20 research outputs found

    But a walking shadow: designing, performing and learning on the virtual stage

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    Representing elements of reality within a medium, or taking aspects from one medium and placing them in another is an act of remediation. The process of this act, however, is largely taken for granted. Despite the fact that available information enables a qualitative assessment of the history of multimedia and their influences on different fields of knowledge, there are still some areas that require more focused research attention. For example, the relationship between media evolution and new developments in scenographic practice is currently under investigation. This article explores the issue of immediacy as a condition of modern theatre in the context of digital reality. It discusses the opportunities and challenges that recent technologies present to contemporary practitioners and theatre design educators, creating a lot of scope to break with conventions. Here, we present two case studies that look into technology-mediated learning about scenography through the employment of novel computer visualization techniques. The first case study is concerned with new ways of researching and learning about theatre through creative exploration of design artefacts. The second case study investigates the role of the Immersive Virtual World Second Lifeâ„¢ (SL) in effective teaching of scenography, and in creating and experiencing theatrical performances

    Maximum number of triangle-free edge colourings with five and six colours

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    Let k ≥ 3 and r ≥ 2 be natural numbers. For a graph G, let F(G, k, r) denote the number of colourings of the edges of G with colours 1,…, r such that, for every colour c ∈ {1,…, r}, the edges of colour c contain no complete graph on k vertices Kk. Let F(n, k, r) denote the maximum of F(G, k, r) over all graphs G on n vertices. The problem of determining F(n, k, r) was first proposed by Erdős and Rothschild in 1974, and has so far been solved only for r = 2; 3, and a small number of other cases. In this paper we consider the question for the cases k = 3 and r = 5 or r = 6. We almost exactly determine the value F(n, 3, 6) and approximately determine the value F(n, 3, 5) for large values of n. We also characterise all extremal graphs for r = 6 and prove a stability result for r = 5

    Avaliação da energia gerada por um sistema fotovoltaico de 10 kWp com razão de concentração de 1000 sóis interligado à rede elétrica

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    Este trabajo busca analizar las características de operación de un Generador Fotovoltaico de Alta Concentración (HCPV - High Concentration Photovoltaics) de 10 kWp con una concentración de 1000 soles instalado en el área externa del Departamento de Energía Nuclear de la Universidad Federal de Pernambuco. Después de la instalación del sistema fotovoltaico (FV), fueron colectados en conjunto los datos de la generación y del consumo de energía eléctrica del departamento. Fueron estimados los valores de la irradiancia directa incidente en el plano del generador hora a hora para el día más representativo de cada mes, utilizando correlaciones disponibles en la literatura. A partir de los resultados experimentales y de las simulaciones realizadas fue posible establecer una relación entre la oferta y la demanda de energía, llegando a la conclusión que el generador FV, en las mejores condiciones de funcionamiento, consigue suministrar aproximadamente 14% del consumo eléctrico del departamento, lo que es equivalente al gasto de iluminación de la edificación.This paper analyzes the operational characteristics of a High Concentration Photovoltaic (HCPV) generator of 10 kWp with a concentration ratio of 1000 suns installed on the external area of the Nuclear Energy Department of the Federal University of Pernambuco. The system has been installed and monitored. D.C. power generated, converted A.C. power, solar radiation (direct solar radiation) have been measured. The consumption of electricity was estimated considering all the electric appliances of the department and the time expected for use. Using correlations available in the literature, direct incident irradiance on the plane of the generator were estimate each hour for the most representative day of each month. From the experimental results and the simulations was possible to establish a relationship between supply and demand for energy, concluding that the PV generator in the best operating condition, can reach, in the best situation, approximately 14% of electricity consumption of the department, which is equivalent to the light expense of the building.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Avaliação das unidades de coleta do Programa de Triagem Neonatal no Estado do Rio de Janeiro Evaluation of Neonatal Screening Program collection centers in the State of Rio de Janeiro

