88 research outputs found

    Effect of pulsed delivery and bouillon base on saltiness and bitterness perceptions of salt delivery profiles partially substituted with KCl

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    Reducing salt levels in processed food is an important target for a growing numbers of food manufacturers. The effects of pulsed delivery (Dynataste) and bouillon base on saltiness and bitterness perception of partially substituted solutions (KCl) were investigated. Pulsed delivery did not enhance salt perception and resulted in greater Overall Bitterness Scores for the same level of substitution with KCl. The presence of the bouillon base masked to a certain extent the loss of saltiness induced by the substitution and resulted in lower Overall Bitterness Scores of the substituted profiles

    Mouse nuclear myosin I knock-out shows interchangeability and redundancy of myosin isoforms in the cell nucleus.

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    Nuclear myosin I (NM1) is a nuclear isoform of the well-known "cytoplasmic" Myosin 1c protein (Myo1c). Located on the 11(th) chromosome in mice, NM1 results from an alternative start of transcription of the Myo1c gene adding an extra 16 amino acids at the N-terminus. Previous studies revealed its roles in RNA Polymerase I and RNA Polymerase II transcription, chromatin remodeling, and chromosomal movements. Its nuclear localization signal is localized in the middle of the molecule and therefore directs both Myosin 1c isoforms to the nucleus. In order to trace specific functions of the NM1 isoform, we generated mice lacking the NM1 start codon without affecting the cytoplasmic Myo1c protein. Mutant mice were analyzed in a comprehensive phenotypic screen in cooperation with the German Mouse Clinic. Strikingly, no obvious phenotype related to previously described functions has been observed. However, we found minor changes in bone mineral density and the number and size of red blood cells in knock-out mice, which are most probably not related to previously described functions of NM1 in the nucleus. In Myo1c/NM1 depleted U2OS cells, the level of Pol I transcription was restored by overexpression of shRNA-resistant mouse Myo1c. Moreover, we found Myo1c interacting with Pol II. The ratio between Myo1c and NM1 proteins were similar in the nucleus and deletion of NM1 did not cause any compensatory overexpression of Myo1c protein. We observed that Myo1c can replace NM1 in its nuclear functions. Amount of both proteins is nearly equal and NM1 knock-out does not cause any compensatory overexpression of Myo1c. We therefore suggest that both isoforms can substitute each other in nuclear processes

    Oxysterol Binding Protein-dependent Activation of Sphingomyelin Synthesis in the Golgi Apparatus Requires Phosphatidylinositol 4-Kinase IIα

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    The study identifies a sterol- and oxysterol binding protein (OSBP)-regulated phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase that regulates ceramide transport protein (CERT) activity and sphingomyelin (SM) synthesis. RNA interference silencing experiments identify PI4KIIα; as the mediator of Golgi recruitment of CERT, providing a potential mechanism for coordinating assembly of SM and cholesterol in the Golgi or more distal compartments

    Identification and Characterization of an Unusual Class I Myosin Involved in Vesicle Traffic in Trypanosoma brucei

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    Myosins are a multimember family of motor proteins with diverse functions in eukaryotic cells. African trypanosomes possess only two candidate myosins and thus represent a useful system for functional analysis of these motors. One of these candidates is an unusual class I myosin (TbMyo1) that is expressed at similar levels but organized differently during the life cycle of Trypanosoma brucei. This myosin localizes to the polarized endocytic pathway in bloodstream forms of the parasite. This organization is actin dependent. Knock down of TbMyo1 results in a significant reduction in endocytic activity, a cessation in cell division and eventually cell death. A striking morphological feature in these cells is an enlargement of the flagellar pocket, which is consistent with an imbalance in traffic to and from the surface. In contrast TbMyo1 is distributed throughout procyclic forms of the tsetse vector and a loss of ∼90% of the protein has no obvious effects on growth or morphology. These results reveal a life cycle stage specific requirement for this myosin in essential endocytic traffic and represent the first description of the involvement of a motor protein in vesicle traffic in these parasites

    Porownanie trzech metod przygotowania i prezentacji probek w ocenach konsumenckich margaryn - komunikat

