814 research outputs found

    Manufacturing process applications team (MATeam)

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    Activities of the manufacturing applications team (MATeam) in effecting widespread transfer of NASA technology to aid in the solution of manufacturing problems in the industrial sector are described. During the program's first year of operation, 450 companies, industry associations, and government agencies were contacted, 150 manufacturing problems were documented, and 20 potential technology transfers were identified. Although none of the technology transfers has been commercialized and put in use, several are in the applications engineering phase, and others are in the early stages of implementation. The technology transfer process is described and guidelines used for the preparation of problems statements are included

    Mental Reinstatement of Context: Do individual differences in mental time travel and eyewitness occupation influence eyewitness performance over different delay intervals?

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    The Cognitive Interview is a memory-enhancing interview protocol designed to optimize the access and retrieval of eyewitness memories. Its Mental Reinstatement of Context (MRC) component requires interviewees to mentally reconstruct the crime event they witnessed. Individual differences in mental time travel (MTT) relate to the extent to which a person mentally re-experiences personal events from his or her past. Individual differences in MTT have been found to predict correct recall of a simulated crime event under immediate MRC recall conditions. To explore the relationship between MTT and performance under MRC conditions further, the present study presented a simulated crime video to 30 police officers and 26 members of the public. Eyewitness recall was tested under MRC conditions either immediately or one week later. Participants’ general MTT and also MTT relating specifically to the crime video itself was measured via self-report. Less correct information and more confabulations were produced after one week but delay had no effect on the amount of incorrect information reported. No difference in recall was found between police officers and members of the public. Better quality MTT relating to the crime video was found to be a positive predictor of the amount of information correctly recalled under immediate conditions but not after one week. General MTT scores did not predict correct recall under either delay condition. Interviewers need to be aware that, due to individual differences, some witnesses may perform better under the MRC component than others

    Spatial patterns and particle size distributions of atmospheric amines in northern Colorado

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    2020 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Emissions of reactive nitrogen along the Front Range in Northern Colorado have implications for sensitive and protected environments such as those in Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP). Nitrogen-containing pollutants exert a variety of adverse effects on the environment, including visibility impairment and excessive nitrogen input to sensitive alpine ecosystems. Northern Colorado has many urban, agricultural, and oil and natural gas production activities that emit various forms of reactive nitrogen to the atmosphere. Model simulations and past measurements demonstrate that these emissions are capable of being transported long distances in gaseous and particulate forms. RMNP is particularly exposed to increased concentrations of reactive nitrogen pollutants during periods of easterly, upslope flow when emissions along the Front Range and sources from even farther away (e.g. the Western United States coast) are transported into the mountains. A detailed understanding of the composition of transported reactive nitrogen pollution is needed to predict environmental impacts within RMNP. While emissions of ammonia and nitrogen oxides have received significant attention in previous studies, relatively little is known about organic nitrogen pollution, despite its ability to contribute to excess N deposition and to formation of particulate matter (PM). Amines are organic analogs of ammonia, where one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by organic functional groups. The animal agriculture industry is known to be a major source of some amines, while the beer and wine industry, sugar beet industry, leather manufacturing, and chemical manufacturing are also potentially important sources. Many of these industries are located along Colorado's Front Range, providing a good opportunity to study amine atmospheric chemistry. While the chemical lifetime of many gas phase amines is relatively short (hours), they are strong bases that can compete with ammonia to form longer-lived particles that are transported over substantial distances. The work carried out in this study focused on assessing a spatial gradient of particulate amines between RMNP, Fort Collins, and Greeley. Greater concentrations of many amines were typically observed near source emissions in Greeley and/or Fort Collins, but significant concentrations of amines such as dimethylamine, were also observed in the more remote environment at RMNP. To better understand amines, their chemistry and their contribution to PM, size distributions of 16 different amines were analyzed from measurements with a Micro-Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor (MOUDI). Of 16 analyzed amines, nine were found above the detection limits in summertime Fort Collins and five during the winter. Several organic acids and inorganic acid anions particle size distributions were also assessed to understand contributions from potential anion species involved in salt formation with amine cations. Organic acid particle size distributions, particularly oxalate, overlap with fine particle mode size distributions of both ammonia and amine cations. The size distribution measurements also reveal important reactions between gaseous nitric acid and coarse soil particles to generate coarse mode nitrate particles. Continued measurements of amines and other species size distributions and spatial gradients at more locations would help improve understanding of amine PM chemistry. This understanding would allow necessary changes to be made to better protect the health of living beings and the sensitive ecosystems like those found in Rocky Mountain National Park

    The Sporozoite Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay : Application in Malaria Epidemiology

