78 research outputs found

    Narrowband organic photodetectors-towards miniaturized, spectroscopic sensing

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    Omnipresent quality monitoring in food products, blood-oxygen measurement in lightweight conformal wrist bands, or data-driven automated industrial production: Innovation in many fields is being empowered by sensor technology. Specifically, organic photodetectors (OPDs) promise great advances due to their beneficial properties and low-cost production. Recent research has led to rapid improvement in all performance parameters of OPDs, which are now on-par or better than their inorganic counterparts, such as silicon or indium gallium arsenide photodetectors, in several aspects. In particular, it is possible to directly design OPDs for specific wavelengths. This makes expensive and bulky optical filters obsolete and allows for miniature detector devices. In this review, recent progress of such narrowband OPDs is systematically summarized covering all aspects from narrow-photo-absorbing materials to device architecture engineering. The recent challenges for narrowband OPDs, like achieving high responsivity, low dark current, high response speed, and good dynamic range are carefully addressed. Finally, application demonstrations covering broadband and narrowband OPDs are discussed. Importantly, several exciting research perspectives, which will stimulate further research on organic-semiconductor-based photodetectors, are pointed out at the very end of this review

    Charge Transport in Pure and Mixed Phases in Organic Solar Cells

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    In organic solar cells continuous donor and acceptor networks are consid- ered necessary for charge extraction, whereas discontinuous neat phases and molecularly mixed donor–acceptor phases are generally regarded as detrimental. However, the impact of different levels of domain continuity, purity, and donor–acceptor mixing on charge transport remains only semi- quantitatively described. Here, cosublimed donor–acceptor mixtures, where the distance between the donor sites is varied in a controlled manner from homogeneously diluted donor sites to a continuous donor network are studied. Using transient measurements, spanning from sub-picoseconds to micro- seconds photogenerated charge motion is measured in complete photovoltaic devices, to show that even highly diluted donor sites (5.7%–10% molar) in a buckminsterfullerene matrix enable hole transport. Hopping between isolated donor sites can occur by long-range hole tunneling through several buckmin- sterfullerene molecules, over distances of up to ≈4 nm. Hence, these results question the relevance of “pristine” phases and whether a continuous interpen- etrating donor–acceptor network is the ideal morphology for charge transport

    Enhancing sub-bandgap external quantum efficiency by photomultiplication for narrowband organic near-infrared photodetectors

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    Detection of electromagnetic signals for applications such as health, product quality monitoring or astronomy requires highly responsive and wavelength selective devices. Photomultiplication-type organic photodetectors have been shown to achieve high quantum efficiencies mainly in the visible range. Much less research has been focused on realizing near-infrared narrowband devices. Here, we demonstrate fully vacuum-processed narrow- and broadband photomultiplication-type organic photodetectors. Devices are based on enhanced hole injection leading to a maximum external quantum efficiency of almost 2000% at −10 V for the broadband device. The photomultiplicative effect is also observed in the charge-transfer state absorption region. By making use of an optical cavity device architecture, we enhance the charge-transfer response and demonstrate a wavelength tunable narrowband photomultiplication-type organic photodetector with external quantum efficiencies superior to those of pin-devices. The presented concept can further improve the performance of photodetectors based on the absorption of charge-transfer states, which were so far limited by the low external quantum efficiency provided by these devices

    Temperature-Dependent Charge-Transfer-State Absorption and Emission Reveal the Dominant Role of Dynamic Disorder in Organic Solar Cells

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    The energetic landscape of charge-transfer (CT) states at the interface of electron donating and electron accepting domains in organic optoelectronic devices is crucial for their performance. Central questions - such as the role of static energetic disorder and vibrational effects - are under ongoing dispute. This study provides an in-depth analysis of temperature-dependent broadening of the spectroscopic absorption and emission features of CT states in devices with small molecule-fullerene blends. We confirm the validity of the electro-optical reciprocity relation between the photovoltaic external quantum efficiency and electroluminescence, enabling us to validate the device temperature during the experiment. The validated temperature allows us to fit our experimental data with several models, and compare extracted CT state energies with the corresponding open-circuit voltage limit at 0 K. Our findings reveal that the absorption and emission characteristics are usually not symmetric, and dominated by temperature-activated broadening (vibrational) effects instead of static disorder

    Degradation pathways in standard and inverted DBP-C 70 based organic solar cells

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    Achieving long-term stability in organic solar cells is a remaining bottleneck for the commercialization of this otherwise highly appealing technology. In this work, we study the performance and stability differences in standard and inverted DBP/C70 based organic solar cells. Differences in the charge-transfer state properties of inverted and standard configuration DBP/C70 solar cells are revealed by sensitive external quantum efficiency measurements, leading to differences in the open-circuit voltages of the devices. The degradation of standard and inverted solar cell configurations at ISOS aging test conditions (ISOS-D-3 and ISOS-T-3) was investigated and compared. The results indicate that the performance drop in the small molecule bilayer solar cells is less related to changes at the D-A interface, suggesting also a pronounced morphological stability, and instead, in the case of inverted cells, dominated by degradation at the electron transport layer (ETL) bathocuproine (BCP). Photoluminescence measurements, electron-only-device characteristics, and stability measurements show improved exciton blocking, electron transport properties and a higher stability for BCP/Ag ETL stacks, giving rise to inverted devices with enhanced performance and device stability

    Size-resolved simulations of the aerosol inorganic composition with the new hybrid dissolution solver HyDiS-1.0: description, evaluation and first global modelling results

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    The dissolution of semi-volatile inorganic gases such as ammonia and nitric acid into the aerosol aqueous phase has an important influence on the composition, hygroscopic properties, and size distribution of atmospheric aerosol particles. The representation of dissolution in global models is challenging due to inherent issues of numerical stability and computational expense. For this reason, simplified approaches are often taken, with many models treating dissolution as an equilibrium process. In this paper we describe the new dissolution solver HyDiS-1.0, which was developed for the global size-resolved simulation of aerosol inorganic composition. The solver applies a hybrid approach, which allows for some particle size classes to establish instantaneous gas-particle equilibrium, whereas others are treated time dependently (or dynamically). Numerical accuracy at a competitive computational expense is achieved by using several tailored numerical formalisms and decision criteria, such as for the time- and size-dependent choice between the equilibrium and dynamic approaches. The new hybrid solver is shown to have numerical stability across a wide range of numerical stiffness conditions encountered within the atmosphere. For ammonia and nitric acid, HyDiS-1.0 is found to be in excellent agreement with a fully dynamic benchmark solver. In the presence of sea salt aerosol, a somewhat larger bias is found under highly polluted conditions if hydrochloric acid is represented as a third semi-volatile species. We present first results of the solver's implementation into a global aerosol microphysics and chemistry transport model. We find that (1) the new solver predicts surface concentrations of nitrate and ammonium in reasonable agreement with observations over Europe, the USA, and East Asia, (2) models that assume gas-particle equilibrium will not capture the partitioning of nitric acid and ammonia into Aitken-mode-sized particles, and thus may be missing an important pathway through which secondary particles may grow to radiation- and cloud-interacting size, and (3) the new hybrid solver's computational expense is modest, at around 10 % of total computation time in these simulations

    Intrinsic Detectivity Limits of Organic Near-Infrared Photodetectors

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    Organic photodetectors (OPDs) with a performance comparable to that of conventional inorganic ones have recently been demonstrated for the visible regime. However, near-infrared photodetection has proven to be challenging and, to date, the true potential of organic semiconductors in this spectral range (800–2500 nm) remains largely unexplored. In this work, it is shown that the main factor limiting the specific detectivity (D*) is non-radiative recombination, which is also known to be the main contributor to open-circuit voltage losses. The relation between open-circuit voltage, dark current, and noise current is demonstrated using four bulk-heterojunction devices based on narrow-gap donor polymers. Their maximum achievable D* is calculated alongside a large set of devices to demonstrate an intrinsic upper limit of D* as a function of the optical gap. It is concluded that OPDs have the potential to be a useful technology up to 2000 nm, given that high external quantum efficiencies can be maintained at these low photon energies

    The role of spin in the degradation of organic photovoltaics

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    Stability is now a critical factor in the commercialization of organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices. Both extrinsic stability to oxygen and water and intrinsic stability to light and heat in inert conditions must be achieved. Triplet states are known to be problematic in both cases, leading to singlet oxygen production or fullerene dimerization. The latter is thought to proceed from unquenched singlet excitons that have undergone intersystem crossing (ISC). Instead, we show that in bulk heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells the photo-degradation of C60 via photo-oligomerization occurs primarily via back-hole transfer (BHT) from a charge-transfer state to a C60 excited triplet state. We demonstrate this to be the principal pathway from a combination of steady-state optoelectronic measurements, time-resolved electron paramagnetic resonance, and temperature-dependent transient absorption spectroscopy on model systems. BHT is a much more serious concern than ISC because it cannot be mitigated by improved exciton quenching, obtained for example by a finer BHJ morphology. As BHT is not specific to fullerenes, our results suggest that the role of electron and hole back transfer in the degradation of BHJs should also be carefully considered when designing stable OPV devices