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    Three procedures for preparation, presentation and hedonic rating of margarines were compared in consumer tests.Using spread ad libitum on the bread, in sandwiches or tasting of margarine alone the method of spreading margarine sample ad libitum on the standardized piece of bread was chosen for its superior discrimination power and labour-saving samples preparation when compared to assessment in sandwiches or assessment in pure form.Celem pracy było porównanie trzech różnych metod przygotowania, prezentacji i oceny próbek margaryn stosowanych w ocenach konsumenckich i wybranie metody najbardziej zbliżonej do warunków w jakich konsumenci spożywają margaryny, a jednocześnie mającej dużą zdolność różnicowania próbek i niezbyt pracochłonnej. Spośród trzech analizowanych metod: metody polegającej na ocenie próbki margaryny posmarowanej na chlebie "ad libitum", metody oceny próbki margaryny w "kanapce" i metody oceny próbki podawanej bez chleba, wybrano metodę pierwszą jako spełniającą najlepiej przyjęte założenia (tab. 1, rys. 1)

    Charakterystyka jakosci sensorycznej kondensatow aromatu jablkowego uzyskanych z surowca o zroznicowanej jakosci technologicznej i skladzie odmianowym

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    W pracy scharakteryzowano jakość sensoryczną (określoną metodą ilościowej analizy profilowej oraz oceną w kategoriach konsumenckich) siedmiu kondensatów aromatu jabłkowego wyprodukowanych w ciągu jednego sezonu z surowca o zróżnicowanej jakości i różnym składzie odmianowym. Najlepsze pod względem cech sensorycznych i najbardziej pożądane były kondensaty uzyskane z jabłek jesiennych lub jesienno-zimowych zróżnicowanych odmianowo. Jakość najniższą wykazały kondensaty uzyskane z jabłek odmian zimowych. W zapachu kondensatów można było wyróżnić cechy „kluczowe”, które wyraźnie wpływały pozytywnie (z. „zielony” i z. „świeży”) lub negatywnie (z. „sfermentowany” i z. „słomiany”) na ich pożądalność.Sensory characteristics (evaluated by quantitative descriptive analysis and as hedonic ratings) of seven apple aroma condensates obtained in one season from raw material of various apple variety composition and technological quality was assessed. The highest sensory quality and hedonic score obtained condensates from autumn and autumn-winter apple varieties and the lowest - from winter varieties. The key-notes of odour, which affected the hedonic ratings positively („green” and „fresh”) or negatively („fermented” and „hey-like”) were detected

    Tissue distribution and subcellular localization of mammalian myosin I.

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    Jakosc sensoryczna rynkowych sokow jablkowych i pomaranczowych

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    Przeprowadzono analizę profilową jakości sensorycznej 25 soków jabłkowych i 27 soków pomarańczowych różnych producentów, dostępnych na rynku w styczniu 2001 r. Stwierdzono znaczne zróżnicowanie zarówno jakości ogólnej, jak i wiodących jej wyróżników (zarówno pozytywnych, jak i negatywnych) w obu rodzajach soków. Normatywne wskaźniki jakości soków, ekstrakt i kwasowość, nie wykazały wyraźnej zależności z ogólną jakością sensoryczną. W sokach jabłkowych (opakowania 1 1) nie stwierdzono różnic w ich charakterystyce sensorycznej, uzasadniających różnice cenowe; natomiast soki pomarańczowe wyższej grupy cenowej (>3 zł/l) wykazały wyraźnie wyższą i bardziej wyrównaną jakość sensoryczną.25 apple and 27 orange juices of various brands available on the Polish market in January 2001 were analysed for their sensory characteristics using sensory profiling method (QDA). Remarkable differences in overall quality as well in key attributes (positive and negative ones) have been observed in both kinds of juice. Sensory quality did not show a relationship with normative quality indices as extract and acidity. In apple juices there were no differences in sensory characteristics observed justifying differences between their lower and upper price class, whereas orange juices belonging to upper price class (>3PLN/l) had definitely higher and more uniform sensory quality