99 research outputs found

    Traces of CM values of modular functions

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    Zagier proved that the traces of singular moduli, i.e., the sums of the values of the classical j-invariant over quadratic irrationalities, are the Fourier coefficients of a modular form of weight 3/2 with poles at the cusps. Using the theta correspondence, we generalize this result to traces of CM values of (weakly holomorphic) modular functions on modular curves of arbitrary genus. We also study the theta lift for the weight 0 Eisenstein series for SL2() and realize a certain generating series of arithmetic intersection numbers as the derivative of Zagier's Eisenstein series of weight 3/2. This recovers a result of Kudla, Rapoport and Yang

    Heegner divisors, L-functions and harmonic weak Maass forms

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    Degenerate Whittaker functions for Sp_n(R)

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    In this paper, we construct Whittaker functions with exponential growth for the degenerate principal series of the symplectic group of genus n induced from the Siegel parabolic subgroup. This is achieved by explicitly constructing a certain Goodman–Wallach operator which yields an intertwining map from the degenerate principal series to the space of Whittaker functions, and by evaluating it on weight- ℓ standard sections. We define a differential operator on such Whittaker functions which can be viewed as generalization of the ξ -operator on harmonic Maass forms for \SL2(\R)

    On the injectivity of the Kudla-Millson lift and surjectivity of the Borcherds lift

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    We consider the Kudla-Millson lift from elliptic modular forms of weight (p+q)/2 to closed q-forms on locally symmetric spaces corresponding to the orthogonal group O(p,q). We study the L²-norm of the lift following the Rallis inner product formula. We compute the contribution at the Archimedian place. For locally symmetric spaces associated to even unimodular lattices, we obtain an explicit formula for the L²-norm of the lift, which often implies that the lift is injective. For O(p,2) we discuss how such injectivity results imply the surjectivity of the Borcherds lift

    A pp-adic Approach to the Weil Representation of Discriminant Forms Arising from Even Lattices

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    Suppose that MM is an even lattice with dual MM^{*} and level NN. Then the group Mp2(Z)Mp_{2}(\mathbb{Z}), which is the unique non-trivial double cover of SL2(Z)SL_{2}(\mathbb{Z}), admits a representation ρM\rho_{M}, called the Weil representation, on the space C[M/M]\mathbb{C}[M^{*}/M]. The main aim of this paper is to show how the formulae for the ρM\rho_{M}-action of a general element of Mp2(Z)Mp_{2}(\mathbb{Z}) can be obtained by a direct evaluation which does not depend on ``external objects'' such as theta functions. We decompose the Weil representation ρM\rho_{M} into pp-parts, in which each pp-part can be seen as subspace of the Schwartz functions on the pp-adic vector space MQpM_{\mathbb{Q}_{p}}. Then we consider the Weil representation of Mp2(Qp)Mp_{2}(\mathbb{Q}_{p}) on the space of Schwartz functions on MQpM_{\mathbb{Q}_{p}}, and see that restricting to Mp2(Z)Mp_{2}(\mathbb{Z}) just gives the pp-part of ρM\rho_{M} again. The operators attained by the Weil representation are not always those appearing in the formulae from 1964, but are rather their multiples by certain roots of unity. For this, one has to find which pair of elements, lying over a matrix in SL2(Qp)SL_{2}(\mathbb{Q}_{p}), belong to the metaplectic double cover. Some other properties are also investigated.Comment: 29 pages, shortened a lo

    Correspondences in Arakelov geometry and applications to the case of Hecke operators on modular curves

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    In the context of arithmetic surfaces, Bost defined a generalized Arithmetic Chow Group (ACG) using the Sobolev space L^2_1. We study the behavior of these groups under pull-back and push-forward and we prove a projection formula. We use these results to define an action of the Hecke operators on the ACG of modular curves and to show that they are self-adjoint with respect to the arithmetic intersection product. The decomposition of the ACG in eigencomponents which follows allows us to define new numerical invariants, which are refined versions of the self-intersection of the dualizing sheaf. Using the Gross-Zagier formula and a calculation due independently to Bost and Kuehn we compute these invariants in terms of special values of L series. On the other hand, we obtain a proof of the fact that Hecke correspondences acting on the Jacobian of the modular curves are self-adjoint with respect to the N\'eron-Tate height pairing.Comment: 38 pages. Minor correction

    Two applications of the curve lemma for orthogonal groups

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    An algorithm for numerically inverting the modular j-function

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