18,234 research outputs found

    SACY - a Search for Associations Containing Young stars

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    The scientific goal of the SACY (Search for Associations Containing Young-stars) was to identify possible associations of stars younger than the Pleiades Association among optical counterparts of the ROSAT X-ray bright sources. High-resolution spectra for possible optical counterparts later than G0 belonging to HIPPARCOS and/or TYCHO-2 catalogs were obtained in order to assess both the youth and the spatial motion of each target. More than 1000 ROSAT sources were observed, covering a large area in the Southern Hemisphere. The newly identified young stars present a patchy distribution in UVW and XYZ, revealing the existence of huge nearby young associations. Here we present the associations identified in this survey.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of Open Issues in Local Formation and Early Stellar Evolution, Ouro Preto, Brazi

    The Brightest Cluster Galaxy in Abell 85: The Largest Core Known so far

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    We have found that the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) in Abell~85, Holm 15A, displays the largest core so far known. Its cusp radius, rγ=4.57±0.06r_{\gamma} = 4.57 \pm 0.06 kpc (4.26±0.064.26^{\prime\prime}\pm 0.06^{\prime\prime}), is more than 18 times larger than the mean for BCGs, and 1\geq1 kpc larger than A2261-BCG, hitherto the largest-cored BCG (Postman, Lauer, Donahue, et al. 2012) Holm 15A hosts the luminous amorphous radio source 0039-095B and has the optical signature of a LINER. Scaling laws indicate that this core could host a supermassive black hole (SMBH) of mass M(1091011)MM_{\bullet}\thicksim (10^{9}-10^{11})\,M_{\odot}. We suggest that cores this large represent a relatively short phase in the evolution of BCGs, whereas the masses of their associated SBMH might be set by initial conditions.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure, 2 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ Letters on October 6th, 2014, replacement of previous manuscript submitted on May 30th, 2014 to astro-p

    The Relationship Between X-ray Luminosity and Duty Cycle for Dwarf Novae and their Specific Frequency in the Inner Galaxy

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    We measure the duty cycles for an existing sample of well observed, nearby dwarf novae using data from AAVSO, and present a quantitative empirical relation between the duty cycle of dwarf novae outbursts and the X-ray luminosity of the system in quiescence. We have found that logDC=0.63(±0.21)×(logLX(ergs1)31.3)0.95(±0.1)\log DC=0.63(\pm0.21)\times(\log L_{X}({\rm erg\,s^{-1}})-31.3)-0.95(\pm0.1), where DC stands for duty cycle. We note that there is intrinsic scatter in this relation greater than what is expected from purely statistical errors. Using the dwarf nova X-ray luminosity functions from \citet{Pretorius12} and \citet{Byckling10}, we compare this relation to the number of dwarf novae in the Galactic Bulge Survey which were identified through optical outbursts during an 8-day long monitoring campaign. We find a specific frequency of X-ray bright (LX>1031ergs1L_{X}>10^{31}\,{\rm erg\,s^{-1}}) Cataclysmic Variables undergoing Dwarf Novae outbursts in the direction of the Galactic Bulge of 6.6±4.7×105M16.6\pm4.7\times10^{-5}\,M_{\odot}^{-1}. Such a specific frequency would give a Solar neighborhood space density of long period CVs of ρ=5.6±3.9×106\rho=5.6\pm3.9\times10^{-6}\,pc3^{-3}. We advocate the use of specific frequency in future work, given that projects like LSST will detect DNe well outside the distance range over which ρconst\rho\approx{\textrm const}.Comment: 9 pagers, 4 figures Accepted for publication in MNRA

    `Oumuamua as a messenger from the Local Association

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    7 pages, one table, two figures, accepted for publication by ApJL. © 2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.With a hyperbolic trajectory around the Sun, 'Oumuamua is the first confirmed interstellar object. However, its origin is poorly known. By simulating the orbits of 0.23 million local stars, we find 109 encounters with periastron less than 5 pc. 'Oumuamua's low peculiar velocity is suggestive of its origin from a young stellar association with similar velocity. In particular, we find that 'Oumuamua would have had slow encounters with at least five young stars belonging to the Local Association, thus suggesting these as plausible sites for formation and ejection. In addition to an extremely elongated shape, the available observational data for 'Oumuamua indicates a red color, suggestive of a potentially organic-rich and activity-free surface. These characteristics seem consistent with formation through energetic collisions between planets and debris objects in the middle part of a young stellar system. We estimate an abundance of at least 6.0 × 10 -3 au -3 for such interstellar objects with mean diameter larger than 100 m and find that it is likely that most of them will be ejected into the Galactic halo. Our Bayesian analysis of the available light curves indicates a rotation period of 6.96 +1.45 -0.39, which is consistent with the estimation by Meech et al. and shorter than those in other literature. The codes and results are available on GitHub (https://github.com/phillippro/Oumuamua).Peer reviewe

    Beyond the Coherent Coupled Channels Description of Nuclear Fusion

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    New measurements of fusion cross sections at deep sub-barrier energies for the reactions 16O+204,208Pb show a steep but almost saturated logarithmic slope, unlike 64Ni-induced reactions. Coupled channels calculations cannot simultaneously reproduce these new data and above-barrier cross-sections with the same Woods-Saxon nuclear potential. It is argued that this highlights an inadequacy of the coherent coupled channels approach. It is proposed that a new approach explicitly including gradual decoherence is needed to allow a consistent description of nuclear fusion

