789 research outputs found

    Decision tree rating scales for workload estimation: Theme and variations

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    The Modified Cooper-Harper (MCH) scale which is a sensitive indicator of workload in several different types of aircrew tasks was examined. The study determined if variations of the scale might provide greater sensitivity and the reasons for the sensitivity of the scale. The MCH scale and five newly devised scales were examined in two different aircraft simulator experiments in which pilot loading was treated as an independent variable. It is indicated that while one of the new scales may be more sensitive in a given experiment, task dependency is a problem. The MCH scale exhibits consistent senstivity and remains the scale recommended for general use. The MCH scale results are consistent with earlier experiments. The rating scale experiments are reported and the questionnaire results which were directed to obtain a better understanding of the reasons for the relative sensitivity of the MCH scale and its variations are described

    Superior multifunctional activity of nanoporous carbons with widely tuneable porosity: enhanced storage capacities for carbon-dioxide, hydrogen, water and electric charge

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    Nanoporous carbons (NPCs) with engineered specific pore sizes and sufficiently high porosities (both specific surface area and pore volume) are necessary for storing energy in the form of electric charges and molecules. Herein, NPCs, derived from biomass pine‐cones, coffee‐grounds, graphene‐oxide and metal‐organic frameworks, with systematically increased pore width (50 Wh kg−1 at high power density, 1000 W kg−1) are achieved to form the highest reported values among the range of carbons in the literature. The noteworthy energy storage performance of the NPCs for all five cases (CO2, H2, H2O, and capacitance in aqueous and organic electrolytes) is highlighted by direct comparison to numerous existing porous solids. A further analysis on the specific pore type governed physisorption capacities is presented

    Crystal Structure of the Sodium Cobaltate Deuterate Superconductor NaxCoO2o4xD2O (x=1/3)

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    Neutron and x-ray powder diffraction have been used to investigate the crystal structures of a sample of the newly-discovered superconducting sodium cobaltate deuterate compound with composition Na0.31(3)CoO2o1.25(2)D2O and its anhydrous parent compound Na0.61(1)CoO2. The deuterate superconducting compound is formed by coordinating four D2O molecules (two above and two below) to each Na ion in a way that gives Na-O distances nearly equal to those in the parent compound. One deuteron of the D2O molecule is hydrogen bonded to an oxygen atom in the CoO2 plane and the oxygen atom and the second deuteron of each D2O molecule lie approximately in a plane between the Na layer and the CoO2 layers. This coordination of Na by four D2O molecules leads to ordering of the Na ions and D2O molecules. The sample studied here, which has Tc=4.5 K, has a refined composition of Na0.31(3)CoO2o1.25(2)D2O, in agreement with the expected 1:4 ratio of Na to D2O. These results show that the optimal superconducting composition should be viewed as a specific hydrated compound, not a solid solution of Na and D2O (H2O) in NaxCoO2oyD2O. Studies of physical properties vs. Na or D2O composition should be viewed with caution until it is verified that the compound remains in the same phase over the composition range of the study.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    Disorders of Bulldogs under primary veterinary care in the UK in 2013

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    The Bulldog is a popular companion breed in the UK despite widely reported disease predispositions. This study aimed to characterise the demography, mortality and common disorders of Bulldogs under veterinary care in the UK during 2013. VetCompass collates anonymised clinical data from UK primary-care veterinary practices for epidemiological research. The clinical records of all Bulldogs available in the VetCompass study dataset were reviewed manually in detail to extract the most definitive diagnoses recorded for all disorders that existed during 2013 and for all deaths. Bulldogs comprised 1621 (0.36%) of 445,557 study dogs. Bulldogs increased from 0.35% of the 2009 birth cohort to 0.60% in 2013. Median longevity was 7.2 years, which was lower in males (6.7 years) than females (7.9 years) (P = 0.021). The most prevalent fine-level precision disorders recorded were otitis externa (n = 206, prevalence 12.7%, 95% CI: 11.1–14.4), pyoderma (142, 8.8%, 95% CI: 7.4–10.2) and overweight/obesity (141, 8.7%, 95% CI: 7.4–10.2). The most prevalent disorder groups were cutaneous (n = 463, prevalence: 28.6%, 95% CI: 26.4–30.8), ophthalmological (292, 18.0%, 95% CI: 16.2–20.0), aural (211, 13.0%, 95% CI: 11.4–14.8), enteropathy (188, 11.6%, 95% CI: 10.1–13.3) and upper respiratory tract (171, 10.5%, 95% CI: 9.1–12.1). Provision of an evidence base on the most common disorders and causes of mortality within breeds can support owners, breeders and the veterinary profession to improve health and welfare within these breed

    GI Bleeding in the Elderly

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    Purpose: To determine the risk factors contributing to and etiologies of gastrointestinal bleeding in an elderly patient population seen by Southwest Gastroenterology (SWGA) providers. Methods: This study reviews charts of patients with GI bleeding from documented sources between 1/1999 and 3/2006. The cases are gathered retrospectively from the clinical records of SWGA, a 12-person private, single specialty gastroenterology group serving community hospitals. Etiology and risk factors for GI hemorrhages are recorded in an elderly population, defined as patients age 55 and older. Results: GI hemorrhages are identified in 105 patients. The majority (83, 79%) of hemorrhages are upper GI bleeds (UGIB) comparing to 22 (21%) lower GI bleeds (LGIB). In the UGIB group, the most common etiology of bleed is gastric ulcer (29%). We also found 72% of UGIB patients on prescribed anticoagulation medications, including anti-platelet agents or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). 20% of these patients are also positive for H. Pylori. Thirty patients in the UGIB group smoke or consume alcohol heavily (consuming more than 3 drinks per day for men and two drinks per day for women) while 2 patients smoke or consume alcohol in the LGIB group. Previous bleeds are common in both groups with 39 (41%) in UGIB and 9 (47%) in LGIB. Co-morbidity is the most common risk factor with 20 (91%) in LGIB and 73 (88%) in UGIB. In the peptic ulcer disease (PUD) bleeds, the majority (77%) are taking NSAIDs, while in the non-PUD bleeds, only 38% are currently on NSAIDs. Overall, there are 2 mortalities resulting from cardiovascular complications of GI bleeding. Conclusion: The etiologies of GI bleeds in this population are comparable to other studies in the literature. The ratio of UGIB to LGIB in this elderly population is also similar to that reported in the literature. The risk factors shown to be most correlated to bleeding are co-morbidities, previous episodes of bleeding, anticoagulation, NSAID use, smoking and alcohol use. NSAID use is significant in PUD bleed patients. This study reinforces that increased knowledge of etiology, incidence and contributing factors of GI bleeding are necessary for physicians to efficiently treat GI bleeds in the elderly population

    Estimating the cost-effectiveness of detecting cases of chronic hepatitis C infection on reception into prison

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    Background In England and Wales where less than 1% of the population are Injecting drug users (IDUs), 97% of HCV reports are attributed to injecting drug use. As over 60% of the IDU population will have been imprisoned by the age of 30 years, prison may provide a good location in which to offer HCV screening and treatment. The aim of this work is to examine the cost effectiveness of a number of alternative HCV case-finding strategies on prison reception Methods A decision analysis model embedded in a model of the flow of IDUs through prison was used to estimate the cost effectiveness of a number of alternative case-finding strategies. The model estimates the average cost of identifying a new case of HCV from the perspective of the health care provider and how these estimates may evolve over time. Results The results suggest that administering verbal screening for a past positive HCV test and for ever having engaged in illicit drug use prior to the administering of ELISA and PCR tests can have a significant impact on the cost effectiveness of HCV case-finding strategies on prison reception; the discounted cost in 2017 being £2,102 per new HCV case detected compared to £3,107 when no verbal screening is employed. Conclusion The work here demonstrates the importance of targeting those individuals that have ever engaged in illicit drug use for HCV testing in prisons, these individuals can then be targeted for future intervention measures such as treatment or monitored to prevent future transmission

    Новые языковые реальности употребления претерита в немецком гипотаксисе

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    Целью статьи являются обобщение и теоретическое обоснование нового употребления претерита в относительном значении в конкретных видах придаточных предложений с презенсом в главном предложении. В статье анализируются коннотативные нюансы относительного значения претерита, регулярность замены префекта-пассива и перфекта именного составного сказуемого с глаголом "sein" на претеритальные формы в гипотаксисе, а также особое место претерита в системе немецких временных форм.Метою статті є узагальнення та теоретичне обґрунтування нового вживання претериту у релятивному значенні у конкретних видах сурядно-підрядних речень з презентом у сурядному реченні. У статті подано аналіз конототивні нюанси претериту і регулярність зміни перфекту пасиву та іменного присудка з дієсловом "sein" на претеритальні форми у гіпотаксису, а також особливе місце претериту у системі німецьких часових форм.The article aims at generalization and theoretical Explanation of modern preterit usage in relative meaning in certain types of clauses, with the Present tense in the main clause. The article deals with the analysis of connotative component meanings of the relative preterit and the regularity of substitution of preterit forms in hypotaxes for the passive perfect tense and the perfect form of the nominal compound predicate with the verb 'sein' as well as the specificity of preterit in the system of German tenses

    The analysis of relapse-free survival curves: implications for evaluating intensive systemic adjuvant treatment regimens for breast cancer

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    Results of adjuvant dose intensification studies in patients with localised breast cancer have raised questions regarding the clinical usefulness of this treatment strategy. Here, we develop and fit a natural history model for the time to clinical tumour recurrence as a function of the number of involved lymph nodes, and derive plausible predictions of the effects of dose intensification under various conditions. The time to tumour recurrence is assumed to depend on the residual postoperative micrometastatic burden of tumour, the fractional reduction of residual tumour burden (RTB) by treatment, and the rate of regrowth of the RTB to a clinically detectable size. It is assumed that a proportion of micrometastatic tumours are unresponsive to adjuvant chemotherapy even at maximal dose intensity. Data fitted included the San Antonio Cancer Institute (SACI) database of untreated patients, and CALGB #9082, a study comparing a highly intensive and moderately intensity adjuvant regimen in patients with 10+ positive axillary nodes. The proportion of tumours unresponsive to maximally intensive adjuvant treatment is estimated to be 48% (29–67%). The estimated log kill for intermediate-dose therapy from CALGB #9082 was 6.5 logs, compared with 9 logs or greater for high-dose therapy. The model is consistent with a modest but nonnegligible advantage of dose intensification compared with standard therapies in patients with sensitive tumours who have 10+ positive axillary nodes, and suggests that much of this clinical benefit could be achieved using intermediate levels of treatment intensification. The model further suggests that, in patients with fewer than 10 involved axillary nodes, any advantage of treatment intensification over standard therapy would be much reduced, because in patients with smaller tumour burdens of sensitive tumour, a larger proportion of cures achievable with intensified therapy could be achieved as well with standard therapy