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    Recent biotechnological breakthroughs have led to the development of various methods for detection and identification of human pathogens in their vectors. Monoclonal antibodies produced against malaria sporozoite antigens have permitted the development of several sensitive, species specific immunological tests (IFA, IRMA, ELIS A). One of these, a two-site enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELIS A) has been developed as a useful epidemiological tool in the identification of malaria-infected mosquitoes. This method employs highly species specific monoclonal antibodies that recognize the repetitive immunodominant epitope of the circumsporozoite (CS) protein. Monoclonal antibodies have been developed for all four species of human malaria The key feature of the ELISA technique is the use of an enzyme indicator for an immunological reaction. The antigen capture or "sandwich" ELISA configuration uses the purified monoclonal both as the solid phase and, conjugated to enzyme, as a marker for the presence of CS protein in a mosquito homogenate incubated in the wells of a microtitration plate. This technology has shown advantages over other methods for epidemiological data collection. Mosquitoes can be caught, dried and stored until a time convenient for examination. The sporozoite rate by Plasmodium species can be identified easily, and when combined with the man-biting rate provides the sporozoite inoculation rate, an important entomologic estimate of the number of potential infective bites a person could expect over a given period of time. Presently, mosquitoes can be tested individually or pooled up to 20 anophe lines. The assay is sensitive enough to detect 1 infected mosquito per pool or as few as 25 sporozoites per 50 pi of mosquito extract. Basic principles and procedures are covered concerning solid substrate, adsorption to solid substrate, buffers and wash solutions, conjugates and enzyme substrates. The advantages and limitations of this technique in present malaria studies is discussed

    The Use of Species Sanitation and Insecticides for Malaria Control in Coastal Areas of Java

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    Aktivitas pengendalian penyakit malaria dimulai sejak awal abad ke-20. Beberapa peneliti malaria terkemuka memulai karimya di pulau Jawa, dan banyak pakar lain memperoleh keuntungan dari berbagai pengalaman dalam aktivitas pengendalian malaria di Indonesia. Salah satu peristiwa terpenting yang telah terjadi adalah suksesnya pengendalian di sebagian besar daerah di pulau Jawa, yang merupakan salah satu daerah terpadat penduduknya di dunia. Alasan-alasan yang sebenarnya dari keberhasilan dan kegagalan dalam pengendalian malaria di Jawa sering dikemukakan dalam literatur dan jarang mendapat perhatian sepenuhnya. Informasi yang disajikan di sini mengulas tentang faktor-faktor penting ekologi malaria di sepanjang pantai pulau Jawa, dan terutama menyangkut USAha-USAha pengendalian terhadap vektor utama, yaitu nyamuk Anopheles sundaicus. Penggunaan insektisida secara tepat dan bijaksana, perbaikan lingkungan untuk mengurangi habitat perkembangan larva, dan kebiasaan masyarakat yang menyangkut pengaturan/ pengolahan tanah dan tambak mempakan faktor-faktor penting untuk mencapai keberhasilan yang cukup tinggi. Usaha-USAha pemberantasan terhadap An. sundaicus dapat berhasil dengan adanya pemahaman biologi vektor dan ekologi pantai muara yang dipadukan dengan Perubahan cara hidup dan pengendalian populasi dalam masyarakat. Meskipun pengendalian vektor sepanjang pantai utara pulau Jawa telah tercapai, akan tetapi ketidakmampuan untuk mengatasi kendala-kendala teknis dan lingkungan telah menghalangi keberhasilan USAha-USAha pengendalian An. sundaicus di sepanjang pantai selatan pulau Jawa

    The bloodstream differentiation - division of Trypanosoma brucei studied using mitochondrial markers

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    In the bloodstream of its mammalian host, the African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei undergoes a life cycle stage differentiation from a long, slender form to a short, stumpy form. This involves three known major events: exit from a proliferative cell cycle, morphological change and mitochondrial biogenesis. Previously, models have been proposed accounting for these events (Matthews & Gull 1994a). Refinement of, and discrimination between, these models has been hindered by a lack of stage-regulated antigens useful as markers at the single-cell level. We have now evaluated a variety of cytological markers and applied them to investigate the coordination of phenotypic differentiation and cell cycle arrest. Our studies have focused on the differential expression of the mitochondrial enzyme dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase relative to the differentiation-division of bloodstream trypanosomes. The results implicate a temporal order of events: commitment, division, phenotypic differentiation

    HIV treatment outcomes following antiretroviral therapy initiation and monitoring: A workplace program in Papua, Indonesia

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    Background Papua Province, Indonesia is experiencing an on-going epidemic of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, with an estimated 9-fold greater prevalence than the overall national rate. This study reviewed the treatment outcomes of an HIV-infected cohort on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and the predictors in terms of immunological recovery and virological response. Methods ART-naive individuals in a workplace HIV program in southern Papua were retrospectively analyzed. Patients were assessed at 6, 12 and 36 months after ART initiation for treatment outcomes, and risk factors for virological suppression (viral load (VL) = 1 log decrease in VL at 6 months (OR 19.25, p<0.001). Higher baseline CD4 was significantly correlated with better immunological outcomes, and lower likelihood of experiencing immunological failure (p <0.001). Conclusion Virological response at six months after beginning ART is the strongest predictor of viral suppression at 12 and 36 months, and may help in identifying patients needing additional adherence therapy support. Higher baseline CD4 positively affects the immunological outcomes of patients. The findings indicate HIV control programs should prioritize the availability of VL testing and begin ART regardless of CD4 counts in infected patients
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