    Comparison of Zn_{1-x}Mn_xTe/ZnTe multiple-quantum wells and quantum dots by below-bandgap photomodulated reflectivity

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    Large-area high density patterns of quantum dots with a diameter of 200 nm have been prepared from a series of four Zn_{0.93}Mn_{0.07}Te/ZnTe multiple quantum well structures of different well width (4 nm, 6 nm, 8 nm and 10 nm) by electron beam lithography followed by Ar+ ion beam etching. Below-bandgap photomodulated reflectivity spectra of the quantum dot samples and the parent heterostructures were then recorded at 10 K and the spectra were fitted to extract the linewidths and the energy positions of the excitonic transitions in each sample. The fitted results are compared to calculations of the transition energies in which the different strain states in the samples are taken into account. We show that the main effect of the nanofabrication process is a change in the strain state of the quantum dot samples compared to the parent heterostructures. The quantum dot pillars turn out to be freestanding, whereas the heterostructures are in a good approximation strained to the ZnTe lattice constant. The lateral size of the dots is such that extra confinement effects are not expected or observed.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX2e (amsmath, epsfig), 7 EPS figure

    Constraining the nature of the accreting binary in CXOGBS J174623.5-310550

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    We report optical and infrared observations of the X-ray source CXOGBS J174623.5-310550. This Galactic object was identified as a potential quiescent low-mass X-ray binary accreting from an M-type donor on the basis of optical spectroscopy and the broad Halpha emission line. The analysis of X-shooter spectroscopy covering 3 consecutive nights supports an M2/3-type spectral classification. Neither radial velocity variations nor rotational broadening is detected in the photospheric lines. No periodic variability is found in I- and r'-band light curves. We derive r' = 20.8, I = 19.2 and Ks = 16.6 for the optical and infrared counterparts with the M-type star contributing 90% to the I-band light. We estimate its distance to be 1.3-1.8 kpc. The lack of radial velocity variations implies that the M-type star is not the donor star in the X-ray binary. This could be an interloper or the outer body in a hierarchical triple. We constrain the accreting binary to be a < 2.2 hr orbital period eclipsing cataclysmic variable or a low-mass X-ray binary lying in the foreground of the Galactic Bulge.Comment: (9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

    Effect of Particle Non-Sphericity on Satellite Monitoring of Drifting Volcanic Ash Clouds

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    Volcanic eruptions loft gases and ash particles into the atmosphere and produce effects that are both short term (aircraft hazards, interference with satellite measurements) and long term (atmospheric chemistry, climate). Large (greater than 0.5mm) ash particles fall out in minutes [Rose et al, 1995], but fine ash particles can remain in the atmosphere for many days. This fine volcanic ash is a hazard to modem jet aircraft because the operating temperatures of jet engines are above the solidus temperature of volcanic ash, and because ash causes abrasion of windows and airframe, and disruption of avionics. At large distances(10(exp 2)-10(exp 4) km or more) from their source, drifting ash clouds are increasingly difficult to distinguish from meteorological clouds, both visually and on radar [Rose et al., 1995]. Satellites above the atmosphere are unique platforms for viewing volcanic clouds on a global basis and measuring their constituents and total mass. Until recently, only polar AVHRR and geostationary GOES instruments could be used to determine characteristics of drifting volcanic ash clouds using the 10-12 micron window [Prata 1989; Wen and Rose 1994; Rose and Schneider 1996]. The NASA Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) instruments aboard the Nimbus-7, Meteor3, ADEOS, and Earth Probe satellites have produced a unique data set of global SO2 volcanic emissions since 1978 (Krueger et al., 1995). Besides SO2, a new technique has been developed which uses the measured spectral contrast of the backscattered radiances in the 330-380nm spectral region (where gaseous absorption is negligible) in conjunction with radiative transfer models to retrieve properties of volcanic ash (Krotkov et al., 1997) and other types of absorbing aerosols (Torres et al., 1998)

    Search for a bound di-neutron by comparing 3^3He(e,e'p)d and 3^3H(e,e'p)X measurements

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    We report on a search for a bound di-neutron by comparing electron-induced proton-knockout (e,ep)(e,e'p) measurements from Helium-3 (3^3He) and Tritium (3^3H). The measurements were performed at Jefferson Lab Hall A with a 4.326 GeV electron beam, and kinematics of large momentum transfer Q21.9Q^2 \approx 1.9 (GeV/cc)2^2 and xB>1x_B>1, to minimize contributions from non quasi-elastic (QE) reaction mechanisms. Analyzing the measured 3^3He missing mass (MmissM_{miss}) and missing energy (EmissE_{miss}) distributions, we can distinguish the two-body break-up reaction, in which the residual proton-neutron system remains bound as a deuteron. In the 3^3H mirror case, under the exact same kinematic conditions, we do not identify a signature for a bound di-neutron with similar binding energy to that of the deuteron. We calculate exclusion limits as a function of the di-neutron binding energy and find that, for binding equivalent to the deuteron, the two-body break-up cross section on 3^3H is less than 0.9% of that on 3^3He in the measured kinematics at the 95% confidence level.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure