723 research outputs found

    Differential Rotation and Turbulence in Extended HI Disks

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    When present, extended disks of neutral hydrogen around spiral galaxies show a remarkably uniform velocity dispersion of approx 6 km/s. Since stellar winds and supernovae are largely absent in such regions, neither the magnitude nor the constancy of this number can be accounted for in the classical picture in which interstellar turbulence is driven by stellar energy sources. Here we suggest that magnetic fields with strengths of a few microgauss in these extended disks allow energy to be extracted from galactic differential rotation through MHD driven turbulence. The magnitude and constancy of the observed velocity dispersion may be understood if its value is Alfvenic. Moreover, by providing a simple explanation for a lower bound to the gaseous velocity fluctuations, MHD processes may account for the sharp outer edge to star formation in galaxy disks.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, to appear in ApJ, LaTeX uses aas2pp4.sty, eliminated duplicate paragrap

    Can conduction induce convection? The non-linear saturation of buoyancy instabilities in dilute plasmas

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    We study the effects of anisotropic thermal conduction on low-collisionality, astrophysical plasmas using two and three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations. For weak magnetic fields, dilute plasmas are buoyantly unstable for either sign of the temperature gradient: the heat-flux-driven buoyancy instability (HBI) operates when the temperature increases with radius while the magnetothermal instability (MTI) operates in the opposite limit. In contrast to previous results, we show that, in the presence of a sustained temperature gradient, the MTI drives strong turbulence and operates as an efficient magnetic dynamo (akin to standard, adiabatic convection). Together, the turbulent and magnetic energies contribute up to ~10% of the pressure support in the plasma. In addition, the MTI drives a large convective heat flux, ~1.5% of rho c_s^3. These findings are robust even in the presence of an external source of strong turbulence. Our results on the nonlinear saturation of the HBI are consistent with previous studies but we explain physically why the HBI saturates quiescently by re-orienting the magnetic field (suppressing the conductive heat flux through the plasma), while the MTI saturates by generating sustained turbulence. We also systematically study how an external source of turbulence affects the saturation of the HBI: such turbulence can disrupt the HBI only on scales where the shearing rate of the turbulence is faster than the growth rate of the HBI. In particular, our results provide a simple mapping between the level of turbulence in a plasma and the effective isotropic thermal conductivity. We discuss the astrophysical implications of these findings, with a particular focus on the intracluster medium of galaxy clusters.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures. Submitted to MNRA

    Linear and non-linear theory of a parametric instability of hydrodynamic warps in Keplerian discs

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    We consider the stability of warping modes in Keplerian discs. We find them to be parametrically unstable using two lines of attack, one based on three-mode couplings and the other on Floquet theory. We confirm the existence of the instability, and investigate its nonlinear development in three dimensions, via numerical experiment. The most rapidly growing non-axisymmetric disturbances are the most nearly axisymmetric (low m) ones. Finally, we offer a simple, somewhat speculative model for the interaction of the parametric instability with the warp. We apply this model to the masing disc in NGC 4258 and show that, provided the warp is not forced too strongly, parametric instability can fix the amplitude of the warp.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, revised version with appendix added, to be published in MNRA

    Convective magneto-rotational instabilities in accretion disks

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    We present a study of instabilities occuring in thick magnetized accretion disks. We calculate the growth rates of these instabilities and characterise precisely the contribution of the magneto-rotational and the convective mechanism. All our calculations are performed in radially stratified disks in the cylindrical limit. The numerical calculations are performed using the appropriate local dispersion equation solver discussed in Blokland et al. (2005). A comparison with recent results by Narayan et al. (2002) shows excellent agreement with their approximate growth rates only if the disks are weakly magnetized. However, for disks close to equipartition, the dispersion equation from Narayan et al. (2002) loses its validity. Our calculations allow for a quantitative determination of the increase of the growth rate due to the magneto-rotational mechanism. We find that the increase of the growth rate for long wavelength convective modes caused by this mechanism is almost neglible. On the other hand, the growth rate of short wavelength instabilities can be significantly increased by this mechanism, reaching values up to 60%.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Radiative thermal conduction fronts