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    OBJETIVOS: avaliar estrutura e processo das unidades de coleta (UC) e incluindo coleta e transporte das amostras, e busca ativa do Programa de Triagem Neonatal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (PTN-RJ). MÉTODOS: foram selecionadas 66 das 422 UC existentes, conforme tipo, localização e volume de amostras. Foram aplicados questionário semi-estruturado e roteiros para observação direta e análise documental. Foram gerados escores para estrutura e processo para cada UC. Foram calculadas medianas da pontuação, avaliada a consistência interna do instrumento, correlação de escores entre estrutura e processo. RESULTADOS: o escore mediano global (máximo de 100) foi de 69,1 (variação: 50,5-86,6) para estrutura e 63,9 (variação: 46,9-77,4) para processo. O desempenho das UC foi semelhante em estrutura. Maternidades e PSF tiveram desempenhos superiores em processo, e UCB inferiores. O coeficiente alfa de Cronbach indicou alta consistência dos instrumentos para avaliação de estrutura (alfa=0,93) e processo (alfa=0,81). Os escores de estrutura e processo apresentaram fraca correlação (coeficiente de Pearson = 0,44; Spearman = 0,42). Diferenças nos escores médios entre tipos de UC demonstraram considerável magnitude, porém sem significância estatística (p=0,387). CONCLUSÕES: o desempenho global em estrutura e processo foi satisfatório. As deficiências foram encontradas na capacitação de profissionais e suprimento de material para coleta e educativo.<br>OBJECTIVES: evaluate the structure and process of collection centers with focus on specimen collection, transportation of tests and active search in the state of Rio de Janeiro's Neonatal Screening Program (PTN-RJ). METHODS: 66 of the 422 collection centers were chosen, according to type, location and workload volume. The evaluation tool employed during the research included: semi-structured questionnaires, guidelines for direct observation and document review. Scores were generated for both structure and process components assessment at each collection center. Median scores were then calculated, evaluated for internal analytical consistency, score correlation between structure and process components. RESULTS: the overall median score (maximum of 100) was 69.1 (variation: 50.5-86.6) for structure and 63.9 (variation 46.9-77.4) for process components. The performance of each collection center showed consistency among centers with similar structure. Maternity centers and Family Health Program Units (PSF) showed superior performance in their process components, with collection centers type B (UCB) showing lower performance with the same group of components. The Cronbach alpha coefficient indicated a high consistency of among the assessment tools for structure (alpha=0.93) and process components (alpha=0.81). The structure and process components scores showed weak correlation (Pearson coefficient = 0.44; Spearman = 0.42). Differences in mean scores among types of collection center showed considerable magnitude, but without statistical signi-ficance (p=0.387). CONCLUSIONS: the overall performance in structure and process components was satisfactory. Deficiencies were found in professional training and in availability of specimen collection and educational material

    Triagem neonatal: o conhecimento materno em uma maternidade no interior do Paraná, Brasil El cribado neonatal: conocimiento del madres en un maternidad en el interior del Paraná, Brasil Neonatal screening: mother knowledge in a maternity inside the Paraná, Brazil

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    Estudo transversal, quantitativo, realizado no Alojamento Conjunto de um hospital de médio porte, no interior do Paraná do qual fizeram parte 40 puérperas maiores de 18 anos. Teve como objetivo analisar o conhecimento desta população sobre a finalidade e importância da realização do "teste do pezinho" e caracterizá-la sócio-demograficamente. Os dados foram coletados em maio e junho de 2010, através de um questionário semi-estruturado elaborado e aplicado pelos próprios pesquisadores. A finalidade da triagem neonatal era conhecida por 65% (n=26) das participantes, observando-se que a maioria conhecia a finalidade e sabia sobre a importância da realização do "teste do pezinho", fato este que denota a importância das orientações que devem ser dispensadas a estas mães sobre o referido assunto, mesmo antes do nascimento do bebê, com enfoque ainda no pré-natal, destacando-se a importância do papel do enfermeiro neste contexto.<br>Estudio transversal, cuantitativo, celebrada en alojamiento conjunto de un hospital en el interior de Paraná, Brasil, con 40 madres de más de 18 años. Tuvo como objetivo examinar el conocimiento das madres sobre el propósito y la importancia de completar la "prueba de Guthrie" y caracteriza su socio-demográficamente. Los datos se recolectaron en mayo y junio de 2010 a través de un cuestionario, desarrollado e implementado por los investigadores. El objetivo del cribado neonatal era conocido por el 65% (n = 26) de los participantes, la mayoría sabía que el propósito y la importancia de completar la "prueba de Guthrie", que demuestra la importancia de las directrices que debe ser puesto a las madres sobre el tema, antes del nacimiento del bebé, enfocado en la atención prenatal, haciendo hincapié en la importancia del papel de las enfermeras en este contexto.<br>This is a cross-sectional quantitative study quantitative held in the rooming area of a medium-sized hospital in the hinterlands of Paraná, Brazil. 40 mothers over 18 years participated in the study. The study aimed to examine what this population knows about the purpose and importance of completing the "Guthrie test" and also to characterize these mothers sociodemographically. The data were collected in May and June 2010 through a semi-structured questionnaire developed and implemented by the researchers themselves. The purpose of neonatal screening was known by 65% (n = 26) of the participants. The majority of them knew the purpose and knew about the importance of completing the "Guthrie test", a fact which shows the importance of the orientations these mothers must have on this subject even before the birth of the baby, still focusing on prenatal care, and emphasizing the importance of the role of nurses in this context