158 research outputs found

    Mean-field evolution of fermions with singular interaction

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    We consider a system of N fermions in the mean-field regime interacting though an inverse power law potential V(x)=1/∣x∣αV(x)=1/|x|^{\alpha}, for α∈(0,1]\alpha\in(0,1]. We prove the convergence of a solution of the many-body Schr\"{o}dinger equation to a solution of the time-dependent Hartree-Fock equation in the sense of reduced density matrices. We stress the dependence on the singularity of the potential in the regularity of the initial data. The proof is an adaptation of [22], where the case α=1\alpha=1 is treated.Comment: 16 page

    Fast evaluation of solid harmonic Gaussian integrals for local resolution-of-the-identity methods and range-separated hybrid functionals

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    An integral scheme for the efficient evaluation of two-center integrals over contracted solid harmonic Gaussian functions is presented. Integral expressions are derived for local operators that depend on the position vector of one of the two Gaussian centers. These expressions are then used to derive the formula for three-index overlap integrals where two of the three Gaussians are located at the same center. The efficient evaluation of the latter is essential for local resolution-of-the-identity techniques that employ an overlap metric. We compare the performance of our integral scheme to the widely used Cartesian Gaussian-based method of Obara and Saika (OS). Non-local interaction potentials such as standard Coulomb, modified Coulomb, and Gaussian-type operators, which occur in range-separated hybrid functionals, are also included in the performance tests. The speed-up with respect to the OS scheme is up to three orders of magnitude for both integrals and their derivatives. In particular, our method is increasingly efficient for large angular momenta and highly contracted basis sets

    A Systematic Review on Improving Health Literacy in Rural Africa Using Mobile Serious Games

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    Driven by an increase in the availability of cheap low-cost mobile phones and a jump in the number of telecom subscribers, the African gaming world is booming. Most importantly, it has opened an opportunity for rural communities to have an almost identical mobile phone experience than people living in urban areas. It has also opened an opportunity to leverage this high penetration of mobile devices to design mobile-based applications such as mobile serious games. The latter assists individuals living in these communities to modify, change or shape their behaviors and attitudes desirably. This paper reviews mobile serious games in healthcare education, especially those intended to improve health literacy in rural Africa. The challenges and issues encountered in the design and use of persuasive mobile games as a tool can promote behavior change among people living in the rural African communities

    Transverse-mode coupling and diffraction loss in tunable Fabry-Pé rot microcavities

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    Wereport on measurements and modeling of the mode structure of tunable Fabry–Pérot optical microcavities with imperfect mirrors.Wefind that non-spherical mirror shape and finite mirror size leave the fundamental mode mostly unaffected, but lead to loss, mode deformation, and shifted resonance frequencies at particular mirror separations. For small mirror diameters, the useful cavity length is limited to values significantly below the expected stability range.Weexplain the observations by resonant coupling between different transverse modes of the cavity and mode-dependent diffraction loss. A model based on resonant state expansion that takes into account the measured mirror profile can reproduce the measurements and identify the parameter regime where detrimental effects of mode mixing are avoided

    Derivation of renormalized Gibbs measures from equilibrium many-body quantum Bose gases

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    We review our recent result on the rigorous derivation of the renormalized Gibbs measure from the many-body Gibbs state in 1D and 2D. The many-body renormalization is accomplished by simply tuning the chemical potential in the grand-canonical ensemble, which is analogous to the Wick ordering in the classical field theory.Comment: Contribution to Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematical Physics, Montreal, Canada, July 23-28, 201

    Cigarette smoke extract induced exosome release is mediated by depletion of exofacial thiols and can be inhibited by thiol-antioxidants

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    Introduction: Airway epithelial cells have been described to release extracellular vesicles (EVs) with pathological properties when exposed to cigarette smoke extract (CSE). As CSE causes oxidative stress, we investigated whether its oxidative components are responsible for inducing EV release and whether this could be prevented using the thiol antioxidants N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) or glutathione (GSH). Methods: BEAS-2B cells were exposed for 24 h to CSE, H2O2, acrolein, 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB), bacitracin, rutin or the anti-protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) antibody clone RL90; with or without NAC or GSH. EVs in media were measured using CD63(+)CD81(+) bead-coupled flow cytometry or tunable resistive pulse sensing (TRPS). For characterization by Western Blotting, cryo-transmission electron microscopy and TRPS, EVs were isolated using ultracentrifugation. Glutathione disulfide and GSH in cells were assessed by a GSH reductase cycling assay, and exofacial thiols using Flow cytometry. Results: CSE augmented the release of the EV subtype exosomes, which could be prevented by scavenging thiol-reactive components using NAC or GSH. Among thiol-reactive CSE components, H2O2 had no effect on exosome release, whereas acrolein imitated the NAC-reversible exosome induction. The exosome induction by CSE and acrolein was paralleled by depletion of cell surface thiols. Membrane impermeable thiol blocking agents, but not specific inhibitors of the exofacially located thiol-dependent enzyme PDI, stimulated exosome release. Summary/conclusion: Thiol-reactive compounds like acrolein account for CSE-induced exosome release by reacting with cell surface thiols. As acrolein is produced endogenously during inflammation, it may influence exosome release not only in smokers, but also in ex-smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. NAC and GSH prevent acrolein-and CSE-induced exosome release, which may contribute to the clinical benefits of NAC treatment
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