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    The discovery of the O VI interstellar absorption lines in our Galaxy by the Copernicus observatory was a turning point in our understanding of the Interstellar Medium (ISM). It implied the presence of widespread hot (approx. 10 to the 6th power K) gas in disk galaxies. The detection of highly ionized species in quasi-stellar objects' absorption spectra may be the first indirect observation of this hot phase in external disk galaxies. Previous efforts to understand extensive O VI absorption line data from our Galaxy were not very successful in locating the regions where this absorption originates. The location at interfaces between evaporating ISM clouds and hot gas was favored, but recent studies of steady-state conduction fronts in spherical clouds by Ballet, Arnaud, and Rothenflug (1986) and Bohringer and Hartquist (1987) rejected evaporative fronts as the absorption sites. Researchers report here on time-dependent nonequilibrium calculations of planar conductive fronts whose properties match well with observations, and suggest reasons for the difference between the researchers' results and the above. They included magnetic fields in additional models, not reported here, and the conclusions are not affected by their presence

    New composite models of partially ionized protoplanetary disks

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    We study an accretion disk in which three different regions may coexist: MHD turbulent regions, dead zones and gravitationally unstable regions. Although the dead zones are stable, there is some transport due to the Reynolds stress associated with waves emitted from the turbulent layers. We model the transport in each of the different regions by its own α\alpha parameter, this being 10 to 10310^{3} times smaller in dead zones than in active layers. In gravitationally unstable regions, α\alpha is determined by the fact that the disk self-adjusts to a state of marginal stability. We construct steady-state models of such disks. We find that for uniform mass flow, the disk has to be more massive, hotter and thicker at the radii where there is a dead zone. In disks in which the dead zone is very massive, gravitational instabilities are present. Whether such models are realistic or not depends on whether hydrodynamical fluctuations driven by the turbulent layers can penetrate all the way inside the dead zone. This may be more easily achieved when the ratio of the mass of the active layer to that of the dead zone is relatively large, which in our models corresponds to α\alpha in the dead zone being about 10% of α\alpha in the active layers. If the disk is at some stage of its evolution not in steady-state, then the surface density will evolve toward the steady-state solution. However, if α\alpha in the dead zone is much smaller than in the active zone, the timescale for the parts of the disk beyond a few AU to reach steady-state may become longer than the disk lifetime. Steady-state disks with dead zones are a more favorable environment for planet formation than standard disks, since the dead zone is typically 10 times more massive than a corresponding turbulent zone at the same location.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Simulations of MHD Instabilities in Intracluster Medium Including Anisotropic Thermal Conduction

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    We perform a suite of simulations of cooling cores in clusters of galaxies in order to investigate the effect of the recently discovered heat flux buoyancy instability (HBI) on the evolution of cores. Our models follow the 3-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) of cooling cluster cores and capture the effects of anisotropic heat conduction along the lines of magnetic field, but do not account for the cosmological setting of clusters or the presence of AGN. Our model clusters can be divided into three groups according to their final thermodynamical state: catastrophically collapsing cores, isothermal cores, and an intermediate group whose final state is determined by the initial configuration of magnetic field. Modeled cores that are reminiscent of real cluster cores show evolution towards thermal collapse on a time scale which is prolonged by a factor of ~2-10 compared with the zero-conduction cases. The principal effect of the HBI is to re-orient field lines to be perpendicular to the temperature gradient. Once the field has been wrapped up onto spherical surfaces surrounding the core, the core is insulated from further conductive heating (with the effective thermal conduction suppressed to less than 1/100th of the Spitzer value) and proceeds to collapse. We speculate that, in real clusters, the central AGN and possibly mergers play the role of "stirrers," periodically disrupting the azimuthal field structure and allowing thermal conduction to sporadically heat the core.Comment: 16 pages, 3 tables, 17 figures, accepted to ApJ with minor revisions, to appear in Volume 704, Oct 20, 2009 issu

    A Weakly nonlinear theory for spiral density waves excited by accretion disc turbulence

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    We develop an analytic theory to describe spiral density waves propagating in a shearing disc in the weakly nonlinear regime. Such waves are generically found to be excited in simulations of turbulent accretion disks, in particular if said turbulence arises from the magneto-rotational instability (MRI). We derive a modified Burgers equation governing their dynamics, which includes the effects of nonlinear steepening, dispersion, and a bulk viscosity to support shocks. We solve this equation approximately to obtain nonlinear sawtooth solutions that are asymptotically valid at late times. In this limit, the presence of shocks is found to cause the wave amplitude to decrease with time as 1/t^2. The validity of the analytic description is confirmed by direct numerical solution of the full nonlinear equations of motion. The asymptotic forms of the wave profiles of the state variables are also found to occur in MRI simulations indicating that dissipation due to shocks plays a significant role apart from any effects arising from direct coupling to the turbulence