures for dealing with them are outlined. Also, particular attention is given to identifying quantities that can be precomputed and stored, thus greatly reducing the on-board computational load. Numerical results are given to illustrate the minimum time algorithm, and the resulting flight paths. An estimate is given for execution time and storage requirements

    Optimal guidance law development for an advanced launch system

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    A regular perturbation analysis is presented. Closed-loop simulations were performed with a first order correction including all of the atmospheric terms. In addition, a method was developed for independently checking the accuracy of the analysis and the rather extensive programming required to implement the complete first order correction with all of the aerodynamic effects included. This amounted to developing an equivalent Hamiltonian computed from the first order analysis. A second order correction was also completed for the neglected spherical Earth and back-pressure effects. Finally, an analysis was begun on a method for dealing with control inequality constraints. The results on including higher order corrections do show some improvement for this application; however, it is not known at this stage if significant improvement will result when the aerodynamic forces are included. The weak formulation for solving optimal problems was extended in order to account for state inequality constraints. The formulation was tested on three example problems and numerical results were compared to the exact solutions. Development of a general purpose computational environment for the solution of a large class of optimal control problems is under way. An example, along with the necessary input and the output, is given

    Two time scale output feedback regulation for ill-conditioned systems

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    Issues pertaining to the well-posedness of a two time scale approach to the output feedback regulator design problem are examined. An approximate quadratic performance index which reflects a two time scale decomposition of the system dynamics is developed. It is shown that, under mild assumptions, minimization of this cost leads to feedback gains providing a second-order approximation of optimal full system performance. A simplified approach to two time scale feedback design is also developed, in which gains are separately calculated to stabilize the slow and fast subsystem models. By exploiting the notion of combined control and observation spillover suppression, conditions are derived assuring that these gains will stabilize the full-order system. A sequential numerical algorithm is described which obtains output feedback gains minimizing a broad class of performance indices, including the standard LQ case. It is shown that the algorithm converges to a local minimum under nonrestrictive assumptions. This procedure is adapted to and demonstrated for the two time scale design formulations

    Research on output feedback control

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    In designing fixed order compensators, an output feedback formulation has been adopted by suitably augmenting the system description to include the compensator states. However, the minimization of the performance index over the range of possible compensator descriptions was impeded due to the nonuniqueness of the compensator transfer function. A controller canonical form of the compensator was chosen to reduce the number of free parameters to its minimal number in the optimization. In the MIMO case, the controller form requires a prespecified set of ascending controllability indices. This constraint on the compensator structure is rather innocuous in relation to the increase in convergence rate of the optimization. Moreover, the controller form is easily relatable to a unique controller transfer function description. This structure of the compensator does not require penalizing the compensator states for a nonzero or coupled solution, a problem that occurs when following a standard output feedback synthesis formulation

    Singular perturbation analysis of AOTV-related trajectory optimization problems

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    The problem of real time guidance and optimal control of Aeroassisted Orbit Transfer Vehicles (AOTV's) was addressed using singular perturbation theory as an underlying method of analysis. Trajectories were optimized with the objective of minimum energy expenditure in the atmospheric phase of the maneuver. Two major problem areas were addressed: optimal reentry, and synergetic plane change with aeroglide. For the reentry problem, several reduced order models were analyzed with the objective of optimal changes in heading with minimum energy loss. It was demonstrated that a further model order reduction to a single state model is possible through the application of singular perturbation theory. The optimal solution for the reduced problem defines an optimal altitude profile dependent on the current energy level of the vehicle. A separate boundary layer analysis is used to account for altitude and flight path angle dynamics, and to obtain lift and bank angle control solutions. By considering alternative approximations to solve the boundary layer problem, three guidance laws were derived, each having an analytic feedback form. The guidance laws were evaluated using a Maneuvering Reentry Research Vehicle model and all three laws were found to be near optimal. For the problem of synergetic plane change with aeroglide, a difficult terminal boundary layer control problem arises which to date is found to be analytically intractable. Thus a predictive/corrective solution was developed to satisfy the terminal constraints on altitude and flight path angle. A composite guidance solution was obtained by combining the optimal reentry solution with the predictive/corrective guidance method. Numerical comparisons with the corresponding optimal trajectory solutions show that the resulting performance is very close to optimal. An attempt was made to obtain numerically optimized trajectories for the case where heating rate is constrained. A first order state variable inequality constraint was imposed on the full order AOTV point mass equations of motion, using a simple aerodynamic heating rate model

    Research on output feedback control of systems with ill-conditioned dynamics

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    The accuracy of a two time scale approach to the output feedback regulator design problem is examined. An approximate quadratic performance index which reflects a two time scale decomposition of the system dynamics is developed. A sequential numerical algorithm is defined which obtains output feedback gains minimizing a broad class of performance indices, including the standard LQ case. A procedure for optimally zeroing selected gain elements in an output feedback gain matrix is developed and demonstrated. A summary of conference and journal publications from this research is also provided

    Rapid near-optimal aerospace plane trajectory generation and guidance

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    Effort was directed toward the problems of the real time trajectory optimization and guidance law development for the National Aerospace Plane (NASP) applications. In particular, singular perturbation methods were used to develop guidance algorithms suitable for onboard, real time implementation. The progress made in this research effort is reported